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I believe reporting about events as accurately as possible helps move the world in a positive direction.
I believe voluntary mutual aid is better than imposed mutual destruction.
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Liberation can not be imposed no matter how well intended, as that only changes whose will is imposed on others.

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Police nabbed a graffiti artist attempting to flee the scene of committing this (picture) adorable art in the harbor of Visby, Gotland, the large island just outside southeastern mainland Sweden.
The 27-year-old was prosecuted for vandalism, with the prosecutor demanding a fine.

Police's interrogation records said e.g. that "His intention is to offer free art to passersby." and... the District Court of Gotland... agreed.

The court's ruling states that no harm has been proven and that the artist "on a gray and cracked concrete façade which is the short end of a loading dock, has depicted a lamb.", that "The way in which X has illustrated the lamb testifies to an artistic work carried out with a certain amount of artistic and technical skill." then finally "According to the District Court's opinion, the beauty value of the cracked concrete façade - in purely objective terms - has increased through X's painting." so the 27-year old artist was acquitted by the court, which also ruled that the police had must return the spray cans they had confiscated.

Damn hippies. ;-D

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Now THIS, this is good news!

The first person to get vaccinated with the world's first malaria vaccine, happened today... :-)))

First out was two years old Daniella in Cameroon, according to the UN's WHO.
Mother Hélène says both Daniella and the twin sister will get all four doses and will sleep under mosquito nets.


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Protests against Netanyahu at several cities around Israel yesterday again, with the one in capital city Tel Aviv drawing 30000 protesters, so the police declared it illegal and attacked it with water cannons
AFP: https://www.yahoo.com/news/israelis-rally-hostage-release-netanyahu-210356861.html

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Latest from Doctors without Borders (MSF):
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) condemns in the strongest possible terms the killing of two MSF staff family members during an Israeli offensive on Al-Mawasi, Khan Younis, Gaza, Palestine. Six other people were injured in the attack.

Late on the evening of 20 February, Israeli forces conducted a military operation in Al-Mawasi, located on Gaza’s coastline, during which an Israeli tank fired on a house sheltering MSF colleagues and their families. The attack killed the daughter-in-law and wife of one of our colleagues, and injured six people, five of whom were women or children. Bullets were also fired at the clearly marked MSF building, hitting the front gate, the building’s exterior, and the interior of the ground floor.

Ambulance teams were delayed for more than two hours by the shelling in the area, but were later able to reach the site and bring the wounded, some sustaining burn injuries, to the International Medical Corps Field hospital in Rafah.

"The amount of force being used in densely populated urban environments is staggering, and targeting a building knowing it is full of humanitarian workers and their families is unconscionable."
Meinie Nicolai,
MSF General Director

Read it in full on their website:

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Whilst Europe is setting records in fossil-fueled climate disaster evacuations and heat levels,
Greta Thunberg was sentenced today to a fine of 1500 crowns plus being ordered to pay 1000 crowns to the "Fund for Victims of Crime" for "disobeying police order" (literal direct translation, "not-hearing-ness against the order-power" :-D) while on June 19 alongside other habitat heroes blockading the fossil-fuels harbor in Malmö, southernmost Sweden.

Greta agreed to having blockaded and stated that it should not be considered a crime, referencing the law for defense of self or others, telling the court that "I believe that we are in an emergency situation within the definition of the law. There is a crisis that threatens lives, health and property. Our life-sustaining systems are collapsing", which is all very obvious but the courts can not accept such facts.
The one non-amateur of the judges in the District Court declared that "The circumstances regarding the climate crisis are not included in the Penal Code's 'emergency'".
That judge asked if Greta had any questions, Greta replied "Many questions. But none suitable here".

Pic 1: Rhodos on fire. Largest evacuation in Greece's history.
Pic 2-3: Greta at the court session today.
Pic 4: The quoted judge.


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"US-based Jewish organisations issued a joint statement on Tuesday demanding the Biden administration call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

More than 500 representatives signed the letter including members of rights groups such as Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), IfNotNow and J Street, as well as rabbis and worshippers at synagogues across the US."
More here: https://www.newarab.com/news/us-jewish-groups-urge-biden-call-ceasefire

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Look, you CAN NOT be an anarchist and/or communist while also propagandizing for fighting for the restoration of a thousand years theocracy even further limited to only descendants of one family and women can only be in the kitchen or risk getting stoned.
You CAN NOT be an authoritarian reactionary while also anarchist and/or communist. That would be like describing something as having "arid moisture" – those are simply impossible simultaneously.

You can be outraged that USA and its vassals bombs people under the Ansar Allah imposed government, you can point out that this is in fact a crime against peace, a.k.a. "the supreme international crime", you can even declare that you don't care about their ulterior motives and are only happy Ansar Allah bombs shipping,
but that does NOT mean you should treat Ansar Allah (the "Houthi" government) as allies or even remotely acceptable overall.
They torture and murder people solely for criticizing them equally to "Saudi" Arabia's imposed puppets and imperialist re-subjugation war or for expressing opinions like yours but if diluted to 1%.

Just because someone uses words you like in other contexts does not make them your friends.
Just because they use words including "resistance" doesn't mean it is for what you are for (see also e.g. NMR/NRM/PVL/DNM).

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As the Nazi group NMR has such poor IT-security, AFA (antifa) in Sweden "have had complete access to the webshop Greenpilled's customer data for parts of many years" and have now released their international customer info, after actively giving those people a chance to avoid that,
so if you're an antifascist, in these locations in particular, this list of which people chose to pay for Nazi-propaganda should be of interest to you:
Australia, Belgium, UK, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, India, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, Canada, Croatia, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany and USA.



b9AcE, to random
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

A torrent of 2.2 MILLION liters of wine ran through the Upper Street of the town São Lourenço do Bairro, Portugal, this Sunday after an explosion (nobody injured) at the Levira Distillery (https://www.destilarialevira.com/levira/en/).
One basement got flooded with wine, but the rest was diverted to a field to avoid converting the local drinking water source river into a wine river. The distillery apologized.
I'm sure some people may have had an unexpectedly nice Sunday night. :-]

Video via regional news Diário de Coimbra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCji-VXkHZs):


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"More than 1,700 people have so far applied to officially change their gender since a new law came into force earlier this year [...]

Since 3 April, people in Finland can legally change their gender by self-declaration alone, without having to undergo a lengthy medical process — including a psychiatric assessment — as under the previous law."

The world has not in fact ended as a result of allowing freedom to gender assignment correction, it would seem.

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Absolutely astounding bravery.
A woman held a speech in the packed metro/subway of Tehran for March 8, Intl Women's Day, on the rights that women are being deprived of and demanding that women should not be ignored.


b9AcE, to random
@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

When an (ex-)enemy tells you how to defeat the enemy, listen.

An ex-Nazi speaking to AFA (antifa) in southern Sweden had this important information to share:
AFA: How do you think that one should respond an organization like the Nordic Resistance Movement?

Ex-Nazi: The best way to work against an organization is through being in solidarity in the work against them, to always prosecute them even for trifles, to make life so difficult for them that they eventually turn on each other. To continue exposing them not only online but on large posters around town, simply make it difficult for the Nazis to be Nazis.

From my translation https://b9ace.noblogs.org/post/2017/10/14/afa-antifa-helsingborg-martin-karlsson-tells-about-its-defection-from-nmr/ in 2017. Translation accuracy approved by interviewee.

This is entirely in line with what I have been told by other ex-Nazis that have gone on to become active antifascists.

Some will claim only [one specific method] works, but it takes a multitude of methods, a diversity of tactics, as all humans and situations are different wherefore which method is the most efficient varies.
So, to "make it difficult for the Nazis to be Nazis" combined with defection program(s), prevention, &c are all essential for any complete toolkit to be used as appropriate.
Anyone claiming any of those must be removed thereby acts to hamstring antifascism.

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Armita Gravand, 16, is in a coma at hospital after being beaten in Tehran's metro/subway over not wearing the sexist regime's brutally imposed hijab, reportedly by the regime's agents.
Special Forces of the Iran-regime's repression are stationed outside the hospital, undoubtedly out of fear of righteous rage from the people for a plausible repeat of the murder of Jîna/Mahsa Amini.


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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

More than 1000 children have now been killed in Gaza as a result of the conflict starting on October 7, reported Public Service radio in Sweden.

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Forced to marry at age 15, a child.
Arrested for the murder of the forcibly imposed "husband" in 2014 when she was 19 years old; had two children the oldest 7 years and the youngest six months old when imprisoned nearly 10 years ago.
Samira Sabzian is scheduled for courts-ordered State-murder tomorrow, December 13 and "only strong international reactions can save her life".
Opinion: not a marriage, but rape-slavery.

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Lovely stickers in Moscow,
via Autonomous Action.


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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Because I had missed it...
I many times publicly promoted the Simple Mobile Tools (SMT) suite for being the best options for Android users for many tasks (file manager, calendar, notes, etc) while also free of cost, open source (GPL), promising to be ad-free, etc, while people had the option of funding through buying a "thank you"-app or "pro"-versions which only had unimportant functionality like coordinating interface color change across suite.
However, in December the lead developer sold out to Israeli company ZipoApps with a past of capitalizing on free open source software and almost immediately the apps were changed to being labeled "contains ads" on Google's Play Store and transition to becoming ad-ware with only a short trial before forcing an insanely expensive subscription-model. This is, of course, fraud and ethically repugnant.
Also, during Israel's currently ongoing war against the Palestinians.

If you have any of those (https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8214346176194980263) installed via Google's Play Store you should immediately uninstall and if via F-Droid Store mark the app to "ignore updates".

A co-developer forked SMT to now be maintained as "Fossify" suite https://github.com/FossifyOrg continuing to be open source, ad-free, etc.
Those and other alternatives to SMT are listed https://www.reddit.com/r/SimpleMobileTools/comments/18929pq/simplemobiletools_was_sold_alternatives/ here.

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Upwards 80000 people held a demo yesterday evening in Tel Aviv, at these demos regularly held every Saturday against the government and for the hostages' freedom, and one of the speakers was a mother whose son sits in Gaza as hostage and she said 'Matan, when you come home I will tell you that our government has abandoned you', then she turned to Netanyahu and said 'while YOUR son is encouraging mutiny, my son is hostage in Gaza' and what she was referring to then was a video which Netanyahu's son Yair shared on Friday where a masked soldier, saying he's a reservist in Gaza, threatened mutiny if Israel gives order to leave Gaza before Hamas has been crushed."
Cecilia Uddén,
Middle East correspondent,
Public Service radio of Sweden,
~35 minutes ago.
(my translation)

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Nazi threat in Bremen, Germany, against Kurdish association.

"The Biratî association, which has been observed and frequently searched by the police, is now also threatened by Nazis.
Cartridges bearing swastikas were found in the letterbox of the Kurdish association in Bremen's Neustadt district."

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

A long article on the anarchist internationalist volunteer Finbar "Çîya" Cafferkey from Ireland, who after fighting against ISIL with the YPG in Rojava went on as a part of the same fight to go fight in Ukraine against far-right authoritarian Putin's imperialist war of aggression where Çîya ("Mountain" in Kurdish) was martyred by the invader on April 19.

Pic 1: "Achill man Finbar Cafferkey with other volunteers and aid for Ukraine in the warehouse of Anarchist Black Cross Galicja in eastern Poland. Photograph courtesy of ACK Galicja"
Pic 2: Finbar Cafferkey (Shell to Sea/PA)


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Latest from Doctors without Borders (MSF):
"People killed in Gaza City while waiting for food aid

On 29 February, Israeli forces reportedly opened fire as Palestinians were waiting to receive food from aid trucks in Gaza City, in northern Gaza, Palestine. Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) President Dr Isabelle Defourny responds to this news with the following [...]"

Read the short statement on their website here:

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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Resistance Committee (antiauthoritarians in armed resistance against far-right authoritarian Putin's imperialist aggression in Ukraine), elsewhere: "Today in Zurich."

@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

Also Resistance Committee, elsewhere, this evening of the 2 year anniversary of far-right authoritarian Putin's expanded imperialist war of aggression in Ukraine:
"Anarchist bloc at action in Vilnius."


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@b9AcE@todon.eu avatar

"Two years on from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Caillte san Úcráin investigates the story of Achill Island native Finbar Cafferkey who died on the frontline in Ukraine" fighting against far-right authoritarian Putin's imperialist war of aggression, after previously fighting ISIL/Daesh and its collaborator NATO-dictator Erdoğan's genocidal invasion as many other anarchists volunteering in both fights as they are the same fight against the same principles of genocidal expansionist aggression by the upper-class of States.

It's in Gaelic, but you can activate English language subtitles.

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"The UN World Food Programme (WFP) is pausing deliveries of life-saving food aid to northern Gaza until conditions are in place that allow for safe distributions.

The decision to pause deliveries to the north of the Gaza Strip has not been taken lightly, as we know it means the situation there will deteriorate further and more people risk dying of hunger. WFP is deeply committed to urgently reaching desperate people across Gaza but the safety and security to deliver critical food aid - and for the people receiving it - must be ensured."

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