ErikUden, (edited ) to random avatar

To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:​

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Without further ado...

Limit these instances:

[Full List of Affected Instances Here]

Just get the list to download and import here.

Simply import this list and you'll mute the 47 worst spam instances currently known to me! I've worked on it for multiple weeks, sometimes ~9 hours at a time verifying all lists sent to me manually.

Limit first, defederate only in worst situations!

Consider re-federating with and un-silencing any of the mentioned instances once the spam is mitigated. The admins of some of these may have just been asleep when this all started.

Ban Spam Accounts via their E-Mail Domain

Block the following E-Mail Domain and whatever temp Mail provider it resolves to:

Just to be safe, block these ones too (same provider)


All our spam accounts came from these E-mails.

Since you probably have some of these accounts sleeping:

https://[your-instance.tld]/admin/accounts? there just select all and press “Ban”.

Find Remaining Spammers

I've seen instances that fixed the spam issue but began being hit later again. The spammers might use new E-Mails, so here is a way to find and block them anyway:

IP Bans and TOR

These spammers seem to be using the TOR Network as all of their IPs are TOR Exit Node IPs, hence an idea (with some collateral damage if executed) would be to ban all TOR exit node IPs for sign ups. I am personally against this idea as you'd also prevent users who simply wish to stay anonymous online (political refugees, leakers of important documents, etc.) from using your platform. For now, simply banning every user using a particular Spammer IP will not help and will merely ban users that try to stay anonymous! Not necessarily the spammers.

How To Block All Temp E-Mails in the Future

If you want to prevent this from ever happening again, you should block E-Mails from Temporary Mail providers all together:

Because of this,, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago.

In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails.

Why did this happen?

The real reason hundreds of us spent hours of our days during the spam on mitigating it is the following:

Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

This is the full exposé @cappy has been working on regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks!

Thank you @BrodieOnLinux for mentioning this post in a video!

Good luck, everyone!
Thanks for participating in the Fediverse Experiment!

#FediBlock #FediAdmin

mods, to internet

We, the moderation and administration of, are signing the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact in fellowship with our peer communities. (

There is over a decade of precedent that Facebook will not have users' best interests as their guiding principle but rather profit margins, if it joins the Fediverse.

We at have long held the belief that corporation owned instances are a threat to the core of the Fediverse: freedom for users to be themselves and to be a part of their communities. The 2010s saw the loss of online freedom when the majority of the Web was consolidated into a few destinations, and Facebook entering here could lead us back to centralization. Furthermore, NDAs for server admins will constrain our sovereignty online by binding us legally from disrupting their business.

We are not products. We are people, and we do not welcome Facebook in this space.

rysiek, to fediverse avatar

Hug your today.

There's a lot of shit flying in the lately and a lot of times perspective seems to get lost. Yes, there are things we need to talk about, and yes there are things we will not agree on. And that's okay.

But leave the pitchforks and torches out of this.

Fedi admins put in the hours and effort and emotion into making fedi happen. Sometimes they make decisions we might not agree with. We should criticize, but we should not pile-on.

michael, (edited ) to random avatar

PSA: It looks like has implemented hCAPTCHA on their signups yesterday.

So, if you have limited / suspended because of the spam issue, you may wish to reconsider this.

This will also likely mean that spammers will move to different instances (already seeing them targeting

You may wish to consider implementing hCAPTCHA yourself to protect your own instance, and here is the relevant PR:

The reason I'm suggesting this, is because if you are a small/medium instance with open registrations, and spammers find and abuse your instance, I imagine that other instances will limit/suspend your instance without hesitation, given how willing some were to limit/suspend the much larger

But do note this comment on the PR:

“To give some context to people seeing this: this is an emergency feature backport from Glitch SOC to help mitigating an ongoing spam wave, this feature may not make it in a next release, or with significative changes.”

#MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #fediblock

Edited to add: multiple people have rightly commented on the accessibility concerns with hCaptcha: hCaptcha is really really really bad for blind and visually impaired people.

Please have a look at this excellent reply for more details:

jwildeboer, (edited ) to random avatar

As instance I do NOT want to moderate DMs. The last three spam waves from however were sent as DMs.

I therefore urge @Gargron to make it the default that DMs can only be send between users that have a follow relationship.

The current default is that anyone can send anyone DMs. I consider this to be a loophole that spammers will continue to exploit, causing a lot of extra work for site admins in an area they should keep out of, in the interest of user privacy.

thisismissem, to fediverse avatar

The Fediverse has a Mental Health problem:

(Please do not reply directly to this post, use the hashtag #FediverseMentalHealth instead, thanks!)

#Fediverse #MentalHealth #FediAdmin #FediverseMentalHealth

cappy, to infosec avatar

im getting really tired... -w-

summary of today:

someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)

A Discord bot. I can't make this shit up man.

The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by mumei in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.

This shit is ridiculous.

The ap12 account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.

The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently.

KarenWyld, to random avatar

Most SM platforms lack capacity to handle reports that refer to anti-Indigenous abuse or behaviour. So, some tips for #FediAdmin and mods when receiving reports about racism and harassment targeted at #Indigenous people - from an Indigenous mod from so-called Australia with both lived and professional experience:

  1. In addition to universal slurs & offensive terms used against Indigenous people, there's also geographical terms. If in doubt, ask for advice.

  2. Non-Indigenous people questioning an Indigenous person's identity, culture, connections, lived experiences etc is racist. It doesn't matter if there was "good intent".

  3. The above behaviour is often gaslighting or DARVO. It's a tactic used to silence Indigenous people, and discredit them.

  4. Non-Indigenous people using blood quantum or light skin appearance to silence, question or harass an Indigenous person is highly racist. And is another tactic anti-Indigenous racists use.

[In so-called Australia, non-Indigenous people weaponising/discussing BQ and appearance of Indigenous people is highly offensive, as it was an eugenic tool used to excuse genocide]

  1. Racism against Indigenous people, especially from centralists or leftists, is often masked by paternalism, sealioning, race-based micro-aggressions, and whitesplaining.

6 Things bystanders/racist apologists do that make it worse - a) offering support to the abusers. b) replying to Indigenous people who are being racially attacked with comments such as: "I didn't see any racism" "You're the racist" "Get help for your trauma" "They're always nice to me" "They're an ally, so be nicer to them".

  1. Indigenous peoples are not an homogeneous group. So you can't always apply local information you know to reports. If in doubt, reach out to someone from that region with experience.

  2. Outspoken Indigenous people, or those with a public profile (ie journalists, authors, actors, politicians, activists, academics, large followings), are commonly racially abused on social media platforms. Believe us when we make reports or speak up, as we are familiar with all the tactics racists use.

There are very few Indigenous mods on Mastodon, and even less Indigenous mods. But we all want to see anti-Indigenous abuse and behaviour addressed. If in doubt, reach out to us.

Please don't hesitate to take action when anti-Indigenous racism & behaviour is reported. Let's not duplicate the problems of other social media platforms. Be #AntiRacist - always

DLink, to random

I want to warn all admins of an instance that is specifically for PEDOPHILES. I just had to deal with finding, I hope none of your users will have to see that.

PLEASE defederate with

I would encourage everyone to either make a post of their own about this, or boost for visibility.

#fediadmin #mastoadmin

feditips, (edited ) to mastodon avatar

Server admins!

If you're creating custom emoji, remember to fill in the section marked "Shortcode" with a short text description of the emoji. Blind people's screen reader software will be able to read the shortcode aloud so that they can hear what the emoji is.

If the emoji's shortcode includes multiple words, split them up with underscores like_this or CamelCase, so that screen readers will be able to read each word correctly.

#FediTips #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #Accessibility

BeAware, to mastodon

Dear Fedi Admins of relatively small instances:

If you notice a new account on your instance has a seemingly "real" name attached to their account, it might seem strange at first, but do yourself and Fedi a favor and google that name.

There's some here that are scammers trying to impersonate famous people from somewhat niche entertainment media. Just this morning there was an account registered on a small instance with the name of a professional wrestler.

Thankfully this person had the misfortune of grabbing my attention (wrestling fan) immediately in my timeline and I notified the admin of the potential scam and we were able to mitigate any real harm.

You may not be so fortunate as this in the future.

Some even go so far as to attempt to impersonate lesser known athletes from other professional sports and try to get gullible fans of the team or sport to give them money.

Be safe out there and do your due diligence. It just might save you, your users, or other Fedi users from getting scammed out of their hard earned money.

Thanks for coming to my FED talk. PLEASE boost for reach. This is important.

#Mastodon #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #Fediverse #Fedi #Scammers #Scam

homegrown, to fediverse

Mastodon admins, do you want your server to backfill missing posts that haven't federated to you yet?

There's a new tool for this called FediFetcher:


Bear in mind it's still very new, please read the github at

(If you're on managed hosting you cannot use this directly, you'll need to ask your managed hosting provider if they can offer it.)

Thank you to @nellie_m for highlighting this!

#MastoAdmin #FediAdmin #Mastodon #Fediverse #Backfilling

Crell, to mastodon avatar

Tangled Threads: How #Mastodon admins should respond to #Meta and #Threads in a way that protects our users best. Tip: It's not through proactive defederation.

#fediadmin #mastoadmin

cooper, to mastodon

Heya, this is kinda a begpost, but not directly.

You might have heard of, a self-titled "anarcho-communist collective"

These people help 140 instances (including mine) operate by providing managed hosting to people who don't have the technical backing (or in my case, spoons) to run an instance by themselves.

They've just moved to using OpenCollective for their funding to be upfront about their finances.

Their one sysadmin is looking to take a permanent break and they're aiming to hire people to fill the role; if you know of people with those talents, and who are looking for some work - please get in touch with them at

Otherwise, if you can spare money and want to donate to keep going; you can do that on their OpenCollective page here:

It's been really liberating being able to have my own little corner on the internet and not having to worry & faff with all the associated costs that come with running a Mastodon server.

I really appreciate the work of the people at FediMonster and I hope that they can keep going and providing such a valuable service to the community 💙


scott, to internet avatar

After speaking with my co-admin, I've signed the Anti-Meta Fedi Pact ( Car Free dot City will not federate with any instance operated by Meta/Facebook.

As the mods of put it: "There is over a decade of precedent that Facebook will not have users' best interests as their guiding principle but rather profit margins, if it joins the Fediverse." ( #FediBlockMeta #FediAdmin #meta #project92

gunchleoc, to random avatar

Script to identify abandoned versions of Mastodon and create a blocklist for manual upload:

I have some ideas for extra features, but this should do if you're still being hit by the current spam wave.

#spam #Mastoadmin #FediAdmin

MagicLike, (edited ) to random avatar
thisismissem, (edited ) to mastodon avatar

Documentation for how to enable hCaptcha support on just dropped:

Many thanks to @vmstan for taking the time to document this functionality!


You can contribute to the documentation here:

tedivm, to fediverse

If you're an admin of a mastodon/fediverse instance you should update your robots.txt to block "GPTBot", the crawler made by OpenAI to feed their machine learning models such as ChatGPT.

This is the easiest way right now to prevent public content from being crawled and fed into their datasets, and due to the nature of federation it works better the more instances that do it.

#fediverse #fediadmin #mastodon #ai #chatgpt

MOULE, (edited ) to internet

CONFIRMED: "Threads" is the name of #Meta's new #Fedi-enabled social media, also codenamed #Project92, #P92, & #Barcelona.

IPv6: 2a03:2880:f231:c5:face:b00c:0:43fe

I recommend everyone block in their domain blocking lists, and every #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin in the #FediPact to #FediBlock all Meta's IP addresses at the firewall level before they go live on the #Fediverse on July 6th: read for more info!

feditips, to mastodon avatar

Owners of small servers, if you want to expand your server's view of the Fediverse you can use relays.

General relays tend to use a very great amount of resources, so you may prefer to use topic-specific relays such as those provided at FediBuzz:


There's more info on how admins can add relays to Mastodon servers at:


#FediTips #FediAdmin #MastoAdmin #Mastodon #Fediverse

thisismissem, to mastodon avatar

If you're wanting to prevent the hashtag usage, and just flat-out reject incoming status creations that contain hashtags that are marked as unusable on your server, then this one line patch to #Mastodon will have you covered.

This allows you to dynamically adapt to the hashtags being used for spam, as you can just find them in the admin panel (admin/tags/:id) and uncheck the first checkbox (see image)

#fediadmin #mastoadmin

jmac, to random avatar

My summary of an ad-hoc meeting of Fediverse admins held earlier this week to discuss last weekend's #spam crisis. #mastoadmin #fediadmin Includes links to investigations into what on earth that was all about, as well as ongoing mitigation efforts from the global fedi community.

feditips, to random avatar

Hey server admins!

Do you run a small server and you wish it had a wider view of the Fediverse, with more results from searches? You might want to try using relays:


If general relays take up too many resources, try using a more specific topic or instance relay feed from FediBuzz:


ErikUden, (edited ) to random German avatar

Hallo alle Fedi-Admins die Probleme mit Spam haben!

Die Mute-Liste 2.2.2

Ich habe die Spam-Liste aktualisiert und ~104 zusätzliche Instanzen gefunden, die weiterhin spammen! Ich habe, mit viel Hilfe von anderen Fedi Admins, die Instanzen in einer Liste zusammengestellt, die sie stumm schaltet und nicht von ihnen deföderiert!

Ich würde mich sehr über eine kleine Spende hier freuen, da Ich wirklich hart und lange an der Erstellung dieser Liste gearbeitet habe, was Ich angesichts meines aktuellen Zeitplans kaum rechtfertigen kann! Dankeschön!

Es gibt eine neue Art von Spam, die gleichen Instanzen sind betroffen wie vorher. Die Verantwortlichen in Japan sollen verhaftet worden sein.

Downloaded die Liste hier.

Anleitung und Erklärung zur Liste.

Ist diese Liste importiert ist ein Großteil des Spams vorbei. Das ganze ist für euch leicht, geht mit einem klick! Zudem wird keinerlei Instanz für immer geblockt, keinerlei Follower etc. zerstört oder deföderiert, sondern nur stummgeschaltet. Das ist sehr leicht umkehrbar.

Ihr könnet diese Liste einfach importieren, indem ihr auf https://yourinstance.tld/admin/export_domain_blocks/new geht und yourinstance.tld durch die Domain derer Instanz ersetzt, von der ihr der Administrator seid!

Alternativ könnt ihr auch auf Einstellungen => Moderation => Föderation => Importieren drücken, um diese Liste zu importieren.

Beachtet, dass zwar alle Instanzen mit einem Klick importiert werden können, dass aber diese Instanzen einzeln entfernt werden müssen, wenn der Spam vorbei ist.

Beachtet auch, dass es nur Sinn ergibt, diese Liste zu importieren und die Spam-Instanzen stumm zu schalten, wenn ihr euren Spam lokal und nachhaltig blockiert habt, wie hier beschrieben.

Auf ein Spam-Freies Fediverse :apartyblobcat:​ !


ErikUden, (edited ) avatar

Hello all Fedi Admins who have problems with spam!

The Mute List 2.2.2

I have been updating the spam list and found ~104 additional instances that continued spamming! I, with lots of help of other Fedi Admins, have compiled the instances into a list which mutes them, and does not defederate from them!

I'd highly appreciate a small donation here as I've worked really hard and long on creating this, which given my current schedule I can hardly justify! Thanks!

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Download the list here.

Instructions and Explanation of the List.

Once this list is imported, most of the spam is gone. The whole thing is easy for you, with just one click! In addition, no instance is blocked forever, no followers etc. are destroyed or unfollowed, only muted.

You can simply import this list by going to https://yourinstance.tld/admin/export_domain_blocks/new and replacing yourinstance.tld with the domain of the instance you are the administrator of!

Alternatively, you can also click on Settings => Moderation => Federation => Import to import this list.

Note that although all instances can be imported with one click, these instances must be removed individually when the spam is over.

Also note that it only makes sense to import this list and mute the spam instances if you have blocked your spam locally and permanently, as described here.

Here's to a spam-free Fediverse :apartyblobcat: !


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