
majorlinux, avatar

Well, that's a step in the right direction!

Windows won’t take screenshots of everything you do after all — unless you opt in

#Windows #Recall #OptIn #AI #Tech #Microsoft

samhainnight, avatar

It’s a start, but it does nothing to protect victims of domestic violence or people who’ve opted out but whose information is on the computers of people who’ve opted in.

MS Recall begs the question, “Who does this serve?”

#Recall #Safety

nus, avatar


Microsoft recall serves one group, and their name is the first word in this sentence.

publicvoit, avatar

So, #Windows will not come with #Recall #spyware activated, just Recall spyware pre-installed.

What a relief. Not. 🙄

If I'd own a company which is still using #Microsoft, I'd have a migration path to #Linux worked out meanwhile.

#malware #FOSS #trust

underdarkGIS, avatar

Note to self: Between versions 3.34.5 and 3.34.6, the packaging for the version of QGIS changed from 3.9 to Python 3.12.

Will have to test if/how is affected

HT: by @oslandia

vpicavet, avatar

@underdarkGIS @oslandia Yes, and that should definitely not have happened ! Changing a major version of critical Python dependency in a minor QGIS release, without any warning, is totally nuts. There should have been a QEP for that, and at least clear communication to plugin developers.

underdarkGIS, avatar

@vpicavet yes, bit strange, but I might have missed messages. There's still this open issue, for example,

stefan, avatar

"Microsoft is ending support for Windows 10 in October 2025, but the company is now taking the unusual step of reopening its beta program for Windows 10 to test new features and improvements."

Are they just going to start cramming more AI into it to see if they can force people to upgrade?

eugenialoli, avatar

The mass exodus from to (and ) due to and continues. More and more articles, more and more youtube videos about it, or posts on forums. People are switching. If it continues like that, Linux should have 10% desktop marketshare by the end of the decade (and yes, that's a lot).

eugenialoli, avatar

@timonsku There's the actual statcounter source, however what I'm reporting here is an obvious trend that is visible if you search a bit on youtube, reddit, on various forums. The amounts of users switching has increased, and it has kind of taken a world of its own since last week, after MS' AI announcement.

alper, avatar

@eugenialoli Thank the AI boosters and ask them to boost more. #copilot #openai

SomeGadgetGuy, avatar

It just clicked in my brain. What I haven't been able to articulate about why I'm so anxious about Recall. I'm sure others have already gotten to where I am.

It's worse than "a system that tracks everything you do" and stores that info in a basic database that could be easily compromised.
It's worse than a nanny surveillance tool for companies to spy on their employees.

It's inescapable.

It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

It won't matter if you're a master expert specialist. You can't account for EVERY other computer you've ever interacted with. If a family member looks up an old email with your personal data in it, your data is now at risk.

If THEIR system is compromised YOUR data is at risk.

I just went from "vague feeling of unease" to "actively writing templates to canvas elected officials, regulators, and attorneys general."

CliftonR, avatar

@droidboy @SomeGadgetGuy

It's already been demonstrated that it's vulnerable. Read Kevin Beaumont's articles on it.

Microsoft is relying on people not having the knowledge or background to verify what it's telling the public.

wizzwizz4, avatar
Theeo123, avatar

Well, that didn't take long...

There is now an automated tool for hackers to extract all data collected by windows recall.

#windows #recall #WindowsRecall #Microsoft #security #SecurityNightmare

reay, avatar

@FirewallDragons @Theeo123 To be fair, it was a bit of a layup, no?

My cursory understanding of Recall is that it’ll screenshot passwords and banking info along with everything else. 🤷‍♂️

Theeo123, avatar

@reay @FirewallDragons

as mentioned earlier, all stored in plain-text....

So not a super-feat of programming by any stretch but still laughably bad.


#Windows' upcoming #Recall feature is enabled by default btw in the OOBE setup and CANNOT be disabled directly - you will need to disable it in the Settings app instead, afterwards.

I don't know if you'd trust #Microsoft to actually respect that setting either, wouldn't be the first and only setting on Windows that doesn't actually do anything you'd want it to (or not to) do.

OH and also - Microsoft stores all the Recall data in an #SQLite database in plaintext, so you KNOW it's secure and definitely not easy to steal away from you by anyone that gains physical or remote access to your device <3



rakyat, avatar

@irfan Seems like there’s some noise around Windows Recall being a security disaster, so I’d expect them to recall it for the time being?

JetlagJen, avatar

First time using freshly installed #Windows, installing a few bits like an OK browser and some games. Password typed at least 20 times. Three reboots. Settings accessed four times. Seven meaningless notifications dismissed (plus more in launchers like Epic and Steam). The only thing installed via the Microsoft Store throws a system error instead of loading, and there's no "uninstall" button in the store.

But do please tell me more about how difficult #Linux is.

ai6yr, avatar

The Verge: Windows AI feature that screenshots everything labeled a security ‘disaster’ #windows #ai #cybersecurity

mappingsupport, avatar

@ai6yr Grateful that my windows 10 PC is not able to be upgraded to windows 11. Apparently it lacks some motherboard feature that windows 11 requires.

alex, French avatar

#Recall de #Windows 11 se souvient de ton mot de passe l'été dernier

alex, avatar

#Recall de #Windows 11 est un Serial Stalker

alex, avatar

#Recall de #Windows 11, parce que le monde ne suffit pas


Stained glass window depicting Christ in the Romanesque St. Kunibert Basilica in Cologne.
(September 2021)
(Foto: © Rüdiger Benninghaus)
#Fenster, #windows, #Kirchenfenster, #Buntglasfenster, #Kunst, #art, #sakrale_Kunst, #Kirchen, #churches, #Sankt_Kunibert, #Köln


drahardja, avatar

So it seems that what #Windows #MicrosoftRecall does is take screenshots, sorts windows by application, then runs each window through an image-to-text model and logs its contents, capturing text, web domain information, and the topic of the content. This information is then logged in a searchable local database.

This has to be combined with some way to get back to the content, right? So if I searched for a topic in the future, Windows has to be able to restore the app and the document that you were viewing. So there has to be some URL or file path associated with each window content.

I know people are freaked out about this feature, but I think it’s basically Spotlight on steroids. I’m actually not that freaked out about it if it’s local-only, and I think this can actually be useful for someone with #ADHD like me who loses content all the time.

The real questions: what privacy-protection mechanisms are present, who gets to access to this data, how easily it can be exfiltrated?

jnk, avatar

@drahardja considering that microsoft already logged user data before the AI fever to target ads and the fact that almost any program you execute can easily get more privileges than the actual user... This will either end up with microsoft stealing data, hundreds of different exploits from third parties to steal data (both hackers and companies), or both.

Even if you somehow can trust Microsoft after all the anticompetitive and user-invasive bs they pulled already, why would you essentially screen-record 24/7 and have an AI to parse that?

Hard pass, and that's coming from someone who is actually planing to make their own "AI summarize every conversation i have irl". The idea is awesome in paper and i could really use an artificial brain, but never on a device connected to the internet and much less in my main machine. This should be a physically separated device with no internet at all, then i would trust.

Also fuck Microsoft and windows, but that's personal opinion.

drahardja, avatar

@jnk I respect your position. Yes, I think this all hinges on whether you trust Microsoft/Windows or not.

SuitedUpDev, avatar

Maybe a weird question, but does anybody happen to know a #Windows application that can display #emoji's that runs under #WINE ?

hvangalen, avatar

@SuitedUpDev What the huh?! Haha what a mess. That's why proprietary formats should be banned.

SuitedUpDev, avatar

@hvangalen A little bit of an investigation reveals that pre-standardization,
Microsoft did a proposal for supporting Emoji's in fonts. Their standard only works for Windows 7, 8 and 10 (pre-2016 anniversary update).

After the 2016 anniversary update, they started to supported the OpenType-SVG font files.

Fun fact, there is a MR available for WINE, related to NotoColorEmoji.ttf font 😂

bagder, (edited ) avatar

users running stupid scanners now contact us for support regarding CVE-2023-46218 which the scanners say affects 8.4.0 shipped by Microsoft.

It would, if their version was built to use , a prereq for this CVE, which does not.

Security scanners. A snake oil business.

bluGill avatar


@tbroyer Probably not worth it, but you could/should check with a lawyer about sending those scanners a cease and desist for bogus reports...

bagder, avatar

@bluGill @tbroyer I think I have more fun things to do in my life...

eugenialoli, avatar

In a new podcast, Linus(Tech) said that with the upcoming #Windows #AI bruhaha, a lot of users are going to move to #Chromebooks. But just today #Google announced that AI is coming on their #Chromebook line too. Maybe just a chatbot for now, but eventually, it'll be more integrated. The only option (for those who can't stand #Apple), is #Linux, on their existing, older PC. That's why distros running in low RAM are important.

#opensource #foss #copilot #artificialintelligence #security #privacy

kurtsh, avatar

Windows 11's upcoming "Recall" feature has a policy setting that empowers IT depts to disable the feature across devices. If disabled:
✅ Any existing Recall snapshots are deleted
✅ Users are prevented from manually enabling the Recall feature

Configure Policies for Recall

Control over your Recall Experience

Jerry, avatar

@kurtsh Do company employees know if their screens are being captured constantly?

deadtom, avatar

Every time I install Windows 11 at work, I feel like I've sold off a little more of my soul.

This operating system is one of the biggest privacy disasters to ever be forced upon the world of personal computing.

Seriously, I know it's intimidating, I know computers are complicated, but you need to ditch Microsoft, and Google. They are not your friends. They are using and exploiting our entire population.

It's time to move away from them.

jackhusky, German avatar

Es gibt schon sehr interessante Seiten im Internet.

Ich seid im Büro und braucht eine extra Pause? Kein Problem, ein Fake-Update hilft euch dabei 😂

#prank #fakeupdate #windows #macos #ubuntu

intransitivelie, avatar

Ok, this is an extremely niche question, but I'm trying to work with a list of files in a Windows batch script, and one of the files contains two single quotes in the name, so the batch script is interpreting that as a command. Does anyone know of any way I can escape those single quotes programmatically? I can't simply add slashes to them because I don't have access to the filename. Should I pipe them to a text file and then munge the text file? I'm happy to give more information if necessary; this isn't a secret or anything. #Windows #BatchFile #programming #FediHelp #BoostsWelcome

P.S. If your suggestion is not to use a batch script to do this, believe me, I've considered it, but at the moment batch is what I've got. I'm not going to install an entirely new shell to do this fairly simple task and I don't like PowerShell enough to go to the trouble of scripting in that. If I were to write a non-shell program, I would probably write it in Python as that seems like the most reasonable option, but I remain convinced that there's a way to do this in a batch script.

oblomov, avatar

@intransitivelie does wearing the filename in double quotes on use work? It's been a while since a I've done DOS/Windows batch, but something like "%var%" instead of %var% when using the loop variable?

CartyBoston, avatar

"#Windows is like an evil poison and it's getting worse."

Me: How about you stop using it?

"OMG Carty, you so privileged and naive."

st3fan, avatar

Windows 11 Pro is $259 CAD. I know I know it is still cheaper than a set of wheels for a Mac Pro but for personal use that is still a LOT of money.

How does an independent nerd like myself, not a pro business enterprise user, get a Windows 11 Pro license for say .. under $50? Is that possible?

The only thing I found is .. but can I trust that? It looks ... sketchy …

amunizp, avatar

Hi all, I saved this drum kit from the skip but while the USB is detected by both Ubuntu and windows 11 I am a a loss as to how to get sound out of it. It seems that I need to match it to a DAW but i can't seem to get #audacity or #ardour to detect it as an audio import source.

#Windows does say it is a game #controller PDX DX-100


For: Drumxtreme dx-100.

ianp5a, avatar

the thing with broken drum kit is... can't beat it.

jon, avatar

ICQ is closing down. It was really at its height in 2000 and that is when we integrated ICQ into Opera. We made a small (5k) client and it worked really well.

AOL had purchased ICQ and they were concerned about MSN taking users from them by connecting to their service, so they stopped supporting 3rd party clients. We contacted them, to see if they would make an exception for us, but they did not.

They said that if we removed our 5k client, we could maybe discuss bundling their client, but it was bigger than Opera, so that was not going to happen.

glowingfirefly, avatar

@jon Another perfect example of companies ruining an experience by trying to lock you into their ecosystem. Makes me love even more than I already do.

Amitie_1, avatar

@jon This was to be expected. First AOL dug a grave for the messenger, and now MailRU and VK have started doing everything to lure and bury ICQ in that grave. ICQ will finally be allowed to die in peace after all the bullying with unnecessary features and silly parodies of Telegram and WhatsApp

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