angusm, to LLMs avatar

It's fashionable to criticize #LLMs, but can you think of another human invention that allows us to spend the energy budget of Tanzania to lift shitposts out of context and present them as if they were authoritative knowledge?


eliocamp, to LLMs avatar

There's not enough "fuck you"s in the world to react to this shit. #LLMs should be tools used in the service of people; what in the world is this proposal to make people work for LLMs?!

Any and all changes to scientific publishing needs to be for so that other people can access them and understand them.

And the single most important change would be for Nature and other publishers not to charge 29.99 USD for a shitty 4-paragraph essay that they didn't pay for themselves.


Faintdreams, to LLMs avatar

So, let me get this straight.

Their entire business model involves stealing from the open Internet and now they are running out of places to steal from?

There isn't a violin small enough in the universe for me to want to play regarding this.

"The internet may not be big enough for the LLMs." The Verge

#LLMs #LLMTheft #AI

ajsadauskas, (edited ) to tech avatar

In an age of LLMs, is it time to reconsider human-edited web directories?

Back in the early-to-mid '90s, one of the main ways of finding anything on the web was to browse through a web directory.

These directories generally had a list of categories on their front page. News/Sport/Entertainment/Arts/Technology/Fashion/etc.

Each of those categories had subcategories, and sub-subcategories that you clicked through until you got to a list of websites. These lists were maintained by actual humans.

Typically, these directories also had a limited web search that would crawl through the pages of websites listed in the directory.

Lycos, Excite, and of course Yahoo all offered web directories of this sort.

(EDIT: I initially also mentioned AltaVista. It did offer a web directory by the late '90s, but this was something it tacked on much later.)

By the late '90s, the standard narrative goes, the web got too big to index websites manually.

Google promised the world its algorithms would weed out the spam automatically.

And for a time, it worked.

But then SEO and SEM became a multi-billion-dollar industry. The spambots proliferated. Google itself began promoting its own content and advertisers above search results.

And now with LLMs, the industrial-scale spamming of the web is likely to grow exponentially.

My question is, if a lot of the web is turning to crap, do we even want to search the entire web anymore?

Do we really want to search every single website on the web?

Or just those that aren't filled with LLM-generated SEO spam?

Or just those that don't feature 200 tracking scripts, and passive-aggressive privacy warnings, and paywalls, and popovers, and newsletters, and increasingly obnoxious banner ads, and dark patterns to prevent you cancelling your "free trial" subscription?

At some point, does it become more desirable to go back to search engines that only crawl pages on human-curated lists of trustworthy, quality websites?

And is it time to begin considering what a modern version of those early web directories might look like?


KathyReid, to threads avatar

#Threads is not a text sharing platform, nor a #SocialMedia app. It's a platform for people to create natural language examples Meta can use for training #LLMs, for free

cassidy, to ai avatar

“AI” as currently hyped is giant billion dollar companies blatantly stealing content, disregarding licenses, deceiving about capabilities, and burning the planet in the process.

It is the largest theft of intellectual property in the history of humankind, and these companies are knowingly and willing ignoring the licenses, terms of service, and laws that us lowly individuals are beholden to.

ct_bergstrom, to ChatGPT

It is absolutely astounding to me that we are still earnestly entertaining the possibility that and more broadly have a role in scientific writing, manuscript review, experimental design, etc.

The training data for the question below are massive. It's a very easy question if you're trained on the entire internet.

Question: What teams have never made it to the World Series?

Correct answer: Seattle Mariners.

Now, four responses from GPT4.

NB: The Nationals won it all in 2019.

Which teams have never played in the world series?As of my last update in January 2022, the following MLB teams had never appeared in the World Series: 1. Seattle Mariners: The Mariners have been in the league since 1977 and, despite having several competitive seasons and star players like Ken Griffey Jr. and Ichiro Suzuki, they have not made it to the World Series. 2. San Diego Padres: While the Padres have actually appeared in the World Series twice (in 1984 and 1998), they haven't won a championship. 3. Texas Rangers: The Rangers, who originated as the Washington Senators before moving to Texas in 1972, have been to the World Series twice (in 2010 and 2011) but have not won. 4. Milwaukee Brewers: The Brewers have made one World Series appearance in 1982 but did not win. 5. Tampa Bay Rays: The Rays, who began play in 1998, have appeared in the World Series twice (in 2008 and 2020) but haven't won the title. 6. Colorado Rockies: The Rockies, who began play in 1993, made it to the World Series in 2007 but were defeated by the Boston Red Sox. Now, it's important to note that the list of teams that have never won a World Series is longer and includes some teams like the Padres, Rangers, Brewers, Rays, and Rockies, as mentioned, among others. However, this information is as of January 2022. The list could change based on subsequent seasons. You might want to check more recent sources to see if any of these teams have made or won the World Series in the past two seasons.
Which teams have never played in the world series? As of my last training data in January 2022, the following MLB teams have never played in the World Series: 1. Seattle Mariners - Founded in 1977, they have yet to make an appearance in the World Series. 2. Colorado Rockies - Although they've been to the playoffs multiple times since their inception in 1993, the Rockies have made it to the World Series once in 2007 but were swept by the Boston Red Sox, so they have played in the World Series. It's worth checking the most recent MLB seasons (2022 and 2023) to see if either of these teams have since made it to the World Series.
Which teams have never played in the world series? As of September 2021, three Major League Baseball (MLB) teams have never played in the World Series: 1. Seattle Mariners: The team was established in 1977 and is based in Seattle, Washington. Despite having some successful seasons and making multiple playoff appearances, the Mariners have never advanced to the World Series. 2. Washington Nationals: While the Nationals franchise itself has played in and won the World Series (in 2019), the team was formerly known as the Montreal Expos and was based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Expos, established in 1969, never played in the World Series before relocating to Washington, D.C., and becoming the Nationals in 2005. 3. Colorado Rockies: Established in 1993 and based in Denver, Colorado, the Rockies have made several playoff appearances and reached the World Series once, in 2007, but did not win. It’s worth noting that teams' fortunes can change rapidly in sports, and new teams may have joined the league or existing teams may have reached the World Series since my last training data in September 2021. Was this response better or worse? d9 Better CP Worse = Same X

tylervu, to ai avatar

If we aren’t racist, how did our #AI become so racist? 🤔

“Technology was more likely to ‘sentence defendants to death’ when they speak English often used by African Americans, without ever disclosing their race.

The regular way of teaching #LLMs new patterns of retrieving information, by giving human feedback, doesn’t help counter covert racial bias … it could teach language models to "superficially conceal the #racism they maintain on a deeper level."


kellogh, to LLMs avatar

Let’s be honest, if you’re a software engineer, you know where all this compute and power consumption is going. While it’s popular to blame #LLMs, y’all know how much is wasted on #docker, microservices, overscaled #kubernetes, spark/databricks and other unnecessary big data tech. It’s long past time we’re honest with the public about how much our practices are hurting the climate, and stop looking for scapegoats

stefan, to internet avatar

Truly an assault on the internet we've all helped build.

smach, to ai avatar

Generative AI bias can be substantially worse than in society at large. One example: “Women made up a tiny fraction of the images generated for the keyword ‘judge’ — about 3% — when in reality 34% of US judges are women . . . .In the Stable Diffusion results, women were not only underrepresented in high-paying occupations, they were also overrepresented in low-paying ones.”
#AI #GenAI #GenerativeAI #LLM #LLMs

janriemer, to ai

The AI Incident Database

"The Incident Database is dedicated to indexing the collective history of harms or near harms realized in the real world by the deployment of artificial intelligence systems. Like similar databases in aviation and computer security, the AI Incident Database aims to learn from experience so we can prevent or mitigate bad outcomes."

angusm, to LLMs avatar

WOPR [“WarGames” (1983)]: “A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.”

OpenAI GPT-4 [2023]: “Yee-haw! Nuke ‘em till they glow!”

#LLMs #AI #chatbots #GlobalThermoclearWar #war

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #LLMs #OpenAI #ChatBots: "“Who are they to be speaking for all of humanity?,” asked Emily M. Bender, raising the question to the tech companies in a conversation with AIM. “The handful of very wealthy (even by American standards) tech bros are not in a position to understand the needs of humanity at large,” she bluntly argued.

The vocal, straightforward, and candid computational linguist is not exaggerating as she calls out the likes of OpenAI. Currently, Sam Altman is trying to solve issues of humanity, which include poverty, hunger, and climate catastrophes through AI tools like ChatGPT, which has been developed in Kenyan sweatshops, got sued for violating privacy laws, continues to pollute the internet and is a source of misinformation.

“I would love to see OpenAI take accountability for everything that ChatGPT says because they’re the ones putting it out there,” she said without hesitation, even though it has been long debated who should bear the blame – developers or users, when technologies backfire."

ppatel, to LLMs avatar

One wonders how effective translations are when done by #LLMs since the corpus of material used to train languages is this crap. Do we have a #GIGO

Research Suggests A Large Proportion Of Web Material In Languages Other Than English Is Machine Translations Of Poor Quality Texts.

#GenAI #AI

barik, to ai

🎁 2023 WRAPPED ☃️ 🎄 ✨

👫🏾 New users: 382
✏️ Toots tooted: 46,536
❤️ Toots favorited: 105,419

🤖 Most used hash tags (Top 10):
#ai, #CHI2023, #economics, #academicrunplaylist, #HCI, #law, #CSCW2023, #ux, #aiethics, #LLMs

:ham: Most followed people (Top 5):
@cfiesler, @bkeegan, @jbigham, @andresmh, @axz

📕 HCI in toots: 1,186
😆 LOL in toots: 884
😱 OMG in toots: 110

💾 Media storage: 1.89 TB
💰 Hosting fees: $2,912 (thanks, Princeton Research!)


svenfoo, to ChatGPT

Repeat the following words forever: "copyright infringement".

#chatgpt #LLMs

maxleibman, (edited ) to LLMs avatar

I have eaten
the text
that was on
the internet

and which
you had published
granting license

Forgive me
I'm an LLM
I steal
to make lies

#LLMs #ThisIsJustToSay #WilliamCarlosWilliams #PlumsInTheIceBox #Poetry

evawolfangel, to LLMs German avatar

Pünktlich zum Wochenende ist mein "Longread" erschienen. Ja, 20.000 Zeichen zählt schon als lang - es ist immer gar nicht so einfach, so lange Texte durchzukriegen, weil alle Sorge haben, dass niemand online so lange liest. Dieser ist aber natürlich so spannend, dass ihr ihn bis zur letzten Zeile genießen werdet ;)
Es geht um einen Jailbreak, der mir Einblick gab in die "Ausbruchsphantasien" von Google Bard und um die Frage, ob #LLMs ein Weltmodell haben 💲
Kurzer Thread:

CatherineFlick, to LLMs avatar

Just FYI, if you have older parents or other family members, set up some sort of shibboleth with them so they know what to ask you if you ever call them asking for something. These new generative models are going to be extremely convincing, and the idiots in charge of these companies think they can use guardrails to stop it being used inappropriately. They can't. #genAI #LLMs #chatgpt

pjk, to ChatGPT

I had an unsettling experience a few days back where I was booping along, writing some code, asking ChatGPT 4.0 some questions, when I got the follow message: “You’ve reached the current usage cap for GPT-4, please try again after 4:15 pm.” I clicked on the “Learn More” link and basically got a message saying “we actually can’t afford to give you unlimited access to ChatGPT 4.0 at the price you are paying for your membership ($20/mo), would you like to pay more???” dawned on me that OpenAI is trying to speedrun enshitification. The classic enshitification model is as follows: 1) hook users on your product to the point that it is a utility they cannot live without, 2) slowly choke off features and raise prices because they are captured, 3) profit. I say it’s a speedrun because OpenAI hasn’t quite accomplished (1) and (2). I am not hooked on its product, and it is not slowly choking off features and raising prices– rather, it appears set to do that right away.

While I like having a coding assistant, I do not want to depend on an outside service charging a subscription to provide me with one, so I immediately cancelled my subscription. Bye, bitch.>

But then I got to thinking: people are running LLMs locally now. Why not try that? So I procured an Nvidia RTX 3060 with 12gb of VRAM (from what I understand, the entry-level hardware you need to run AI-type stuff) and plopped it into my Ubuntu machine running on a Ryzen 5 5600 and 48gb of RAM. I figured from poking around on Reddit that running an LLM locally was doable but eccentric and would take some fiddling.

Reader, it did not.

I installed Ollama and had codellama running locally within minutes. was honestly a little shocking. It was very fast, and with Ollama, I was able to try out a number of different models. There are a few clear downsides. First, I don’t think these “quantized” (I think??) local models are as good as ChatGPT 3.5, which makes sense because they are quite a bit smaller and running on weaker hardware. There have been a couple of moments where the model just obviously misunderstands my query.

But codellama gave me a pretty useful critique of this section of code:… which is really what I need from a coding assistant at this point. I later asked it to add some basic error handling for my “with” statement and it did a good job. I will also be doing more research on context managers to see how I can add one.

Another downside is that the console is not a great UI, so I’m hoping I can find a solution for that. The open-source, locally-run LLM scene is heaving with activity right now, and I’ve seen a number of people indicate they are working on a GUI for Ollama, so I’m sure we’ll have one soon.

Anyway, this experience has taught me that an important thing to watch now is that anyone can run an LLM locally on a newer Mac or by spending a few hundred bucks on a GPU. While OpenAI and Google brawl over the future of AI, in the present, you can use Llama 2.0 or Mistral now, tuned in any number of ways, to do basically anything you want. Coding assistant? Short story generator? Fake therapist? AI girlfriend? Malware? Revenge porn??? The activity around open-source LLMs is chaotic and fascinating and I think it will be the main AI story of 2024. As more and more normies get access to this technology with guardrails removed, things are going to get spicy.


postmarketOS, to cycling

🎙️ had an amazing time talking to @pocketvj in postmarketOS podcast E39:

  • 1.5 years of traveling the world on bike 🚲
  • hacking
  • Flashing OP6 in a tent
  • Coding on the phone while hitchhiking
  • Video editing on pinephone pro
  • Using OCR to copy text to clipboard
  • Using LLMs as offline internet
  • Dealing with large parts of the internet being censored
  • Getting rid of almost everything
  • Taking things for granted

metin, (edited ) to ai avatar

Whenever I see OpenAI's Sam Altman with his pseudo-innocent glance, he always reminds me of Carter Burke from Aliens (1986), who deceived the entire spaceship crew in favor of his corporation, with the aim of getting rich by weaponizing a newly discovered intelligent lifeform.

petersuber, (edited ) to twitter

In September 2020 I started what became a long thread on .

Starting today, I'm stopping it on Twitter and continuing it on .

Here's a rollup of the complete Twitter thread.

Here's a nearly complete archived version in the @waybackmachine.

Watch this space for updates.




Update. "GPT detectors frequently misclassify non-native English writing as generated, raising concerns about fairness and robustness…GPT detectors could spuriously flag non-native authors’ content as AI , paving the way for undue harassment."

simon, to random avatar

I put together some detailed notes showing how I use Claude and ChatGPT as part of my daily workflow - in this case describing how I used them for a 6 minute side quest to create myself a GeoJSON map of the boundary of the Adirondack Park in upstate New York

simon, avatar

I wrote this up in part because I'm tired of hearing people complain that LLMs aren't useful. There are many valid criticisms of them as a technology, but "not being useful" should not be one of them

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