cstross, to random
@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

Some thoughts on spam:

  1. Right now it's a single idiot running a scripted Joe Job. But we know how spam ecosystems develop. The next steps are inevitable.

  2. Next, someone will release an activitypub spamming script. It will hammer on servers to create throwaway accounts then use them to post.

  3. This will drive a bunch of small servers off the fediverse and cause acrimonious defederation squabbles.

  4. Surviving servers will limit sign-ups, requiring proof of humanity (or identity).


@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

@cstross I think @dansup created a solution for dealing with spam on that could potentially be ported over to , , & the rest of the .

👉🏾 Autospam and Naive Bayes: The Grandfather of Spam Filters Still Making Waves https://pixelfed.blog/p/2023/feature/autospam-and-naive-bayes-the-grandfather-of-spam-filters-still-making-waves

I wonder if @dansup could have an “anti-spam” assembly with the various software developers using ‽ We could also checkout what is doing with Akismet too.

darnell, to Instagram

Threads by Instagram will launch on July 6th (thanks for the heads up @dansup!) & I noticed Meta collects a lot of data. So much data!

Threads is rumored to adopt ActivityPub later on (in October maybe‽ We will see), but when it joins the Fediverse (if not on launch day), it’s data collection policies will make it easier to convince some (but not all) to migrate over to Misskey, Pixelfed, Mastodon & Pleroma.

Note: Uploading on Misskey as my Mastodon account @darnell is being fixed server side right now.

the1goit, to fediverse
@the1goit@ravenation.club avatar

I lost track of the number of forks.

Raccoon, to fediverse
@Raccoon@techhub.social avatar

Just wanted to point out, with the ongoing #spam attack on #fediverse / #misskey / #mastodon, this kind of happens on every social network. The only reason you are hearing about it is because #moderation #staff is normal users who use the normal channels to talk about it, and we actually take it way more seriously than the corporate social networks do.

Like, this represents most of the traffic on #Twitter, and they don't seem to care, so it speaks volumes about the fact that you can see us talking about how we don't want that here.

atomicpoet, to fediverse

Didn't think this would happen, but is now the 2nd most popular server software on the and is on the verge of cracking 400,000 accounts.

I'm actually shocked that it blew past so quickly because the Misskey migration took three months to hit 300,000 accounts.

With all the drama happening elsewhere on the Fediverse, it important to remember that this is the biggest growth we've experienced in six months!

atomicpoet, to fediverse
@atomicpoet@atomicpoet.org avatar

When I look at the most active servers on the Fediverse, Mastodon isn’t dominating.

Here’s the actual breakdown of the 10 most active servers according to server type:

  1. misskey.io (Misskey) - 3.9M posts per month
  2. mastodon.social (Mastodon) - 1.7M posts per month
  3. pixelfed.social (Pixelfed) - 754K posts per month
  4. botsinspace.in (Mastodon) - 648K posts per month
  5. mstdn.social (Mastodon) - 634K posts per month
  6. nijimiss.moe (Misskey) - 627K posts per month
  7. mstdn.jp (Mastodon) - 588K posts per month
  8. misskey.gamelore.fun (Misskey) - 497K posts per month
  9. fedibird.com (Fedibird) - 431K posts per month
  10. misskey.cf (Misskey) - 425K posts per month

Once you expand to the next 10 more active servers:

What does this mean?

When we measure for activity – not accounts – Mastodon isn’t even in first place. Misskey is.

Mastodon is in 2nd place.

And other server types, like Pixelfed, aren’t doing so shabby either.

But what’s more interesting is what this all means when you also take into consideration account sign-ups.

It’s true that according to total accounts, mastodon.social is the biggest server on the Fediverse with 1,159,110 accounts. In comparison, misskey.io only has 183,549 accounts.

However, misskey.io is producing 2x more content than mastodon.social.

Some people wonder if this is because of spam.

As someone who actively monitors both misskey.io and mastodon.social, it actually looks like mastodon.social produces more spam. I have yet to encounter spam on misskey.io, nor have I received spam from there. I can’t say the same about mastodon.social – seeing how I received crypto spam to my inbox from there twice last month.

What’s going on?

First, I must acknowledge a fact. The Fediverse is simply more popular in Japan. When I look at the 10 most active servers on the Fediverse, 6 of them are Japanese. Yes, even the Mastodon servers.

And in Japan, it looks like Misskey is overtaking Mastodon. This is not yet true in terms of sheer account numbers, but the fastest growing servers are clearly Misskey. In terms of raw post production, though, Misskey has already overtaken Mastodon.

Something I often hear is, “So what if something’s big in Japan? Lots of bands are big in Japan too, and we don’t hear a whisper from them here in the West.”

While comparing software to music is silly, it is a mistake for Westerners to ignore the cultural impact of Japan and other Asian nations.

We live in an era where many Western kids grow up with Japanese video games, anime, and J-Pop. Many of them don’t even look at Japanese media as “foreign”. It’s simply part of their cultural rubric.

Why do I bring this up? Because while the majority of Fediverse accounts are from the West, the majority of Fediverse content is from Japan. And while there is a language barrier, it’s only a matter of time before that content finds its way out West.

But if you’re a content producer making stuff for the Fediverse, I also think it’s important to ask yourself, “What are Japanese content producers doing right?”

As it turns out, a lot. The Japanese Fediverse is less focused on technology and politics, more focused on art. And there’s a ready community willing to interact with that art.

This is not so true for the West’s version of the Fediverse. Over here, the culture is to deem art “unimportant”. There have been times when I’ve shared thoughts on video games and music, and someone came out of the woodwork to tell me I was wrong for doing this since some political thing in the USA was happening, and I was insensitive for sharing my interests.

For the Fediverse to take root in the West, it must be as much about art as it is about politics and tech.

All this said, there is a further fact that likewise underlies my contention: the 3rd most active server on the Fediverse is pixelfed.social, Pixelfed’s flagship server.

Why is this? Because #Pixelfed is based on images, not text. Which also means that, as a result of content filtering, it is more focused on art than politics and technology.

Interestingly, pixelfed.social is focused on English speakers. As it turns out, the desire to share art is universal – not exclusive to people who speak Japanese. Most people like art.

Don’t get me wrong, politics and technology have an important effect on our daily lives. But it’s art that makes life worth living.

My takeaway: if we want the Fediverse to be as big in the West as it is in Japan, we need to share art.

Source: https://fedidb.org/

dansup, to fediverse
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

When you look at the MAU (monthly active users) for the top 5 popular #fediverse projects, you see just how many active users Mastodon has compared to the rest.

If you haven't already, you should checkout @peertube, #misskey, @pixelfed and other projects!

https://beta.fedidb.org/software #fediDB #fediverse

stefan, to fediverse
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

My data visualization project that lets you explore your connections across the fediverse now supports:

  • Mastodon
  • Friendica
  • Pleroma/Akkoma 🆕
  • Misskey/Calckey 🆕

Try it here: https://data.stefanbohacek.dev/projects/fediverse

#dataviz #fediverse #mastodon #friendica #misskey #calckey #explore #data

darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

#Fediverse Rankings: Top 20 Sites Will Boast Over 300 Million Active Users By Year’s End (via @darnell): https://darnell.day/fediverse-rankings-top-20-sites-will-boast-over-300-million-active-users-by

🥱 Too Long, Did Not Read:

👉🏾 #Threads dominates, but #Flipboard may boast more #ActivityPub users in 2024

👉🏾 10 of the top 20 sites are powered by #Mastodon 🐘

👉🏾 #Minds is the largest open source instance 😮

👉🏾 #Lemmy powers two sites listed ✌🏾

👉🏾 #Microblog, #Pixelfed, #Diaspora, & #Misskey make the list 👏🏾

👉🏾 3 of the top 10 sites are owned by one person 🫡

okpierre, to kbin
@okpierre@mastodon.social avatar
darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

The flagship instance is experiencing growing pains, but is also discouraging residents in (or rather the 🇪🇺) from signing up due to issues.

👉🏾 https://darnell.day/misskey-io-20-000-new-users-daily-discourages-europeans-from-signing-up-over

Too long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 Misskey (https://misskey.io) signing up 20,000 new users per day
👉🏾 After consulting lawyers, Misskey.io will now discourage Europeans from signing up
👉🏾 could fill in the vacuum in Europe

jo, (edited ) to fediverse

Moved to a , , or instance and missing watching ? Well do I have something for you!!

Antennas are effectively custom timelines. They work approximately like watching hashtags, but they can look for normal text as well. You can add as many phrases as you like and the results can be filtered with an ignore list.

You can make an antenna that just shows posts from specific users and notifies you when they post something new, you can make an antenna that collects posts containing or excluding certain key words, or you can make an antenna that collects only posts with files attached. You can even make an antenna consisting of “Posts from specific users” with “Show replies” checked.

Setting up
You can set up antenna by going to the More! section on your sidebar, and selecting Antennas. Press Add + to create your first. This is where you can also manage & edit previously created antennas.


  1. Where to find More! on the sidebar (highlighted)
  2. Where to find Antennas in the More! menu (highlighted)
  3. My antennas page showing Add + button and my previously created antennas.
    4 & 5) When you click Add + you get this page to set up your antenna. I've set one up as my Calckey antenna and another to alert me when PastaThief posts. There's a lot to go through here. Expect a separate post sometime soon.
    6 & 7) What those antenna feeds look like.
  4. On our progressive web app you can access your antennas by selecting the UFO in the top right corner.
  5. Clicking on the UFO button brings up all my antennas and the link to manage/edit them

I plan on writing up a fuller explanation soon, but happy in the meantime to help anyone wanting to set them up.

okpierre, to wordpress
@okpierre@mastodon.social avatar

Wow congrats! Activitypub for WordPress just released version 2.0.0

Fediverse users from Mastodon, Pixelfed, Misskey, Pleroma and others can interact with your WordPress site content

Download link: github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub/releases/tag/2.0.0

#wordpress #foss #opensource #software #cms #fediverse #mastodon #misskey #pixelfed #pleroma #blog #activitypub

Wow congrats! Activitypub for WordPress just released version 2.0.0 Fediverse users from Mastodon, Pixelfed, Misskey, Pleroma and others can interact with your WordPress site content Download link: github.com/Automattic/wordpress-activitypub/releases/tag/2.0.0

whatshisays, to fediverse
@whatshisays@aus.social avatar

"MisskeyHQ" to be set up as a limited company due to a surge in activity on the Misskey platform



me, to bluesky
@me@mszpro.com avatar

📞 Introducing voice & video call for the Fediverse ✨

Sora is a futuristic Fediverse client for Mastodon, Bluesky, Misskey, Pleroma all in one. Comes with local ML to curate posts and the For You timeline.

In the next update V10, Sora allows you to have a Peer-to-Peer call using Fediverse credentials.

Demo video:


me, to fediverse
@me@mszpro.com avatar

✨Introducing Voice & Video call on the Fediverse ✨

Schedule a call by inputting the other’s Fediverse handles.
Invitees will see a Join button in your invite post to join the call.

  • Calls are done using Peer-To-Peer (private)
  • Encryption (GCM, ECDSA)
  • Use AR Video effects.
  • Works for iOS and Mac.

In the next version, I will add screen sharing!

Download Sora: https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/sora-for-mastodon-bluesky/id6450969760?l=en-US


keyokku, to fediverse

new user tips #2

hello twitter immigrants!

💙 misskey does not have an algorithm like twitter and is sorted by most recent first, in order to grow and help each other grow, Renotes are vital so people can see a post circulated and other interaction are good to find friends. Renote posts if you like it, your reactions won't help something be seen

💙 you may need to tap the ellipses ... options menu and select Details to pop open the main post and see its comments / Renotes etc

💙 this is the AP fediverse so you can see posts of other servers and instances such as vt social (you'll notice people with different addresses from different home servers sometimes), timeline is divided in Home (people you follow), Local (local ex. misskey megainstance), Global (federated with other associated instances, servers can be associated if someone is following someone from a diff server or by server setting etc)

💙 you can have MULTIPLE pinned posts, yes. as I mentioned before, you can format your profile bio links under Additional Information

💙 posting frequently and renoting posts often is important because this is time based feeds. so posts won't continue to be seen over time. you can renote posts without limit unlike twitter where you must undo the RT

💙 make use of antennae (keyword feeds), lists, channels (communities), and clips (like twitter moments), and place them in your navigation bar (via settings) to have easy access to important content you wish to browse

💙 you may add up to 16 images in a post? but of course certain image ratio will appear on the feed larger

more tips coming

darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

Great post by @thisismissem!

👉🏾 The #Fediverse Has A Mental Health Problem https://medium.com/@thisismissem/the-fediverse-has-a-mental-health-problem-4cb4845dfee1

Thanks for the recomended read @atomicpoet!

As far as admins being unkind to each other, I wonder if this is more of a #Mastodon & (to a lesser degree) #Pleroma cultural issue‽

I rarely see any hostility amongst #Pixelfed or #Misskey users, as both communities emphasize politeness & respect towards each other. I wonder why some platforms are friendlier than others‽

jo, to fediverse
me, to fediverse
@me@mszpro.com avatar

Sora, a futuristic Fediverse client, now features 🎬 Fediverse Watch tab 🎬

🌐 Mastodon, Bluesky, Misskey, Pleroma all in one
🔭 Watch interesting videos on the Fediverse
🌟 Explore more contents from Discovery view and hashtag timelines
👀 When you open a post, see similar posts of the same topic
👾 Local algorithm to rank posts and add additional interesting posts into your home timeline




mho, to fediverse German

"Calckey heißt jetzt Firefish, … sonst ändert sich nüscht." 😉

Hab die Meldung mal aktualisiert:

Alles was auf Mastodon fehlt: Firefish im Fediverse mit zig Zusatzfunktionen

Die Zahl der Twitter-Alternativen wächst und wächst. Während die meisten das Vorbild ziemlich stark nachbauen, gibt es aber auch Versuche, weiterzudenken.


#Calckey #Fediverse #Mastodon #Mikroblogging #Misskey #SocialMedia #Twitter #TwitterÜbernahme #Firefish

atomicpoet, to fediverse
@atomicpoet@mastodon.social avatar

It just happened!

https://misskey.io overtook https://mastodon.online!

As tabulated by FediDB, it is now the 5th largest Fediverse server!

This is quite symbolic because, for the first time, 's flagship server now has more users than one of 's flagship servers!



stefano, to fediverse
@stefano@bsd.cafe avatar

I've just updated my article about the Fediverse software, including a description of snac2:

Deploying a piece of the Fediverse


darnell, to fediverse
@darnell@one.darnell.one avatar

After rewatching this video of #ElonMusk melting down, I realize that the #Fediverse may have a new problem: 300 million #Twitter migrants seeking out new home.

📹 https://youtu.be/U_M_uvDChJQ

If you are on a #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Pleroma, #Pixelfed, etcetera instance, you might want to consider sending some funds to the site owner (& Fediverse platform creators) as they will need it sooner rather than later.

I expect the cost of instances to increase further once #Threads embraces #ActivityPub.

AntoineD, (edited ) to fediverse

Dans læ , on s’envoie plein de réaction par émoji 🤩😍👍🎉

Pendant ce temps sur , ce sont de simples ⭐

Je suis allé voir du côté de , c’est la PR de l’enfer depuis mai dernier, et qui fait suit a 2 autres PR annulées 😅

On a hâte d’échanger des émojis avec vous !

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