corbden, to infosec

: Howdy. I'm an author who specializes in tactics, , healing , and . My book deconstructs manipulation. I & part-time for a living. Before that, I worked in from 1996-2011.

In 2015 I left my abuser of seven years, and since have been disabled with and other chronic conditions, fighting . I was unable to work at all for five years. My personal narrative now is about recovery out of that . I'm usually in some kind of pain, and try not to whine too much about it. I'm (they/them) of recent transition, , and .

My interests are wide and varied and I will not remember them all here. I dabble in , writing, . DXed with circa 2010. obsessed with the . I love , , and thinking about .

Updates as I think of things.

eri, to trans

i've been on fedi for years and i don't know that i've ever done an #introduction post ^_^'

i go by erika or eri (she/her). i'm #trans and #polyamorous and live with a beautiful chosen family of three partners along with our #cat and two #turtles

i post a lot about my personal life and silly antics we get into, my #transition and #wellness journeys, #retrogaming, #retrocomputing, #electronicmusic, and all manner of special interests otherwise

if you're new here, welcome! :-)


bryn, to music

New instance means I copy-paste my #introduction from my previous instance lol. So here’s my #intro!

I’m Bryn, (she/her, 25) and I live in the greater Pittsburgh area! I’m a #bisexual, #polyamorous #trans girl with a passion for #electronics, #music (especially #indie), and human interaction, i.e. #communication. I’m happiest when I’m among friends, lovers, or just other people in general!

I was a team lead in customer facing tech support for a home security company, but I gave that up after facing major #burnout. Now, I’m taking a few months to recuperate while my partners keep me alive, and I’m looking to start a #freelance #branding and #WebDesign co-op with one of said partners!

This account is not professional; I post #nsfw content on occasion. I spent too much of my life without confidence to let my newfound beauty go to waste! ​:blobcat_coy:​ This content will always be hidden behind a content warning, of course!

Definitely follow me if you like cute girls, relationship anarchy, free open-source software, or any combination thereof! Boosts are also very much appreciated, but please give higher priority to mutual aid requests and the like.

My personal website can be found here!

Selfie includes EC but is safe for work. ​:blobcat_derp:​

valen1, to science

Hello. I'm a retired teacher. I like playing boardgames and exercising with VR. And science fiction. And pet rats.

Religion: none

gryphonEschmidt, to queer

Okay #FediWriters hit me with your short story writing resources.

Specifically pacing/outline related.

Genre is #Queer #Paranormal #Polyamorous #Romance with a heist..ish...still figuring that part out.

fluffypaws, to transmasc avatar

hello fedisphere! :BhjFlag_Transgender: :BhjFlag_TransMasc: :BhjFlag_Polytricolor:

i'm joshie, your local thirty something puppy boy ( he / him ) from brisbane / meanjin.

i'm , , & & live with my anchor partner, @JigglyWyvern. we have four cats & i will definitely post a lot of pictures of them. my other partner, @CyberSaloperie, lives in france :neofox_heart:

i love ! some of my current favourite games are , , , , & . i'm primarily a steam / pc gamer, but i also have a switch. hmu if you wanna be steam / switch friends!

( golden retriever ) & ( also golden retriever, plus a few others ). i bark a lot and sometimes i bite :3 i will be posting a lot of thoughts about being both therian & furry.

i read like most people breath, mostly & , or as i like to call it, . i also read a lot of books. i'm a queer romantasy writer myself, currently working on a novel about a transmasc werewolf & a non-binary vampire that start a polycule full of other supernatural creatures. you can find more about my writing on @fluffypawswrites.

i love all kinds of , & i've been trying to get into & of late. i love & , though i'm not very good at it, but i have fun anyway.

i'm known to be a lewdposter, however i try to keep to contained to my after dark account, [i will add the link once my ad account has been approved]. feel free to follow me there for more hornyposting.

this is not the first instance i've been on, so you have likely seen me around the fedisphere before, but i'm hoping this will be the last for a long time :Blobhaj_Love:

i'd love to make connections with other trans, queer, autistic, adhd, therian, furry etc folks, so please give this a boost so i can find my people :neofox_flag_trans:

tempest, to random

Ready to master the art of authentic relationships in your stories? Register for the #WritingTheOther Crafting Diverse Relationships and let our fantastic teachers guide you through the intricacies of:

➡️ Building strong platonic relationships
➡️ Exploring family and found family dynamics
➡️ Creating healthy polyamorous and interracial romances
➡️ Challenging the Love Hierarchy.

Learn More & Register:

#RepresentationMatters #RelationshipArcs #Asexual #Polyamorous

robyneatseverything, to nonbinary avatar


waves Hey! You can call me Robyn or RobynEatsEverything or REE or slut, if you're feeling nasty.

Here are a bundle of hashtags which help to describe me: #nonbinary, #pansexual, #polyamorous, #plussize, #sexpositive, #sexblogger, #audioporncreator.

I write about #sex, #relationships, and #bodies over on There's lots of delicious #smut over there, as well as some funny shit and serious feels about my #eatingdisorder and #recovery.

elise, to queer

Re #introduction , since I migrated over to

Hi y'all, I'm Elise! Online, I'm usually SpacesCountToo or sometimes justElise.

I am a #polyamorous #sapphic #bisexual #trans #femme who is currently in graduate school for #data #science in #marketing
I'm an avid gamer, I love playing #civ6 , #tf2 , #lol , and #zeepkist !

I haven't streamed in a while, but I might start back up, probably on YouTube, so catch me there if you can!

I'm only putting the hashtags so people see this, I wanna find a buncha people to connect with, drop me a comment or a follow if you wanna~

sunflower, to ADHD

i've moved to a new instance, so it's time for a fresh #introduction.

i'm a 31 year old #polyamorous #autistic #adhd #trans #witch. i live with my nesting partner & our four #cats (which i will be posting a lot of pictures of!).

lover of #books ( #sff #fantasy #queerfiction ), #writing, #gaming, #dnd, #horror, #plants, #animals, #witchcraft, #furry, & #nature.

i will post a lot about my struggles with #mentalhealth, & i'd like to connect with other #audhd folk!

come say hi & lets be friends!

andyb, to random

Dear @rowyn,
I just finished The Princess, Her Dragon, and Their Prince. It was amazingly sweet. I adored the characters to bits and finished the story happy with the ending yet sad to leave. This is a great example of positive polyamorous representation and I will be reading the rest of your work.

Dear Everyone Else, buy this charming triad romance fantasy here:

Love, Andy

#polyamorous #TriadRomance #PolyamorousFiction #PolyamorousRomance #RomanceFantasy #dragons

PanTransAutie, to Autism

Hello, everyone! My name is Ray and my pronouns are he/him. I'm a thirty year old pansexual trans male autie, hence my username. I'm also an anarcho-communist intersectional feminist.

My special interests include but aren't limited to: Japanese pop culture, pop music, social justice and video games.

I hope to get to know and befriend other users who share similar interests and beliefs.

ThePoetSky, to trans

New instance, new #introduction

Salutations, friends!

My name is Sky (they/them). I'm a #neurodivergent, #trans, and #polyamorous poet. I live with #ADHD, #anxiety, and #depression. A lot of my #poetry centers around #MentalHealth, #kindness, and being one's self.

I'll be posting updates on my poetry here, some snippets, and the occasional random thoughts or something I think might help someone else.

:polyam_flag: :flag_transgender:

#PoetryCommunity #PoetsOfMastodon

lauren_misrule, to trans

Hey Mastodon, I'm Lauren! I am a #trans lass from England. I am in my early thirties, #pansexual, #polyamorous, and like to show off my body (narcissistic #voyeur much 🤣)

I am mostly #dominant, I like sensation play, great at impact play getting into #bondage and #shibari so we'll see how that plays out.

I held off on a bluebird account for ages, and it seems to fall apart a month after I signed up. So to better explore who I am and share myself with the world, I came over here! Hopefully you'll like what I put out.

I don't have an OF or anything cause I'm so sporadic in what I do with myself, but I have a backlog of stuff I'll definitely share :blobcatheart:

So thank you for reading, here's my #butt

#lgbtq #transgender #transwoman #poly #bdsm #introduction

chizmanoga, to queer

Hey everyone, I’m #newhere, a #Bosnian #queer guy living in #Berlin, #Germany.

I’m interested in thought-provoking #literature, well-written #videogames, #leftist #politics, #trashTV and #baking tasty things. I used to curate and organize cultural events (I still moderate readings once in a while), and nowadays I work in #communitybased #HIVprevention.

#Polyamorous, #sexpositive, #nerdy. @Redfern's partner 💗

Looking forward to this journey!

wertercatt, to transgender

New instance, new #introduction

Hi all, I'm a #transgender #polyamorous #lesbian.
I post a lot about playing or collecting games, and about cool old tech.
I'm also a pretty vocal anyarcho-communist and will post about injustices and shit.
I'm planning on making my own instance Soon​:tm:​ when I can fix my #homeserver but while that's underway, I'll be posting here.

SpaitialEnby, to nonbinary

Wanted to do a better #introduction post.

Henlo! I'm Jax 25 #Nonbinary Thembo. I work in #tech and am very excited about things. I have a (well taken care of) hoarde of animals from cats to snakes. I'm #neurodivergent #queer #polyamorous. I #paint (#oils, #acrylics and #spray) which can be found on my #redbubble #fineartsamerica #instagram (soon to be pixelfed) . I have a #pathfinder battle royale-style podcast thing. And I'm #lookingforwork I have several posts on this.

girlonthenet, to relationships avatar

"As a society, we don’t have well-trodden paths and norms for relationships."

Today's fabulous NEW guest blog is about the search for contentment when our standard scripts don't seem to have the answers.

thisisskaly, to random avatar

Polyamory question.

Can thrupples of 1 female and 2 males marry anywhere?

I know in some countries polygamy of one male and a few females is allowed

But say a girl has two bisexual boyfriends and they're all dating each other

Can they get married anywhere? Or have a civil partnership recognised legally the same as marriage?

#polyamory #poly #polyamorous

WeAreBrisbane, to random

Good morning and Happy Monday all!

I'm Ada, and I'm behind the wheel of WeAreBNE this week!

Some stuff about me

  • I've lived in Brisbane since the mid 90s
  • I work in government (but won't talk about that much)
  • I am addicted to #parkrun (I just did my 200th)
  • I'm in a #polyamorous relationship
  • Mum to an 18 year old
  • I am the co-admin of a queer and gender diverse focused fediverse instance

But now, it's time to go for a #run! See you on the other side

fluffypaws, to trans

​:froggie:​ new #introduction! ​:froggie:​

🌻 joshie ( gay frog edition ).

🌻 thirty something #trans masc puppy boy, m-spec & #polyamorous.

🌻 #autistic & #adhd.

🌻 lover of #books, #writing, #gaming, #dnd, #horror, #plants, #animals, #furry, & #nature.

🌻 if you want constant pictures of #cats, i've got you covered!

🌻 frequent shitposter & lewdposter.

nillinlore, to trans

#introduction: Hi! I'm a #trans #queer, #polyamorous, and #Autistic #sex blogger, author, and editor.

My #NSFW blog,, ranked 1st in The Top 100 #SexBlog of 2021. Outside of blogging I've had queer #erotica published in several anthologies. In 2022 I edited "Heckin' Lewd: Trans and Non-binary Erotica" for Bold Strokes Books. I also co-wrote Chapter 16 for the 2nd Edition of "Trans Bodies, Trans Selves", a 2023 Lambda Literary Award finalist from Oxford University Press.

SleepyZee, to trans

Heres my #introduction

My name is Zee, I'm a #polyamorous #bisexual #trans #genderflux #audhd entity and I’m very likely a mess most of the time 😅

When I am not losing my mind, #gaming and #tech are my deal also a huge #linux nerd. #MMO's are my go to, and I'm a pretty huge #GuildWars2 and #FFXIV fan.

I’ve been trying to get into #blender as well, love 3D art and all the joys that come from working #3dmodeling stuff. Huge into #art and expressing creativity of all kinds, hoping to do more so myself.

Very much a #furry likely a #wyvern :dragnloaf: although still working and exploring that and hoping to find more furry friends here.

Stupidly #kinky and pretty much a #nudist here at this stage fuck clothing 🤣

Other interests are linked on my profile if I sound interesting feel free to follow, would love to talk to more cool folks here :dragnhappy:

Oh and boost are greatly appreciated 👍

Dragon, to trans

Well let me try this again, again, again here's hoping I stick around this time. This is my #intro/#introductions

My name is Zee, I'm a #trans #genderfluid entity, 90% liquid 10% cardboard. I'm in my 30s #autistic #adhd as fuck and I live with my nesting partner, we are #polyamorous. #Furry and probs a #dragon. Very much love #Charr and all things #art and #fantasy. Learning/novice at #blender, love #3d artwork and hope I create something good one day. #Tattoo and #piercing enthusiast, currently inked, very much looking to get more. Pretty much a #nudist, enjoy the freedom from this. #Bi and #gay as fuck as well with being super #kinky. Have 4 #cats (need more) and very into #tech and #gaming. Huge #MMO nerd current playing #GW2 and #FFXIV.

discoveringpolyamory, to random avatar
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