
Queer 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
I am a woman, but I'm CERTAINLY not a lady.

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riotmuffin, to random avatar

Minneapolis police - whose numbers are down over 1/3 since 2020 - are having a desperate af "cadet info session" TODAY, Monday 2/12, at their special ops center, 4119 Dupont Ave N. They've been advertising it on fedbook, but I fixed the image here in case anyone has interest in any counter-recruitment. feel free to share/repost.

(sorry for quick/shitty alt-text, appreciate if someone can reply with more detail!)


Kinda incredible that cops are such bootlickers for adoration and glory that the community tells them "Fuck off" and "Quit your job" AND THEY DO IT!

@sidereal @AdrianRiskin @riotmuffin @penstemon

mekkaokereke, (edited ) to random avatar

Last night I was going in through the side door of a fancy Vegas club with some friends when the bouncer called me to the side and asked me for my license. I showed him my driver's licence, and he said, "Ha ha, your other license."

I said "Huh?"

He said "Your PILB."

Me: "Huh?"

He said, "Look. I get it. I see the celebs in your party. You need to run security. But I can't have you operating in here without a Private Security license. Show me your PILB."

Me: "Oh! I'm not security!"


@mekkaokereke @dr2chase

While training and experience certainly can matter, 9 times out of 10, the big guy wins.


@mekkaokereke @dr2chase
Yeah, while I'm tall and at one point in my life was reasonably strong, I'm a trans woman. There's no situation anytime anywhere am I going to be "winning" a fight. Because even IF I beat the snot out of someone, then I'm now a "violent" trans woman, and there's gonna be more than enough guys, some with badges and guns who are now going to feel 100% justified in crushing my skull.

The ONLY time I'm going to fight someone is just long enough to try to run away/get someone else away.

JessTheUnstill, to random

The NFL really should just push Super Bowl Sunday back one more weekend to be on President's Day Weekend. Then at least some folks wouldn't have to burn a sick day/vacation day/try to go to work with a hangover day

timberwraith, to random avatar

I've seen decades of Democratic politicians taking the pet prejudices of their GOP colleagues and repackaging them as a watered down, "nicer" version that has 33% less hate and vitriol. (Or some fraction thereof.)

I started to get used this shit approach with Bill Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell.", his war on crime bullshit, and his role in gutting the social safety net in the 1990s.

"We're the 33% less hate, less bigotry party of friendlier bigots." is what I expect from the Dem party.


@Greenseer @timberwraith
I'm more inclined to think that more of the Dem's fascism is performative, if only because being fascist implies that you actually have a spine and principles you give a shit about. Most of the Dems will simply drift in whatever direction the wind happens to be blowing today.

JessTheUnstill, to random

"If you REALLY cared about X you would do Y!"

It's such a common statement and implication in this world of ours. And it's utter bullshit. It's people abusing your emotions and using thought terminating clichés to try to force you into action by implying that if you don't do Y, then you don't care about X, and that if you don't care about X, you're a "Bad Person".

But the thing is, life isn't that simple.

Good people can care deeply about X, but come to different conclusions about whether Y is the best way to solve X.

Good people can care deeply about X, but have limited resources, time, attention, and money which prevents them from being able to prioritize Y.

Good people can come to a different conclusion about whether X is a thing that's most deserving of their attention and care right now.

A stranger doesn't get to define who is good or bad. They don't get to hijack your attention about whether their cause is The Most Important Thing to you right now. They don't get to force you to feel shame and guilt because you've already got too much on your plate.

Sure, advocate for the things that matter to you a lot. But reject the fallacy that just because a stranger has dumped guilt and shame in your lap that you have to give a shit.

dangoodin, to random

I'm still trying to understand how a pastime like the NFL (or the MLB or NBA, for that matter) can have such mainstream appeal, and yet be almost 100% male dominated. All male players, all male coaches, all male managers, all male refs, 90% on-camera commentators. And don't even get me started on all the douche bags who shoot off professional grade fireworks and do side shows with their over priced muscle cars because a team they have very little to do with, other than living in the same general region of the country, wins (or loses) a game.


@hacks4pancakes @dangoodin
Could be worse. Us transfems basically can't compete ANYWHERE in ANY pro sport without a shit show happening.

NoraReed, to random

"How do I explain trans people to my kids?" demonstrate right now that you can explain magnets


If your kids can understand Pokémon, they can understand trans people.

Some people have the same name and type their whole lives.

Other people evolve, change names, and change types at some point.

Still others may evolve multiple times in their lives.

It's no big deal, they're all awesome.

@Tattie @NoraReed

MnemosyneSinger, to random

We (liberals and leftists) all agree that this idea of a "migrant invasion" is some white supremacist Nazi shit, right?

If not, HOW???


@holyramenempire @MnemosyneSinger
It never ceases to amaze me just how racist people on the left are. Like they'll basically say in not so many words "we want free healthcare and free housing and free education, but only for the people we like. Everyone else needs to stay out of our country."

JessTheUnstill, to random

Every psych meds' information handout is basically:

This medicine may have the following side effects:
Weight gain
Weight loss
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Panic attack
High heart rate
Low heart rate
Inability to focus

Red_Shirt_Dude, to random avatar

I'm a computer guy, and every time I watch a show that has anything to do with computers I'm always complaining that the writers are full of 💩 💔 (That's not even a real IP address!).
I assume that cops, lawyers, and doctors are the same about cop, lawyer, and doctor shows respectively.

My question is, are there any shows that depict procedure faithfully?

For example, I've watched The Expanse, and I suspect that they run all of the physics by an expert to make the show more realistic.


@defred @Red_Shirt_Dude
Not gonna lie, if I had the chance, I'd put one of my IP addresses on screen and host the mother of all honeypots on it. Just a machine FILLED with malware and fork bombs and zip bombs and whatever else.

BlackAzizAnansi, to random avatar

So is this the year of corporations just dropping all pretense and kicking their employees and customers in the ass?


@holyramenempire @middleclasstool @BlackAzizAnansi
That's why they're actively trying to move us to a system of ignoring the popular will and instituting permanent minority rule.


Yes and no. The USA has always been a political pendulum swinging between the factions of plutocrats wanting to seize total control for the wealthy and powerful vs the populists who want equality and justice for everyone.

Remember, our country's history isn't ONLY that of slaveholders, it also includes that of abolitionists. It's not only the robber barrons, it also includes labor unions. It's not just xenophobic racists, it's also the people who have welcomed immigrants and refugees, and celebrated all the beautiful diversity that they bring to us.

@crankylinuxuser @holyramenempire @middleclasstool @BlackAzizAnansi

JessTheUnstill, to random

Ya know, all the movies and stories about aliens invading the earth with futuristic weapons, enslaving humanity, and stealing all of our planet's natural resources probably hits really differently for indigenous people

JessTheUnstill, to random

While the healthcare industry has many fantastic, dedicated, and devoted people in it, there are WAY too many people who just really get off on the power trip of "I know more than you", "I have power over you, your health, and your independence", "based upon my stereotypes of you, I'm going to assume you're lying or 'crazy' simply because of how you look".


Imagine how different any other service industry would look if it was run like healthcare? You make a reservation at a restaurant, show up on time, have to fill out 15 pages of paperwork about all of your food allergies, your likes, your dislikes, and how you're planning to pay for the food. Finally you're taken to your table where your waiter asks why you're there, fills out some forms on their computer, leaves. Then the chef comes out, asks you again why you're there, what sort of food did you want, nods sagely, writes an order on their pad, and says "Eat that, and pay me to come back here in a few weeks to tell me whether you liked it or not".

So you get up and head out the door, but stop by the cash register on the way out. They take a look at the food order, and say "okay, we don't know how much this is going to cost you, so pay us $20 now, and we'll send you a bill for some amount in the future".

You take your chef's recommendation to a whole different place who just has the kitchen and a different checkout counter. Give them the order for your food, eventually the food comes out, they charge you for the food (a mystery price that changes depending on who you work for), and you finally get to go home and eat it.

Well, the food tastes DISGUSTING. It literally tastes like they deep fried dog shit. So you call the chef to say "what the hell?!? I'm super hungry and you made me eat dog shit!" But you get lost in a phone tree. Finally after an hour, a person answers, who won't let you talk to the chef, but says they'll pass along a message. You give up, and decide you'll just talk to the chef in a few weeks.

The next reservation comes, you go through the whole song and dance AGAIN, get taken to your table, and finally meet the chef again. They ask you how you liked the food, and you say it tasted terrible. They get VERY offended by this, and say they gave you exactly what you needed, and say you must have not eaten ENOUGH of the dog shit, so they're going to increase the size of your portions. Come back and see me in a few weeks.

Tengrain, to random avatar

My friend Fran sent this to me this morning.

Perfect. No notes.


Well, a billionaire could be 3 months from being a millionaire...

davidaugust, to Mexico avatar

Maybe the real convoy was the friends we punched in the face along the way.

#convoy #border #USpol #maga #US #Mexico


They may have been dupes in a grift and a lie, but their inability to use critical thinking and show basic human empathy is literally putting me and mine's lives in danger. I'm saving every ounce of care and sympathy for the VICTIMS of the hatred, not those who are willfully ignorant and tagging along with the crowd of Nazis.

A little life pro tip: if you are at a gathering or function and Nazis show up and are welcomed by the organizers, you're in the Wrong Place.

@katanova @davidaugust

JessTheUnstill, to random

For those who have to use Windows and are sick of all the default Microsoft bloat and crap, give this a shot. It's a PowerShell script that automatically disabled and removes all that garbage for you.

You'll still have to remove your manufacturer's bloat on your own, but at least you won't have to track down all the individual ways to uninstall CandyCrush or whatever.

JessTheUnstill, to random

Corporations shouldn't be allowed to do stock buybacks from pre-tax earnings. The whole point of stock buybacks is to effectively pay dividends to their shareholders by reducing the number of outstanding shares on the market. It's just a tax dodge because actually paying dividends makes the company pay taxes on the profits and the shareholders have to pay taxes on the dividends.

Tax. The. Rich.

JessTheUnstill, to random

One of the worst things about depression is that it's a self reinforcing cycle. In many ways, a lot of the popular "mindfulness" or "yoga" or "touch grass" or "diet and exercise" things about recovering from depression is a correlation, not causation thing which is a reversal of cause and effect. When you're depressed, you CAN'T do the things that help you not be depressed, or at least you can't sustain doing them for long because they drain more energy than they're returning.

It's a lot of feel good "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" nonsense. When you're depressed, even when you try to force yourself to do the endorphin generating activities, your brain is so full of depression juice that it sucks up all the endorphins you might have gotten otherwise. So now you're just even more exhausted from trying to do the thing, and have even more depression juice in your brain because you tried to do the thing and didn't feel any better, which must just be because you're a broken failure.

JessTheUnstill, to random

Infosec. One of those careers where you'll see countless posts of people asking how to get their start in the industry, and from the same exact people 10 years later saying "fuck this industry, I want to go raise goats or alfalfa or whatever".

JessTheUnstill, to random

Last night my parents and I were talking, and they made a statement to the effect of "but the stock market is going up, and everyone has money invested in stocks, so that means it's good for everyone!"

Now my parents are very smart people, conservative, though thankfully left the Republicans after I came out + Trump. So this caught me by a bit of surprise that they were quite that ignorant. I had to walk them through:

  1. A majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and have no stocks or bonds.
  2. Even if they have any money in the stock market, it's likely locked up in retirement accounts and matters very little to their day to day ability to pay for food and rent
  3. Even for middle and upper middle class people with a lot of money in stocks, the percentage of their income in a given year from stocks is going to be a very small fraction of their overall income, such that the difference between a "good year" and a "bad year" in their investment portfolio is tiny in comparison to their wages.

Thus the only people who are able to compound their wealth based upon having a lot invested are those who are ALREADY very wealthy. For everyone else, the stock market is kinda meaningless.

hacks4pancakes, to random

Everyone keeps sending me that news article about the German railway trying to hire a DOS and Windows 3.1 expert. You don’t understand- that is my whole job. That’s literally my normal day to day cybersecurity career.


@cybergibbons @hacks4pancakes
There's probably a very cursed business opportunity out there for people to use FPGAs to recreate all sorts of old hardware that is nearly impossible to buy anymore...

mekkaokereke, to random avatar

Valuable lessons were learned, but not the ones that the mother thought would be learned.🤷🏿‍♂️

  • She learned that millions of Black people haven't been "making it all up" about police mistreatment
  • She learned why US Black folk almost never call the police, for any reason
  • Her son learned that his own mom is not safe. Her lack of understanding of US racism makes her dangerous
  • She's probably going to learn that this does not meet the definition of police misconduct


@jshirley @mekkaokereke
It sucks that cops will show up even if you don't want them to when you're trying to get fire and EMS response ...

It's going to be appropriate to try and get someone emergency medical care ASAP - their lives may be in danger. But if you get cops in a situation, their lives might be in danger too ... It's kinda a damned if you do/don't situation.

I do agree with the Black guy that if the person is conscious, you should ask for their consent first, though.

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