stefan, to fediverse avatar

My data visualization project that lets you explore your connections across the fediverse now supports:

  • Mastodon
  • Friendica
  • Pleroma/Akkoma 🆕
  • Misskey/Calckey 🆕

Try it here:

atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I don't think it's wrong for other Fediverse projects, besides Mastodon, to exist.

Especially since so many of them predate Mastodon.

, which is what is based off, predates Mastodon by two years!

Friendica started in 2010.

GNU Social is even older.

It's wild to me that so many folks believe Mastodon = Fediverse.

Jdreben, to fediverse

Come join me on!

Registrations open to everyone I believe :) Calckey is a cool alternative to #Mastodon.

#Misskey #Fediverse #JoinUs

Linux_Is_Best, to fediverse avatar

Att Fediverse

The flagship instance of Fire Fish is now OFFLINE.

The significance of this event is many of the Fire Fish Developers have previously come forward claiming the lead developer vanished. Unfortunately, the lead developer treated their project as a centralized project, meaning that they were the sole person making decisions, giving no access to accounts or code changes or even donations, despite having a team behind them.

1 of 2

memo, to fediverse German

Es kommt leider wohl genauso, wie ich es befürchtet habe. Die Firefish Basteltruppe scheint mit ihren eigenen Modifikationen und Entwicklungen überfordert zu sein.

Deren eigener ist seit rund zwei Wochen offline, und Firefish-Social, nun ja, wer dort ein Konto hat, kann sicherlich näheres berichten.

Seit über drei Monaten erscheint kein neuer und der zuletzt veröffentlichte Release-Kandidat scheint mir auch nur eine umbenannte zu sein. Zudem hat die Datenbank bei mir die vierfache Größe meiner Misskey-Datenbank 😲

Ich habe mich deshalb entschieden, einen weiteren Misskey-Fork zu installieren — oder

Du findest mich dort unter @memo

Die aktuelle Version sieht in vielen Bereichen noch ganz stark wie aus, aber mir scheint dieser Fork viele der Neuerungen wie die »Reactions«, die für mich mit ein Grund war zu testen, werden wohl Stück für Stück auch dort integriert, die wesentlich besseren Voraussetzungen für eine wirklich funktionierende Instanz zu haben.

Ich werde denjenigen, denen ich bereits auf meiner Firefish-Instanz folge, auch hier erneut folgen.

Ich bin gespannt auf die weiteren Entwicklungen 😀

caos, (edited ) to fediverse German

Hallo Fediverse! Bitte um Rückmeldung + Ergänzungen: Übersichts-Tabelle mit Fediverse-Diensten, Vergleichsdiensten und Funktionen

Ich schreibe einen Artikel über den #FediverseFachtag und in dem Rahmen natürlich auch über das #Fediverse . Zielgruppe sind Leute, die wahrscheinlich zum Großteil noch gar nix vom Fediverse gehört haben.
Dazu bin ich dabei, eine Tabelle zu erstellen, in der einige Fedi-Dienste sowie deren Haupt-/ besondere Funktionen aufgeführt werden sollen.

Das ist der derzeitige Entwurf:

"ähnlich wie..."
Ein Vergleich mit kommerziellen Plattformen ist natürlich immer nur zum Teil passend. Ich kenne auch keinen der kommerziellen Dienste aus eigener Erfahrung, aber für die avisierte Zielgruppe kann so ein Vergleich vielleicht trotzdem eine hilfreiche Orientierung sein. Vielleicht gibt es da aber auch Vergleiche, die passender sind. Einige Dienste (bspw. Medium, Podigee) kannte ich auch noch nicht mal vom Namen her, sondern habe das nur aus ähnlichen Vergleichstabellen übernommen.

Zu den "besonderen Funktionen":
Insbesondere Friendica, Firefish und v.a. Hubzilla haben so viele Funktionen, dass diese im Rahmen der Tabelle nur exemplarisch aufgeführt werden können und die Auswahl ist subjektiv. Hier wäre die Frage, ob das eine passende Auswahl ist, ob besonders wichtige fehlen oder ob andere Funktionen wichtiger oder besonderer sind.

Wenn Ihr also Anregungen oder Ergänzungen habt, gerne her damit! Danke!


#Mastodon #GlitchSoc #Ecko #Firefish #Misskey #Akkoma #Pleroma #Friendica #Hubzilla #Pixelfed #Peertube #Lemmy #kbin #Funkwhale #Castopod #WriteFreely #Plume #WordPress #Bookwyrm #Mobilizon #Gancio #Owncast #AskFedi

darnell, to fediverse avatar

The flagship instance is experiencing growing pains, but is also discouraging residents in (or rather the 🇪🇺) from signing up due to issues.


Too long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 Misskey ( signing up 20,000 new users per day
👉🏾 After consulting lawyers, will now discourage Europeans from signing up
👉🏾 could fill in the vacuum in Europe

atomicpoet, to fediverse

Yes, there's slowdown in sign-ups. My conjecture for why it's happening:

  1. became the hotness and sucked the oxygen out of the room
  2. People are awaiting to see what has to offer
  3. There hasn't been a big Mastodon release in a long, long time -- which dulls curiosity about the product
  4. Growth of has moved more towards *key apps (, , etc.)


liaizon, to bluesky avatar

havent tried it yet (4.99$) but theres an app called SocialHub that supports Mastodon, #Bluesky, Tumblr, Slack, #Misskey, #Pixelfed and #Pleroma

if you try it out please tag me or reply here

atomicpoet, to fediverse

@tyler is a fork of . One feature of Misskey is the ability to show ads.

Unlike Misskey, Calckey gives you the ability to opt out of ads if you don't like them.

By the way, I don't know of any Calckey servers that show ads right now.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse

MFM-enabled emoji animations have given me a "Eureka!" moment over the past few days -- and I think this might be the Fediverse's killer feature.

"But they seem so inconsequential!" some of you might protest.

Yes, but inconsequence often turns into consequence. 140 characters were once considered inconsquential. Ditto photo filters. The same is true for video loops on Vine and TikTok. And yet they all prove to be impactful.

But before I talk further, for those who aren't aware, what is MFM?

MFM stands for Misskey Flavored Markdown. It's a custom flavor of the Markdown syntax tailored specifically for the #Misskey social network platform, but has since been adopted on #Calckey and #Akkoma. And I have no doubt that other server software will plan their own compatibility soon.

MFM extends standard Markdown syntax with additional features and customizations to enhance the user experience. Here's some unique features:

  1. Additional text formatting options, such as font size and color, allowing users to extend customization of text

  2. Flexible syntax for links, quotes, code, and math

  3. Custom emoji support, and animation thereof

It's this last feature that might be the Fediverse's killer feature. Why do I say that?

They are attention grabbing. When someone sees an animated emoji, they cause a post to stand out.

They're also incredibly expressive. More so than mere text-based communication, emojis by themselves convey so much in one character. When you add animation into the mix, they add motion and dynamism, which enables people to express themselves vividly and creatively.

MFM animations invite unique customizations allowing for unique expressions. This fosters a sense of belonging and identity amongst people who share this unique form of art, enabling opportunities for in-jokes and unique community symbols.

They are instantly shareable, which creates buzz and draws more people to the Fediverse.

In my own observations, MFM-enabled emoji animations draw more engagement and reactions which leads to more activity -- as has been the case with

They are novel. While emojis may be available on all platforms, MFM-enabled emojis provide a unique and fresh experience -- attracting even more people who are drawn to this innovative feature.

MFM-enabled emojis result in the decentralized nature of the Fediverse having a more cohesive community. Because they can be shared amongst multiple servers and multiple server software, this gives the Fediverse that's presently not duplicated on Big Social.

This may foster a sense of belonging, building close-knit communities empowered by this unique means of communication. Inevitably, this may attract more newcomers to try their hand at this niche-for-now feature. This will help the Fediverse differentiate itself from the mainstream social media platforms.

But of course, the biggest reason MFM-enabled emoji animations could be the Fediverse's killer feature is simply because of stuff like this:

🌧️ 🌧️⛈️**
🌈 🌈

(Thank you @Stellaluna for this excellent demo.)

Unfortunately, Mastodon does not display MFM-enabled emoji animations. But to really appreciate this demo, visit this link:

atomicpoet, to fediverse avatar

Tech Press don’t understand the , so how can they understand its growth?

To hear them talk, most of them believe that and the Fediverse are one and the the same. Some of them go so far as to call the Fediverse the “Mastodon network”.

Which means that they don’t have a clue about what the Fediverse entails, nor how it has grown.

Case in point: between Jan-May 2023, and its forks grew by 300,000 accounts. No one in the Tech Press reported this.

Okay, perhaps they didn’t know because the bulk of growth happened in Japan. But still, this is fairly important to know since Misskey is now responsible for generating the bulk of Fediverse content. Even so, Tech Press think the Fediverse is about Mastodon.

And now, and are experiencing lots of growth, with both collectively gaining 100,000 users in a week. This is quite a noteworthy event since the is part and parcel of dissension on – a pretty major Big Social platform.

Does the Tech Media report on this? Nope. But again, that’s because they don’t understand the Fediverse nor what it entails.

Then Meta signal that a new project they’re making, (a.k.a., ), will be joining the Fediverse. There’s even screenshots that show this app interacting with remote Fediverse servers.

But instead of reporting about how this will affect the existing Fediverse, press such as the say this is an altogether different social network than Mastodon.

That’s right! Tech Press don’t even realize P92 will be joining the Fediverse – a social network that already exists!

Is this all ridiculous? Yes.

But this is why we have to be forthright about what the Fediverse is, what it entails, and why it all matters.

We, on the Fediverse, must be our own Press.


pfefferle, (edited ) to fediverse German avatar

#firefish and #misskey seem to have problems with the WordPress Plugin. Could be the signature maybe!?! Is there someone who can help me debug this issue?

#followerpower #activitypub #fediverse

mitexleo, (edited ) to fediverse

Do you think instance administrators should contact each other before making any decisions like defederation or suspension of a user account ?

#fedipoll #fediverse #fediban #fediblockmeta #mastodon #pixelfed #calckey #misskey #peertube #lemmy #kbin

ArtBear, to fediverse

The isolated corporate "social" sites we used have competitors here in the #Fediverse but here they all interlock and share communities. A picture to help out our #RedditMigration who may not be yet aware of the wider Fediverse of linked platforms and software.
#Kbin #Lemmy #Threadiverse #Mastodon #Calckey #Friendica #Mobilizon #Pixelfed #Peertube #Owncast #Pleroma #Akkoma #Misskey #WriteFreely #BookWyrm

darnell, to Instagram

Threads by Instagram will launch on July 6th (thanks for the heads up @dansup!) & I noticed Meta collects a lot of data. So much data!

Threads is rumored to adopt ActivityPub later on (in October maybe‽ We will see), but when it joins the Fediverse (if not on launch day), it’s data collection policies will make it easier to convince some (but not all) to migrate over to Misskey, Pixelfed, Mastodon & Pleroma.

Note: Uploading on Misskey as my Mastodon account @darnell is being fixed server side right now.

#Threads #Instagram #Meta #Facebook #Misskey #Pixelfed #Mastodon #Pleroma

mho, to fediverse German

"Calckey heißt jetzt Firefish, … sonst ändert sich nüscht." 😉

Hab die Meldung mal aktualisiert:

Alles was auf Mastodon fehlt: Firefish im Fediverse mit zig Zusatzfunktionen

Die Zahl der Twitter-Alternativen wächst und wächst. Während die meisten das Vorbild ziemlich stark nachbauen, gibt es aber auch Versuche, weiterzudenken.

darnell, to wordpress avatar

I posted about #GDPR on my #WordPress blog (an iPadOS 17 bug ate my post #WriteFreely post! 😱)

👉🏾 GDPR Verses The Fediverse‽ Better Call Saul (The Lawyer)

Too Long; Did Not Read:

👉🏾 According to @RobertJBateman obtaining IP addresses & even usernames (via Federation‽) sans consent could violate #EuropeanUnion 🇪🇺 law 😱
👉🏾 A privacy policy may or may not be enough
👉🏾 If not compliant, I will migrate my #Mastodon, #Misskey & #Pixelfed instances out of #Europe.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse

According to @mastodonusercount, there are now 12 million #Mastodon accounts.

This is good news for the growth of the #Fediverse, but there's a caveat.

Other than on, Mastodon sign-ups are slowing down. In my own estimation, the majority of Mastodon servers aren't experiencing any growth -- and many are losing users too.

At one point, was critical for driving sign-ups amongst many Mastodon servers. But from what numerous admins tell me, sign-ups from there have slowed to a trickle.

With closing down soon, I fear this is a harbinger for more big server shutdowns. That is, unless something is done.

However, Mastodon isn't the entirety of the story.

It looks like *key apps are spurring more user adoption.

#Misskey is now the 2nd most used Fediverse software after Mastodon.

And within a month, #Calckey has nearly doubled in size -- despite the flagship server (which I admin) overcoming a few key challenges.

Of course, the arrival of #Barcelona will change everything. How? I don't entirely know.

But now with 12 million Mastodon accounts, it's time for the next chapter of the Fediverse.

atomicpoet, to fediverse

Didn't think this would happen, but #Lemmy is now the 2nd most popular server software on the #Fediverse and is on the verge of cracking 400,000 accounts.

I'm actually shocked that it blew past #Misskey so quickly because the Misskey migration took three months to hit 300,000 accounts.

With all the drama happening elsewhere on the Fediverse, it important to remember that this is the biggest growth we've experienced in six months!

choyer, to fediverse en-gb

Having second thoughts about my self-hosted instance, it’s just too much of a resource hog for a single user / small instance on a 4 core / 4G vServer if you want to run other stuff ( is live, to be installed!) as well. On the other hand it is very nice that the software is stable, reliable and well designed. So either I need to move to a bigger server or decommission my self-hosted profile and look into other options for micro / macro blogging self-hosting again. I did like but the current version doesn’t install on my properly. Tried and - weren’t my thing, can’t get over the design. I do like and its possibilities but it is a bit clunky at times and I have some doubts if protocols other than the quasi standard have much of a main stream future which kinda could make the additional Friendica features a little islandish. Same applies to which I only start testing. Leaves and which could be good options but not sure about the reliability and gameplan there, I don’t want to tinker every night on my server so probably need to become a little more stable first, seems to have no current version on YunoHost, so need to explore other install options… Any thoughts very welcome! @fediversenews @fediversede

irfan, to mastodon

Important issue, and an interesting discussion has taken place since last year on the side of things. I imagine this issue is also present for and most other services, and I wonder if a fix is already in the works or even rolled out for them?



darnell, to internet avatar

I just realized that @EU_Commission Digital Markets Act (#DMA) could “forcefully persuade” #Meta, #Google, #ByteDance & #Microsoft to embrace #ActivityPub for #Facebook, #Instagram, #YouTube, #TikTok & #LinkedIn over the next six months!


We could witness billions of users joining the #Fediverse soon, which means instance admins on #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Lemmy & #Pixelfed will need to brace themselves & raise funds to handle the pending traffic.

crazy2bike, to fediverse German

Ich werde der ein oder andere Person einen auf meinen ermöglichen und habe dazu eine allgemeinere als meine eigene registriert.

Nun stellt sich noch die Frage nach der richtgen für die .

Gut wäre natürlich etwas, was möglichst und eine verspricht. Da fällt einem natürlich als Erstes ein.

Das gefällt mir aber im Vergleich zu anderen Möglichkeiten weder optisch, noch finde ich die gut.

Derzeit bin ich ja auf unterwegs, aber das scheint den letzen Prognosen zu Folge ein höchstwahrscheinlich totes Pferd zu sein.

als weiteren -Nachfolger teste ich gerade auch, was für mich eine mögliche Alternative zu Firefish ist. Aber auch dieses Projekt ist ja noch sehr frisch und in meinen Augen einfach nicht absehbar, wie dauerhaft das Ganze fortbesteht.

Auf war ich ja auch schon eine Zeit lang unterwegs, aber das ist optisch auch sehr angestaubt und hat bei mir auf dem Server auch datenbanktechnisch rebelliert.

Ich weiß, dass es noch eine ganze Reihe Alternativen gibt, will und kann aber nicht alles durchprobieren.

Daher hoffe ich auf gute Tipps.

Wichtig ist

  • kein, hohes oder einstellbares Zeichenlimit
  • gute Strukturierung und Kategoriesierung von Lesezeichen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Clips)
  • Folgen von und / oder Begriffen (wie bei Firefish und Sharkey mit den Newspickern / Antennen)
  • gutes, ansprechendes und leicht bedienbares responsive Design für die Nutzung auf dem Smartphone (oder volle Unterstützung durch eine App wie bei Mastodon)

Schön wäre

  • Konfigurierbarkeit des Speicherverbrauchs durch die Föderation (was wird wie lange auf dem eigenen Server vorgehalten) wie bei Mastodon
  • automatische Löschung von Beiträgen konfigurierbar wie bei Mastodon
  • hohe Wahscheinlichkeit einer nachhaltigen Weiterentwicklung
  • Moderierte Kontoerstellung wie bei Mastodon

Je länger ich hier schreibe, denke ich, dass Mastodon für sehr vieles davon wohl die richtige Software wäre - will ich aber eigentlich aus Gründen nicht.

oskoo, to fediverse avatar

Hello again , I may need your . So, here's a list of the Fediverse software I'm about to make temporary accounts for to test all the features and differences:

So, did I miss anything noteworthy? Does anyone have any tips or recommendations before I choose a server for any one of these? I'll probably be going for the most popular server on each for improved federation and maintenance.

Note: I'm using right now and Misskey forks are already overrepresented, so that's why it's not included.

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