catrionagold, to coronavirus avatar
hannu_ikonen, to Israel avatar


Bernie Steinberg in the Harvard Crimson:

"Let me speak plainly: It is not antisemitic to demand justice for all Palestinians living in their ancestral lands.

The activists who employ this language, and the politics of liberation, are sincere people; their cause is a legitimate and important movement dissenting against the brutal treatment of Palestinians that has been ongoing for 75 years. "

tsetse, to music German

Nina Simone: "I'll tell you what freedom is to me: no fear. I mean really, no fear!"

FoucPerotin, to cedh avatar

Quand GĂ©rald Darmanin bafoue la loi

Le ministre de l’IntĂ©rieur bafoue l’Etat de droit en affirmant qu’il ne respectera pas une dĂ©cision du Conseil d’Etat, il affirme haut et fort qu’il n’en a rien Ă  faire d’une dĂ©cision de justice et ça ne fait pas scandale. Le garde des Sceaux se tait, l’ElysĂ©e ne dit rien. La majoritĂ©, sans boussole depuis le dĂ©but, dĂ©rive dĂ©sormais Ă  plein tube dans une stupĂ©fiante indiffĂ©rence gĂ©nĂ©rale et laisse celui Ă  qui elle a livrĂ© la charge de diriger la sĂ©curitĂ© du pays s’opposer Ă  l’application d’une dĂ©cision de justice.

VoilĂ  un Ă©dito non pas pour dĂ©fendre un Ouzbek renvoyĂ© dans son pays (quoique ça l’aurait mĂ©ritĂ©) et qui risque d’y ĂȘtre torturĂ©, mais pour dĂ©fendre le droit et l’idĂ©e selon laquelle les premiers Ă  devoir respecter la loi sont les dĂ©tenteurs du pouvoir. Le respect, par les gouvernants, des rĂšgles qui encadrent leur pouvoir, c’est la dĂ©finition de l’Etat de droit dĂ©mocratique. Un Ă©dito pour demander simplement que les droits français (une dĂ©cision du Conseil d’Etat) et europĂ©en (un arrĂȘt de la Cour europĂ©enne des droits de l’homme, ou CEDH) soient respectĂ©s, c’est, semble-t-il, devenu un acte dĂ©raisonnable et une preuve de dĂ©connexion. Dans quel Ă©tat de panique sĂ©curitaire et Ă  quel niveau d’emprise de l’extrĂȘme droite illibĂ©rale sommes-nous pour que des avocats et la presse en soient Ă  demander que le ministre de l’IntĂ©rieur respecte la loi ?

GĂ©rald Darmanin avait prononcĂ© cette phrase proprement insensĂ©e le 13 novembre, qui aurait dĂ» alerter s’agissant d’un ressortissant ouzbek contre lequel ne pesait pourtant aucune charge : «J’ai dĂ©cidĂ© de le renvoyer dans son pays [
] qu’importent les dĂ©cisions des uns et des autres.» L’homme a Ă©tĂ© expulsĂ© alors qu’il est menacĂ©, chez lui, de poursuites pour raisons politiques et qu’il y a dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© torturĂ©. Et alors que la CEDH avait soulignĂ© l’illĂ©galitĂ© de son Ă©ventuelle expulsion. Le Conseil d’Etat est allĂ© encore plus loin en enjoignant l’Etat Ă  faire revenir l’expulsĂ©. MalgrĂ© tout, Darmanin explique qu’il va «tout organiser» pour qu’il «ne puisse pas revenir». On peut admettre qu’un ministre de l’IntĂ©rieur veuille que le taux d’OQTF (obligations de quitter le territoire) rĂ©alisĂ© soit amĂ©liorĂ©, mais la France, en vertu de ses valeurs de base et de sa signature de la Convention europĂ©enne des droits de l’homme, n’expulse pas des ressortissants Ă©trangers qui ont toutes les chances de se faire torturer dans leurs pays. Lucie Simon, l’avocate de l’homme expulsĂ©, tente d’avoir un rendez-vous avec le ministĂšre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres pour voir s’il est au moins possible de s’assurer que son client puisse bĂ©nĂ©ficier d’une quelconque protection contre la torture.

Est-ce qu’au moins les autoritĂ©s françaises s’en soucient ? On n’en sait rien. On est atterrĂ© de constater que, dans une indiffĂ©rence quasi gĂ©nĂ©rale, le ministre de l’IntĂ©rieur peut s’affranchir de deux dĂ©cisions de justice, validant ainsi le discours de l’extrĂȘme droite selon lequel l’Etat de droit, tel qu’il est entendu gĂ©nĂ©ralement dans nos dĂ©mocraties depuis 1945, est un obstacle, une notion nuisible. Il faut sortir les grands mots : en matiĂšre de naufrage moral et politique du macronisme on n’avait jamais atteint de telles profondeurs

Note : Je publie l’intĂ©gralitĂ© de l’édito de Thomas Legrand, ce lundi 18 dĂ©cembre 2023, dans LibĂ©*. Je sais que certains sont contre la publi sur les RS d’articles de la presse payante. Moi, je le fais de temps en temps (pas souvent), quand je pense que c’est important.*

#Darmanin #ThomasLegrand #Liberation #Politique #ConseilDEtat #EtatDeDroit #CEDH

Troll, to random French avatar

Si ca vous intéresse d'avoir un accÚs au Journal #Libération pendant 1 mois gratuitement (sans devoir donner sa carte bleue) vous avez juste besoin d'un e-mail.

Faut rentrer le code: "TWITCH" a la seconde Ă©tape.
C'est offert à l'occasion de la création sur twitch de leur chaßne de stream: "liberationfr"



liberate, to random avatar
hannu_ikonen, to random avatar

Kate Cox is going to become 2024's Dred Scott if she returns to Texas.

That is how retrograde the white dominated fascist states are behaving and legislated in America, almost 200 years after Dred Scott.

A uterus is just reproductive chains to them.

#fascism #misogyny #liberation #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare

nando161, to legal avatar


liberate, to blackfriday avatar
liberate, to DC avatar
iuculano, to ukrainian avatar

As per

have penetrated TV networks in occupied . Their message read: "Send the Ukrainian forces the coordinates of military positions. is coming."

Sophie, to Zines avatar

Hello hello! I’m looking for that carry , and who might be interested in carrying mine!

I work with Screaming Into The Future to make zines on / topics. We work closely with orgs like @mappingtransjoy and @SolidarityHistory to promote and causes.

Our growing collection can be found here:


miaantifanews, (edited ) to random avatar

The day before Miami-Dade schools reopened, hundreds take the streets in Miami marching on the School Board, protesting Desantis' fascist laws of indoctrination.

liberate, to blackfriday avatar
Greenriver, to books

Gene Sharp: From dictatorship to democracy, a guide to nonviolent resistance

#bookstodon #book #reading #christmas #liberation #democracy #dictatorship #politics #bookrecommendation

TheBird, to community avatar

We need to build better communities of care and support, desperately.

With how our society keeps refusing to acknowledge the pandemic (covid levels are so high in my state right now that it's dangerous to go out), it makes existing with other people even harder, and often disabled, marginalized folks like me get left behind. Forgotten, and it shouldn't be that way. It feels like the Left is so caught up with reacting to the Right's evils, that we've forgotten how to build up communities of solidarity and liberation.

We should be engaging in collective community care. We should be building that together and not eating up the isolating consumerist culture that late-stage-capitalism throws at us.

We need more media networks focused on building up communities of care and communities based on liberation. We need more support for our most vulnerable and to build that up for all people. We need to create alternate ways of giving and receiving that does not fall prey to the consumerist demands of capitalism. We need to support alternative ways of being that is focused on care, agency, creativity, cooperation, and liberation.

The right built up a powerhouse with its grassroots initiatives to an alarming extent, and it's how this mess we're in got worse.

Yes, we must tear down the racist, transphobic, xenophobic, ableist, homophobic, colonalist, sexist system -- but we must ALSO build up an alternative. We can do both at the same time. This isn't an either/or, and right now? We desperately need to build up that alternative because things are going to get worse if we don't stop all oil and coal use, if we don't stop the rise of fascism, if we don't stop the genocides. Climate change is currently intensifying the suffering, and those in power are using that intensification to consolidate fascism.

In the "Impossible Community: Realizing Communitarian Anarchism," John P. Clark wrote: "Over the past generation of radical social theory, we have heard a great deal more about the 'microphysics of power' than we have about the microecology of community. The dominance of the former approach is, I think, less a reflection of the inherent superiority of poststructuralist analysis than a symptom of the defensive nature of oppositional culture in our time. A heavy focus on the 'physics' of the system of power, and the depiction of social action in terms of various 'strategies' and 'tactics' shaped largely in reaction to this system betrays a certain level of capitulation to a dominant mechanistic, objectifying order. There has been a widespread assumption -- not only among post modernist and poststructuralist theorists, but also among political activists -- that the historical destiny of opposition is essentially a future of permanent struggle against the system of power. For many, the highest aspirations of oppositional culture seem to lie in small tactical gains within a fundamentally immovable system and in forms of enjoyment and creativity possible through struggles within the vast labyrinth of power."

Here Clark calls out the reactionary politics that the Left has fallen into, where we've lost that sense of community and instead react to the horrors with 'strategy' and tactics' without laying a groundwork of community to support one another through our process of dismantling a harmful system. This reactionary politics views the system as immovable and a fact of life, when it is anything but.

He writes: "The ideology of permanent struggle embodies some important truths about our creative resources in the face of dominations, but unless these truths are placed within a larger, more affirmative problematic, they easily become a recipe for disillusionment and nihilism. Such a larger problematic underlies the microecology of community. This approach undertakes a careful exploration of the nature and possibilities of community at the molecular level of society, and directs our hopes and efforts toward a project of regenerating human society and liberating human creative powers through engagement in that project. It sets out from the assumption that society, no matter how mechanized and objectified it may become, always remains an organic, dynamic, dialectically developing whole, the product of human creative activity in interaction with the natural world of which it is an inseparable part. Society is shaped by human thought, imagination, and transformative activity, and is not least of all, the result of the kind of primary relationships that humans beings enter into with one another."

Here Clark describes how community and the relationships we build with another shapes society. Without community and building relationships with one another, we fall prey to the false idea that liberation is only a struggle against domination -- an oppositional strategy. Except, that's not the full picture. Liberation is never just about a struggle against opposition. Liberation is about creating a community beneficial for all, an alternative to the dominant oppression, as well as a strategy/tactics that dismantle the oppression. It's a multifaceted approach that builds up more than it tears down.

Clark continues: "It has been suggested that the most immediate concern in a renewed radical politics must be the creation of strong, thriving communities of solidarity and liberation. Such a form of community is one that is engaged deeply in the quest for communal freedom..."

Our freedom cannot be realized without community.

He writes: "It is the process of replacing a system of domination of the person and community through force, violence, and coercion with a system of voluntary, mutualistic cooperation. It is the process of replacing the domination of the person and community through exploitation, manipulation, and instrumentalization for the sake of power with a system of personal and communal self-realization. And it is in the process of replacing the domination of the person and community through alienation and objectification with a system based on agency, self-determination, and free self-expression."

He provides a crucial call out on progressives: "The respectable Left long ago decided that this discourse [of liberation] was too dangerous, and decided to label itself and its aims as 'progressive.' It is no secret that 'progressive' was invented in part as a euphemism for 'liberal,' the political orientation that dares not speak its name. But the term has also become a generic label for virtually anything that is vaguely to the Left, or begins to look Left in a political culture increasingly dominated by the Right. Thus, the rise of 'progressivism' has been an eminently regressive development. The abandonment of terms such as 'women's liberation,' 'Black liberation,' and 'gay [LGBT] liberation,' has coincided with the marginalization of the remnants of what were once called 'freedom movements,' and the co-optation of their issues by the dominant political interests. In the end, the discourse of 'freedom' and 'liberty' has largely been conceded to conservatives and right-wing 'libertarians,' with lamentable consequences. The dominance of the negative, individualist concept of freedom as 'being left alone' goes almost unchallenged, while the positive, social concept of freedom as collective agency and participation in many-sided communal self-realization is seldom mentioned. It is in this context that the concept of the communities of solidarity and liberation takes on crucial importance."

This callout is really needed because we have ceded far too much to the right in regards to terms, communities, and approaches to society. If we truly wish to stop the rise of fascism and its subsequent genocides and oppression, then we need to do more than just react to the bad. We need to tear down at the same time we build up our own grassroots communities.

Clark continues: "It is essential that we look for inspiration for the emergence of such communities not only in certain neglected chapters in the long and diverse history of radical and revolutionary movements, but also in contemporary examples of grassroots, community-based social reorganizations across the globe. It is crucial that we understand how the successes of reactionary movements (and most notably those of the religious Right) have resulted in large part from their achievements in community buildings, in grassroots organizations, and in the creation of organizational forms that fulfill primary social needs. We must understand the way in which both successful liberation movements and successful reactionary ones have created small communities that embody a highly articulated set of values, ideas, beliefs, images, symbols, rituals, and practices, and integrated these communities into a large social movement."

Here Clark points out how the Left has neglected to examine the radical and revolutionary movements -- especially those in the Global South -- created a strong, liberatory community in their fight against oppression, and it is how they won those fights. Such as the 'Arabic Spring' that happened a decade or so ago, where strong communities of liberation toppled dictators. It wasn't reactionary politics that did that. It was a strong community built on solidarity and liberation, that provided for one another's primary needs, while also sharing a common foundation that intensifies that sense of belonging and collective care.

This is what we need to be building. This is what the Left desperately needs if we want to defeat the rise of the Fascist Right and their genocidal campaigns. Our foundation of care, solidarity, agency, communal self-realization, creativity, and liberation exists in the communities we build with one another, and provides us with the strength in which to stand up and tear down the systems of harm and oppression.

So let's keep working on building that, okay?

Thanks for reading this essay.

, ,

liberate, to random avatar
MikeDunnAuthor, to history avatar

Today in Labor History December 10, 1861: Nguyễn Trung Trực, along with his militia, sunk the French lorcha L'Esperance. Nguyễn Trung Trực was a fisherman who organized and led a guerilla rebellion against French colonial forces in the Mekong Delta in southern Vietnam in the 1860s. They used snipers to assassinate isolated French soldiers and chased French soldiers around the countryside, attacking military installations that were left undefended. Their intimate knowledge of the territory and their skill in hit-and-run tactics allowed them to inflict substantial casualties on the European troops.

liberate, to blackfriday avatar
hannu_ikonen, to WFH avatar

Work From Home offers impromptu puppy piles, autonomy over my environment, & greater time management devolution to me, instead of to a middle manager.

So, yeah, I wont be going back, ever.

#WFH #Liberation #RTO

liberate, to blackfriday avatar
liberate, to blackfriday avatar
Larchmutz, to random French avatar

L'alternance est prĂȘte.

#liberation révÚle les échanges d'un cabinet noir regroupant des banquiers, des hauts fonctionnaires, des magistrats, des militaires, des cadres de grandes entreprises et des journalistes qui travaillent à l'arrivée au pouvoir de l' #extremedroite

liberate, to blackfriday avatar

Roses are red 💐 Violets are blue 💙Your body is art 🎹 And I want a piece of you!!đŸ”„
art by @Crixtover

#blackartist #blackart #blackwomen #blackhair #blackhairjourney #blacklove #blackjoy #liberation #blackexcellence #selflove #sovereignty #blackhistory #blackfuturity #blackmastodon #blackfediverse #blackfedi #blackfriday #blackhistorymonth

paul_denton, to Israel French avatar

"Coco, ton dessin nous dĂ©peint comme des sauvages. Pourquoi nous humilier? À LibĂ©ration, ils savent trĂšs bien ce qui se passe Ă  Gaza. C’est honteux de publier ça" Le journaliste palestinien Rami Abou Jamous rĂ©agit au dessin de Coco,7157

#Politique #Culture #Caricature #Liberation #Gaza #Israel

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