fabian, to php
@fabian@floss.social avatar

🔖 /kbin is an open source #reddit-like content aggregator and #microblogging platform for the #Fediverse

➡️ https://kbin.pub/

:codeberg: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core
📖 https://kbin.pub/en/docs

#feddit #lemmy #ActivityPub #php #flutter #kbin

maegul, to fediverse
@maegul@hachyderm.io avatar


One of the interesting things I've seen on the fediverse:

blahaj.zone run both a and instance under the same domain/community. (I learnt this by running into @ada on lemmy, who is also @ada on calckey)


I don't know how effective it is in practice, but it sure seems like a great way to foster more diversity and richness in the fediverse experience, especially if some integrations can be built, like mutual ids.

Lack of discussion on beehaw (and lemmy)

First off, I want to say that I love what the people here are doing but I do have a problem. There is never any conversation about posts. There are tons and tons of links shared but most of the time they're just articles that someone found interesting. I never see any true, meaningful discussion the way I do on reddit. Does...

Peter1986C, to random in Lack of discussion on beehaw (and lemmy)

@metaltoilet Let's try replying to this from Calckey instead of from my account on #Beehaw. If that works, I might try to boost it to increase visibility (of Beehaw, or of #Lemmy in general) on Calckey. Maybe that will increase visitors to both. ​:fediverse:​

0x1C3B00DA, to random
0x1C3B00DA avatar

Trying out (https://kbin.social). It's a link aggregator like /reddit/lobsters but also has microblogging support. Lets see if federation works

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I would like to endorse other minor web apps in the , but most of them are full of UI glitches, are incomplete and downright buggy looking odd things.

From my designer point of view and are the only effective ones, because they speak to people who are used to proper visual design language (read: Non-nerds, non-engineers, the regular people and design oriented people).

Things like , , and newer niche apps cause reactions like: "What is this?", they look like back end is fine but nobody is in charge of the design and the UI has no direction whatsoever. It's the general culprit in the programming world: A back end developer thinks everything is fine when we add a CSS framework and that's that.

If we just get the UI right everywhere, we get more people to the . I just wish there was more /design people willing to contribute.

@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

@mitexleo I would like to contribute to many things. But I have limited time and energy, so I just focus on the things that I myself use and are the easiests, to save myself from burning out. Right now the #MastodonBirdUI is my sole focus and perhaps later the #Mastodon CSS/UI in general. #Lemmy is out of scope time/energy-wise for me right now.

I too hope that more excited #CSS people have motivation and time to help, but I'm well aware of the fact that all the good ones are overworked and busy with projects they make money from, me included. But one can hope. :bunhdlurkaww:

atomicpoet, to fediversenews
@atomicpoet@mastodon.social avatar


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  • caos,
    @caos@metalhead.club avatar

    @atomicpoet What is the difference to #Lemmy ?@fediversenews

    paul, to fediverse
    @paul@digitalstuntfactory.com avatar

    I was thinking earlier that it would be pretty cool to have an #ActivityPub-powered app that uses something like the old #WordPress #PostFormats feature that, in turn, supports post formats that other #Fediverse services use.

    For example, the app can post regular posts like this one, structured link posts that work with services like #Lemmy, galleries through @pixelfed and videos through #Peertube.

    Unless #ActivityPub automatically reformats posts based on what they contain when a user of services like these receives them in their feeds? I'm not sure how this works under the metaphorical hood. 🤔

    ParanoidFactoid, to internet
    @ParanoidFactoid@mastodon.social avatar

    Today on the it's been all Bluesky promotion all the time.

    If is promoting you can bet it won't be good for users.

    Also, its terms of service are super onerous:


    @ParanoidFactoid yeah, people better instead of sitting on ... they should quit , I think......free verification, free API access for any project you want (including and ) , so, there's should be no problem at switching.

    Right now, I'm using @trunksapp and pretty happy with it: LOTS of themes (as well as @semaphore does but better!) and Markdown support (does better then @elk ) and many other features that I like and enjoy!..

    No ads, full free, open source, glad be to be here :-)

    strypey, (edited ) to fediverse
    @strypey@mastodon.nzoss.nz avatar

    I wonder if MLS (Messaging Layer Security) would be useful for encrypting Direct Posts in the ?

    @smallcircles@social.coop avatar

    @strypey @hubert

    Just as a FYI.. pointing to the for Group federation, status FINAL:


    Discussion on : https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fep-1b12-group-federation/2724

    The FEP was written and proposed by @nutomic and implemented in .

    participated in the discussion by means of @ClearlyClaire but I do not know the extent to which Mastodon intends to be compatible, and if they will propose FEP's for their partiular Group implementation.

    padraig, to fediverse

    I am always fascinated that I can take a link for a completely different platform (#Lemmy), stick into #Calckey or #Mastodon and have the ability to reply to it, boost it or whatever.

    Like, I have been using #Fediverse services for a few years on and off (Pretty much full-time since November 2022) but those small things make my mind go...


    symfonystation, to fediverse
    @symfonystation@phpc.social avatar

    Enjoy our newest article: You say you want a revolution: help the free, fair, and friendly Fediverse destroy Big Social. https://www.symfonystation.com/Fediverse :fediverse: :mastodon: #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Mastodon #PixelFed #Friendica #PeerTube #FunkWhale #Owncast #Plemora #Lemmy #/kbin #Bookwyrm

    ed, to fediverse in Should separate instances of Lemmy be topic-based? What else, if not?
    @ed@battleangels.net avatar

    @cyclohexane @fediverse IMO Topical instances work best, it helps provide an identity and focus. Visitors to the instance see a local timeline of like minded posts, like minded communities e.g https://mander.xyz/ (Nature/Sci).

    There’s simply not the same tension with feeling the need to post relevant content to a local timeline as there is with Mastodon, because you are sharing directly to communities on connected instances as well.

    And because of the connected nature, instances can be small e.g. a knitting instance with only 10 users, connecting to a motorsport instance connected to lemmy main.

    gnulinux, to fediverse German
    @gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

    Fediverse-Serie - Foundkey: nicht nur Microblogging

    Foundkey ist eine Microblogging-Software, die aber nicht nur Microblogging kann.



    @crafti gnulinux selbst hat ja einen Mastodon-Account @gnulinux, daher ist diese Perspektive sowieso schon vertreten. Aber gerade die (noch) unbekannteren -Projekte vorzustellen ist ja das Ziel unserer Fediverse-Artikelserie !
    Hier sind auch immerhin schon 11 Projekte vorgestellt worden: &
    In Planung sind bereits: &
    Zu allen anderen werden noch Leute gesucht, die einen Artikel dazu schreiben. Vakant sind bspw. noch & . Es sollten Artikel aus der Binnen-Perspektive sein, damit es auch wirklich anschauliche Einblicke gibt. Das kann auch nur ein kleiner, bespielhafter Erfahrungsbericht aus User-Perspektive sein oder auch (wie u.a. jetzt bei dem Foundkey-Artikel) von Leuten, die das Projekt selbst entwickeln oder mitentwickeln und/oder Admin-Erfahrung haben.

    Hier im Podcasts ab ca. Min. 15 werden auch noch mal von @Lioh einige Hintergründe zum Fediverse berichtet, an dem sie auch selbst aktiv mitentwickelt hat (auch sehr aufschlussreich in Bezug auf die aktuellen Zentralisierungs-Tendenzen im Fediverse)

    Für alle Themen und Projekte gilt aber: gnulinux.ch ist ein Community-Projekt, an dem alle eingeladen und aufgerufen sind, mitzuwirken und selbst zu schreiben: gnulinux.ch/mitschreiben
    Je mehr Perspektiven hier eingebracht werden, desto besser! @Kaiteki @caos

    atomicpoet, to random
    @atomicpoet@mastodon.social avatar

    Just got a comment from a fellow chastising me for talking about the Fediverse beyond Mastodon.

    He thinks we’re dropping the ball on Twitter migration by not focusing 100% on Mastodon.

    However, 30% of the Fediverse doesn’t run on Mastodon.

    Some server software, like Friendica, was on the Fediverse 6 years before Mastodon was created.

    Sorry we’re not shutting things down just because Twitter migrants recently showed up.

    @sabret00the@mas.to avatar

    @atomicpoet @oblomov with all that's happening with #Reddit now, we definitely need the focus to be on more than just #mastodon. #Lemmy, #PixelFed and all the others need love too.

    maegul, to fediverse
    @maegul@hachyderm.io avatar


    I notice that you’re cc’ing fuck_cars. But I’m not sure it is working as a group? I had a quick look and couldn’t see this thread on the page or boosted by fuck_cars itself.

    Could it be the case that Lemmy communities don’t really work like other groups but instead require a parent post originating from lemmy?

    Like, can you post to a lemmy community a new post (not comment) from Mastodon?

    informapirata, to fediverse Italian
    @informapirata@mastodon.uno avatar

    Sei un utente Mastodon e vorresti usare i gruppi/forum Friendica e le comunità Lemmy? Allora questa guida fa per te!


    • Come funzionano i #gruppi/forum #Friendica e le comunità #Lemmy
    • Cosa sono queste utenze
    • Cosa rende diversa una comunità Lemmy da un gruppo/forum Friendica?
    • Come scrivere da #Mastodon un messaggio indirizzato a un gruppo/forum o a una comunità
    • Come trovare o creare gruppi/forum Friendica e comunità Lemmy


    ajsadauskas, to fediverse in Lemmy shows how Fediverse-connected message boards can work. So is it time for a Fediverse-connected general purpose message board platform (like phpBB)? Is anyone working on this?
    @ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

    @ajsadauskas Across the internet, there's a host of niche communities on message boards and web forums, using platforms such as phpBB and its various competitors.

    Is there scope to get these communities on the Fediverse?

    Over the past couple of weeks, I've been trying out Lemmy (lemmy.ml ), which is basically a Reddit-like platform on the Fediverse. (For those reading this on Mastodon, this post is actually a reply to a post on Lemmy, meaning you can read it on Lemmy, on Mastodon, or elsewhere!)

    It's shown me that the concept of a Fediverse -connected discussion forum certainly can work.

    So is there scope to either add ActivityPub to any existing message board software platforms?

    Alternatively, is there scope to develop a fediverse-connected general purpose message board platform?

    Is anyone working on it?

    @tchambers @atomicpoet @LemmyDev

    Stark9837, to lemmy
    @Stark9837@techhub.social avatar


    We talk a lot about #Lemmy, but has anyone heard of #Aether? Just found it on @privacytools. I just want to know if anyone has used it and what their experience was like.

    It appears that it is peer-to-peer but uses its own protocol unfortunately and not #ActivityPub.


    informapirata, to fediverse

    La sola idea di inviare un messaggio da Pixelfed per vederselo ricondividere su Lemmy (una piattaforma così diversa) è qualcosa di esaltante!
    Quando si parla di crisi di (crisi, peraltro inventata da blogger disinformati e in cerca di click) ci si dimentica di che cosa sia il e di come i recinti costruiti dalle grandi piattaforme centralizzate stiano per essere spazzati via dalla rete libera, federata e interconnessa!

    smallcircles, to fediverse
    @smallcircles@social.coop avatar

    Hurray, will get support and enter the 🚀

    The folks at have just announced their plan to develop a plugin integration.

    Support will be similar to what is provided by .



    KelsonV, to Pixelfed
    @KelsonV@wandering.shop avatar

    Realized that my tinkering with #GoToSocial, #Takahe, #CalcKey and #Snac2, continuing to use #Pixelfed, #Lemmy and #Bookwyrm, and looking for compatibility problems are part of the same impulse that had me trying out every web browser I could find in the early 2000s and deliberately using Firefox and Opera on Linux as my daily drivers instead of IE on Windows.

    It's a drop in the ocean, but it's my push for interoperability over #monoculture.

    #Fediverse #BrowserWars

    KelsonV, to RSS
    @KelsonV@wandering.shop avatar

    I got tired of forgetting where the / are on various platforms and having to track them down, so I started a list.


    Currently covers deep breath , , , , , & forks, & forks , , , , , and


    Feel free to let me know what I should add to the list (or any corrections I need to make) in a reply to this post!

    ada, to fediverse
    @ada@blahaj.zone avatar

    The more I use different #fediverse apps, the more I feel that we are on the edge of a different future, in the early stages of something that we haven't seen before.

    In the last few months, I've used #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Calckey, #Funkwhale, #lemmy, #Peertube, #Bookwyrm and #Pixelfed. Soon, I'm going to try an install of #kbin. In the not too distant future, we will see #GreatApe bringing more options for video chat to the Fediverse. There are countless more platforms that I haven't had a chance to try.

    The network formed by the interconnections between those apps is the Fediverse; a Federated Universe. Federated, because everything out there is connected with everything else, in one giant network. What I am truly beginning to appreciate is just how real that vision is, and just how disruptive to our future it's going to be. More than a truism, these the fediverse platforms really will allow us to see and interact with nearly anything else out there.

    The platform we use no longer determines the information we can access; it doesn't build walls around us. Instead, what out choice of platform determines, is how we interact with information, rather than determining what information we are able interact with in the first place. The walls in the walled garden haven't so much been torn down, as simply never built.

    I can write a blog post, and someone on Mastodon can reply to it. I can make a group post on lemmy, and someone from Calckey can reply to it. I can see an awesome photo on Pixelfed, bring it in to #Akkoma and boost it for everyone else to see. And then anyone who sees it can interact with it.

    The cross platform interactions are still imperfect. Standards are still being developed, code is still being written and features are still being defined, but the future is right here, we are on the cusp of something new and amazing.

    Of course, this is all old news to someone who has been part of the fediverse for years now, but it feels different now. The momentum is here, we are seeing a shift and I think once we cross that precipice, once we have normalised the cross channel interactions we are starting to develop, it's going to be very hard to go back.

    Honestly, I can't wait.

    crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse German
    @crossgolf_rebel@chaos.social avatar
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