IT Related

janl, avatar
AndiMann, avatar

"10 projects top of mind for #IT leaders today"

Great list via @CIOonline from their annual #CIO survey. Important indicators for investors, vendors, and other leaders.

#AI, #Cybersecurity, #privacy top of mind, ofc.

But what resonates here with you?

davidseidl, avatar

@AndiMann We've got enough major lifts in front of us that a lot of my headspace is on those strategic items: ERP, IAM, and CRM.

We've been leaning into AI at the institutional level, and that'll be a wild ride for IT and for many other industries.

And then Broadcomm acquired VMWare, did exactly what we all hoped they wouldn't, but knew they would, and hit the top of our risk list. So now we'll be working to minimize the risk they're creating.

AnitaEscAltF4, Portuguese avatar

Esse livro, Abolir o Vale do Silício: como libertar a tecnologia do capitalismo; ñ parece ser muito foda?!

“Um inspirador manifesto de memórias…Tecnólogos de todo o mundo estão percebendo que nenhuma quantidade linhas de código pode substituir o engajamento político. As memórias de Liu são um roteiro para essa jornada de transformações.”
— Cory Doctorow, autor de Radicalized e The Internet Con

#livro #livros #politica #TI #IT

AnitaEscAltF4, avatar

Meti a frase na minha bio, foda-se, é mto boa!

"Tecnólogos de todo o mundo estão percebendo que nenhuma quantidade linhas de código pode substituir o engajamento político." — Cory Doctorow, autor de Radicalized e The Internet Con

grincheux, French avatar

Security at its best ! #password #IT

kubikpixel, German avatar

Ranga Yogeshwar über KI und die Medien:

[…] "Im Moment wird der Einsatz von KI in erster Linie von Geschäftsmodellen, Investitionen und Profit getrieben – vom Kapitalismus. KI ist ein Werkzeug unter vielen, um kapitalistische Strukturen zu stärken. Dabei geht es nicht um Gerechtigkeit, Fairness oder Gleichheit, sondern eine Welt der Ungleichheit." […]


#RangaYogeshwar #ki #kapitalismus #it #kunstlicheintelligenz #profit #interview

kubikpixel, (edited ) avatar

🧵 …hach ja, wie schon oben erwähnt: Die #KI ist künstlich aber sicher nicht intelligent. Sie ist da um #Macht auszuüben und die #Schuld beliebig zuzuweisen um als Machthaber als #unschuldig sich zu präsentieren.

»Plötzlich #Hausverbot – Hesichtserkennung erklärte Unschuldige zur Diebin:
Eine Fehlerkennung des #System's #Facewatch sorgte für ein unerfreuliches Erlebnis und zeigt die #Risiken von blindem Vertrauen in #Überwachung's-#Technologie auf«


kubikpixel, avatar

🧵 …auch wenn viele Menschen die KI nicht selbst bewusst nutzen, heißt dies noch lange nicht, dass es keine Auswirkung auf die Menschheit im allgemeinem hat. Dessen Einsatz ist öfters Staatlich kommerziell, siehe oben.

»New AI tools much hyped but not much used, study says:
Very few people are regularly using "much hyped" artificial intelligence products like ChatGPT, a survey suggests.«


#ki #ai #politik #humans #menschen #auswirkungen #influence #politics #uk

HeyItsJamie, avatar

Hey, it's Jamie! New account means a new introduction! 👋

I'm an IT engineer from the United Kingdom. I'm married and have a 4-year-old boy who absolutely runs rings around myself and my wife!

My interests include Tech, TV and Film, Music and Football. I'm a big Liverpool FC fan!

I also have a big interest in gaming, so much so that I have a dedicated account for it here: @EighthLayer.

#Introduction #IT #Tech #TV #Film #Movies #Music #Football #LFC #Gaming #Parenting

ItsMeAlex, avatar

New instance, who dis?

A new #introduction is somewhat mandatory now.

Hey everyone!
My name is Alessandro but you can call me Alex.

I am part of the #TechTribe and work as an #IT architect, but "it's nothing serious".

My pronouns are he/him, I'm married and a crazy cat person wannabe 😆

I love #gaming and have another account dedicated to a gaming community, but this is my personal account. I'm a huge #hiking / #trekking fan, and I love #photography and #cooking.

EighthLayer, avatar

@ItsMeAlex I was considering setting up a personal account on with a similar handle. 😂

redhotcyber, Italian avatar

Allarme Oversharing: Un Ragazzo su Cinque Si Pente di Cosa Ha Pubblicato Online

La ricerca di #Kaspersky Lab sulla sicurezza online dei #bambini ha rivelato tendenze allarmanti. Quasi un bambino su cinque intervistato si è pentito dei contenuti precedentemente pubblicati #online. Queste pubblicazioni riguardavano #informazioni #personali sia sui #bambini stessi che su altre #persone.

#redhotcyber #online #it #ai #hacking #innovation #privacy #cybersecurity #technology #engineering #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity

tiamat271, avatar

Can someone with mad computer skillz tell me if this is legit, or if doing so will open a wormhole to a shady hacker underworld that immediately steals my identity?

(also, if any members of the shady hacker underworld are reading this and tempted to respond, I’ll only believe you if you say “scout’s honor”. Can’t fool me!)

H/T @Lana

cmayes, avatar

@tiamat271 @Lana Yeah, @ernie discovered this parameter and wrote an article about it on the 17th: It's gotten a lot of press...

He's since made a simple website that just tacks on the URL parameter to Google searches:

I have a set of no-AI filter rules for uBlock Origin so I never see that junk in the first place:

ernie, avatar

@cmayes @tiamat271 @Lana Happy to answer any questions. This is not going to give you a virus, I promise, and I even have links to other pages that tell you how to do it.

gyptazy, avatar

Do people ( & )) still care about the country assignment of their & networks used on their servers? Or don’t you mind about it anymore…?

Example: Coming from .de and using a French IP is ok for you?

puppygirlhornypost, avatar

@gyptazy Yes. If you have IPs that are assigned under RIPE and you are announcing them under ARIN's jurisdiction it's a sort of red flag. At least to my net admin friends that I know since there's a lot of prop up VPS companies that buy cheap blocks on RIPE and don't bother "porting" (I don't remember the right term for transferring allocations between RIRs...).

setebos, avatar
membook, Polish avatar
Koziolek, Polish avatar

Koniec Eldoradow w IT nie wiąże się z finansami czy AI. To dużo poważniejszy problem



other fedi admins: Here's my unhinged alt, it has its own name so you can tell us apart.

me: make accounts everywhere using the same name, good luck figuring out which one of us is hinged

#it's-like-wheel-of-fortune #but-the-fortune-is-unhinged

puppygirlhornypost, avatar

@dracoling im hinged on unhinged

raumfahrttutnot, German avatar

"Microsoft 365: Big Brother nach Programm?"

"Clara Fritsch..: „Ein derart komplexes und umfassend zur Überwachung der Beschäftigten geeignetes System wie Microsoft 365 muss natürlich mit einer Betriebsvereinbarung geregelt werden. Das ist im Arbeitsverfassungsgesetz festgeschrieben.“"


#AG #AN #Arbeitnehmer #Bedrohung #BigBrother #Copilot #DSGVO #EDV #FORBA #IT #KI #Microsoft #Microsoft365 #Office365 #Sicherheitslücke #Überwachung

notsle, avatar

the amount of default wifi networks in this neighborhood is too damn high
#wifi #it

JohnJBurnsIII, avatar


I get a lot of different ones - via folks that drive by in their fancy cars.

I don't check often - but if I'm on the porch and traffic is heavy, such that a line of cars backs up (e.g. a train goes by as school lets out) --- I open wi-fi and see what pops up.

So much...


a reply to the first tumblr post by blank0s, which is a screenshot of a series of hashtags from another user named transfem-juice, which read: #it makes me kinda sad when people hate on the uwu catgirl stuff so much #like let people be cringe firstly cause they arent harming anyone #and secondly its often people who are just discovering something huge about themselves and are going through a lot #so what if a bunch of newly discovered transfems are clinging to the uwu anime catgirl thigh highs stereotype #can they not have fun #who are they harming #you rolling your eyes at them isnt reason to bully them for it #if they genuinely like it then so what let them have their fun #god knows we need more trams joy in this horrible fucking age #can we stop policing fun and enjoyment and escapism #sorry about the rant(?) i guess #tbh i wish i held on to the uwu catgirl headpats stuff for longer #sometimes i think about how i grew out of my 'headpat and skirt go spinny phase' before actually like getting either one of them
another reply from mitzo, which contains a screenshot of un-cited hashtags which read: #people are really Really mean towards young trans people. like unbelievably mean #young trans people Need to be allowed to be 'cringe'. cis people are allowed to be 'cringe' when they're young all the time #to have their skirt go spinny or eating sticks and rocks and mud or whatever phases. it's normal #i think it's a given that this kind of thing will be 'unrelatable' to a lot of other trans people especially 'older' trans people #where you've kinda been 'in your gender' so to speak for a while the novelty of that stuff can kinda wear off #but god is 'unrelatable to me personally' the worst thing someone can do? #finding out you're trans is like. a huge fucking deal sometimes! and if some people express that with anime catgirl memes then who cares #(for reference i'm kind of using 'younger' and 'older' to mean 'out for a shorter amount of time' and 'out for a longer amount of time' #often it has something to do with age but not always) #gender
another reply by sapphic-scylla which reads: "And to add to all of this, have you ever actually worn thigh high socks and a skirt? Peak comfort. That and it's worthnoting that a lot, and i mean a LOT, of transfems (and transmascs for the matter) never had the childhood they wanted. I know I especially was brought up in a strict and restrictive household where anything outside the norm eas considered a joke and we were ridiculed for it by family. A lot of trans people don't get to experience the younger ages of gender expression or the carefree existence of not being burdened with the nagging thoughts of wanting to fit in, so telling them they can't is disrespectful especially when they're trying to be their authentic selves. #Don't kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part of you that cringes.

developerjustin, avatar

Big Saturday stuff at the Ferrell house today.

#BackToSchool #WGU #IT

beardedtechguy, avatar

@developerjustin Sounds like a fun day! What you going back to school for?

developerjustin, avatar

@beardedtechguy I started an IT degree about 15 years ago and then dropped out when I took my current job. I’ve had a few false starts over the years but during the pandemic I decided I’m actually going to finish it for good. It’s funny, having worked in marketing and web development for all this time but not actual IT. I was way too confident going into this program because I am learning how little I actually know about hardware and networking 😅

kemotep, avatar

#networkengineer #it #network #NetworkSecurity #cybersecurity

What’s a good appreciation gift for a team member who cracks the case? Today a network admin in our IT team caught an ancient sftp server being abused and shut it down. I’m thinking a 6 pack of craft beer.

What has your team done for people who go above and beyond in finding and stopping incidents?

kemotep, avatar

@Legit_Spaghetti oh man only if I wasn’t also just some random schmuck on the IT team.

I’m the security guy so I want to let my fellow team member know I appreciate him saving our asses by catching an anomaly on the network. Makes a bunch of paperwork and follow up remediation work for me but it was a great catch.

Neblib, avatar

@kemotep @Legit_Spaghetti some organizations have a "this guy did great" cash rewards (with a certain amount usable per employee per year), might be worth asking HR if your org has similar. Also sending a note to their supervisor selling their praise is always awesome too and can help if your org does annual review/performance bonuses/etc . Gift cards sometimes work better than booze unless you know they partake + know their preference, but a six pack is a good idea if they'd like it.

kubikpixel, (edited ) German avatar

Netzpolitischer Abend zum Thema «KI im Journalismus: Wohin geht die Reise?»

📅 Do. 16. Mai 2024
🕖 19:00 Uhr
📍 Karl der Grosse in Zürich / Schweiz

Ich werde heute Abend wieder dort sein und neben dem spannenden Vortrag vom Timo Grossenbacher auch nette Menschen treffen. Wer nicht vor Ort sein kann, kann den Vortrag auch über einen freien Video-Stream auf @c3voc über das Internet verfolgen.

#ki #it #netzpolitik #journalismus #presse #internet #vortrag #zurich @digiges

kubikpixel, avatar

@martinsteiger aber nun auf dem SRF jeder Zeit online hörbar 😃👍

martinsteiger, avatar

@kubikpixel Jep. Gut so!

HonkHase, German avatar

#KRITIS Sektor #IT und #TK

Digitales Scheitern: #Funklochamt am Ende

"Die #Mobilfunkinfrastrukturgesellschaft sollte 5000 #Mobilfunkmasten errichten und den #Funklöcher'n in Deutschland ein Ende bereiten. Vier Jahre später ist das Projekt selbst am Ende – und kein einziger Mast in Betrieb."

kubikpixel, (edited ) German avatar

Leider wird gerne "Der Westen" noch als die -Übermacht gesehen.

»Nordkorea – Wie Kims Elite- zum globalen 'sproblem werden:
ist international isoliert und seine Ressourcen sind begrenzt – doch im 'bereich gehört das Land zur . Dass selbst westliche Großkonzerne nicht sicher vor Kims Cybersoldaten sind, beweist das Regime immer wieder. Experten warnen, dass die kritische westlicher Länder gefährdet ist«


kubikpixel, avatar

🧵…und weshalb bin ich nicht erstaunt, dass die "stabile" Kryptawährung Tornado Cash dabei eine Rolle spielt?!

»Uno-Bericht – Kryptodiebstahl in Milliardenhöhe durch nordkoreanische Hacker vermutet:
Nordkorea ist bettelarm – und leistet sich dennoch ein teures Atomprogramm. Das Geld dafür stammt auch aus digitalen Raubzügen staatlicher Hacker. Die Vereinten Nationen beziffern nun den Schaden.«


#nordkorea #Kryptowahrung #tornado #cyper #cyberangriff #crypto #hacker

kubikpixel, (edited ) German avatar

»Software aus der Schweiz statt Amerika:
Software von Big Tech ist alternativlos? Stimmt nicht, sagt Swiss Made Software und zeigt auf seiner Website mögliche Schweizer Lösungen.«

Abgesehen davon @inside_It, wäre ua Open-Source auch eine Alternative. Obwohl sehr viele dieser Software Kostenlos ist, lässt sich damit durchaus gut Geld verdienen ohne bei 0 anzufangen, wie zB die IT-Konzerne aus der USA.


Toasterson, avatar

@kubikpixel @inside_It Nein das ganze dotnet framework hat nun mehr und mehr azure only services und langsam aber sicher schiebt leute richtung azure fuer das beste und groesste.

kubikpixel, avatar

@Toasterson @inside_It diesbezüglich ist M$ nicht alleine und gewisse OSS Lizenzen sind alles andere als FLOSS / FOSS und deswegen eine vorgetäuschte Offenheit, egal von wem.

stefano, avatar

Putting today's events on the scale, it seems balanced:

Client 1: "The setup you provided on FreeBSD and dedicated hosting outperforms an expensive public Cloud. I'm very satisfied!"

Client 2: "To simplify DevOps, I want to use low-cost, low-quality external service and decommission our servers. Infrastructure costs are too high." (Four physical servers on a low-cost provider with consultancy for management).

And it's only Monday.

ParadeGrotesque, avatar


You win some, you lose some. 😉

metin, avatar

Follow @itnewsbot for the latest IT ne… Wait, what…?

#IT #news #screenshot #fun #funny #humor #humour #LOL

metin, avatar
metin, avatar
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