Does LATAM Airlines use WhatsApp? ##Latam~Whatsapp~FasT~Help · Master Events Calendar (

Yes, LATAM Airlines does utilize WhatsApp for customer support and inquiries. You can reach them at ✅+1 (855) 526 0518 🅾🆁 +1 (855) 526 0518 ✅, where their representatives are available to assist with various queries including booking assistance, flight information, changes, cancellations, and more. Using WhatsApp...

blog, to android avatar

Software I Miss from Earlier Versions of Android

My love of Android waxes and wanes according to how much the software feels like it is fighting me. On a good day, I can flash the OS and install whatever apps I want. On a bad day, I can't remove bloatware and I'm forbidden from changing the internals.

I started using the latest Google version of Android on their Pixel 8 Pro. I say "their" because it never really felt like the device was mine. Google kept popping up and asking me to do things which were clearly in their interest; not mine. There was very little way to remove Google's features. I was beholden to them. Forget that noise! I flashed GrapheneOS and regained some control.

But there are still some things missing from the modern Android experience. Things which I'm sure used to exist on earlier versions, but have since been scrapped or severely restricted.

Here's what they stole from us.

Customised Fonts

I can't remember which version of Android I first had which let me change the font to Comic Sans. But that ability doesn't exist any more - not without rooting your phone and severely monkeying with its internals.

Google's Noto font is, sadly, abandonware. Aside from new Emoji, Google show no interest in putting a modern font stack into Android. So we're left with a fairly dull and incomplete corporate font.

Button Swapping

Android originally had the back button on the right of the screen. Then, in Google's infinite wisdom, it was swapped to the left. Why? Fuck your muscle-memory, I guess?

Nevertheless, Android used to let you swap the order of the on-screen keys. This is not a particularly challenging software requirement - yet seems beyond modern Android.

Call Recording

Google is indecisive on whether call recording should be allowed. It is legal in most parts of the world, and used to be well supported by Android.

Nowadays you have to flash a ROM to get this basic functionality back.

SIP Built-in.

You used to be able to add VoIP / SIP calls to Android for free! But the latest version doesn't let you do that any more.

Custom Ringtones and Vibration Patterns

I'm sure that I used to be able to set a different vibration pattern for different sorts of alerts. But I can't find that functionality anywhere these days. Same for different alert tones for different people.

Task switcher clear-all button

If I want to close all my open apps, I have to go to task switcher then scroll all the way across. It was handy when there was a "close all" button at the bottom of the screen.

Data SIM switcher

I have multiple SIMs. They can both receive calls and texts, but only one can be used for data. There used to be a button I could press to flip between the two. Now I have to go into the settings, and fiddle with a bunch of options. Annoying!

And the rest

What software do you miss the most from old versions of Android?

wyri, to LEGO avatar

Both my wife and I have a #LEGO set with a light kit hooked up to our #gaming #PC's. So that when our PC's are on the light kit in the hooked up set is on. Due to the motherboard during #WoL the #USB ports those sets are hooked into are always supplying power. As a result they would always be turned on. So used #nodered with information from a #ESP presence sensor, and information from the #unifi #switch the PC's are connected to to determine if they are on. When they are off the NIC speed is


wyri, avatar

lowered to 10Mbit instead of the full 2.5Gbit. Used a #AND node in Node Red to get it to work. So now we can just walk out to have dinner and the light kits turn off after a minute of two 🎉 .

NickEast, to books avatar
NickEast, to lotr avatar
Uraael, to random

Have been gifted a £20 Marks and Spencers gift card for saying nice things online about a company I just used. They don't have to know the nice words was me paying them back for jerking them about a bit, I'll just happily accept the gift and move on.

It's going to buy me some nice food; not just any food, wanky M&S food, that drools over the preparation and origin of ingredients.

Because I'm Worth It and Every Little Helps.

#Marks #And #Spencers #NotJustfood #ThisIsYourBrainOnAdverts

NickEast, to hiking avatar

There's nothing like a nice hike in nature, nice views, bird song, fresh air, abandoned buildings, and wordplay graffiti 🤣

@hiking @photography @humour

Faresh, to curatedtumblr in things dogs should not have eaten

But who follows tags such as #the, or #somethingor #and?

Chicken Steak and Zucchini Moussaka (VIDEO) ( Macedonian

Is needed: 500 g of chicken breast 500 g of zucchini 7 eggs 300 g of flour 200 ml of sour cream 200 ml of milk 1 tablespoon of spice oil salt and ground black pepper Preparation: -Cut the zucchini into thin strips lengthwise. Cut the chicken breast into thin steaks and sprinkle with

Southeast European leaders: Russia's war 'greatest threat to European security' (

The leaders of Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine signed a joint declaration in support of Ukraine while denouncing Russian aggression during a summit in Tirana on Feb. 28.

alexlac51, to cymru

Your UK government has been run by the #ToryParty since 2010...

in 14 years of #Tory governance, what has improved?... (please include any #brexit related benefits)

#ScottishIndependence ...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #ScottishRepublic ...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #YouYesYet ...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

#Independence for #Wales...🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿




so true..."sir" starmer... a knight of the realm #and a #Labour "socialist" my arse... we see you...👀

kartoonkrazy, to random

Hello, I'm Chris, or Kartoon (she/her)! kartoonkrazy on tumblr and pretty much everywhere else. I generally have no idea what I'm doing. things I'm into in no particular order

  • Star Trek
  • Discworld
  • Good Omens
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
  • The Old Guard
  • What We Do in the Shadows
  • Hades (video game)

and some non fandom things

  • Writing process
  • Linux
  • Bees‽
  • The Orb〔Unknowable〕
  • ₩』☆≡¥¤¡⁶±】№♣︎¿》

Feel free to chat with me whenever

-you-come-at-me-like-we-are-already-bffs-I-will-respond-in-kind -yes-I-did-accidentally-reblog-the-first-version-of-this-and-then-tried-to-erase-my-crime

NickEast, to lotr avatar
vriska, to random avatar

People who post like this need to go somewhere else

ShaMyouiMo, avatar

@vriska should've used #be #of #and #actually

I started using tiling window managers. What tips do you have? What packages do you use to make yours fully functional? Lost noob needs some guidance...

I decided to dive heads first into window managers and need your input for your guidance. I’m absolutely not a Linux-pro. I basically never use the terminal, just started using Github, and only used Gnome (+ KDE for 1/8th the time) for now....

anamethatisnt, to linux in I started using tiling window managers. What tips do you have? What packages do you use to make yours fully functional? Lost noob needs some guidance...

scrcpy is wonderful. I have some reading apps on my phone but at home I usually use my laptop with scrcpy to read.

I got this in my
#Connect to phone over Wifi and view phone screen.
#Remember to set static DHCP for the phone MAC.
#And to use the same one in the adb connect line.
function phoneconnect(){
sudo adb start-server
adb tcpip 2233
adb connect

NickEast, to lotr avatar

Gandalf and Captain Picard's cozy murder mystery! I AM ALL IN! But who's going to play the grandson? 🤔 😁

@tv @writingprompts

#Cozy #Murder #Mystery #Featruing #Gandalf #And #Captain #Picard
#LotR #StarTrek #Geek #Fun #Humor

viticci, to random avatar

Fun fact: Apple has been working on podcast transcripts for quite some time, going as far back as iOS 13.

In my review, I wrote: "It'll be interesting to see if Apple will ever consider displaying full transcripts in the Podcasts app’s Now Playing screen".

4.5 years later, real-time transcripts are here, and they're very good! As podcast creators, we don't have to do anything; an OS update instantly makes our shows more accessible.



gabboman, to random


#i-found-it-in-the-wafrn-wiki #i-mean-i-googled-taffy-cow #and-i-got-a-link-to-wafrn-wiki #what-the-fuck-this-is-a-joke-that-only-like-25-people-in-the-world-will-get

ajfunk27, to Plants

I like plants

#plants #house-plants #office-plants #colorful #succulents #Monstera #my-polkadot-plant-is-very-dramatic-and-I-love-her-but-man-she's-bitchy


@gabboman I only as of last year really got a green thumb. Even then it's been iffy. I went from like 20 plants to well over 100 now. A lot of them are food bearing but no good pictures right now since they're sleeping for winter. I'm excited tho I got some pepper seedlings I can't wait to harden off when it gets warmer. Need to try and sprout some more stuff here soon too

#idk-why-the-universe-went-woosh-you-are-plant-lady-now #but-it-did #and-I'm-grateful-for-it #it-pretty-much-happened-as-soon-as-my-gf-came-out-as-trans #universe-went-boom-you-are-plant-lesbian-now #tbh-I'll-take-it-universe #I'll-take-it

volpeon, to random

Just make every word a hashtag and you will never have to worry about adding them again ​:neofox_think_woozy:​

NickEast, to DnD avatar

DnD and Buddy Cop crossover movie? Make it so number one... 😁
Also, I want a super happy and supportive secret nerd police captain who keeps giving them their guns and badges back when they try to quit.

@movies @dnd

blog, to ai avatar

Tech Predictions for 2024

Only fools try to predict the future. You can read my predictions for 2023, or dig deep into my archives and rate me on how foolish I am.

So here are my five predictions for 2024

AI Genocide

It is obvious that Large Language Models are based on stolen material. I suspect that a lawsuit will determine that at least one of the major players has to delete all copies of their AI.

They will refuse and claim that AGI / Sentience has been reached with their model (it hasn't) and that destroying it would be akin to genocide (it won't be). We'll probably see a stunt where OpenAI ask ChatGPT to take the stand and try to get it to argue for its life.

Like a shitty episode of Star Trek TNG.

Twitter Collapses

Elon Musk's run for President after Trump is disqualified (yes, I know) means he has less time to deal with Twitter. A renegade band of Twitter engineers quietly builds in ActivityPub support in the hope of salvaging the remains of the userbase. Some Mastodon admins pre-emptively ban the whole server, but most of us are happy to see our old friends again.

BSky tries valiantly with its weird not-quite-crypto protocol, but the momentum will be behind ActivityPub. There will either be an official bridge, or most server will use an unofficial one. Some Mastodon admins pre-emptively ban the whole server, but most of us are happy to see our old friends again.

5G and Gigabit continue not to matter

The Internet is now fast enough. There is nothing meaningful you can do with a gigabit connection at home that can't be done with a 500Mbps connection. Similarly, the max speeds for 5G are irrelevant when you're streaming TV or on a video-call.

But coverage matters. Under pressure from Starlink and OneWeb, the UK begins to build out a proper broadband network. The UK's new Labour government imposes a Universal Service Obligation on fibre providers - or some other trickery - to force them to build out rather than competing over the same set of over-saturated customers.

The same is broadly true of mobile. After the Three/Vodafone merger and the O2/Virgin merger, there will be a greater emphasis on diversifying their mobile networks rather than paying for multiple transceivers to cover an identical area. The coverage may be only 4G - but most people won't care as long as it's good enough for TikTok.

Streaming Goes Back In Time

Yes, Project Kangaroo is back! The streaming giants will coalesce around a "Spotify" sort of model. There's only 24 hours in the day, so there's a limit to the amount of content a person can watch. The people who want to watch endless re-runs of cheap filler like Friends will subsidise those who only watch the latest blockbusters.

Perhaps there will be a "Pay £X to watch this specific show in 4K" or "Stream this series a week early for £Y" but - I hope - studios will realise they're interchangeable to the viewing public.

This open access will also give a creative outlet to weird indie auteurs who can grab a tiny slice of the long tail without selling their souls.

USB-C Cures Cancer

With Apple (reluctantly) embracing USB-C, we'll see even more medical and quasi-medical gadgets being released which can plug into a phone. I don't think we'll see a full-on Tricoder, but plenty of diagnostic tools, ultrasound wands, and urine-analysis devices.

Someone like Theranos (only less fraudulent) will release a crappy plastic gizmo which takes a sample of your saliva and which uses the power of your phone to check for 17 different diseases - including a specific type of cancer.

Maybe the false negative rate will terrible. Probably it will send doctors crazy. There will absolutely be lawsuits abound. But everyone will know someone who's brother's girlfriend's mum used it to save her life.

And for the rest?

The world will get worse. Maybe the politician you like will get elected, but so will a bunch of bastards. Any gains in peace will be offset by other twunt somewhere starting a war to bolster their ego. Any gains we make in cleaning the climate will be undone when some influencer is paid to tell people to fire their guns at communistic solar panels. A butterfly will flap its wings in Tokyo and hurricane will displace a million people. The next pandemic has already started, but no one will want to wear nipple-shields and we'll all die.

Come back in 2025 to see how I did!

pluralistic, to random avatar

There's a reason Reagan declared war on unions before he declared war on everything else - environmental protection, health care, consumer rights, financial regulation. Unions are how working people fight for a better world for all of us. They're how everyday people come together to resist oligarchy, extraction and exploitation.


pluralistic, avatar

If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


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