

Gardening, baking, cooking, video game playing grandma here. šŸ‘‹ I believe in being honorable, compassionate and respectful. ā€œTolerance implies no lack of commitment to oneā€™s own beliefs. Rather it condemns the oppression or persecution of others.ā€ JFK My family (2 and 4-legged) means everything. I believe in democracy. Itā€™s not easy but worth pursuing. Social media has made too many people comfortable with disrespecting one another. Blocking, unfollowing and muting is self-care!

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KayVay, to Bloomscrolling

For the next couple of days weā€™re expecting a lot of rain as another atmospheric river heads our way. By the time itā€™s over, this huge bloom wonā€™t be as pretty anymore so Iā€™ll share it now.
I love the unique striping of this rose, called Neil Diamond.
I didnā€™t imagine them getting this huge which I find amazing.
The scent is wonderful.

msbellows, to random
@msbellows@c.im avatar

Trump's lawyer arguing for additional proceedings in the lower court, and Gorsuch apparently liking the idea.

This case is all and only about delaying the Jan. 6 trial until after the election.


It seems to me that those (better than the rest of us) folks up there can twist any rule, regulation, law in such a way to fit their narrative. Iā€™ve thought that for a long time. There are so many laws so that someone like T**** should never get to power again and yet meanings of those laws are twisted and interpreted in such a way that it doesnā€™t really matter anymore what it says. Itā€™s all about opinions of the higher ups.
Am I bitter? You bet.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Jesse Rodriguez:

#Trump has to be in the courtroom every day for the duration of his criminal trial.

"If you do not show up there will be an arrest," Judge Merchan said. #TrumpTrial


I donā€™t think heā€™ll challenge that order. Deep down inside heā€™s a scared little kid. He boasts and pretends to be a strongman but heā€™s not.
Iā€™m glad he canā€™t run out of the courtroom to whine about everything being so unfair anytime he becomes uncomfortable. He does this when he doesnā€™t like questions in an interview, at some of the other court hearings he didnā€™t really need to be there for, etc. He doesnā€™t like being put on the spot.
He usually runs away and now he canā€™t.

GottaLaff, to darkbrandon
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Iā€™m happy to hammer Republicans. You?

Via Ruth Ben-Ghiat:

Dems, time to hammer Republicans for being upset that Americans have jobs and the economy is strong

Aaron Rupar:

"All of this stuff is by design" -- Bartiromo and company think the strong jobs reports are a conspiracy to keep Biden in office #DarkBrandon #Bidenomics


My gosh, those people. Spin, spin, spin.
I, for one, was glad mtg behaved the way she did as did several other lawfakers and to see Georgie, the Brazilian grifter there. It reminded me once again that this group of people has absolutely no class, no dignity but plenty of vulgarity.
Something I neither associate with nor would vote for as they do not represent my values.
They may be drunk on power right now but we, the people, have power, too!

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

"Donors to No Labels are starting to fear that the third-party group missed its window for launching a much-hyped presidential bid and are questioning whether to make future financial commitments to the organization." https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/04/no-labels-super-tuesday-unity-presidential-ticket-00144518


No shā€¦ucks!

LindaCollins11, to random
@LindaCollins11@mastodon.social avatar

And local elections, if I may point out. Because thatā€™s how it starts. Just look at a few of the loudest loudmouths. They weasel their way in and now compete for who can be the most outrageous while being drunk on the power they think they have.

Teri_Kanefield, to random
@Teri_Kanefield@mastodon.social avatar

Here is Stephanie P. Jones' take on SCOTUS's decision to grant cert in the immunity case.


(She gets annoyed at a few of the influential TV lawyers.)


Oh, this was an excellent article. When the decision came, at first my heart sank but then I told myself to slow down. Thereā€™s always more to it than we know or understand.
Itā€™s because of you, Teri (and now Stephanie) that I have learned to not take every headline at face value.
Wait, donā€™t speculate about things I donā€™t fully understand and get more in depth info.
Iā€™m very thankful. It makes a difference and I feel more educated.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Hell yeah.

Of course, fascists will block.

"Senate Dems have reintroduced John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, landmark bill that would restore and strengthen the Voting Rights Act to protect voters and democracy." #VotingRights #VRA



And for this who STILL havenā€™t made up their mind on who to vote for, I say theyā€™ll never get it!


Itā€™s meh vs absolute evil, lack of integrity, liar of epic proportions, authoritarian wannabe, just plain dumb with huge diseased areas in his brain and so on and so forth. If I keep going, my list will look like Jeff Tiedrichā€™s whoā€™s blog I subscribe to, when he describes the orange menace.
There really should not be any indecision, none.

MissingThePt, to random
@MissingThePt@mastodon.social avatar

In the latest GOP primary, Nikki Haley had more support relative to former President Trump than Pat Buchanan had in the 1992 primaries relative to President George Bush, which was seen at the time as signaling that Bush was a weak candidate. Why thatā€™s bad news for Joe Biden.


Don Henley and Dirty Laundry just came on.
When he sang ā€œKick ā€˜em when theyā€™re up, kick ā€˜em when theyā€™re downā€¦ā€
I thought of this type of scenario.
MSM online or on tv in VERY limited moderation for me

GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Via Anna Bower:

NEW: 's legal team wants Judge McAfee to consider additā€™l evidence as he mulls whether should be disqual. The proposed exhibit incl affidavit from private investig who analyzed N. Wade's cell phone location data

Trump's investigator says phone data shows in 2021 Wade twice arrived late in evening at Willis's then-home in Hapeville & left in early a.m. hours.

Willis & Wade testified that they did not begin dating until 2022, but defense disputes that


Private investigator, huh?šŸ¤”
All the red flags in my head are waving furiously.
Does that make šŸŠ less of a criminal? Iā€™m thinking noā€¦

RickiTarr, to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

I'm gonna be honest y'all, it's felt dark lately, and for good reason, LGBTQ+ rights in the balance, an election coming up, women struggling to get basic Healthcare, mass shootings, SCOTUS, the environment. The list goes on and on, and the media twists everything to sound even worse, or just straight up ignores actual news. But here's the thing, I know a lot of you, and the fact that you exist in the world gives me hope. You care about the future and you want good things, and so do I, and as long as that spark is there, we have hope. So, let's focus on some good today! Share a good headline, some positive news either on a larger scale or just something personal, a nice picture you took, a funny meme or video, whatever made you feel good or at least, gave you a smile. Let's share some joy!


Itā€™s easy to get discouraged with all the awful news out there. Focusing on the positive and enjoying the little things helps to even it out a bit. For me, itā€™s my family, 2 and 4-legged. I also never watch cable news, only our local station once in the evening. That doesnā€™t mean, I donā€™t stay informed. Iā€™m not doing anybody any good if I let anxiety take over.
As much as Iā€™d LOVE to share a little video of my grandson starting to speak šŸ˜, Iā€™m not allowed.
But here's Maya šŸ˜€

maxleibman, to random
@maxleibman@mastodon.social avatar

CDC says, ā€œStay away, foolsā€
Because love rules at the Love Shack


Tin roof, rusted!

cat_news, to Cats
@cat_news@mas.to avatar

We are committed to journalistic integrity at Cat News, so we must report that last night our CEO engaged in some wanton vandalism. Pippin (BC, Canada) chose to throw a mug on the floor, smashing it into many pieces, right in front of the Cat News Editor. We hope he wasnā€™t sending a message.



Can I offer my self-appointed kitchen monitor? Heā€™s quite noisy but effective.



He was actually trying to get away from her because she happened to be exceptionally snuggly that morning. He grumbles because it bothers him.
Iā€™m in the kitchen now and this is them.
Chewie is the shepherd, LeeLoo is the kitty


Photo wouldnā€™t attach šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Try again

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar


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  • KayVay,

    Goodness, what a mess.
    Iā€™ve noticed that so many people skim over posts without actually reading and interpret them in a way that is far from what the author tried to say.
    You could ask ā€˜How are you?ā€™ and people would find all sorts of ways to misread it. If someone is determined to complain about something, they will find it.
    I hope that most replies to your posts are from sensible people (like me šŸ¤­) who appreciate you and learn a thing or two as I have.


    Just the other day I texted something to my dad in our family group. Suddenly I get this long, angry private text from my sister that caught me off guard. She interpreted something I typed wrongly with what I actually said. When I corrected her, she just typed ā€˜Ohā€™
    Happens to the best of us.
    What helps me center myself is my nearly 2-year old grandson.
    I wish I could share some of the videos publically but Iā€™m not allowed which is probably a good thing. Heā€™s starting to talk, omg


    Iā€™ve forgotten a lot but it comes screaming back to me as he develops. The good and the bad, lol.
    They live on the east coast, me on the west. Makes it tough but as much as I despise social media sometimes, I get photos and videos plus a weekly video call so we can ā€˜talkā€™ to each other. Heā€™s the cutest thing on earth but Iā€™m probably biased. šŸ˜‰
    Just like everything else, thereā€™s good and thereā€™s bad. I try to focus on the good as much as possible. Not always easy.


    Iā€™m sure it is. We all have good and bad days. Itā€™s in our nature. As long as we recognize that tomorrow might be better.


    For example, I will never lose hope that I get up one morning and my phone is practically buzzing off the table with the news that šŸŠ has bit the dust šŸ«¢

    rodhilton, to random
    @rodhilton@mastodon.social avatar

    I love that the right-wing/redpill/manosphere thing for so long was obsessed with men being "cucks" meanwhile their poster boy just got his dick ripped off on his own network.

    I'm sure the only reason this even made it to air is that he couldn't pretend it didn't happen due to making such a big deal about doing it during the leadup.




    I saw this on Politico this morning. Pretty accurate, no?

    KayVay, to animals

    Me: Maya, what did you do?!
    Maya: Iā€™m sorry. I donā€™t know how it happened. Iā€™m a princess. I donā€™t roll around in the mud.
    Me: šŸ¤Ø
    Maya: I love youuuuā€¦

    GottaLaff, to random
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    "A low-grade fever of misogyny is infecting an epidemic of young white right-wing men talking nonsense about Taylor Swift

    A more extreme form causes death - as with the paranoid demagoguery poisoning the brain of the Bucks County beheader"

    If @willbunch wrote it, you should read it.Ā© & I thread it. šŸ§µ 1/...



    Pretty sick. They all seem to forget that MOST immigrants are neither, just in general people who fear for their lives.
    They seem to forget that we have many, MANY homegrown criminals ourselves. Maybe not forget but sweep under the rug. I suppose those are at the frontlines in TX. Sure, there are bad apples in any group of humans but most folks are decent, sometimes desperate scapegoats for election purposes in this case.

    GottaLaff, to oregon
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    ā€œ Supreme Court: 10 Republican state senators who staged record-long walkout last year to stall bills on , health care & cannot run for reelection.

    ..upholds sec of stateā€™s decision to disqualify the senators from ballot under voter-approved measure aimed at stopping such boycotts. Measure ..amended state constitution to bar lawmakers from reelection if they have more than 10 unexcused absencesā€



    Yes!! I voted for this measure as did the majority of Oregonians and Iā€™m so thrilled that the ones being affected by it now, lost.
    The thing is, I believe most of us voted for this regardless of what party youā€™re in. So if a democrat would do such a thing, by all means, ban them too.
    The republicans are now playing the victim card.
    My reply to those folks:
    If it applies to you, deal with it. If you canā€™t take it, donā€™t do it!! (Was gonna type all caps but then Iā€™d look like šŸŠ)

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