chemoelectric, to random avatar

The new wall plates, demolded, but not yet hard enough to install.

stib, avatar

@chemoelectric #AltText4You What look like wall plates for switches, next to a couple of silicon molds, and some measuring beakers sitting in a plastic tub. The wall plates have obviously come out of the molds, but look like they are made of brass.

forrestbrazeal, to random avatar

idk why people say funding OSS is difficult

Neblib, (edited ) avatar

@forrestbrazeal #alt4you #alttext4you
A web-comic listing "Bold Ideas For Funding OSS".

The first panel is titled "The Github Star Registry Name a Star After Someone Special" with a person giving a certificate naming star 179063 on tensorflow after "Jessica" presumably to a female appearing "Jessica". "Jesscia" responds "This cost HOW much?" 1/5

RickiTarr, to random avatar

OMG Y'all, I found some of my old Christian Girl writing and I'm cracking up. You can see my terrible handwriting! Feel free to share your own handwriting, it doesn't have to be super embarrassing!

RickiTarr, avatar

#alttext4you hey, I realized after I posted this I didn't add alt, now I'm away from a keyboard, would someone mind?

hellomailo, to privacy French avatar
Clersev, avatar

@hellomailo « l’informatique doit être au service de chaque citoyen (…). Elle ne doit porter atteinte ni à l’identité humaine, ni aux droits de l’homme, ni à la vie privée, ni aux libertés individuelles ou publiques ». Article 1 de la loi du 6 janvier 1978 Informatique et libertés

david_weber, to random French avatar

Une tempête géomagnétique de classe G4 (importante) frappera la Terre. Samedi. Une tempête de la sorte peut faire disjoncter des systèmes électriques ou dégrader des systèmes de navigation par satellite pendant plusieurs heures.

tshirtman, avatar

@david_weber #AltText4You un histogramme intitulé "Estimated Planetary K index (3 hour data)" Démarrant le mardi 9 mai et courant jusqu’au 11 mai a 3:00 GMT. Les valeurs jusqu’au 10 mai à 15h montent doucement de 1 a 3 Kp, puis bondissent à 7.5 puis 8.5 et 9 Kp sur la periode jusqu’au 11 mai à 3:00.

jeffowski, to random avatar
suvidu, avatar

Kids in class sit at their desks and paint pictures titled "Happy mother's day". The teacher points one kid to this title, saying "Happy mothers' day", the apostrophe being after the s.
The kid responds: "I have two mommies. I know where the apostrophe goes."

JustBrogrammer, to running avatar

I really need to come up with a better system than piling up my running clothes in the corner of my closet until I run out.

#RunnersAmIRight #Running #AltText #AltText4You

susankayequinn, to random avatar
maudenificent, avatar

@RustyBertrand @susankayequinn @farah


picture of a freeway, sign pointing straight ahead says “Men”, exit sign says “Bears”. A car labelled “Women” has seen the Bears sign and with a squeal of burning tyre rubber decides to take the exit

exocomics, to random avatar

welcome to the seaside 🌊

RogerBW, avatar

@exocomics #AltText4You
P1: A bird stands on a post. "Hello and welcomt to the seaside. I am your guide, sea bird."
P2: Bird is in a bush next to a fish and chip shop. "This is where you get chips."
P3: Bird is standing on a bench. "This is where you enjoy chips."
P4: Bird is standing on the ground in front of the bench. "This is where you drop chips."
P5: Close-up on Bird. "Thank you and please rate five stars."

alttexthalloffame, to accessibility avatar

A few extra seconds of your time it takes to add a good image description can really improve someone's day.

"To a totally blind person like me it means a lot to have a picture in my mind of your images, especially the animal pics."

"I don't know what it is, but as a blind user it's making me emotional to be able to actually interact with content."

ahimsa_pdx, avatar


I know what you mean about added image descriptions in the replies getting lost. On twitter I used to use quote tweets to add image descriptions.

But quoting posts doesn't work the same way here. So I do a reply with #AltText4You and then try to remember to boost the reply (I've been told that boosting helps?)

Not sure what's best.

#AltText #Blind

dielinke, to random German avatar

Von wegen "Mietenkanzler"! Die Ampel ist ein Totalausfall für bezahlbares Wohnen. An die Miethaie traut sie sich nicht ran. Dafür feiert sie sich für die Verlängerung einer weitgehend wirkungslosen Mietpreisbremse. Wir wollen den Miethaien die Zähne ziehen: mit bundesweiten Mietendeckel, einem Verbot von Indexmieten und dem Entzug der Börsenzulassung von Immobilienkonzernen!


ErikUden, avatar

Bildbeschreibungen der Vier Bilder:

Bild 1: Zu sehen ist ein bösartig gezeichneter Hai im Geschäftsanzug der fies grinst. Darunter steht „Miethaien die Zähne ziehen!” und „So stoppen wir den Mietenwahn und die Nebenkostenexplosion!” Es wird zudem das DIE LINKE Logo gezeigt und der Satz „Gerechtigkeit geht #NurMitLinks

Bild 2: Zu sehen ist der Text „Mithaie in die Schranken weisen! Wir fordern einen bundesweiten Mietendeckel, ein Verbot von Indexmieten und eine staatliche Regulierung der Energiepreise.” Darunter ist ein Bild von einem Protest mit einer Person zu sehen die ein Schild hochhält auf dem steht „Mieten Stopp!”

Bild 3: Vier Bild-Kacheln, dazwischen ein Bild, geschrieben steht: „Gemeinnützig statt marktgetrieben: 50% der Wohnungen in Gemeinnützigkeit!” „Ein gemeinnütziger Wohnungssektor hilft effektiv gegen steigende Mieten.” Darunter ist ein Bild zu sehen welcher zwei goldene Bullen-Statuen stehend auf einem Aktien-Blatt zeigt. Dann der Text „Immobilienkonzernen die Börsenzulassung entziehen!” „Finanzmärkte und Dividenden-Erwartungen müssen als Preistreiber bei den Mieten ausgeschaltet werden.”

Bild 4: Der Text „Wir fordern einen Heizkostennotfallplan der Mieter:Innen vor der Kündigung schützt und einen Härtefallfonds für Energieschulden und Heizkostennachzahlungen.” Darunter ist ein Bild zu sehen von Händen die eine Heizung anfassen. Dann der Text „Soziale Energiepreise: Günstige Sockeltarife bei normalem Verbrauch von Strom und Heizenergie. Wer mehr verbraucht, zahlt mehr.”

Ende der Bildbeschreibung

(Gerne dürft ihr diese Bildbeschreibung kopieren und in die Bilder des Beitrags einfügen)


#AltText #AltText4U #AltText4You #AltTextForYou #NoAltTextNoBoost #UseAltText #AltTextTuesday

dielinke, to random German avatar

Seit Wochen dreht sich die politische Debatte um Kürzungen von Sozialleistungen. Statt darüber zu reden, was uns die Armen kosten, sollten wir endlich darüber reden, was uns die Reichen kosten!
Wir wollen den Superreichtum der Wenigen auf die Breite der Gesellschaft umverteilen. Vermögensteuer jetzt! #TaxTheRich

ErikUden, avatar

@dielinke Bildbeschreibung:

Ein politisches Cartoon mit zwei Abbildungen. Die obere zeigt ein großer Fisch welcher viele einzelne Fische jagd und frisst. Die untere Abbildung zeigt die einzelnen Fische zusammen, nun in einer Formation welche sie aussehen lässt wie ein großer Fisch, wie sie den großen Fisch aus dem ersten Bild jagen. Darunter ist folgender Satz geschrieben „Milliardäre abschaffen! Wohlstand für alle statt Reichtum für wenige”

#AltText #AltText4You #AltText4U

carturo222, to random avatar

Gosh, AI has made the internet useless.

ahimsa_pdx, avatar

Image text:
"Bulletproof birds: Feathered defenses
In the realm of bulletproof animals, birds are often celebrated for their remarkable feathered defenses. Feathers, once thought of solely as tools for flight have evolved into multifunctional structures that provide both protection and insulation. From the armor-like feathers of the ostrich to the impenetrable plumage of the porcupine, birds showcase a diverse range of adaptations that contribute to their survival"


deborahh, to random

Q: do screenreaders generally handle markdown well? Or does it mess up the flow?

#wisdomofcrowds #alttext4me #alttext4you

deborahh, to random

Turnabout's fair play!

#alttext4you Capybara standing on the back of a giant tortoise! 🤭👍

akkebakken_i_helvetes_busk, to random


picture of a furby, above is the caption: I don't have that dog or two wolves inside me I have this

NataliaTheDrowned2, (edited ) to memes in I'm never going back to those malwares ever again

for those who cant access the video

The dark background is used for the meme.
The header says: "Microsoft removes Amazon app store on March 6 2024 and deprecates windows subsystem for android on march 5 2024".
The second line says "Bluestacks, Memu, mumu, Ldplayer, msi app player, nox, game loop". below it is the video of an evil laugh in an anime: in the clip, a man in suit with the red eye is laughing menacingly while the other people around him are watching inside an warehouse building. This implied that the emulators are, quote: laughing menancingly, unquote; because the Android subsystem in Windows is being deprecated.
Note the post-script (shorted as P S) below the video that says: "Linux users, you are safe here, the emus (shorted from "emulators"?) won't run anyway".

tiffanycli, to random avatar

“My medically vulnerable, immunocompromised husband has justifiable concerns about an ongoing viral pandemic that could further disable and traumatize him. How can I get him to, like, not do that?”

ahimsa_pdx, (edited ) avatar

Image description:

Headline from NPR, "Wresting with my husband's fear of getting COVID again. March 11, 2024"

#AltText #AltText4You #COVID #LongCovid

indivisibleteam, to random avatar

There are two very different visions for our country before us.

One path leads to a Democratic trifecta that codifies abortion rights and passes democracy reform. The other path leads to autocracy, vengeance and unimaginable cruelty to the most vulnerable members of our society.

If you can, pitch in to power our work to end Trump’s political career:

ahimsa_pdx, (edited ) avatar

@indivisibleteam Here's a description for the image.

Two columns: left side has "If we win" with a photo of Biden and then a list of his policies, right side has "If Trump wins" with photo of Trump and then a list of his policies.

The full text was too long for this post so see alt text of the attached image for full list of items for both columns.

#USPol #USA #Politics #Biden #Trump #AltText #AltText4You

indivisibleteam, to random avatar

Our Racial Justice Reading List contains dozens of recommendations from our movement. Broaden your understanding and expand your knowledge of racial justice during Black History Month:

ahimsa_pdx, avatar

@indivisibleteam Image text:
"For Indivisibles, by Indivisibles:
A Racial Justice Reading List

  1. Caste: The Origins of our Discontent, by Isabel Wilkerson
  2. The 1619 Project, by Nikole Hannah Jones (et al)
  3. How to be Anti-racist, by Ibram X. Kendi
  4. White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo
  5. The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander

Top 5 most read racial justice books by Indivisibles"

#AltText #AltText4You #AltText4U

igmetallberlin, to random German

...und damit schönes Wochenende!



ErikUden, avatar


Eine Person, welche eine große Pizza mit der Aufschrift „please don't form a union” (bitte formt keine Gewerkschaft) und der Überschrift „corporations be like” (so sind Firmen).

Das zweite Bild zeigt einen Raum an Menschen die Pizza essen sagt „eat their pizza, form a union anyway” (esst ihre Pizza, gründet trotzdem eine Gewerkschaft)

Razor58, to random avatar

I agree

JoBlakely, avatar


Text on white background:
If you’re paying $100 million for Super Bowl ads to convert people to Jesus instead of housing the homeless, you read the wrong book.

skykiss, (edited ) to random avatar

Heard folks are posting the hashtag #BidenExonerated in order to totally ruin MAGA's day, lol.

President Biden fully exonerated in classified documents investigation.

#DoJ: Trump’s case was different from Biden’s because Trump “obstructed justice” after being given chances to return classified documents.

“Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Trump allegedly did the opposite,” the report said. “According to the indictment, Trump not only refused to return the documents for months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it.”

"It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear.


Adventurer, avatar


administration. The exception is former President Trump. (highlight start) It is not our role to assess the criminal charges pending against Mr. Trump, but several material distinctions between Mr. Trump's case and Mr. Biden's are clear. (Highlight end)
Unlike the evidence involving Mr. Biden, the allegations set forth in the indictment of Mr. Trump, if proven, would present serious aggravating facts.

Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it. In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview, and in other ways cooperated with the investigation.

skykiss, (edited ) to random avatar

#TrumpStooge Elise Stefanik hiding from the ‘hostages' on Jan 6 during the #Capitol attack.

Despite photos of her cowering in fear hiding from fellow republicans on January 6, repeatedly refers to the incarcerated insurrectionists as 'hostages.' Elise is actively running a #disinformation campaign on Americans.

#Jan6th #J6 #insurrection

Adventurer, (edited ) avatar


United States Capitol

January 6, 2021

Washington, D.C. - "This is truly a tragic day for America. I fully condemn the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today at the United States Capitol. Americans have a Constitutional right to protest and freedom of speech, but violence in any form is absolutely unacceptable and anti-American. The perpetrators of this un-American violence and destruction must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. My staff and I are safe. We pray that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, their staffs, and all Americans across the country remain safe. Thank you to the United States Capitol Police, all law enforcement, the National Guard, and the bipartisan professional staff of the United States Capitol for protecting the People's House and the American people."

Permalink: /stefanik-statement-violence- united-states-capitol

Adventurer, avatar

Image of Congress ducking and hiding during the invasion by insurrectionists on January 6, 2021 with an arrow pointing to Elise Stefanik.

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