@rolle@mementomori.social avatar



CTO, founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. I do WordPress and open source for a living.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rolle, (edited ) to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

If Facebook and Instagram were to join the Fediverse and you could follow users from that world from your instance, would you do it?

Boosts appreciated. I'd like to know the current consensus of the Fediverse.

rolle, (edited ) to twitter
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Most notable Twitter-like microblogging services 2023

#Twitter #X #Bluesky #Threads #Mastodon #SocialMedia

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Almost everyone who says "Mastodon didn't work for me" on Bluesky seems to have posted only "me me me" stuff for months (if that) on Mastodon, followed about 10-20 people, never replied to anyone and then gave up because "nobody there, it didn't fly".

It seems there is a big misunderstanding how this free and healthy social media works. We are not here for the easy wins, likes, shares and dopamine spikes. We are here because we accept the fact we are not part of the commercial hype machine. We choose natural engagement over spoiling algorithms, we choose conversation and meaning in our social media. At least that is how I see it.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialMedia

rolle, (edited ) to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Why do you like Mastodon (or any open source Fediverse app of your choosing) the most? (You can choose multiple choices)

Boosts appreciated for reach.

#Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I have re-read the magnificent article by @kissane, titled "Mastodon is easy and fun except when it isn’t". On Bluesky, she asked those people who had tried/used Mastodon and bounced off, what had led them to slow down or leave.


tl;dr; reasons why they left Mastodon:

  • Got yelled at, felt bad
  • Couldn’t find people or interests, people didn’t stay
  • Too confusing, too much work, too intimidating
  • Too serious, too boring, anti-fun
  • Complicated high-stakes decisions

"I don’t know if Mastodon can grapple with the complexities of mass scale. Lots of people would prefer it didn’t—staying smaller and lower-profile makes it friendly to amateur experimentation and also a lot safer for people who need to evade various kinds of persecution. But if Mastodon and other fedi projects do take on the mass scale, their developers must consider the needs of people who aren’t already converts. That starts by asking a lot of questions and then listening closely and receptively to the answers you receive."

For many parts I agree. But despite everything, Mastodon/Fediverse is still the best place to be on social media. Let's make this even better. We have the power.

rolle, (edited ) to iPhone
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar
rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I was looking for a reply in a post earlier this year but then found it's gone. This is kinda a downside, I wish old replies could be re-fetched, never thought it's "impossible to undo".

It could work in a way it would backfill the replies once the post is accessed, but tech-wise I understand if it's not possible.

Question for admins: Are you doing something to circumvent this?

rolle, (edited ) to opensource
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Some people say they don't want to join the Fediverse or Mastodon, because they think the UI sucks. As a front end developer, a designer-kind of a person who creates user interfaces, I agree. Most of the web clients on the Fedi are horrendous, even Mastodon by default. There's lots of room for improvement.

We should really focus on how to make it more pleasing to the eye, more modern and more pleasant. This should not be a nerd network, just for geeks to geek out. This is not IRC or BBS.

As long as Mastodon for instance looks like it's designed by a back end engineer, contains font-awesome icons, looks like 2010, and stuff like that, being open and free is not good reason enough for many. I'm not bashing it, Mastodon is not the worst out there, in fact in my honest opinion Mastodon user experience is far better than Akkoma or Calckey for example. It's also more accessible than many modern UIs, for example my visual impaired wife prefers the Vanilla Mastodon UI over my modifications, she has some small tiny improvements of her own like distinguishing the colors in the action buttons as they have no proper contrast in any of the default themes. But that's it. She likes it as it is. So it cannot be that bad. However, it could be better overall.

doesn't mean the product should look like it's created in a basement by a math teacher. For some people Mastodon UX is sufficient (it even is for me, I like it enough and it doesn't prevent me from using it), but it should be WORLD CLASS. I don't say the answer is but it should be something much more modern and minimal than the current default UI. Pixelfed's developer is a designer oriented, Pixelfed is indeed an example of an awesome Fediverse app experience throughout the web and apps. That is how it should be.

Just my 2 cents.

rolle, (edited ) to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Do you consider yourself a nerd? (Definition: a person who is extremely enthusiastic and knowledgeable about a particular subject, especially one of specialist or niche interest)

In this context I’m talking about the word in its positive meaning, it can be tech, board games, movies, etc. It’s usually if you are a problem solver, a thinker, a techie.

They say Mastodon is a niche platform for nerds so I just want to see the numbers. Don’t let this influence your decision. If you think you’re even a slightest bit nerdy, it’s a yes. Otherwise no. Boosts appreciated.

rolle, (edited ) to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Hei suomalaiset Mastodon-käyttäjät! Rakensin julkisen käyttäjälistan, joka perustuu käyttäjien itsensä suostumukseen. Eli listalla on ainoastaan käyttäjiä, jotka haluavat olla listalla.

Seuraan itse tällä hetkellä 1000+ aktiivista suomalaista, mutta meitä on täällä paljon enemmän. Uuden seurattavan löytäminen on välillä hankalaa hajautuksen takia, joten itseäni, vanhoja ja uusia Mastodon-käyttäjiä auttaakseni kasaan listaa nyt yhteen paikkaan.

Jos haluat listalle, ilmoita suoraan vastaamalla tähän julkisesti tai privaatisti, niin pääset listalle.

Lista löytyy osoitteesta https://mementomori.social/suomalaiset-mastodon-kayttajat
Lähdekoodi löytyy GitHubista: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/finnish-mastodon-users

Huom! Saat vähintään tähden/suosikoinnin merkiksi siitä, että sinut on lisätty listaan.

Tätä saa jakaa.

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Onpa ilahduttavaa nähdä, että Twit...eikun siis X:n puolelta on siirtynyt paljon porukkaa tänne Mastodoniin. Lämpimästi tervetuloa! Meitä on täällä paljon. Täällä ei ole suosittelualgoritmeja, mainoksia tai tietojenkalasteluominaisuuksia, jotka oppisivat tykkäilyistäsi tai käytöksestäsi, joten joudut näkemään hieman vaivaa alkuun. Mutta se on hauskaa!

Näin pääset alkuun:

  1. Seuraa paljon porukkaa. Itse suosittelen, että seuraat kaikkia vähänkin kiinnostavia niin saat virrastasi eloisan. Karsit pois sitten myöhemmin niitä, jotka eivät istukaan virtaasi. Kasaamaltani suomalaisten listalta saat heti noin 400 ihmistä tuotua seurattaviisi: https://mementomori.social/suomalaiset-mastodon-kayttajat/

  2. Selaa hashtageja. Hyviä alussa ovat mm. , , jne.

  3. Postaile juttuja matalalla kynnyksellä ja käytä paljon hashtageja.

  4. Muista kuvien ja videoiden alt-tekstit (etenkin, jos kuvassa on tekstiä), ne auttavat sokeita hahmottamaan mitä kuvissa on. Pakollista tämä tietenkään ei ole, saat käyttää Mastodonia miten haluat instanssisi sääntösi puitteissa.

  5. Asenna app. Mastodonia voi käyttää monin eri tavoin, mm. Chrome-selaimella puhelimessasi tai asentamalla sovelluksen. Hyviä appeja Androidille ovat mm. Moshidon, Megadolon ja Tusky. iPhonelle loistavia ovat esim. Mona, Ice Cubes, Ivory tai Mammoth.

  6. Kasaa käyttäjiä listoihin. Itselläni mm. Suomalaiset ja Favs. Näiden avulla isommasta seuraajamäärästä voi karsia itselleen ne tietyt, joita seuraa tiukemmin. Täällä ei tosiaan ole mitään tarjoiltuna, joten tällä tavoin on helppo kehittää "omia algoritmeja".

  7. Jos jatko-optimointi kiinnostaa Mastodonille löytyy läjäpäin erilaisia työkaluja, jopa se Twitteristä tuttu rinkula jossa on oma kupla. Olen kasannut työkaluja tänne: https://mementomori.social/the-mastodon-list

Toivottavasti nautit Mastodonin käytöstä yhtä paljon kuin me muutkin. Mastodonissa parasta on sen "terveellisyys", reaaliaikaisuus, helppous, nopeus ja se että se kehittyy koko ajan. Esim. muokkaustoiminto tuli tammikuussa 2023 ja hashtagit päivityksen loppuun ja laajempi haku elokuussa 2023.


rolle, (edited ) to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

It’s approximately one year since the peak of the enshittification of Twitter and the big Mastodon influx. Let’s ask again: What is your main microblogging platform? Boosts welcome.

#SocialMedia #X #Bluesky #Mastodon #Fediverse

rolle, (edited ) to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

It feels like people are 50%/50% on the search feature on Mastodon and Fediverse in general. Some Fedi software have quite extensive search implemented already in my knowledge. Mastodon barely has any search if you don't count the open text search patch.

What do you think?

Pick one.

I want to see how divided we are on this.

rolle, (edited ) to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

What other (centralized) social medias you are using? (even the slightest)

You can select multiple answers (not on Ivory in case it still has the bug where it picks the one you touch)

Boosts appreciated.

rolle, (edited ) to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I'm thinking of adding list of instances that have enabled via Custom CSS or an option. The list will be available in the repo README.

So, if your instance uses my UI theme for Mastodon, please let me know by replying here:

  • What is your instance or the instance you have user on (URL)?
  • Does your instance have the theme set up via Custom CSS or as Site theme option? (Either "Elephant" or "Mastodon Bird UI" is fine)
  • If you use a Site theme implementation method, is it named "Elephant" or "Mastodon Bird UI"?
  • Is Bird UI default theme or as option for users to choose from?

Thanks! :bunhdheart:

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

During my one year activity on the I've now seen at least four instance admins quitting from being an admin or shutting down their server. Half of these cases were admins being dickheads and the rest of them were mostly about users being dickheads leading admin getting burned out.

Both outcomes are unfortunate, but the latter makes me sad. Why do we have to harass and doxx an admin here for such pseudetical reasons like extensive open text search feature? I don't get humans sometimes.

I repeat: We are not free from toxicity on the Fediverse. Be kind. Make a chance.

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Tosi moni pakenee nyt Mastodonista Blueskyhin. Tai siis silleesti, että Mastodon-tili jää päivittämättä kun siellä höpisee. En minä tuomitse, sanon vaan että: HÖ! :sadblob:

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

How many times you have switched instances?

rolle, to instagramreality
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Constantly hearing ”got tired of Mastodon’s technicalities, Bluesky is simple and amazing”.

How we could design Mastodon to be more simple and have less technical-feel to it? UI is one thing, but that will not cut it all. I have probably said this before, but I am starting to believe no matter what we do we can’t ”win”. The narrative might need to change. 🤷‍♂️

rolle, to bluesky Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

”Se on hirveän vaikea yhtälö kaikille ilmaispalveluille. Massan ylläpito maksaa, mutta jos palvelua yrittää monetisoida, tulee näitä ongelmia, jotka tuhoavat sen idean ja käytettävyyden”, Järvinen pohtii.

”X:ssä on edelleen niitä kultahippuja, joiden takia sitä haluaa käyttää. Bluesky tuntuu samalta kuin Twitter viisi vuotta sitten, siellä on vain vähemmän käyttäjiä. Mastodonissa käyttöönoton kynnys oli erilaisen rakenteen vuoksi aika korkea.”

Tämä on se kuva mitä maalataan. Bluesky parempi ja helppo, Mastodon vaikea.

Talouselämä: Suomalaisia siirtyy nyt uuteen someen: Tällainen on palvelu, johon kaikki eivät pääse https://www.talouselama.fi/uutiset/suomalaisia-siirtyy-nyt-uuteen-someen-tallainen-on-palvelu-johon-kaikki-eivat-paase/a02c0133-4f2a-4df5-b25b-e0ff53c5edc2

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

If we ignore the notion whether it should, what would make the Fediverse or Mastodon easier to approach for the majority of people? Getting rid of tech talk around the platform? Better, world class user interface? Somehow dismantling the whole domain and server structure? Just calling it Mastodon as one service instead of a Mastodon instance with domain, obfuscating it somehow? Just focusing on mastodon.social and ignore the rest? Acting as centralized service on the outside? Making it seamless via features and improvements? Is there any silver bullet?

I am not against the current state of things, on the contrary. Just curious and trying to think outside this box… of instances and other techy stuff. Could it even be easier to comprehend, or do we just have to continue educating people on the matter?

rolle, (edited ) to bluesky
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

For all the people who say ”I had to select a server, it was so complicated to sign up to Mastodon. On Bluesky it was easy” - how are these two different logic-wise? I mean what the hell?

rolle, to iPhone
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

As a tech enthusiast I'm on my way to buy my first iPhone ever. Before doing this I have two questions.

  1. Which iPhone is the best and why? (if you have all the money in the world, what model would you choose now?)

  2. What are the things you DON'T like in your iPhone and how are you coping with them?

Please answer only if you prefer iPhone, I don't need "don't buy an iPhone" or "Device X is better" -replies. I've been using two decades other mobile devices so I kinda know the differences.

rolle, (edited ) to bluesky
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Just noticed Bluesky doesn't ACTUALLY add the alt text in the img itself. This is a big mistake and makes the service very inaccessible.

The text is actually in the very last part of the DOM (Document Object Model) tree... and is triggered via click. So, if the screen reader doesn't support JavaScript same way than for the seeing people, descriptive text is nowhere to be found. Even when it is, it can't be accessed easily.

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

”Mastodon failed.”

No, it did not. Tired of hearing this. According to who? In what?

I’ve seen platforms that ceased to exist over the years. I’ve seen social media companies getting acquired or going bankrupt. I’ve seen entire portals losing their users. The Fediverse keeps growing. How is this failing?

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