@Natanox@chaos.social avatar



"You could speak a thousand tongues and still fail [to understand] if you lack knowledge of another's culture."
Grimoire Weiss, Nier Replicant Ver. 1.224… ❤

Green Humanist. 🍀🖖 Despises tech mega corps with a passion. Repairs shit. Helps people. Ethics > Laws.

#Fedi22 #Privacy #linux #OpenSource #gaming #politics #humanism #anime #yuri #trans #tech #3DPrinting #rust #diy #Godot #RightToRepair #nobot

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

tagesschau, to random German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

CDU-Ministerpräsident Günther für offeneren Umgang mit Linkspartei

Die CDU hatte vereinbart, weder mit der AfD noch der Linkspartei zusammenzuarbeiten. Schleswig-Holsteins Ministerpräsident Günther sagt aber: Die Parteien könne man nicht gleichsetzen. Die Linke stelle keine Gefahr für die Demokratie dar.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/guenther-linke-afd-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#DanielGünther #CDU #LINKE #AfD

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@wonka @Cyb3rrunn3r @tagesschau Die CDU Schleswig-Holstein unter Günther ist ohnehin irgendwie anders. Die machen bisweilen sogar gute Politik ohne den ganzen populistischen Scheiß.

Natanox, to valorant
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

So… apparently #Valorant, or probably rather the #Vanguard "anti-cheat" system, is now taking screenshots of your desktop.

Not the game. Your desktop.

If it is Vanguard then quite a lot of games are now not just Ring 0 malware but openly admit to enact surveillance methods.

You can't make that shit up. And people still install it because apparently nerds are the only ones who still give a shit.
#privacy #security #enshittification #surveillance #dystopia

julienbarnoin, to legal
@julienbarnoin@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

This is some dodgy license shenanigans.

Basically, Synergy (cross-platform keyboard and mouse sharing software) once was a one-time purchase, then moved to a subscription model. They took great pains to specify the new maintenance license did not apply to existing early adopters - see email below.

And then today I get this message saying my license is about to expire !

Is it even legal to pull something like this? In any case it's not a great way to treat early adopters !

#licensing #legal

Screenshot from Synergy software with a pop-up saying: "Your maintenance license expires in 28 days. After your maintenance license expires, you'll still be able to use this version of Synergy, but you'll no longer have access to technical support and software updates. Renew today to continue receiving technical support and updates."

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@jake4480 @julienbarnoin It's a classic bitchmove / #enshittification tactic by companies. Just rename the next update to make it a new product and abandon the old (proprietary) one to effectively get rid of all "lifetime" licensees and force them to buy anew.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar
EU_Commission, to random
@EU_Commission@social.network.europa.eu avatar

The EU is stronger with the 10 countries that joined our Union two decades ago.

Today, we proudly unfurl our Union's flag to celebrate #20YearsTogether.

This is the symbol of our unity, solidarity and prosperity.


@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@EU_Commission Love how you don't give a shit about Brexit in this toot, lol.

kaia, to random
@kaia@brotka.st avatar
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@kaia I. Hate. That. Nonsense. Statement.

thisismissem, to mastodon
@thisismissem@hachyderm.io avatar

”But Mastodon also has [...] a lot on its plate including integration with Threads“

It's lines like this that makes me completely unable to take those calling for a hard fork of Mastodon seriously.

All Mastodon do for Threads is the same they for any fediverse developer having issues federating with them. (And there's certainly limits to that)

Along with perhaps writing more FEPs to standardize behaviour, which benefits everyone


@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@PeterLG @thisismissem This thread doesn't connect to anything for me, what is she talking about? Out of context many things she says (like "you don't want those users anyway, be honest") sound incredibly shitty.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@thisismissem @PeterLG So I assume you're talking about this one. https://privacy.thenexus.today/mastodon-hard-fork/
Will read it in full later.

I see who you're arguing against. Still, Mastodon's decision to strengthen centralization by leading everyone to the same instance isn't something worth defending in my eyes.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@thisismissem @PeterLG Nothing speaks against a simple registry assistant, however it doesn't have to be just one server either. Users could literally be asked about their hobbies once with known good instances being automatically picked by your choice. Instead now the existence of the "official Mastodon" as well as "those others" is communicated, which is just awful and not in the spirit of the Fedi at all.

Bundesregierung, to random German
@Bundesregierung@social.bund.de avatar

Menschen können aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen ihre Wohnung verlieren – zum Beispiel durch Mietschulden, Arbeitslosigkeit oder Krankheit. Jede und jeder sollte die Chance auf eine sichere Unterkunft haben.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@Bundesregierung Schafft zusätzlich ein Grundrecht auf wohnen wie unsere nordischen Nachbarn. Ansonsten wirds immer jene geben die komplett abgehängt wurden.

mina, (edited ) to random
@mina@berlin.social avatar

Does anybody know a PeerTube instance which does accept registrations and uploads?

I'd be willing to pay a few Euros.

Or a really cheap web hoster, where I could install my own?

The instance, I was using has apparently gone away.

Update: The instance, I was using was only temporarily down and is back up. So: no urgency.

In the long run, I will probably just run my own instance.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@agitatra @mina Just in case it comes up: don't use storage VPS' from Contabo. They might offer a lot, but the effective throughput is abysmal. Your videos would never load properly.

Natanox, to Skyrim
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

"I'm tired of all this shit."

proceeds to disregard physics, putting himself on fire
#Skyrim #gaming

javi, (edited ) to random

offf, this story about how Google made google search into a pile of seagull shit hits me hard:


Around the time of this story, I was living through a similar situation in my work life (on a much smaller scope, of course, WordPress.com first, Tumblr later).

Back in 2019, working on WordPress, I started finding myself, almost weekly, arguing against people who wanted to take the product we were working at and made it worse if that mean they could squeeze 0.1% more revenue from it

The 0.1% figure is not even a random number: I remember this speciffic A/B test on WordPress.com that was declared a success and shipped to 100% of the users because it increased the free-to-paid conversion by 0.1%. Soon after it was released, I found out that as a side effect, it increased the churn of free users by 20 something %,so I called for an urgent rollback and removal of the change. So I was promptly explained that we didn't care about free-users churn, because finance had calculated the average long-term value of the free users to be something like $2 per year, and the increase in conversion was bigger than what we could get from them.

Everything became about growth hacking. Everything became thinly-veiled dark patterns. In our private dev slack channels, we joked that since it was impossible to make it smaller or less conspicuous, the next thing the growth team was going to ask us to do was to make the 'free plan' button flee away from the mouse pointer when the user tried to click it. We kept making our product worse, we kept consciously crippling the cheaper versions so we could force people to move to the more expensive options.

Back then I was the lead of one of the two dev divisions working on WordPress.com, so my job was mainly to discuss what we were going to be doing, when and how. And I was getting drained by a constant state of fight against a constant wave of shit they wanted us to build. So much than by the end of 2020, the CEO quietly told me to follow the growth team plans and shut up or step down.

So I requested to move to tumblr, because I thought the pastures were greener over there. But it was all the same: Adding login walls to what we were pretending to be "the last bastion of the free internet", cramping in embarrasingly obvious money-making schemes disguised as features, and making them silently opt-out instead of opt-in so the less people the possible would deactivate them, having to fend off the pressure from the CEO to make everything algorithmic timelines because, you know, tiktok makes a lot of money and why aren't we, etc etc.

I found myself in a place where building something good that people enjoy using was no longer a priority, but tricking people into generating more money for the company was. And when I looked around me, I could see that happening everywhere else, not only in my company. Experiencing the start of the enshittification years from inside wasn't easy.

And, as in the article, the people who decided to turn the shit-metter up to 200%, have a name, in every case. And these people, no matter if they are called Sundar and Prabhakar or Matt and Mark, are destroying the internet. These people are milllionaires, or billionaries, and are destroying our shared, common spaces to squeeze some extra cash from us.

That's why the fediverse and its principles are important. Because that's how we take back internet from their dirty hands. That's how we make internet resilient against them. That's how we build the commons.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@javi @jamienk I'd have never expected to read about the very thing that made me immediately delete my account there after just creating it (because only then it became clear how much stuff is paid, of course). The amount of shit in 2021 already was staggering.

If I remember correctly the deletion button also was just a small hyperlink text hidden further below somewhere in the profile settings to make the process specifically confusing. 🤔

carnage4life, to random
@carnage4life@mas.to avatar

CEO walks out into the rain and is surprised he gets wet.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@slothrop @carnage4life Perhaps it's projection.

They don't do that much, therefore they can't imagine those they pay too little to do way more than them all day long.

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Was bringt ein Recht auf freie Entfaltung, ein Recht auf freie Mobilität und das Leben wo auch immer man will - was bringt das Recht auf Bildung, wenn man es sich nicht leisten kann?

Wenn die Grundlage unserer Existenz ein Gesetzesbuch ist was viele Rechte allen Menschen zuspricht, doch in dessen Ausführung diese nicht-existent oder mangelhaft umgesetzt werden, haben wir dann wirklich Rechte, oder nur Privilegien die uns jederzeit auch entzogen werden können?

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@md @ErikUden Das beste ist ja das angebliche Recht auf einen Anwalt und faire Verhandlungen. Haha, als ob. 😅 Das gibts nur für Menschen mit Geld. Und wer Macht hat kann die Untersuchungen gegen sich selbst kurzerhand abwürgen. Nennt sich Scholz'en.

kasiandra, to random German
@kasiandra@chaos.social avatar

Oh Wunder, Oh Wunder. Caren Miosga Team hat geantworter und findet, dass Faschismus und Rechtsextremismus eine Position ist. Somit Interpretiere ich daraus, dass Caren Miosga die AfD als gut empfindet und deshalb denen eine Bühne bieten will. Danke @NDR, dass ihr Angriffe auf Menschenleben, Demokratie und Freiheit legitimiert.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@mina @beandev @carenmiosgatalk @SuicideSchaf @kasiandra @bjo @NDR Hier gehts glaube ich nicht um den Markt. Miosga hat Freunde im ÖR, anders kann ich mir nicht erklären wie eine so ungebildete Redaktion welche nicht einmal das Toleranzparadoxon versteht oder kennt dort immer noch Sendeplatz findet.

netzpolitik_feed, to random German
@netzpolitik_feed@chaos.social avatar

Doctolib ist hierzulande die führende Plattform für Online-Arzttermine. Trotz wachsender Kritik von Datenschützer:innen ist das Unternehmen seit Jahren auf Erfolgskurs – und auf bestem Wege, die Datenverarbeitung im Gesundheitswesen von ethischen Prinzipien zu befreien.


@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@leobm @sebsch @netzpolitik_feed Die Totalkatastrophe gilt Deutschlandweit. Und da die Praxen nun via Doctolib auch Faxen muss man beim verweigern der Datenschutzvereinbarung fleißig für jedes Dokument dort hinrennen - wenn die einen überhaupt aufnehmen.

Natanox, to diy
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

Is there some term for ultrabright LEDs? Talking about those you most likely need a cooling solution for, that output 50+ lumen (around 200.000+ mcd) on a tiny surface. Ebay isn't helpful with its search right now. Need something to attach next to the webcam so the OctoPrint cam can actually see stuff. #diy #engineering #3DPrinting

kuketzblog, to random German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

»WhatsApp ist der in Deutschland am häufigsten genutzte Messenger-Dienst«. [...,] Als Bundespresseamt überprüfe man regelmäßig, wie man dem verfassungsrechtlich gebotenen Informationsauftrag gerecht werden könne »und das kann eben nur gelingen, wenn wir uns auch an der tatsächlichen Mediennutzung der Bürgerinnen und Bürger orientieren«.

Wenn man dieser Argumentation folgt, lässt sich vieles als legitim rechtfertigen, trotz bestehender ethischer und rechtlicher Bedenken.


@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@jedie @nerdfall @kuketzblog @Bundesregierung Darüber die Mediatheken in eine Peertube Instanz zu verfrachten wurde schon viel diskutiert so weit ich weiß. Abgelehnt wurde es immer wegen "rechtlicher Bedenken" - aus vmtl. altertümlichen Gründen sollen die Inhalte nur in Deutschland verfügbar sein.

grillchen, to random
@grillchen@brotka.st avatar
@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@grillchen @raccoon … everyone talks about Google and such, but that would also apply to Microsoft (Windows), wouldn't it?

So they try to make it official, huh…

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@grillchen @raccoon Hold up, what about SSL CA's?

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@aZa1905 @grillchen @raccoon Welp, there goes the internet (potentially). We had a good time, mostly. Time to build something new.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@aZa1905 @grillchen @raccoon I don't see a problem. Basically any site I know offers bank transfer or credit card, and for the future the #GNUTaler is on the way.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@aZa1905 @grillchen @raccoon Was a little bit hyperbolic… I'm just pissed.

I think people who're way better educated than me in network tech would have to come up with something new really fast. Until then we're basically fucked.

@Natanox@chaos.social avatar

@aZa1905 @grillchen @raccoon They literally reinstated the EU-US data transfer laws from last time slightly changed despite it being obviously not legal, again (afaik it's currently back at the courts). Because economy, something something.

So yeah, that's that. Don't rely on the EU on that one.

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