@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar



Justice, Human Rights, Kindness. A Brit-Aussie from Brighton now living on Wurundjeri land, Naarm never ceded. Voting YES to Voice.
I love 💕 my husband & children & 🌏, my #dogs, #music, #garden, #chocolate, #reading, #travelling the world, .. and #llamas. I don't tolerate the intolerable so if you're a bigot stay away.

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Godfrey642, to australia
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar


Posting this 👇 again for Australians, as it goes to council in Sydney this week on Weds. Let's get a many signatures as poss 👍🏻

"Sydney councillor Steve Christou has moved to ban childrens' books in Cumberland council libraries talking about same-sex parenting, despite contravening Australian anti-discrimination laws. Christou claims he has widespread support of parents.

Caroline Staples, a local mum and grandmother, has a petition to prove him wrong at Equality Australia.
Please sign ASAP and boost widely to prove Steve Christou wrong."

See Guardian Australia for article. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/08/cumberland-city-council-sydney-steve-christou-same-sex-book-ban

#samesexparents #FamilyActivities #familiesandfamilylife #RainbowFamilies #sydneygayandlesbian #australia #parenting #BookBans #australianews #lgbtqi

Godfrey642, to animals
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Does anyone have any advice at for helping my traumatised dog enjoy his walks more? Two years ago he was attacked by two escaped off-lead Rottweilers when we were out walking. It was terrifying. Now he barks at any dog, any size or breed.

We have tried dog school to desensitise him. Vet gave him anxiety tabs. Vet told us to take him down streets where he's unlikely to meet other dogs (ugly places with no trees or happy smells). We just want him to enjoy being outdoors again.

Godfrey642, to australia
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Same sex parenting.
Sydney councillor Steve Christou has moved to ban childrens' books in Cumberland council libraries talking about same-sex parenting, despite contravening Australian anti-discrimination laws. Christou claims he has widespread support of parents.

Caroline Staples, a local mum and grandmother, has a petition to prove him wrong at Equality Australia.
Please sign ASAP and boost widely to prove Steve Christou wrong.

See Guardian Australia for article. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/article/2024/may/08/cumberland-city-council-sydney-steve-christou-same-sex-book-ban

#samesexparents #sydneygayandlesbian #australia #parenting #BookBans #australianews

Godfrey642, to Israel
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

On the surface it doesn't make sense why Hamas, a small violent terrorist political group, would attack civilians at a music festival of one of the most elite military countries.

However ... Hamas (Sunni) is in bed with Iran (Shiite). An oddity. But Iran will do ANYTHING to undermine Saudi (Sunni) from building closer ties between Saudi+Hamas and Saudi+Israel.

Its always about (1) oil (2) money (3) influence and (4) Saudi trying to stay buddies with the West.
Its also about Iran wanting to stop Saudi, as a big player, making wider peace in the Arab region.

Iran wants a slice of that nice little oil-money pie and wants to stop Saudi. To that end Iran has been in bed with Russia for years. Russia + Iran buy and supply each other with arms, minerals, intelligence and know-how.

Russia as puppeteer has A LOT to gain from war in the ME, by destabilising any relationship that Israel might tentatively initiate with Saudi, by disrupting the flow of oil in the ME (so Russia can sell its own oil) and by pulling US into a ME war, which Biden will avoid at all costs.

Remember Biden has a loyalty to the Israeli citizens but does NOT respect or agree with Netanyahu or how he is running this conflict.

So follow the paper trail.
Hamas is supported by Iran.
Iran is supported by Russia.
Putin is actively disrupting the ME. Putin deflects attention/money/weapons from Ukraine and the Republicans block funding for Ukraine.

Putin takes Ukraine (while the West has taken its eyes off the Ukraine ball) the biggest supplier of grain in the world.
Putin disrupts oil supply in ME and supplies Russian oil to China and any country in the global market who needs it.
Putin threatens stability in Europe via war in Ukraine and conflicts in ME.

Putin is an evil f**ker and MASSIVE problem. Trump/ MAGAs are playing like fools right into his hands.

#israel #iranisrael #iran #trumpmaga #trump2024 #Maga_republicans #maga_morons

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

I'm absolutely terrified of what's going on in USA. The prospect of a criminal being elected, who will further remove citizens' rights and freedoms once he has secured their votes, ignore the constitution and norms of democracy with impunity.

The insanity of the "Christian" far right, with a brainwashed, uneducated support base and elite, monied corporate friends, will lead USA out of NATO and into an alliance with thug leaders around the world.

The free press will be silenced as in Hungary. Voting will become impossible as in China. Corruption will be rife as in India. Retribution will be a norm as in Russia.

NATO will be weakened giving Putin the green light to take Ukraine Moldova Lithuania Estonia and Poland. Any attempt to stop his advance in Europe will be met with a nuclear threat with zero support from an American former ally.

The election in USA is critical: a Trump win will herald in the end of global stability and we non Americans have zero voice to do anything about it.

stevesilberman, to random
@stevesilberman@newsie.social avatar

Exactly this, this all day, this x 1000.

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

From Australia I'm absolutely terrified of what's going on in USA. We have the prospect of a criminal being elected, who will further remove citizens' rights and freedoms once he has secured their votes, ignore the constitution and norms of democracy with impunity.

The insanity of the "Christian" far right, with a brainwashed, uneducated support base and elite, monied corporate friends, will lead USA out of NATO and into an alliance with thug leaders around the world.

The free press will be silenced as in Hungary. Voting will become impossible as in China. Corruption will be rife as in India. Retribution will be a norm as in Russia.

NATO will be weakened giving Putin the green light to take Ukraine Moldova Lithuania Estonia and Poland. Any attempt to stop his advance in Europe will be met with a nuclear threat with zero support from an American former ally.

The election in USA is critical: a Trump win will herald in the end of global stability and we non Americans have zero voice to do anything about it.
Sheer horror.

randahl, to random
@randahl@mastodon.social avatar

This year, Russia has already

— threatened to use nuclear weapons against the west
— put the Estonian Prime Minister on their most wanted list
— gunned down a Russian defector who was living in Spain
— wiretapped the German airforce

Politicians may claim we are not at war with Russia, but clearly Russia is at war with us.

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Yes, yes and yes.
The threat to Macron was revealing and chilling: if you put troops on the ground in Ukraine, it'll go nuclear.

So he can apply that to anything:
If i invade Moldova/ Lithuania/ Estonia/ Finnland/ Poland/ EU and you do anything to stop me, I'll go nuclear.

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

@randahl hahahaha very good Mr F
Let's hope it stays a joke..

pvonhellermannn, to random
@pvonhellermannn@mastodon.green avatar

Hope you enjoy these beautiful buildings and their stories in Burkina Faso as much as I did. These are the kinds of positive, healing stories I crave, I think we all crave so much at the moment amongst all the cruelty: beauty, simplicity, sustainability, justice, from the Global South.


@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

I felt the same when i read this. ✨️

Most things in this consumerist world are either unnecessary, ugly, poorly conceived (for profit not purpose) or all the above.

ajsadauskas, to fuckcars
@ajsadauskas@aus.social avatar

What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?

A recent YouGov survey asked Americans what they think they should be able to get to within a 15-minute walk of their house.

Of these choices, I can currently walk to all of them from my apartment, aside from a university (no biggie, I'm not currently studying, although there is a Tafe within walking distance), a hospital, and a sports arena.

How many can you get to with a 15 minute walk from your house?


@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

@GeorgeCzernuszka @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars
I live in Melbourne suburbs (Australia) and all of these are 15mins walk away except uni, hospital and sports stadium but could get to all of those from the train station 400m away

Godfrey642, to Europe
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

So #Navalny has sadly lost his fight against #Putin the tyrant. That poor guy, may he rest in peace after being poisoned, falsely imprisoned, targeted + misrepresented in the Putin controlled Russian media and made to waste away incarcerated in the far reaches of Siberia.

Hasn't Putin disposed of enough political opponents now? Don't the paper trails all point to him? Seriously. Who can believe anything that comes from that despots mouth ??

More urgent tho: shouldn't we all of us question what is coming from #Trump about supporting Putin, admiring his strong arm tactics? What hold has Putin got over Trump?

And who is funding Hamas? Iran? Belarus? Chechnya? Groups inside democratic nations in EU, Africa, sth America and Asia that are creating chaos domestically ? Who is exerting his influence inside elections ?

We need to start talking about how Putin is spreading chaos around the world to undermine democracy and the voice of the ppl globally. He is a major international problem.

#globalpolitics #UkraineWar #WarOnGaza #trump #europe #RussianAggression #fascism #despotputinmurderer #authoritarianism #globalpolitics #globalchaos

melissabeartrix, to random
@melissabeartrix@aus.social avatar

Wow ... I just had to walk past the coffee shop, coffee & cocoa, in Annandale ... He was out the front slopping his food in his mouth ... And did the sign of the cross at me ... what a disgrace to all religions

So I stopped and calmly said to him "you know doing the sign of the cross like that show you are not religious, and just shows what a disgusting pig you are"

He replies "you're the disgusting one, just look at you"

I walked off laughing at him

Sorry to download this here ... Hugz

Hugz & xXx

@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar



I just googled tolerance quotes in the bible... print these off and give him one every frigging time you see him. Tell him it's for bible study...


@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Heres another one.
I found this all quite difficult as an atheist... 🙄🙄🙄

Godfrey642, to climate
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar
Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Frankly it doesn't matter how many debates, interviews, polling analyses are done. Trump will say hes won in the election next year and any votes for Dems are rigged.

There will be hell in USA that will poison us in the rest of the world bc we are all dependant upon and connected to them.

#usapolitics #trump2024 #TrumpCrime #wearedoomed #globalpolitics #corruption

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

I think #quokkas should rule the world

Godfrey642, to auspol
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

In Australia's Parliament this afternoon (16th Oct) there was a debate around The Water Trigger. The Bill needs to pass bc it is urgently needed to ensure that gas fracking projects don't harm local water resources and the local environment.

In NT two projects are in the final stages of authorisation. Both will poison water in the local communities.

As things stand, Dr Sophie Scamps and Zali Steggall argued boldly that NO Australian citizen should go without safe drinking water because of Fossil Fuel industrial projects. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-10-16/water-trigger-bill-to-close-fracking-loophole-introduced/102982456

Go without water ?
In Australia 2023 ???

Saturday's referendum NO-voters need to realise that the referendum wasnt about division, bc Australia has division and inequality ALREADY .

How about some fracking in Dutton's seat?? God forbid !!!! His supporters would demand a and rightly so.

How many Australians really KNOW anything about First Nations' hardships or how the machinery of White Australia racism really works?

Truth is, like all other globally, they are in the way of the colonising overlords who want to seize land and resources for their own use.

And historically those overlords just needed to "wipe out" those indigenous ppls by any means possible: massacres, displacement, theft, siege, exploitation, disease, death, imprisonment...

The way Australia's First Nations are being treated nowadays is nothing new. They are unheard and invisible and 60% of voters are just fine with that.

Godfrey642, (edited ) to australia
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

So .. Aussies talk all the time about "mateship" and "fair go" and helping ppl when they need support.

But it seems only want "fair go" for ppl like them.

And certainly NOT for

Let's hope sees sense on 14thOct and does the right thing for our communities.

Godfrey642, to australia
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

I cant even begin to think how traumatising it must be for #FirstNations people in #Australia to listen to the verbal garbage coming from #VoteNo and realise the #settlers are STILL making decisions about them and their lives, in the most stone-hearted, cruel ways.

If #VoteYES23Australia doesn't win, AS IT SHOULD, Indigenous Australians will know they are being infantilised, excluded, marginalised, denied a #voice ongoing, over and over again by ppl who don't give a shit about their lands, communities, cultures and history.

Ill be heartbroken.
If #YEStoVOICE loses, we all lose.

#Yes23au #YesToTheVoice #VoicetoParliament #VoteYESAustralia #VoicetoParliament #voicereferendum

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

Saw the Bonnard ystdy that you mentioned a short while back.

I said I thought the India Mahdavi exhibition with the lounge style decor in your photo didn't work.. But went in person ystdy and Its totally different in real life. Stunningly good.

You're right it really pulls it off!
Wondering what they do after with those beautiful rugs 🤔🤔🤔

Godfrey642, to climate
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar
Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

It seems theres a bunch of men getting really upset about #Barbie and calling for a doll boycott. They think the film is full-on #misandry .

Well all i have to say, is ... if they feel "hurt" over a 2 hour movie exploring how men behave towards women, (and have behaved over millennia) then its about time they did some serious reading and had serious discussion about being more adult, more informed and less whiney.


#misogyny #barbiedolls

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

So this is good news, not.
We really don't need this. Just bc he can, doesn't mean he should.

And what the hell is FDA 'on', giving approval?

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

The sooner we have something like this, the better. Our current Australian flag is too connected to British Monarchy and white Australia. Time to move on.

Godfrey642, to random
@Godfrey642@aus.social avatar

It always amazes me that nobody states the obvious: Striking is a LAST ŘESORT.

And its NOT fun.

It feels like you're abandoning your responsibilities which sucks.

And for that you lose money which gives you sleepless nights.

The money stays in the bank of the boss who's ripping you off.

And few ppl ask for your side of the story so it's horrible having to plead for understanding.

Please toot, clap and support ppl on picket lines.
They want safe and fairly paid jobs and to stop the rot, so that tomorrow it isn't YOU.

Tory Party isn't working
#UKStrikes #nhscrisis #RailStrikes #AmbulanceStrikes #nursesstrike #ToriesUnfitToGovern

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