StillIRise1963, to random avatar

"Because the truth be told, White supremacy is not a mental health issue," Jones said on the House floor. "It is about terrorism, and the shooting that happened in Jacksonville, Florida, was not quote-unquote racially motivated. It was racial terrorism, and until we acknowledge that fact, until we act on that fact, it will continue to happen."

'White supremacy is not a mental health issue': Justin Jones scolds GOP after Jacksonville shooting


@StillIRise1963 White or Aryan supremacy ideology is an expression of depraved indifference to & contempt for human life & humanity. As are (mass) shootings.

Guns don't belong into the hands of domestic extremists & terrorists.
Allowing them to purchase & possess guns means facilitating crimes.
No matter how the 2nd Amendment is interpreted.

georgetakei, to random

When government officials lie about vaccine safety, it leads to deadly consequences. Our leaders are supposed to provide accurate, scientifically-backed data. When they fuel anti-fax conspiracies based on pseudo-science, they create vaccine hesitancy, and that leads to greater loss of life.

I’m looking at you, Florida Surgeon General.


@georgetakei 😎 The failure to compel swearing "to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth." as part of everyone's oath of office will always come back to bite the nation's butt — if not corrected!
#DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #Honesty #Sincerity #Loyalty #Community #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,
    RollingStone, to random

    Ohio Republicans are claiming a constitutional amendment protecting abortion rights, which was approved by voters in Tuesday’s election, doesn’t actually do that — and they’re promising to take steps to prevent the legal protection of reproductive freedom in the state.

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias 👏👏👏👏👏 Congratulations!

    "Equality of rights is the first of rights."

    — Charles Sumner, the real Republican today's "Republicans" will never be —

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheUnion #DefendTheConstitution #StandWithHumanity #Freedom #Equality #Community #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #RuleOfLaw #ProsecuteALLRebels #Insurrection

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    Just some of what Republicans want to cut:

    “Cutting housing subsidies for the poor by 33 percent as soaring rents drive a national affordability crisis. Forcing more than 1 million women and children onto the waitlist of a nutritional assistance program for poor mothers with young children. Reducing federal spending on home heating assistance for low-income families by more than 70 percent with energy prices high heading into the winter months.”

    Their average cruelty.


    @TonyStark Damn, do fake "Republicans" have no other fetish but to hate & hurt the weakest of society, like the insurrectionary Confederates used to do?

    #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #DisqualifyTheGOP #14thAmendmentSection2 #Insurrection #DefraudingAmerica #LootingAmerica

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias A slate of 9 supporters of electoral fraud is running for the 3rd-most important office of U.S. government.
    In any normal country you'd call the cops.

    Suppression of voters is an act of insurrection against the authority of the United States & their Constitution, especially the Reconstruction Amendments.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #BanTheGOP #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #Insurrection #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    ProPublica, to Ethics avatar

    It’s Not Personal: Why Clarence Thomas’ Trip to the #Koch Summit Undermines His #Ethics Defense

    Even by Thomas’ own permissive interpretation, the justice’s recently revealed travel to Palm Springs and the Bohemian Grove appear to violate the disclosure law, experts explained.

    #SupremeCourt #SCOTUS #ClarenceThomas #Courts #News


    @asbestos @ProPublica What the hell makes it be asked too much, that "conservatives" seek American unity for free & equal human beings instead of subjugation of those, who disagree with them on conceptions of freedom, equality, self-determination & community/nation?
    Putting everyone & everything in "left" & "right" boxes evidently isn't the way to move the country forward.
    Thankfully President Biden understands the duty of his office to serve & care for all Americans as far as possible, regardless of ideological positions, trenches & opinions.

    #AmericaMoves #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    StillIRise1963, to random avatar

    Has it ever crossed your mind that they're trying to divorce enslavement from race so they can enslave YOU too?🤔


    @StillIRise1963 Yes.
    The number of despotic initiatives having an oppressive nationwide impact, originating from former slaveholder states is strikingly obvious.

    The ex-Confederacy feels emboldened enough to rebel again.
    Confederate war flags inside the Capitol on Jan 6 haven't been the only signs.

    #DefendTheUnion #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #StandWithFreedom #StandWithHumanity #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,
    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias 😎✌ Abraham Lincoln wouldn't be amused witnessing the usurpers of his Republican party bringing forward one fraudulent oppressive anti-voter measure after the other, with no end in sight.
    All this to reverse, what the real Republican Party achieved in the late 1860s/70s.

    It's not only today's "GOP's" alleged "front-runner" that's a fraud, never legitimized by free & fair elections.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias (Ex-) Confederate state passed new, highly gerrymandered congressional & legislative maps as well as a county board of commissioners map.

    Reminder: The states of the defeated Confederacy needed to ratify the Fourteenth & 13th & 15th (Reconstruction) Amendments to regain U.S. congressional representation.

    The other way round, their continued subversion of their own mandatory ratification of the Reconstruction Amendments should strip them of congressional representation again.

    The Fourteenth Amendment's Section 2 might offer a friendly path to remind them of their duties & obligations to strictly abide by the stipulations of the Fifteenth Amendment.

    #RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    Guess I’ll be keeping on with this for the time being until I stop getting thoughtless replies.

    The Left Refuses to See Jewish Suffering:


    @robertnorlyn @TonyStark Peace may have a chance in a Union of Israel & Palestine — freed from terrorists & disciples of hate on dope.

    #Israel #IsraelPalestine #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    ParanoidFactoid, to Marriage avatar

    From The Intellectualist at the hellsite, here's Senator Mike Braun [R-IN] saying he's open to SCOTUS changing settled law and depriving people of equal protection in** mixed racial marriages.**

    Thus allowing states to reimplement old miscegenation laws, or banning so-called mixed ethnic marriages, requiring SCOTUS overturn Loving v Virginia in 1967.

    These are confederate radicals.

    #miscegenation #racism #marriage #politics #USpol #GOP #Republicans #Indianna #confederacy #civilrights

    Senator Mike Braud from Indianna on supporting the right of states to ban mixed marriages, or ethnically mixed relationships.

    BigAngBlack, to random avatar

    ‘The support feels good’: #UAW members embrace Biden and shrug off Trump

    > In Wayne, Michigan, union autoworkers react to #Biden showing up to pledge his support and to #Trump avoiding them


    @BigAngBlack Very likely as unclear as the number of legit "Blacks for Trump".

    #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #AmericaWon #PresidentBiden #TrumpFakes #TrumpLostLOL

    mastomememakers, to Georgia avatar
    dukepaaron, to UnitedKingdom avatar

    "Stephen Fry issued a heartfelt #Christmas message Monday, calling out the surge in #antisemitism in the #UnitedKingdom and encouraging the country’s #Jews to take pride in their heritage — and swiftly sparked a torrent of online trolling and backlash, with many accusing the actor and writer of playing the victim instead of shining light on the plight of #Palestinians in war-torn #Gaza."

    Fry is figuring out he should have kept it a secret. Sorry bud. Welcome to the thunderdome.


    @TonyStark @dukepaaron Besides, after the Brits liberated some former Nazi concentration camps, their disgraceful & telling months-long internment of Jewish former concentration-camp inmates at Bergen-Belsen (, where Anne Frank died) can hardly be interpreted as "protection" of Jewish victims of the Nazis.

    Not all Brits are responsible of the maltreatment of former Jewish concentration camp inmates, just like not all Israelis & Jews can ever credibly be called responsible for whatever has been done to innocent Palestinians seeking peace & understanding with their Jewish Israeli neighbors.
    Nor are all Palestinians responsible & accountable for atrocities committed against Jews & Israelis of any faith & ethnicity.

    #IsraelPalestine #TwoStatesOneUnion #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether #PeaceSalaamShalom

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias Today's "GOP" is an anti-American anti-Lincoln organization waving Confederate war flags.

    #DefendTheConstitution #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    EU_Commission, to random avatar

    All year long we are #UnitedInDiversity, but only once per year, we have a multilingual New Year ⭐

    Together with 24 EU Interpreters, we wish you a remarkable 2024 filled with professional and personal milestones! 🏆

    Bonne année! Frohes neues Jahr! Happy New Year!

    A video showing 24 people wishing Happy New Year in the 24 official EU languages.

    LouisIngenthron, to random avatar

    We'd really be screwed if it wasn't for federal courts consistently slapping the shit out of #DeSantis.

    In this one, they tell him his map is way too racist and he needs to redraw it.


    @LouisIngenthron That's all? DeSantis & his co-conspirators just need to redraw the map?

    That's all they get for violating the Constitution/ Reconstruction Amendments????

    Hasn't justice been tempered with mercy for too long already, to the blatant disadvantage of people of color in southern ex-slaveholder states, which ratified the Reconstruction Amendments to regain congressional representation, only to habitually violate those Amendments in those states after having infiltrated Congress again?

    #RuleOfLaw #Confedereds #Racists #ReconstructionAmendments #Abolition #Emancipation #EqualProtectionClause #BanTheGOP #Insurrection #14thAmendmentSection2 #14thAmendmentSection3 #UnitedInDiversity #AmericaMoves #StrongerTogether

    ArenaCops, to LGBTQ

    🏄 "Republicans" riding the malign populist waves of anti-LGBTQ+ sentiments & incitement are bound for a pretty rough landing:

    Polls show the "GOP's" crude anti-LGBTQ incitement & waste legislation is wildly unpopular.

    ArenaCops, to Freedom

    On this day, 60 years ago Martin Luther King Jr. held his iconic "I Have a Dream"-speech.

    "The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. We must forever conduct our struggle on the high plane of dignity and discipline. We must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence. Again and again we must rise to the majestic heights of meeting physical force with soul force."

    persagen, to newhampshire avatar

    [thread] New Hampshire, education

    New Hampshire Law Banning Divisive Concepts Leaves Teachers Vulnerable, Students Unprepared

    • "propagation of divisive concepts" 🤨

    • HB 544 “Divisive Concepts” bill prohibits teaching of racism, sexism, materials that claim “an individual, by virtue of his or her race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, wh. consciously/unconsciously”


    @kkarhan @persagen Quite some time before Grant referred to him, Founding Father Thomas Jefferson called for a "wall of separation between church and State".

    Those trying to tear down that wall today are guaranteed to not be supporters of the United States Constitution & the liberties & freedoms it's envisioning for all Americans.

    GW, to random avatar



    @GW @FrankFrank @retrohondajunki Never forget, what "Republicans" did to America on Jan 6, 2021 equals,
    what Confederate rebels did on April 12, 1861.
    Never forget the infamous Confederate war flag(s) inside the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 & make sure it will never happen again!

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    Piousunyn, to random

    Neo-Nazis are worse then the original Nazis, because they are Republicans.


    The Nazi Party stood for the proposition that the benefits of life in Germany should be reserved for Germans alone.

    Eighty years later there is once again an American political movement dedicated to the proposition that America should return to its white nationalist roots. We have witnessed a disquieting rash of anti-Semitic incidents and a Holocaust Remembrance statement issued by the White House that omits the Jews. There are new laws in many former Jim Crow states that limit access to the polls — laws that transparently target the black population, a disgraceful echo of a disgraceful American past.
    #DefendDemocracy #DefendHumanity #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #HumanityMatters #Freedom #Equality #Community #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

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