shekinahcancook, (edited ) to kentucky avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @shekinahcancook It's a "tiptoeing" secession, a rebellion against democracy & the Constitution's Reconstruction Amendments, which had its predecessor in 1860/61, when the slaveholder states refused to accept the democratic election of Republican President Abraham Lincoln.
    Any similarity with current events simply coincidental?

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #RuleOfThePeople #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter

    lednabwm, to random


    marcelias, to random avatar

    If you live in one of these 20 states, your Republican Attorney General is trying to eviscerate private enforcement of the Voting Right Act in court.

    AL, AR, AK, FL, GA, ID, IN, KS, KY, LA, MS, MO, MT, ND, NE, OK, SC, TX, UT, WV


    @marcelias 😎 Looks like a collective confession of "Republican" Attorneys General.

    Which the co-founder of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln wouldn't have approved, I'm sure.

    Lincoln's creed: "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

    Today's "Republican" Attorneys General (from ex- & neo-Confederate states) evidently disagree.

    ParanoidFactoid, to Marriage avatar

    From The Intellectualist at the hellsite, here's Senator Mike Braun [R-IN] saying he's open to SCOTUS changing settled law and depriving people of equal protection in** mixed racial marriages.**

    Thus allowing states to reimplement old miscegenation laws, or banning so-called mixed ethnic marriages, requiring SCOTUS overturn Loving v Virginia in 1967.

    These are confederate radicals.

    #miscegenation #racism #marriage #politics #USpol #GOP #Republicans #Indianna #confederacy #civilrights

    Senator Mike Braud from Indianna on supporting the right of states to ban mixed marriages, or ethnically mixed relationships.

    skykiss, to random avatar

    🚨 At least 9 precincts in Hinds County—Mississippi's most populous county and the home of the 83%-Black capital city of Jackson—have run out of ballots in the statewide election.

    The polls are set to close at 7 p.m. 🆘


    @skykiss Reminder, that in April and December 1869, Congress passed Reconstruction bills mandating that Virginia, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia ratify the Fifteenth Amendment as a precondition to regaining congressional representation; all four states did so.

    If they decide to continue to act against the stipulations of the Fifteenth Amendment, there should be impressive consequences concerning the congressional representation of those still-rebellious states.

    The Fifteenth Amendment demands:

    "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

    Section 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #15thAmendment #VotingRights #CivilRights #HumanRights #GOP #ConspiracyAgainstRights #OrganizedCrime #RICO #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #ElectoralFraud #VoterSuppression #BallotSuppression #Mississippi

    realTuckFrumper, to random avatar

    'Wildly out of step': Fox News host hits Mike Johnson on birth control crusade


    @realTuckFrumper Mike Johnson no longer has his Confederacy (has been defeated), but is still on his own crusade against the Fourteenth (Reconstruction) Amendment, which Louisiana & the other ex-Confederate states had to ratify to regain representation in Congress.
    SCOTUS's 1965 decision in Griswold v. Connecticut (use of contraceptives) was based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

    P.S.: Leonard Leo's protégé Johnson is either intellectually unable or unwilling to tell contraception from abortion.

    Free_Press, to news avatar

    Trump Hates ‘Rigged’ Elections — Except The One His People Are Rigging For Him In Nevada
    #AureFreePress #News #GOP #Politics #USA #Trump #MAGA #Republicans


    @Free_Press Individuals, who are defendants in fraud trial(s) better shut the fuck up publicly fantasizing about "rigged elections", like Trump did in 2016 before the election, when polls (accurately) predicted he was gonna lose to Hillary — which didn't happen due to Putin's interference & habitual/traditional "Republican" voter suppression, gerrymandering, disenfranchisement, intimidation & other regularly practiced methods of fraudulently obstructing the electoral process.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #BanTheGOP #Confedereds #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #ThirteenthAmendment #FourteenthAmendment #FifteenthAmendment #FreedomUnderGOPAttack

    marcelias, to random avatar


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    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias The possible 2 percent majority serial "Republican" electoral fraudsters are stealing from Dems.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #GOP #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #BanTheGOP #FraudCrimes

    slcw, to random avatar

    The dishonesty exhibited by #Christofascist loon #MikeJohnson is truly boundless. His flavor of Christianity is based on hate. All his views are about discriminating against, and suppressing the civil rights of vulnerable communities he doesn't like. His worldview is objective nonsense that inciudes believing the Earth is 6000 years old, that climate change is a hoax, that homosexuality is responsible for gun violence, and that abortion is to blame for a labor shortage.


    @slcw Mike Johnson is not a Christian.

    He's more of a crusader — including the ruthlessness, recklessness & mental brutality.

    And he obviously totally misunderstood the actually pretty simple message of Jesus Christ "Love your neighbor like you love yourself."

    How strong is Mike Johnson's hate & disgust of himself?

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias "Republicans" brazenly want to sow public distrust towards the electoral system & process they themselves are rigging (per voter suppression & -intimidation, gerrymandering & disenfranchisement & other instruments of fraud).

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #VotingRights #CivilRights #HumanRights #BanTheGOP #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #ElectoralFraud #Vigilantism #Terrorism

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias As for Louisiana's resistance against Reconstruction & incarceration, it's worth to revisit SCOTUS's remarkable reasoning in Allgeyer v. Louisiana (1897), especially elaborating on the noun "liberty" contained in the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause:

    "The 'liberty' mentioned in [the Fourteenth] amendment means not only the right of the citizen to be free from the mere physical restraint of his person, as by incarceration, but the term is deemed to embrace the right of the citizen to be free in the enjoyment of all his faculties, to be free to use them in all lawful ways, to live and work where he will, to earn his livelihood by any lawful calling, to pursue any livelihood or avocation, and for that purpose to enter into all contracts which may be proper, necessary, and essential to his carrying out to a successful conclusion the purposes above mentioned."

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendDemocracy

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    Liberating the metal from the statue of a insurrectionist and racist for better purposes seems like a great idea to me. The Washington Post has some excellent photographs of this moment.

    This article is a gift. It poses some great questions about how the past and the future are tied together. Probably a good read for people who seem to forget the “Unite the Right” rally.

    Charlottesville’s Lee statue meets its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace-


    @TonyStark A giant "1865"-sculpture should be cast from the statue's metal.

    And every Confederacy- & slavery-glorifying monument should equally be removed & turned into such a sculpture, too, if made of metal.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheUnion #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #EndOfConfederacy #Insurrection #Rebellion #ConfederateMonuments #Confedereds

    johnettesnuggs, to random

    @johnettesnuggs @oppophonist They're Confederate zombies, decorated as "Republicans".

    And of course Arkansas was a member state of the traitorous Confederacy, many citizens of which evidently couldn't let go of the disgraceful slaveholder-past until today.

    johnettesnuggs, to random

    What we learned from our Florida voting rights investigation | US voting rights | The Guardian

    What we’ve always known…Republicans must cheat to win.


    @johnettesnuggs Right. And Trump officially & publicly revealed their dirty, well-known secret conspiracy — "Republicans" cannot win, if they don't manipulate/rig elections in their favor.

    “The things they had in there were crazy. They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again,” said Mr Trump during an interview on Fox & Friends.

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias At the end of the day obstructing the right to vote & cheating will never turn unpopular right-wing groups/ organizations into numerically popular ones, but into criminal organizations.

    #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #ConspiracyAgainstRights #VotingRights #ElectoralFraud #ObstructionOfVotingRights #BallotDropBoxes

    TexasObserver, to Texas avatar

    A fourth #Texas county has adopted a restriction on travel for pregnant residents, based on a model #law drafted by an anti-abortion extremist.

    From our friends at Truthout:

    #abortion #RoeVWade #health #healthcare #Lubbock #USpol #HumanRights #politics #news


    @TexasObserver The intention of Abbott & his interstate co-insurrectionists seems to be pretty clear: Full on attack against the Reconstruction Amendments.

    Fourteenth Amendment, Section 1, Clause 2:

    "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States..."

    This also applies to the right of free movement.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #14thAmendment #PrivilegesOrImmunitiesClause #FreedomOfMovement #Travel #AbortionRights #HumanRights #InvestigateAbbott #Insurrection #ProsecuteALLRebels #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #SupportersOfConfederacy #NeoConfederates

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias (Ex-) Confederate state passed new, highly gerrymandered congressional & legislative maps as well as a county board of commissioners map.

    Reminder: The states of the defeated Confederacy needed to ratify the Fourteenth & 13th & 15th (Reconstruction) Amendments to regain U.S. congressional representation.

    The other way round, their continued subversion of their own mandatory ratification of the Reconstruction Amendments should strip them of congressional representation again.

    The Fourteenth Amendment's Section 2 might offer a friendly path to remind them of their duties & obligations to strictly abide by the stipulations of the Fifteenth Amendment.

    #RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeMatters #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #DefendTheUnion #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias The obsessively voter-defrauding so-called "Republican party" needs to be taken off the ballots as they would be in any properly working free democratically governed country intent to ensure free & fair elections on behalf of all voters, whose voices deserve to be indiscriminately heard & counted.

    Time to stop today's Confederate "GOP" from going on to sh*t on Abraham Lincoln's grave & legacy.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #FreeAndFairElections #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #Insurrection #ConspiracyAgainstTheUS #ConspiracyAgainstRights

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias A slate of 9 supporters of electoral fraud is running for the 3rd-most important office of U.S. government.
    In any normal country you'd call the cops.

    Suppression of voters is an act of insurrection against the authority of the United States & their Constitution, especially the Reconstruction Amendments.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendTheUnion #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #TakeGOPOffTheBallots #BanTheGOP #EnemiesOfTheConstitution #Insurrection #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    marcelias, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @marcelias The Confederate "GOP's" infamous & insurrectionary attacks against the Reconstruction Amendments, voting rights & the Rule of Law have been looked at with blind eyes for far too long, out of self-deceiving respect for an illusion of a "Lincoln-party" that is no longer Lincoln's, but that of his former adversaries.
    Confederates never had a "Grand Ole Party".

    Inhumanity has no grandness.
    Corruption has no grandness.
    Treason has no grandness.

    #RuleOfLaw #JusticeMatters #DefendDemocracy #DefendTheConstitution #ReconstructionAmendments #VotingRights #HumanRights #CivilRights #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice

    RollingStone, to random

    Yelp’s example shows how simply labeling misinformation can make a company a target for partisan officials looking to score political points.


    @RollingStone Notorious "Republican Attorneys General Association", which notorious Paxton is a member of, appears to also be the "GOP's" morality police, as despotically aggressive as its Iranian counterpart.

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