damemagazine, to politics
@damemagazine@newsie.social avatar

isn’t an ancient relic or an outdated term; it has returned as a living, breathing process transforming and weaponizing the state against its people.

Few remain from the generation that watched the take hold and mutate and unfold its horrors the first time, and without that living memory, we are challenged to explain what fascism was and how it worked.

@gothamgirlblue must read column for us today.


Drand, to politics

🚨New paper in press @ JEPG🚨
Remember the paper showing that it’s specifically low-conscientious #conservatives who share fake news? It got lots of coverage. BUT it seems like that claim isn't actually true - in a new paper, we fail to replicate it in 5(!) times and also show that even the original data don't support the claim (because they look at overall sharing, not specifically at sharing of false claims).

Bottom line: conservatives are more likely to share #misinformation, regardless of their level of #conscientiousness.

Check out the ungated paper: "Conscientiousness does not moderate the association between political ideology and susceptibility to fake news sharing" at http://psyarxiv.com/8fkpy

#ideology #politics #fakenews #personality

F100, to Russia
@F100@mastodon.social avatar

Max Planck recounting a discussion with Hitler where he tries to dissuade Hitler from his anti-Jewish policies, from Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond:#trump #rightwing #russia #ideology #fascism #germany #ukraine #socialism #bolsheviks

ChrisMayLA6, to random
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

A lot of people use the term #neoliberalism as a catch-all term of abuse, without necessary appreciating the more nuanced detail(s) of what the #ideology might entail.

This is not to say we should (or could) find an acceptable neoliberalism, but we do need to understand what it is (and what it is not).

So if you have the time this morning & are interested in a more complex account of neoliberalism, I would recommend sitting down & reading @sjwrenlewis latest post


Wuzzy, to science
@Wuzzy@cyberplace.social avatar

As long society accepts genital "surgeries" on babies so they conform to some bullshit norms, we cannot call ourselves enlightened.


"Two common goals of these cosmetic 'normalizing' surgeries on children’s genitals are to enable penetrative intercourse, and to help the child to and sexual norms"

It's based on , not .
It MUST be condemned like <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_genital_mutilation>.

masterdon1312, to music

We, the artists and patrons of in , condemn in the strongest possible terms and the headliner of this year’s tour, .

Pantera’s singer, , has been documented on multiple occasions to be promoting /fascist/neo-nazi . These actions have led to the recent cancellation of a great many of the band’s concerts in .


skarthik, to ai

A must read longform on the pioneer of AI chatbot who became AI's main and earliest detractors, Joseph Weizenbaum (of ELIZA fame here at MIT) by Ben Tarnoff!

Weizenbaum's was a lone voice in the 1970s, and many of his views are as apt now as they were then. Almost the entire article is chock full of quotes, and so here is a thread with quotes and a few of my thoughts interspersed.


"There is so much in Weizenbaum’s thinking that is urgently relevant now. Perhaps his most fundamental heresy was the belief that the computer revolution, which Weizenbaum not only lived through but centrally participated in, was actually a counter-revolution."

I too had my early training in computer science, and have come to see it increasingly as counter-revolutionary not even delivering on its promises of economic productivity (topic for another day). With my expertise in neural networks, I should be riding atop the current wave of AI to the bank, instead, I mostly see it as a land of false promises mediated by dangerous levels of silicon valley mythmaking.


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum

nando161, to random

Sorry but if your #ideology is "I will force you to work regardless and if you don't work you won't eat" I will burn your cities to the ground :antifa_100: :anonymous:

CaulfieldTim, to science

Misinformation + ideology = tough combo!

"A strong partisan bias emerged for both veracity judgments and sharing decisions..."

"...sharing decisions were largely unaffected by actual information veracity."

"...partisan bias was a stronger & more reliable predictor of susceptibility than truth sensitivity."

See: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36972099/#:~:text=Truth%20sensitivity%20and%20partisan%20bias%20were%20both%20associated%20with%20misinformation,for%20future%20research%20are%20discussed.

persagen, to news
@persagen@mastodon.social avatar

Pg-RSS external news feeds: Saturday 2024-05-04
News/analytics re: abuses of wealth, power, influence

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Victoria, Persagen.com 🙏

#persagen #news #CurrentEvents #politics #wealth #power #influence #ideology #populism #CultureWars #discrimination #HumanRights #LGBTQ+ #justice #climate #environment #capitalism #inequality #SocialJustice

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persagen, to news
@persagen@mastodon.social avatar

Pg-RSS external news feeds: Friday 2024-02-23
News/analytics re: abuses of wealth, power, influence

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Victoria, Persagen.com 🙏

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remixtures, to internet Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

#SocialMedia #ContentModeration #Polarization #Ideology: "Today, we live with the irony that the intense pitch and total saturation of political conversation in every part of our lives—simply pick up your phone and rejoin the fray—create the illusion that important ideas are right on the verge of being actualized or rejected. But the form of that political discourse—millions of little arguments—is actually what makes it impossible to process and follow what should be an evolving and responsive conversation. We mistake volume for weight; how could there be so many posts about something with no acknowledgment from the people in charge? Don’t they see how many of us are expressing our anger? These questions elicit despair, because the poster believes that no amount of dissent will actually be heard. And when that happens, in any forum, the posters blame the mods.

The mods do have supporters: “normie” liberals and conservatives who still put a degree of faith in the expert and media classes and who want, more than anything, to restore some bright line of truth so that society can continue to function. A central question of our current moment is whether that faith is enough to unite a critical mass of voters, or whether the medium we have chosen for everything, from photos of our children to our most private conversations, will simply not allow for any consensus, especially one that appeals to a population as broadly complacent as the American consumer class. Normies, who are mostly unified in their defense of the status quo, still wield a reasonable amount of political power, and they will continue to exist in some form. But, as even more of our lives take place within the distortions of online life, how much longer will there be a widely agreed-upon status quo to defend?" https://www.newyorker.com/news/fault-lines/arguing-ourselves-to-death

persagen, to news
@persagen@mastodon.social avatar

Pg-RSS external news feeds: Sunday 2024-01-07
News/analytics re: abuses of wealth, power, influence

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Victoria, Persagen.com 🙏


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CoolerPseudonym, to books
@CoolerPseudonym@wandering.shop avatar

Look at this grindset asshole list, holy shit

Fifty Books to Make You Worse, maybe?

I see these lists all the time and they always piss me off. Train yourself in the dominant ideology! Despite some of the titles, do NOT think critically about your society! Work, act, and think like a good, aspiring (if temporarily embarrassed) capitalist! Be more selfish! Cultivate traditional masculine virtues!

It’s depressing stuff.

#Books #SelfHelp #Philosophy #HowTo #Ideology

ChrisMayLA6, to Women
@ChrisMayLA6@zirk.us avatar

It seems that young #women (perhaps influenced by the #MeToo movement & #feminism more generally) are becoming more 'liberal' on issues from #migration to #racism when compared to males of the same age.

John Burn-Murdoch (FT) argues while this has been relatively down-played due to young people's relative lack of engagement with formal #politics (they vote less), this shift in the #gender patterns around #ideology may start to have a major impact on #politics in years to come.

I bet it will!

jackofalltrades, to Economics
@jackofalltrades@mas.to avatar


Great interview. I especially liked the part where he connected energy-blindness of mainstream economics with its ideological role in maintaining contemporary power structures.

#SteveKeen #economics #capitalism #energy #ideology

wildebees, to random
@wildebees@mastodon.social avatar

"As a piece of writing, the rambling and often contradictory has the pathos of the Unabomber manifesto but lacks the ideological coherency."

"The argument for total acceleration of technological development is not about optimism, except in the sense that the Andreessens and Thiels and Musks are certain that they will succeed. It’s pessimism about democracy — and ultimately, humanity."


mixmistressalice, to Podcast

As the United States faces yet another showdown over the federal debt ceiling, we examine the roots of the conflict by looking at the "North/Paul Strategy," a decades-old plan to provoke a financial collapse and then seize power. Rooted in libertarian economic theory and Christian Reconstructionist doctrine, Gary North and Ron Paul's ideas laid the foundation for the Tea Party and later, January 6th.

Dave chats with James Scaminaci III, a scholar and expert on Fourth Generation Warfare, and Frederick Clarkson, who has been studying religious extremism for decades, and is an expert on the New Apostolic Reformation.

They look at why economic eschatology is a persistent feature of American political life, and how we might break the vicious "cycle of doom."

James Scaminaci III >


#podcast #politics #religiousright #elitism #northstrategy #chistianreconstrucionism #fascism #fanaticism #politicalwarfare #bigots #ideology #apostolicreformation

LeftistLawyer, to elite

The 12 Step program to create and maintain the #economic dogma that benefits the #elite:

  1. Have a bunch of rich people create private educational institutions.

  2. Call those institutions the #ivyleague (Ooooo ... how prestigious!)

  3. Hire your elite #crony friends to teach there and call them #Doctors of #Philosophy (again, prestigious).

  4. Assemble groups of highly impressionable post adolescents salivating for prestige in a room.

  5. Introduce them to their #PhD #God who holds absolute sway over their #future #prosperity.

  6. Force them to compete against one other over who can best regurgitate the God's orthodox #ideology.

  7. Reward those that most successfully regurgitate the God's orthodox ideology with great #jobs and access to influence by giving them A's and references.

  8. Punish those who think critically by relegating them to low paying jobs and obscurity through low grades and withholding references.

  9. Pat your fellow #toadies on the back a lot.

  10. Scorn dissenters as #heterodox #fools.

  11. Rinse and repeat for #generations.

  12. #Laugh all the way to the #bank.


nando161, to random

well i finally saw the guy who has "no greenies" stickers on his #ute and obviously is a rightwing bully and bootlicker... he looks like the type of guy who bullied people in school and never grew out of it... guess its only days before we cross each others paths...

I'm antifascist and am all for ecological protection, doesn't mean i believe in the political party that still #bootlicks to #fascist #ideology...

:anonymous: :antifa_100:

Rasta, to church

My selective beliefs are better than yours.
I don't think Christian Churches are facing enough persecution today.
That's why they have time to spew the hate that they do. Silence them.

Who really wants special status?
The Southern Baptist Convention wants to allow workplace discrimination related to abortion, sexual orientation and gender identity views.
https://baptistnews.com/article/sbc-ethics-agency-opposes-eeoc-guidance-on-what-constitutes-workplace-harassment/ #Churches #Church #Christ #Christian #Hate #Biblical #ideology

gmate8, (edited ) to gaming

I recommend everyone to play Road 96 once in their lives. I would say it's as good as Call of the Sea, if not even better. Road 96 is like the game version of George Orwell's 1984. You can learn from it, just by playing. #gaming #philosophy #ideology #ideologies #oppression #dictatorship #freedom #Road96


_ohcoco_, to random
@_ohcoco_@mastodon.social avatar

The Far Right’s Campaign to Explode the Population >>

"The threat, we are told here this weekend, is existential, #biological, epoch-defining. Economies will fail, #civilizations will fall, and it will all happen because people aren’t having enough #babies.

“The entire global #financial system, the value of your money, and every #asset you might buy with money is defined by leverage, which means its value depends on growth...." >>



_ohcoco_, (edited )
@_ohcoco_@mastodon.social avatar

>> ...#natalist #ideology become dominant quickly in the United States — everyone in this room has to have more #kids, and fast.

Keenan, who has previously celebrated her sense that it is now acceptable to say “#white #genocide is real,” says better means #conservative. Pat Fagan, the director of the #Marriage and #Religion Institute at the #Catholic University of America, says good #children are the product of stable, two-parent #Christian households,...>>

rexi, to conservative
@rexi@mastodon.social avatar


icymi: Ohio State News, 02 June 2022,
"Only the scans of the reward task could predict #politicalextremism – those who said they were very #conservative or very #liberal. And only the empathy (emotional faces) task was significantly associated with moderate #ideology.

“More work needs to be done to understand the relationship of reward decision-making with extreme political views,” Wilson said."

msquebanh, to random
@msquebanh@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

President #HoChiMinh is a figure with universal stature, a great #revolutionary who fought tirelessly for the best for #Vietnamese people and #humanity, and a very great but humble man Dr. Ruvislei González Sáez.

Saez, who is also VP of the #Cuba #Vietnam Friendship Association, affirmed that the great #ideology of President Ho Chi Minh, one of the most important figures in the 20th century, remains alive among the 100 million Vietnamese people & world #revolutionaries.


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