m0bi13, to Facebook Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

Meta, , :

"Aby zachować zgodność ze zmieniającymi się przepisami europejskimi, wprowadzamy nową opcję subskrypcji w krajach UE, EOG i Szwajcarii. W listopadzie zaoferujemy osobom korzystającym z Facebooka lub Instagrama i mieszkającym w tych regionach możliwość dalszego bezpłatnego korzystania z tych spersonalizowanych usług z reklamami lub wykupienia subskrypcji, aby nie widzieć reklam. Dopóki użytkownicy są subskrybentami, ich dane nie będą wykorzystywane w reklamach."

Przypominajka: jest bez reklam, bezpłatne, nie śledzi, nie ściemnia algorytmami, nie obcina zasięgów, nie obraża się za linki w treści, nie każe Ci spędzać z nim całego dnia. Wybierz sieć społecznościową mądrze ;)

100 osób obserwujących na fedi daje więcej niż 1000 na FB. Bo te na fb i tak nie dostaną Twoich treści...


aral, (edited ) to Facebook
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Folks, the reason / / / Zuckerberg hasn’t launched in the isn’t because the EU is determined to protect your privacy, it’s because the EU is determined to protect The Single Market (peace be upon it) from anticompetitive behaviour. It’s because they’re using Instagram to launch Threads and sharing data between them (and not with EU startups that might want to use that data too). It’s , not . It’s markets, not people.

Some_Emo_Chick, to tech
@Some_Emo_Chick@mastodon.social avatar

This might help explain the spectacular launch of Threads

#Tech #technology #socialmedia #meta #instagram #Threads

ophiocephalic, to FediPact

Interesting new details have emerged concerning planned machinations for Meta's takeover of the fediverse. The information was revealed at a "data dialogue" in San Francisco on the subject of "Meta’s Threads Interoperating in the Fediverse".

An account at this blog post: https://reb00ted.org/tech/20231208-meta-threads-data-dialogue/

And more info in this Masto thread: https://mastodon.cloud/@joemcl/111566221062518491

It seems that the plan is to gradually roll federation out in stages over the next year. The most telling reveal is in the screenshotted toot by Meta advocate Evan:

"Also, as far as I could tell, the most important use case for them is that a creator could move from Threads to their own server, even if they get de-platformed. I think the major motivator here is Mark Zuckerberg having to go testify in front of Congress twice a year or whatever, and getting grilled by conservative Congresspeople about de-platforming. Being able to say, you can get kicked off Threads but keep your followers, is a big win in this situation."

If correct, the impression here is that Meta is interested in ActivityPub's account portability, so they can offload problematic fascists to the fediverse without too much disgruntlement. They see the fedi as a dumping ground into which they can externalize toxic users without having to either moderate them on their own server, or provoke them by wiping out their social graph.

In Zuckerberg's scheme, our community is to become a landfill for fascism.

#DefederateMeta #FediPact #Meta #Facebook #Threads #Instagram .

SrRochardBunson, to trans

👋 to all of my & friends. We need to talk about the cis-het progressive/liberal problem, and I hope that you might be able to help me get through to the ones in my life.

I spent a few days with some old friends that I haven't seen in a while. At one point, Jason Aldean and both came up in conversation. These people are solid voters that hate all things . They also happen to be Jewish, which I would think should make them sensitive to .

They don't watch or any other right wing bullshit. They do, however, consume & feeds daily. It was their impression that trans people are forcing other people to use pronouns and make special arrangements for them. They also think that people uncomfortable with trans people should be free to bunk at camp in a cabin without trans people in it.

I 💯% know and believe that but how can I more effectively pierce their myopic bubble?

🙏 Thanks

cliffwade, (edited ) to fediverse
@cliffwade@allthingstech.social avatar

Have you given Threads, an Instagram App, a try yet?

Please BOOST for maximum exposure to the #Fediverse

#Poll #Polls #POTD #Threads #Meta #Instagram #SocialMedia #Tech #AllThingsTech

taylorlorenz, to meta
@taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

IG/Meta has been inserting the word "terrorist" into the bios of users that included the words Palestinian" and “alhamdulillah” (which means praise to Allah, or God) https://www.404media.co/instagram-palestinian-arabic-bio-translation/ #meta #instagram #palestine #war

muiiio, to Instagram
@muiiio@mst.muiiio.com avatar

@Zir0h Hola! I wanted to ask if Pixelfed.eu supports the #Instagram archive import ☺️

kristian, to instagramreality

Meta has started rolling out Threads, the Twitter competitor that was previously known under project names such as Barcelona and P92.

For now, it's only available in a few countries: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.instagram.barcelona

Here are some pictures of what we can expect.

#socialmedia #meta #threads #instagram #barcelona #p92 @socialmedianews


Just had my first interaction with Meta Services last night. Thought I'd share what I learned.

I was up late last night and we know how that goes - rabbit holes. This time I was trying to find some ways to make my phone feel a little snappier and possibly eliminate the issue I was having where my recent apps button stops working until I restart the phone. On Android 13 I found that if I changed to gesture based navigation...

leodurruti, to Facebook Italian
@leodurruti@puntarella.party avatar

Bella la proposta di Meta alle autorità di controllo dell'UE. Se gli utenti europei non vogliono rinunciare al proprio diritto alla privacy garantito dal Gdpr, e cioè non vogliono che la propria attività su #facebook e #instagram sia utilizzata per creare pubblicità personalizzate, possono decidere di pagare una tassa di 13 € ca. al mese (160 € ca. all'anno) per utilizzare le due app :0080:

Preparo una balla di pop-corn?


ophiocephalic, to FediPact

With the Zuckerberg takeover impending, there's a lot of confusion circulating about the use of user-level and instance-level blocks, and how our online expressions can be secured against Meta. Everyone who objects to their accounts being mined by the Zuckerberg entity for data collection, AI ingestion, monetization, and possible ghost-profile building needs to understand this problem. Here's information to clarify.

Neither a user-level block, or an instance-level block, will protect our posts from Meta data-mining by default on a Mastodon instance. Posts won't be delivered directly, but can be ingested by other means; if, for example, users on Meta-federated instances boost them.

However, both user and instance blocks will totally prevent post delivery in all cases IF your host instance has enabled the functionality called Authorized Fetch.

By default, Authorized Fetch is off on Mastodon instances and most haven't turned it on. If this concern is important to you, you might want to respectfully reach out to your admins and let them know. Remember that they are working hard to provide and sustain online community at no charge. It's likely they won't be very familiar with it and will need time to look into it.

For more information on Authorized Fetch, check out this blog post by @brook : https://hub.sunny.garden/2023/06/28/what-does-authorized_fetch-actually-do/ Please untag Brook from replies unless you specifically intend to address him

#FediPact #DefederateMeta #Meta #Facebook #Threads #Instagram #AuthorizedFetch

bobiko, to Instagram Polish

Szef instagrama deklaruje, ze android jest lepszy od iOS w kilku aspektach. Tyle ... żę nie przekłada sie na jakość opublikowanych aplikacji, jak również na ilosć zaawansowanych funkcji, które można spotkać w appleowskich odpowiednikach.

Gadać to każdy możę.

cc: https://onetech.pl/szef-instagrama-jest-pewny-android-jest-lepszy-od-ios/

#instagram #fb #ios #android

BlumeEvolution, to Instagram German
@BlumeEvolution@sueden.social avatar

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕️?

Am letzten Tag des vergehenden Jahres möchte ich Euch über eine Kritik bzw. Warnung zu mir informieren. Ein Typ schrieb auf #Instagram, ich sei ein „bibeltreuer Gutmensch“, der seine „Anständigkeit zur Schau stellt.“ 📚😈

Haltet Euch also besser fern von mir, sonst SEGNE ich Euch noch! 😃😇🖖

Noch da? Allen, die es weiterhin „mutig“ mit mir aushalten: Danke 🙏 & einen guten Rosch! #Neujahr #Rutsch #Rosch #Gutmensch #bibeltreu #Anstand


pjap37, to Instagram French

La différence majeur entre L'Instagram :BhjFlag_Progress_Intersex_Left: et le Mastodon :BhjFlag_Progress_Intersex_Right: :
Mon mari sur :BhjFlag_Progress_Intersex_Left: #Instagram :
– Lui j'ai vu sa bite ;
– Lui j'ai vu sa bite ;
– Lui j'ai vu sa bite…

Moi sur :BhjFlag_Progress_Intersex_Right: #Mastodon :

– Lui j'ai vu son chat ;
– Lui j'ai vu son chat ;
– Lui j'ai vu son chat…

mastodonmigration, to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

#ThreadsNews July 6, 2023

WTF... To delete #Threads you also have to delete #Instagram

Vice: Threads Instagram 'Trap' Shows Why Facebook Should Have Been Broken Up Years Ago >>> https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvjvb5/threads-instagram-trap-shows-why-facebook-should-have-been-broken-up-years-ago

TechCrunch: Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting Instagram account >>> https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/06/threads-delete-profile-instagram-meta/

“I deactivated my threads account already but it turns out you can’t delete your threads account without also deleting your Instagram account so maybe just don’t sign up!”

atomicpoet, (edited ) to Instagram

Have you seen the latest update from the #Instagram Help Center? It offers insight into how #Meta views the #Fediverse. Let's take a closer look at the highlighted text together:

"#Threads is planning to use a protocol called #ActivityPub to connect with other servers that support this protocol. Our aim is to enable communication between Threads and users on different fediverse platforms that we don't own or control."

Now, considering everything we know about Meta and their business practices, you might wonder why they're doing this. Well, here are a few reasons that could shed some light:

  1. Regulatory pressure: While Meta is doing its best to compete with #Twitter, they also want to avoid appearing like a monopolistic force. By joining the Fediverse, they can show regulators that they are simply becoming part of an existing social network.

  2. Zuckerberg's strategy: Mark Zuckerberg has been observing what's been happening with Twitter ever since Elon Musk acquired it, and he's learned some lessons. Twitter has faced criticism for various missteps like alienating journalists, restricting API access, and even requiring logins to view tweets. Zuckerberg wants to assure people that Threads is different from Twitter and avoid those same pitfalls.

  3. Embracing social media decentralization: It's widely acknowledged in the social media industry that the future lies in decentralization. The era of closed-off platforms is gradually coming to an end. Just as Compuserve couldn't survive the open Internet, walled garden social media platforms won't be able to thrive in the open Fediverse. Meta doesn't want to become the next Compuserve.

  4. Early entry into an emerging ecosystem: Meta is eager to establish itself in the emerging Fediverse ecosystem, much like they tried to do with the Metaverse. Being an early player allows them to take a leadership position before other major players like #Google, #Apple, and #Automattic jump on board.

However, it's worth noting that there might be a personal rivalry at play here. There have been rumors of a rivalry between Zuckerberg and Musk, and it seems they don't particularly like each other. So, one could speculate that Zuckerberg might want to undermine Musk by taking down Twitter, the platform Musk acquired for a hefty sum of $44 billion.

Hope that provides some context and clarity on why Meta is making these moves.

What do you think about Meta’s Fediverse explainer?



Linux_Is_Best, to internet

Those memes portraying Trump as Jesus Christ really should not be allowed.

I am all for freedom of speech and expression, and I'm not religious, but I do think that is insane.

-- Just pure insanity.

#Meta #Facebook #Instagram

tagesschau, to internet German
@tagesschau@ard.social avatar

Meta erwägt offenbar Abo für werbefreies Instagram und Facebook

Mindestens 10 Euro monatlich und dafür keine Werbung: Die Facebook-Mutter Meta erwägt einem Bericht zufolge die Einführung eines Abos zur werbefreien Nutzung von Facebook. Wer weitere Dienste, wie etwa Instagram nutzt, soll dafür zusätzlich zahlen.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/verbraucher/meta-facebook-abo-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#Meta #Facebook #Instagram

Linux_Is_Best, to Facebook

Working for Facebook, sucks!

Someone reported someone because they were low-key implying they were going to get an abortion. I labeled it as a false flag.

I have been informed that was the wrong thing to do and I should have escalated this internally. 🙄

1 of ?

stefanmuelller, to Instagram German

1/ Wer hatte denn diese Idee? 13:00 ne ? Es sind hier 32°. Im Schatten. Anpassung an die bedeutet auch, dass man keine Demos vor 16:00 macht.

Egal. Ich dachte, ich muss da hin.

Auf dem Weg zum Falkplatz dachte ich: Ich muss hier weg. Unterträglich.

Dann dachte ich, ich fahre wenigstens noch hin und mache ein Bild. Ihr kennt das, oder? Schnell mal nach Tokio für das -Bild.

Na, hier ist das Bild. Man sieht sehr schön, dass alle hübsch im Schatten geblieben sind.

Wir haben übrigens auf die Polizei gewartet, die im Stau stand.

ilumium, to meta
@ilumium@eupolicy.social avatar

Today: #DMA #compliance workshop with #Meta lawyers at the @EU_Commission:

The #DigitalMarketsAct mandates Meta to "enable end users to freely choose to opt-in to [combining or cross-using personal data] by offering a less personalised but equivalent alternative".

When I pointed out to Meta that by offering users to either #consent to #SurveillanceAds or pay € 275 per year for #Instagram & #Facebook isn't "equivalent alternative" they said, Meta has to do that because of #GDPR 😤 Really??

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