dansup, to random
@dansup@mastodon.social avatar

sup. is an open source encrypted fediverse instant messenger, similar to whatsapp, made by pixelfed.

The beta will be launching later this month, and btw most fediverse accounts will work, not just Pixelfed 😉

@ilyess@mastodon.online avatar

@fishidwardrobe I don't think there's any requirement for phone numbers in the #Signal Protocol.

They all sound similar but the Signal Protocol (the technical spec; also used by WhatsApp), The Signal Foundation (the non-profit entity behind Signal), and Signal (the messaging service) are all different things.

@dansup @Yuvalne

jay, to Signal
@jay@macaw.social avatar

Does anyone know if is any good as an alternative for communicating with family outside the US? I’d rather not use if I can avoid it…

@jay@macaw.social avatar

@FarLine99 oh yeah I’m a heavy user but I’m not sure if/how it works if someone in my family is in England for example for college.

diyrebel, (edited ) to cybersecurity in Pawning your users to Cloudflare is not how you offer your users security; fedi admins must realize this.

You don’t see the wall because you’re in the included group. Unlike Facebook, Cloudflare hides the wall from those they welcome into their garden. If you click on the screenshot on the OP, you can see what the barrier looks like to those of us who are in the excluded group.

Otherwise I hope you’re not viewing the world through a simplistic “good guys” / “bad guys” lens s.t. those you deem forces of good surely could not be a “walled garden”. The term serves well w.r.t. places where content is published. Restricted access venues: (Facebook, Cloudflare [with restricted access enabled], LinkedIn, Yelp, Quora,…) are not open access. They are walled gardens.

While #Signal is in fact technically a walled garden, it’s bizarre to bring it up simply because it’s a p2p platform with no public content to speak of. The term doesn’t really serve us well in a discussion of p2p private chat platforms. Although it’s important to recognize Signal:

  • takes an extremely protectionist stance,
  • deploys tactics to push Signal users into Google’s walled garden,
  • threatens lawsuits against projects who attempt to use the same platform (#LibreSignal),
  • excludes people without mobile phones,
  • and is outspokenly hostile toward the idea of federations

See github.com/privacytools/privacytools.io/…/779

The exclusivity of Signal’s design and decision making & careless marginalization of classes of people is comparable to that of orgs like Cloudflare & Microsoft.

A Cloudflare host can leave the walled garden, but steps are needed

It is possible to configure a CF host with unrestricted access, in which case you could argue those particular sites are not in the walled garden, but that’s relatively rare. And it still requires a hell of a lot of hand-waving on your part because CF algos still override the user settings in some instances.

gamingonlinux, to random
@gamingonlinux@mastodon.social avatar

omg so slow zzz


@mmmgaming @bison I disagree, but only slightly.
I'd put #XMPP first and thirectly then #Matrix.

But I've to agree that all #SingleVemdor / #SingleProvider "solutions" regardless if #Signal or #WhatsApp are bad due to #centralization.

kkarhan, to ethereum German

Why would anyone want to use on / , which is written in the systemically unsafe Programming Language that is when :monero: / exists?


'Cuz basically build shittier that combines all the disadvantages of & absurdly expensive Computing and Storage.


@cromargaen Everything that #ApartheidEmeraldBoy touches will get the #Enshittification treatment!

Regardless if #Tesla or :birdsite: :twitter: ....

Considering the fact that #Signal does abide and enforce #Cyberfacist #Embargos, and is in and of itself a #centralized #singleVendor /#SinleProvider "solution" I'd not trust them further than I can piss straight up in the air whilst lying on my back and not get wet!

kuketzblog, to Signal German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Tipp Nr.29: Verwende einen sicheren und datenschutzfreundlichen Messenger. Für Umsteiger von #WhatsApp empfehlen sich Signal und Threema. Für mehr Autonomie und/oder öffentliche Chats bieten sich Messenger auf Basis des Matrix- oder XMPP-Protokolls an. Hilfe bei der Auswahl bzw. beim Wechsel bietet die Messenger-Matrix.


#secprivacy2023 #messenger #signal #threema #matrix #xmpp #datenschutz #sicherheit


#signal lässt sich von der Webseite nicht für das Smartphone downloaden, das gilt nur für die Desktop-App. Ohne den Play Store also gar nicht machbar. Zu der Elterndiskussion: ich bin echt froh, NICHT in diesen ganzen Gruppen zu sein. Die offiziellen Infos der Schule gibt es anderweitig und auf die Hausaufgabendiskussionen habe ich eh keinen Bock und keine Zeit. Wenn was wichtiges ist leitet es mir die eine Mutter über #Threema weiter. Und bei der Arbeit verpasse ich in der #Whatsapp Gruppe leider leider die ständigen Fragen, wer für wen einspringt. Wenn konkret ich in Frage komme, kriege ich schon ne Mail. Finde also das Totschlagargument "ich habe kein WhatsApp" eher entlastend.

neurovagrant, to random
@neurovagrant@masto.deoan.org avatar

Just saw someone advocating progressive movements organize on the Fediverse.


-Most fediverse tie-ins are not architected to protect you. For instance, Mastodon Direct Messages are not encrypted and admins can access them.

-Most instances are hosted by ordinary people who don't have the time, knowledge, or resources to fight subpoenas in either criminal or civil actions.

Meet here. Support each other. Cheer each other on. Show solidarity, and elevate and amplify each other.

Organize in much more restricted environments, like end-to-end encrypted messengers like Signal.


@neurovagrant no, because #Signal is a #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SingleProvider solition that is subject to #CloudAct and thus can't be secure by design.

If you really want #InfoSec, #OpSec, #ComSec & #ITsec, then #SelfHosting everything is key.

But that'll require #TechLiteracy and may not scale well...

IMHO self-hosting a #Zulip Server works good for organizational structures.

@mousey@seattlematrix.org avatar

@neurovagrant Learning and running your own is very rewarding. I run for my family and personal social circle (the way social networking should be), and to connect to other Matrix and . This includes bridges to , , , , , and so on.. Matrix is a super good and flexible way to serve you and yours. We even utilize the functionality for voice and video chats.
should be way more popular. 😮‍💨

bullivant, (edited ) to UKpolitics

So we are about to lose access to WhatsApp, Apple and Facebook in the UK. If it happens I cannot imagine what the reaction of the public will be [irony]?

Seriously what on earth are the Tories thinking? They are as reliant on these platforms as the rest of us. Do they think that the tech companies are bluffing and that the UK is too important a market to exit? If they do, they could be in for an awful shock.


#UKPolitics #WhatsApp #Facebook #Apple #Internexit


@bullivant I've just remembered that #signal also said they would withdraw from the UK. I think https://delta.chat/en/
would be a good alternative because it can use any email server, so there is no way to shut it down as long as you have the app. #whatsapp

lichess, to opensource
@lichess@mastodon.online avatar

What are your favourite projects? Other than us of course 😀 Tag them in the replies to share some love!

JorisMeys, to Signal
@JorisMeys@mstdn.social avatar

Got sick and tired of Suckerberg's attacks on the data on my phone. I'm throwing out #WhatsApp and giving #Signal another go.


@ilyess@mastodon.online avatar

@JorisMeys #Signal is miles ahead of #WhatsApp when it comes to security and #privacy. That’s a huge win for you and I hope you’ll manage to stick to it this time around.


@JorisMeys Differnt brand - same issue.

Whilst #Signal has yet to be confirmed as #PRISM collaborator, it too is a #centralized & #proprietary #SingleVendor / #SinlgeProvider "solution" and thus inevitably susceptible to state-sponsored attacks and easy to force into compliance with facist demands.

You might as well use #EncroChat or #ANØM instead.

Real professionals will use #XMPP - #OMEMO as #decentralized, #OpenSource and thus inherently more resilient option!

@JorisMeys@mstdn.social avatar

@kkarhan you missed the point. I'm not using #Signal to hide from yhe govt, I use it because the app doesn't try to track everything I do on my phone in order to feed me more ads.

If I ever aspire to be a criminal, I'll use pigeons ;-)

(Signal is about the furthest I can push my mom. Ease of use is a thingy)

SignalUpdateInfo, to Signal

🎉 There's a new beta version of Signal!

Signal for iOS v6.34

Check out the Signal Community thread for more info: https://community.signalusers.org/t/beta-feedback-for-the-upcoming-ios-6-34-release/54630?u=salt505

#signal #signalapp #signalupdates


#Signal for iOS v6.34 release notes:

  • Get an early sneak peak at an upcoming new feature that lets you edit a message if you notice a typo or hit the send button too early. Long-press on a recently sent message and select “Edit” to get started. This feature will start rolling out to everyone in a future update, but you can help us test it in advance during this beta period.
  • Message reactions now support the latest emoji


freemo, to random
@freemo@qoto.org avatar

Just FYI #WhatsApp appears to be down. The web client is down for me.


@sergeant@qoto.org avatar

@freemo learn to not lay all your eggs in just one basket.
Try #threema and/or #signal .

gnulinux, (edited ) to linux German
@gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

Es ist wieder Zeit für eine Umfrage! Dieses Mal möchten wir von euch wissen: Welche Plattform nutzt ihr für Gruppenchats?

Falls ihr mehrere Plattformen nutzt, stimmt bitte für die ab, die ihr im Alltag am häufigsten verwendet. Sollte eure liebste Plattform nicht zur Wahl stehen, freuen wir uns über eure Kommentare.

Sobald die Ergebnisse feststehen, werden wir diese in einem Artikel auf GNU/Linux.ch auswerten.

#Linux #FOSS #FLOSS #GNU #Software #Chats #Matrix #Telegram #Discord #IRC

caos, (edited )

@gnulinux @AktionUckermark schorsch@chaos.social ich hatte hier mal mit meinem Hubzilla-Account eine sehr ausführliche zu gemacht. da war sogar auf Platz 1 und auf Platz 2 (im Reply ist auch eine Umfrage verlinkt, die den Anspruch hat repräsentativ zu sein): im.allmendenetz.de/item/6fe4c1…


@marvin @vegan

13 triftige Gründe, warum man auch #Signal / #SignalApp NICHT über den Weg trauen sollte:


Threema ist und bleibt der sicherste Messenger, der ohne Mobilnummer läuft daher 100% Anonymität bietet und den schon über 15 Mio. schlaue User gekauft haben!

heiseonline, to news German

Statt "Zwangseinwilligung": WhatsApp setzt jetzt auf "berechtigte Interessen"

WhatsApp hat seine Datenschutzrichtlinie aktualisiert. Als Basis für die Verarbeitung persönlicher Informationen dient noch immer keine klare Einwilligung.



@heiseonline Auszug aus deren FAQ. Wann sie dir widersprechen können:

[...] Wir können uns bei der Verarbeitung auf andere Rechtsgrundlagen als berechtigten Interessen stützen.

Nach einer umfassenden Abwägung des Für und Wider kommen wir zu dem Ergebnis, dass unsere berechtigten Interessen (oder die von Dritten) deinen Widerspruch überwiegen. [...]

Leute hört einfach auf Whatsapp zu nutzen. Es gibt genügend bessere Alternativen. #Signal #Telegram #Threema #Datenschutz #DSGVO #whatsapp

Tekchip, to security
@Tekchip@mastodon.social avatar

WhatsApp is e2ee supposedly. Do I trust Meta on that? Is WhatsApp now acceptable to use for moderate privacy use cases like having a brief chat with Mom? I'm curious what everyone's take is?

#security #privacy #whatsapp #messaging

@expatteacher@mastodon.online avatar

@Tekchip In that particular situation, it's technically workable.

And yet, out of principle, most would probably argue that you'd still want to transfer over to something like #Signal. It's basically the same experience but far more secure and private.

AAKL, to privacy


  • Loading...
  • marqle,

    @AAKL @SomeGadgetGuy

    Maybe the real issue is the size of these companies itself. It's no coincidence that #signal and #matrix have public audits.

    #WhatsApp and #imessage, AKA Facebook and Apple can get away with avoiding them and it's that ability that's the issue.

    It's fundamentally hard to trust a company that doesn't need to earn your trust.

    MediaActivist, to Signal

    How Signal Walks the Line Between Anarchism and Pragmatism | WIRED
    https://www.wired.com/story/signal-politics-software-criticism/ #Signal #encryption #anarchism #technology

    tk, to Matrix
    @tk@bbs.kawa-kun.com avatar

    Why use #Matrix, #Signal, #Telegram, or #Discord when #IRC and #ICQ exist? :blobfoxthink:

    itnewsbot, to medical

    Banks fined $549M after senior execs found secretly texting on Signal, WhatsApp - Enlarge (credit: SOPA Images / Contributor | LightRocket)

    Bank... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1959668 #securitieslaw #textmessages #wellsfargo #imessage #whatsapp #policy #signal #apple #banks #cftc #meta #sec

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