hankg, to rant

With news The Daily Beast is now going to be run by a Murdoch toady that helmed right wing rags that carry water for MAGA types I'm just thinking about if there are any major outlets not owned and/or run by right wing or right wing people and/or owned by right wing super rich people/hedge funds. The MAGA or at the very least non-MAGA Republican boosters essentially have the run the place. All newspapers, all cable news channels except MSNBC in the evening, the overwhelming majority of local news stations, the overwhelming majority of radio stations, Politico, The Hill, Vox, HuffPost (thanks to Vivek fuckwads new ownership), Substack, Twitter, Truth Social, all the Meta properties, et cetera. I could go on. The best the rest of us get is bothesidism faux balance bullshit that doesn't piss off mega-rich owner types at ABC, CBS, NBC, and PBS and small scale operations like Flaming Hydra, 404 media, Ghost, Mastodon/ActivityPub fediverse. Talk about a very narrow space. Grr...

JohnJBurnsIII, to journalism
@JohnJBurnsIII@kzoo.to avatar

October 2022 - when the Bird ownership was replaced. We are now > 18 months since then.

-- and others -- stop using the "Formerly Known As"...

Just use the current "name" (aka letter)...

People know and those that do not don't care.

But I am pretty tired of having to read that Parentheses caveat --- for no reason.

How long are you going to do that?



REALLY>> 1.5 years is more than enough!

hankg, to rant

All of this "Democrats should worry about tit for tat" is beyond hypocritical. Democrats did not do tit-for-tat against GWB after the ginned up Clinton Impeachment. Democrats didn't do it to Trump after GOP tried the same thing with Obama nor when they refused to support legislation they normally would under Obama. Trump already tried to make the US AG and DOJ his personal law firm. He directly interfered with investigations against cronies and his family. Meanwhile Democratic congressional members and the Biden's own son are under active investigation and criminal cases for stuff that was shady as fuck, in the case of Menedez, or wouldn't normally have gone this far in the case of some of Hunter's charges. Republicans were already going to use these things without the pretense they are presenting here because one of their own was finally held to account.

hankg, to rant

I am all for responsible use of local LLM. No vendor to date has shown any sense of responsibility in the usage of their models either. I don't trust MS/Apple/Google to remember to tell us when these things start phoning home later. Hence why I'm pissed about Apple's OpenAI announcement #rant

seachdamh, to rant Polish
@seachdamh@101010.pl avatar

Oficjalna apka PKP top dno. Ulepszone graficznie, ale nadal dno.

WIN: Udało mi się przez nią kupić bilet. Dotychczas, ostatnie 4 razy dowiadywałem się, że miejscówek nie ma. Potem uruchamiałem koleo i na ten sam pociąg miejscówka się znalazła. Tym razem się udało.

FAIL: jadąc ciapągiem po Polsce komórka gubi zasięg. Normalne no.
W trakcie wczytywanie trasy ten zasięg zgubiła. Zdarza się.
Apka wysrała błąd - ballontip. Ok klik - usunięcie z zamiarem sprawdzenia później jak zasięg wróci. Też się zdarza.

I teraz gwódź. Apka uznała najwyraźniej, że to stracenie sieci to jakieś super - hiper - ważne zdarzenie i trzeba użytkownika całkowicie wylogować. A skoro wylogować, to i nie wolno (pewnie SECURITY a co!) użytkownikowi dać dostępu do biletu. Mało tego, jestem w stanie się założyć że lekką ręką z 70% użytkowników apki nie będzie nawet pamiętało tajemnego hasła użytego pewnie rok czy pół roku temu.

Tak więc 70% podroży spędziłem bez dostępu do biletów, bo w XXI wieku pisanie apki mobilnej (w sensie funkcjonalności) to taka wiedza tajemna, że nie można przewidzieć takiej sytuacji.

Nie wiem kto to pisał ale mam nadzieję, że przez najbliższą dekadę będzie kopal rowy.

Efekt: Powrotny mam w tej nieszczęsnej apce więc dla pewności pewnie wydrukuję bilet. A potem z powrotem wrócę do korzystania z Koleo, gdzie najwyraźniej może nie mają full-stack-kiddies na każde zawołanie ale przynajmniej poprawnie potrafią przewidzieć, że mobilna apka w poruszającym się przez pół kraju środku transportu może nie mieć czasami albo i nawet często dostępu do internetu a mimo to użytkownik w każdym momencie dostęp do biletu MUSI mieć.

It's kind of mangic!

#rant #pamiętniczek

faab64, to Israel

Some 52 years ago, when I was in 4th grade of primary school, I found a book "who put glasses on the kid's eyes" in a small book shop in open bazaar of my hometown Ahvaz in khuzestan province of Iran.

A few days later, we had to bring a book to school and read it in front of the class. Happy as I was to have found a great book, I took it to school and read it in front of the class.

I couldn't understand why my teacher was acting so scared and stopped me before I had finished the book and sent me to the principals office.
I was nervous, didn't know what I had done wrong and our principal, who was a really nice man, and went to the same university as my oldest sister took the book and asked me where I had bought it. I knew something was wrong, so I said I bought it at the book store of our local mosque, to protect the guy who was my source of cheap and lovely books and would buy back my old ones to help me afford buying new ones.

In the evening my father came home, agitated and clearly upset. Asked me what I have done and I explained the situation, including the fact that I lied about wher I had bought the book. Told him the highlight of the book about a happy child who was living in a town with happy people who were all wearing glasses.

He was seeing flowers, colorful houses. Nice people and happy children all around him, birds flying in the sky and everyone were so friendly to him.

Until one day he fell of and his glasses broke. He couldn't believe his eyes, the flowers, colorful houses and happy people were all gone. All he could see was a run down city, with piles of garbage everywhere, people wearing worn out clothes, looking hungry and sick.

He was nece happy after that, he couldn't believe that everyone were walking around with glasses and we're happy all the time. But he was sad and miserable, because he had seen his town without those glasses.

Anyway. My father took me to a building close to the main police station on the other side of the Karun river, he spent almost entire day in a room where I could people screaming at him and a few times someone his the table very hard. But couldn't hear what they were saying.
My dad came out. Pulled my hand without saying a word, we walked for an hour to get home, didn't take taxi as we used to do.

He didn't say a word during the whole day and told me to go over my books and bring all the books I had bought from that shop, he through them in a metal bucket and poured some fuel over it, set them on fire and waited until they were completely burned, mixed the ashes to turn them into dust, filled the bucket with water and through it in the toilet.

He told me to never go back to that shop and be careful to take any books to school from now on.

That' was my first interaction with the notorious Savak police of Shah of Iran. In the next days, all the 4 book stores in our town were raided. Books confiscated and doors locked. Never heard about any of them again.

Reading the comments of pro Israeli accounts on mastodon reminded me of that book and that experience that changed my life when I was only 8 years old.

This post specially triggered those memories. Unlike the kid in my book and the people living in the town, these people know very well tat what they are posting is not true, they have seen the horror of the past 76 years of occupation, they have seen the 66 times they were subject to UNSC charges, and 45 that were vetoed by the US..

But they don't care, they see themselves as victims. They don't see the millions of starving palestinians, or the millions living in refuge camps around the world as worthy of their empathy or cause of why Palestinians and some of the world is fed up with their out of control criminal behavior

They don't have glasses on their eyes, they have chosen to be selective and above the laws of the world.

@palestine @israel

ducksauz, to rant
@ducksauz@snug.town avatar

I'm so damn sick of Discord being the platform where so many projects (FOSS and otherwise) do their community, collaboration, and support. That app is a confusing hot mess and gives me anxiety every time I open it.

captainborracho, to Youtube
@captainborracho@metalhead.club avatar

This might be another "Old man yells at cloud moment", but why is #YouTube increasingly putting reaction videos above the actual music videos?

I don't want to watch someone else watching the video and interrupting with low effort commentary, I want to watch the actual video 🤨

Maybe I just don't get the point of reaction videos or why they're so popular.

#rant #OldManYellsAtClouds

WhyNotZoidberg, to random
@WhyNotZoidberg@topspicy.social avatar

I really love ppl who choose to go to work despite coughing every 2 minutes on the 50 minutes bus trip.


hankg, to rant

I recently joined a gym. That's given me about an hour a day of Fox News exposure. As bad as I thought it was, it is far worse. The biggest news events coverage were about how illegal immigrants are behind the unprecedented crime waves afflicting all cities. Meanwhile crime is now back to pre-pandemic levels and even at its pandemic height was still at multi-decade lows. Also, Democrats are giving illegal immigrants free housing, food, phones, and laptops. Why? "Oh you know why..." Readers get to fill in the blanks with that sort of lede. Then we had the completely political hack attack on Trump even though he's never done anything wrong, a major scandal around Hunter Biden's congressional testimony and Fauci's assistant's testimony around something else. That's the big news. The right has a profitable multi-billion dollar industry, far beyond Fox News, to propagandize. There is no counter-balance. And don't say the supposedly liberal MSM. AT best they are led around by the nose by the right wing media and politicians. At worst they have similarly sympathetic coverage when it comes to things like properly addressing wealth inequality, monopolies/trusts, and holding rich powerful people to account. #rant #uspoli #msm #foxnews

StuWatts, to bloodbowl
@StuWatts@hachyderm.io avatar

My crappy wifi swallowed my late night rage post about how hard BloodBowl is, even with a Tier 1 team (Norse). I'm really struggling to improve past just getting the mechanics right, to getting the strategy right. I've got 3 more incredibly hard games left in the league (Norse, Khorne, Wood Elves). I can't get the team to attack decisively, and can only defend through attrition (so I end up losing players). I'm worried the game's not fun any more because I'm not improving.

vintprox, to til
@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

#devRant has vanished from app stores. Now I wonder how new people will ever make it to the community of funny and loud nerds like this one. The way I discovered it is by searching #DevHumor in Google Images and clicking on the one joke I liked. Despite being website second and mobile first, devRant has found its way to my desktop bookmarks, I quickly became a user just to throw a few snarky jokes back and take part in some interesting discussions. There are lots of #TIL moments to have, too.

Few telling signs show that dR does not feel well: subscriptions stopped functioning and now app is nowhere to be found on Play Store. There are simply periods when servers refuse to accept some LTE connections, which is strange for mobile first platform. Now users will have to resort to third-party app, like #skyRant, to access the platform at finger tips.

This situation got me musing again about an app that could interact with devRant and Fediverse, optionally archiving stuff on the latter.

@vintprox@techhub.social avatar

^🧵 My Musings About #devRant Alternative, 4

To make yourself at home on fediverse, you are encouraged to subscribe to a lot of people and interesting hashtags. Once a week, challenge yourself to some new hashtag you were roundabout and unsubscribe if the flow is too much. Explore, research, boost what you want followers to see in their home feed. Write your own posts, toot!

During this journey, you might have already picked all that you like, such as: nixCraft, #opensource, #devhumor, #rant, etc. But how do you go about filtering and even finding old folks?

#devrant hashtag is open for use, so why not include it in your posts and subscribe? You can hide posts that include certain words. But I don't know magic app that would allow something more sophisticated yet.

"Group" can be made: it's a bot account that boosts anything seen with certain hashtags. Everyone can subscribe to it and receive posts made by devRant community fast.

How do we automate this and who can control?

hankg, to rant

Yet another exhibit of how the NYT, WaPo, and much of the supposedly liberal MSM normalize Trump/Trumpism to this very day

shawnhooper, to rant
@shawnhooper@fosstodon.org avatar

Dear conference hotel - A Bose sound bar is not a "professional sound system".

#rant #proaudio

stefan, to ads
@stefan@stefanbohacek.online avatar

I'm starting to find ads even more irritating lately.

What's up with sites that take work funded by the public and putting ads over it? One site I looked at wouldn't even load a NASA video with an ad-blocker on, because of the pre-roll ad.

Or, what about when you watch a trailer for a movie, which itself is an ad, really, but first you have to watch another ad. What's up with that?

#ads #rant

0xDEADBEEF, to rant
@0xDEADBEEF@fosstodon.org avatar

Whoever likes abstractions, indirections, reflexions, injections can all go /dev/null themselves, Ren & Stimpy style.

#softwareDevelopment #rant

TheCozyCat, to books
@TheCozyCat@bookstodon.com avatar

My hot take on one of my biggest #bookish pet peeves - YA should be labeled 'Teen', not 'Young Adult'. It's extremely confusing, it's the reason why YA ends up mixed in with NA smut in stores, by definition it's unclear; Young adult means late teens to early-mid 20s, and by that definition non-readers assume 'young ADULT' means someone of age. There really needs to be a clear differentiation between NA and YA.

#books #rant #bookstodon #maythe4th #booktok #bookstagram @bookstodon

mythologyandhistory, to Archaeology
@mythologyandhistory@mas.to avatar

Male-defaultism in #archaeology is bloody annoying.

Just because someone draws a #hunting scene in a #cave, doesn't mean it was a man doing so or depicting one.

Every #archer grave from the Bell Beaker Era MUST be #male because even when they find #female additions, that just means she is related to a great man or the male lost status (of course).

Archaeologist Randy Haas just assumed he found a male big game hunter in Peru in 2013. Except he didn't.

Getting real #bored.

#rant over.

64bithero, to programming
@64bithero@mstdn.games avatar

I believe anyone who posts complex and complicated solutions for people who ask for help on logging to a console are sociopaths and most likely evil.
#programming #code #stackoverflow #rant

dokuwiki, to rant
@dokuwiki@phpc.social avatar

Oh fantastic. Someone assigned a CVE to an invalid bug report. Of course it's rated "critical".

Now I have to file for a rejection again, while thousands of "vulnerability report sites" copy each others bad summary of the CVE text making it worse with every copy.

The whole CVE system and the "security research industry" at large is a steaming pile of 💩


hankg, to rant

I love Nestle Crunch style candy. I hate the sound of people chewing, even myself. That now incessant on YouTube Nestle Crunch commercial with the guy in airport security line not being able to hear because of his chewing is driving me so up the wall I'm actually starting to hate the product. #rant

Imperor, to gaming
@Imperor@mastodon.social avatar

Wanted to scratch a shooter itch by installing Star Wars Battlefield II again.

First off: What is an EA App and why will EA always suck so hard? I know the answer is money, but man. They're on an extra level.

Secondly: Got into a match filled with cheaters. Killed any interest in playing.

Thirdly: Uninstalling from said EA App doesn't work, had to delete everything manually and then nuke the EA App.

Bravo EA, bravo. Still top 10 worst companies ever.

#gaming #ea #pcgaming #starwars #rant

hankg, to rant

If Apple starts sending all my fucking search, messages, photos, files, etc. data to Google or OpenAI I'm done with them. They are my compromise platform because I hate adding to the Google/Facebook style data reseller big tech data lakes. I honestly don't know what the alternative will be at that point besides having to hobble my experience with /e/os, LineageOS, whatever, self hosting services, etc. and try to figure out a work around for banking apps. Motherfuckers! This is so enraging. I have a feeling I better start getting my ducks in a row to depart their ecosystem sooner rather than later. #rant #apple #ai #enshitification #BigTechShouldNotExist macrumors.com/2024/04/26/apple…

hankg, to rant

...with my luck I'll go through all the brain damage of switching back to Garmin, since there is no decent FOSS fitness tracking hardware, get everything wired up in a de-Googled Android OS (assuming Health services work at all there), and a week later Garmin will get bought by Apple or Google and I'll be equally fucked with all my data going to the same goddamn place.

littlemiao, to Jewish
@littlemiao@babka.social avatar

It is unsurprising to see so many so-called progressives gushing over Naomi Klein’s hate-filled, trope-laden screed. It is unsurprising that her gross distortions of Judaism and of reality resonate so strongly with an audience eager for a Jewish seal-of-approval for their antisemitism. Of course they think it isn’t antisemitic to accuse the majority of Jews of being “deeply immoral,” betrayers of “every Jewish value,” of being, to summarize a good chunk of her speech, cruel blood-thirsty baby-killers, so reprehensible, so depraved as to deserve every ounce of their contempt.

It is unsurprising but deeply depressing to see people with large followings amplifying the vitriol, hate, distortions, and misinformation which was already spreading like wildfire.

The people who hate us will always outnumber us. This speech is a tool they will gladly use. #Antisemitism #Jewish #Rant

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