noondlyt, to random avatar

The CDC has officially recommended the RSV vaccine. If you are getting the feeling that we are in a more serious situation with than we have been led to are correct. The powers that be globally have pandered to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxers for over a year and can no longer ignore the reality.

Be responsible. Get and . Wear your everywhere. Be forthright in letting people know if you have been exposed and / or tested positive. Be an adult.

HistoPol, avatar


...quite serious cases of vaccination-induced illness (chiefly Moderna, but I am not sure, not seen statistics.).

These are all serious objections and this is why I would like to do what I have always done: follow the science. Alas, most of the excellent virologists etc. I was following on the #BorgSite are not here, as far as I know.
Very sad.

HistoPol, to fediverse avatar


Hi Kelly,

welcome to the #Fediverse.
With your ambitious goals, I think you've come to the right place, as the scientific community is particularly strong here.
E.g., most of the #ClimateScientists have migrated here from the #BorgSite, also known as the #DeadBirdSite.

Things here work differently, so you might find these things useful to enjoy your presence here:

_ppmv, to random Chinese

I opened bluesky account @ppmv since that seems to be where various climate scientists are going. Worth a try I guess! - someone kindly invited me; may be able to share invite links in a few weeks. My main interest is workable search function (and possibly retweets), for information-dense threads. Happy later summer, and keep your N95 masks ready everyone, next wave - EG.5 for now, possibly the next gen of BA.2.86 - are coming.

HistoPol, avatar


Sorry Katharine,

I was trying to be helpful, and my information was old and second-hand, so yes, supposedly.
As my bio here states, I was banned last year and have no intention of going back to the #BorgSite, so there is no direct form of verification.
But, thankfully, I got help. 😀

Great, that the list is still there. So, resolved.


rodhilton, to random avatar

Twitter getting rid of light mode, I presume because when Elon sees screenshots of Tweets and they aren't in dark mode he doesn't think they look cool enough.

And yes, many people with visual impairments, including myself, cannot read light text on dark backgrounds.

HistoPol, avatar

@noondlyt @rodhilton

The #BorgSite is moribund.
It has been since the #QLoon bought it backed by the likes of MBS.
However, in so doing, it has been becoming less and less relevant.

The real battle to watch is the one the #BeEvil company and the #RottenApple are fighting to subjugate the #OpenWeb.
The former seems to be already in the roll-out process. Take a look at the linked long article. Horrifying.

Teri_Kanefield, (edited ) to random


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  • HistoPol, (edited ) avatar

    Yes, some popular accounts have been here for a longer time.

    Not enough by far!
    Most still serve as click-bait on the .

    I would not call @Teri_Kanefield and @GottaLaff "influencers" in a meaning.

    Both have real content and provide insights into and/or issues.

    rasterweb, to random avatar

    People who are like "The migration to Mastodon has failed!"

    No it hasn't. I literally migrated to Mastodon from Twitter, and I don't use Twitter anymore, but I do use Mastodon every day.

    I call that a successful migration.

    HistoPol, avatar


    💯% 😀 same here.

    Also, things regarding my posts 📫 and followers went 8x as fast as on the #BorgSite.

    lydiaschoch, to reddit avatar

    With the Apollo app for Reddit shutting down soon, I’m going to need to start relying on Mastodon for all of my cute animal photo, gif, and story needs.

    HistoPol, avatar



    ....👉the username remains visible👈

    2.) Deleted account 👉usernames remain visible too👈

    3.) Anything remains 👉visible on federated servers!👈

    4.) When you delete your account, 👉media does not get deleted on any server👈.

    Since the 👉operator and developer of lemmy has very problematic politics (defending genocide and homophobia👈 for example), and is demonstrably 👉incredibly..."

    Shanmonster, to random avatar

    I got my full face respirator so I can walk to my eye appointment tomorrow. This is not a sentence I ever considered writing before. I cancelled going to the gym tomorrow, too. I hope we get lots of rain soon. #ClimateDiary #CanadaWildFires #RespiratoryDisease

    HistoPol, avatar


    As you going to such great lengths, here is another great idea (borrowed from the #BorgSite ;)) that is great for the office or your home, in case you haven't got an air filter yet:

    gwensnyder, to random

    Elon's Twitter is forcing content from accounts I have blocked into my feed, now.

    Noticed it today with this advertiser, but I assume it's only a matter of time before he lets paid blue checks force their content on people, too.

    NOT GREAT for those of us dealing with Nazi harassment.

    HistoPol, avatar


    How much more will it take until you all pack up your things and leave the #Borgsite?

    GottaLaff, to internet avatar

    Twitter/“trust and safety” = oxymoron

    👀”#Twitter’s head of trust and safety Ella Irwin resigned from her role at the Elon Musk-owned social media platform.

    Irwin, who confirmed her resignation to Reuters on Thursday, served for roughly seven months and declined to provide a reason for her decision.”

    HistoPol, avatar



    ...#Thierry #Breton last Friday, followed by

    “Bye, bye birdie,” by the #European #Commission’s Vice-President for Values and #Transparency, Vera #Jourova the next day.(4)

    After #Musk's most recent misdeeds (e.g. (4)), the many user complaints, and the second departure in this function within just a few months it seems obvious that the #BorgSite is...

    CarlG314, to random

    Authorities were called to the house of #LaurenBoebert three times in just a few month period.

    And the process server reported her husband shouted angry profanities when he was served with divorce papers.

    This family is a wreck, and if someone had died, people would be wringing their hands and wondering how everyone missed all the warning signs.

    HistoPol, avatar

    "And having litigated he-said, she-said cases, especially where an alleged victim has recanted, it's almost impossible to prove, even if the initial 911, tearful complaint is very like the truest version."

    Thank you, @CarlG314,

    it is great to have a #legal expert opinion on the #Boeberts' family situation.

    I had been following her fir some years on the #Borgsite, trying to ridicule her mixture of sillyness and ultra-rightwing behavior.

    Maybe I can provide...


    JulieNye, to random

    Well, I am not thrilled about having to #migrate. I get the issues, but the timing sucks, and I sure wish it was possible just to keep the status quo. Not that anyone has asked for my .02...but since when has that ever stopped me from commenting?? 🙄 Stand by for migration antics fairly soon.

    HistoPol, avatar

    You could check if the #ClimateScientists who left the #BorgSite this week as a group did so having a go-to instance or platform.
    If they moved to #Calckey, that would be a pretty sound evidence.

    @driusan @Evoterra

    juddlegum, to random avatar

    It's not cool to admit this but it sucks that I've spent 15 years building up an audience on this platform and then a billionaire bought it on a lark and turned it into a megaphone for the far right

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


    ...I've already commented on #BlueSky earlier this year.
    In essence, my guess is that the #BorgSite is being kept alive, even as a zombie site, until #Elmo's #PayPal #Jack' s #BlueSky is running smoothly enough.--The #PayPal trio never really fell out.

    And so has Stefan here:

    mastodonmigration, (edited ) to climate avatar

    Climate Scientists Leave Twitter For Mastodon

    So, it is possible for a group to make the collective decision to leave Twitter. Scientists "suffering insults and mass-spam are abandoning Twitter," and setting up shop on Mastodon.

    Climate scientists flee Twitter as hostility surges >>>

    "Glaciologist @Ruth_Mottram had more than 10,000 followers on Twitter but left in February and joined an alternative scientists' forum powered by Mastodon."


    HistoPol, avatar


    If you are interested in the #ClimateCrisis, follow the #ClimateScientists who left the #BorgSite as a GROUP.

    We can all do something to "make this a thing":

    follow as many as you can, so other BorgSite groups will learn of this success.

    Let's make this #TwitterExodus an avalanche!

    Scientists "suffering insults and mass-spam are abandoning Twitter," and setting up shop on Mastodon.
    @mastodonmigration @atomicpoet

    atomicpoet, to bluesky

    One of the funniest things that have happened on #Bluesky this week is that some people are upset there's no "main character" to dunk on, so they're going back to Twitter.

    To some people, toxicity is a feature.

    HistoPol, avatar


    Not disagreeing, but I still think that the legacy #BorgSite technology will collapse within a year or so.

    i/:Rage can be like a drug, so I have this song for @jenny_tightpants to use her craving more productively: go dancing and produce some happiness hormones instead!/i

    🎙Rage hard🎵🎶
    Frankie Goes to Hollywood

    HistoPol, to internet avatar

    BREAKING (but not really surprising) NEWS:

    #Carlson to radicalize remaining #Twitter users


    "#Twitter CEO #Elon #Musk said late Tuesday that the platform had not signed a formal deal with former #FoxNews host #Tucker #Carlson, who earlier in the day 👉announced plans to launch a new show on #Twitter.👈

    “...Tucker is subject to the same rules & rewards of all content creators,” Musk said...

    “There aren’t..."


    HistoPol, avatar

    "...many platforms left that allow free speech. The last big one remaining in the world, the only one, is #Twitter, where we are now,” #Carlson said in his announcement."

    Anyone who has followed #Elmo's more and more #rightwing inclinations on the #BorgSite can hardly be surprised.

    In fact, this is a logical, strategic move to take #fascist and #misogynistic #propaganda global, completely in line with #CPAC meetings with the #UltRight #European #Pariah President,...


    atomicpoet, to fediversenews

    Well, this is an unexpected curveball.

    Jack Dorsey hopes that Bluesky will be “temporary”.

    How likely is Bluesky to actually be “temporary”?


    HistoPol, avatar


    What if #bluesky technology is being developed so that the several hundred million monetizable #BorgSite users with its decrepit IT infrastructure can be migrated to a new platform when it finally comes all crushing down?

    I am thinking of a big house that is in the final stages of burning down and then collapses as some pillars that are vital for statics are destroyed.
    That is the image.

    IMO #jack and #elmo are still working on the same project: l...

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


    ...fear that the big game is that they want to internationally dominate the #GlobalTownSquare of Ideas, except for present-day #authoritarian states like #NorthKorea.

    I think the current #Twitter tech infrastructure is not going to live to see 2025.

    #bluesky #borgsite #jack #elmo

    stefan, to fediverse avatar

    What's one unique thing about the fediverse server/community you're a member of?

    #fediverse #community

    HistoPol, avatar


    I love it.
    In particular, as federated feeds often take forever to load (or not at all), e.g. with #FediLab.

    Being a #Borgsite veteran, #moderation, leave alone #CW's is not that much of an issue for me (so far, this will change once the #MetaHordes flood the #Fediverse.

    Awhile ago, some of us had a longer discussion regarding the control over your threads.

    They ate definitely insufficient on #Mastodon so far.

    I've just had, for the first time after 16k...

    ianbetteridge, to random


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  • HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


    This could be the headline, "#Wordpress replaces #Twitter with #Mastodon" 😀

    Cheers! 🍾🍸


    jeff, to fediversenews avatar


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  • HistoPol, avatar

    @wjmaggos @jeff @feditips @FediFollows @fediversenews

    ..., supranational organizations like the the #UN, the #WorldBank, the #OECD, and the most important #NPO's, as well as many #scientists here.

    "Nothing wrong" with having many different artists here, because they develop culture.

    The mega-#influencers from the #BorgSite or any of the #Meta sites would rather do without, too in many cases.
    They often ...

    HistoPol, avatar

    @wjmaggos @jeff @feditips @FediFollows @fediversenews

    I said what I wish for.
    I already spent too much time on the persona non grata on the #BorgSite.
    Of course they can (and will) come here to spread their venom.

    #FakeNews, #propaganda, and #brainwashing are great dangers for free and open societies.
    I would argue that a big part of the #US population is already lost to central tenets of #democracy...

    david, to fediverse

    So Meta (Facebook/Instagram) want to get into the Mastodon space.

    Will it work? Will people prefer that certain-to-be-unfederated federation?

    Here's a Reddit screenshot that is an interesting take on where things are with Mastodon and concerns moving forward.

    HistoPol, avatar

    Important distinction.
    I think handling their content is less problematic than them getting access to mine.
    As on the #BorgSite, there are so many right-wingers. (I get this when the police busts a group etc.)
    @empiricism @davetroy

    HistoPol, avatar

    Might do this at the end of the week.
    The #NDA has made me nervous somewhat.
    I just lost a big account on the #BorgSite last year.
    Not again.
    @empiricism @davetroy @kjr

    feditips, to random avatar


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  • HistoPol, avatar


    I agree 💯 %

    This "#bothsidesism" is dangerous. Just look at #US mainstream media. And the #BorgSite.


    "👉If you use a platform, it tends to give more power and more resources to the person developing it. 👈People are supposed to donate to projects they use, 👉so it is important to consider where the money is going.👈

    Also, it allows the official channels to 👉advertise the instances owned by the project...👈

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