NatureMC, (edited ) to ai avatar

Laws, ethical debates? It's all too late. The cat's out of the bag. Women over 60, 70 from our village share things like this on WhatsApp and laugh their heads off:
Can I take a photo of you? - Why? - I can do that with you too! - Oops!

The next scammer or dictator can do it, too. Perfect propaganda tools.

#AI #genAI #techBros #fakeVideos #FakeNews #disinformation #propaganda #ethics #EthicsOfAI #MonaLisa #funny

NatureMC, avatar

@pjakobs Why 19th century? I couldn't help but think of #TESCREAL when I read that article.

raymondpert, to australia avatar

Australia's Great Barrier Reef hit by record bleaching

> Australia's spectacular Great Barrier Reef is experiencing its worst event on record, the country's reef authority reported on Wednesday (Apr 17).

> Often dubbed the world's largest living structure, the Great Barrier Reef is a 2,300km-long expanse, home to a stunning array of biodiversity including more than 600 types of coral and 1,625 fish species.

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar

@Syulang @Seruko @raymondpert



...was a species on earth less worthy of becoming a "," as and the other acolytes of () aspire to become, it is the human race.

s/:In fact, if were a crime punishable by the death penalty, homo sapiens deserves an extinction-level events.

R.I.P. homo sapiens./s


kcarruthers, to random avatar

The #TESCREAL Bundle: including some other articles on, e.g., eugenics and statistics via Timnit Gebru

dominique, to tech French avatar

Excellent papier de Maya Kandel dans @mediapart. Prolongement des papiers @oliviertesquet dans Télérama, de l'essai de Jen Schradie sur la droite ... qui est une menace réelle pour nos démocraties.

👉 [€€]

abucci, to ai avatar

NIST staffers revolt against expected appointment of ‘effective altruist’ AI researcher to US AI Safety Institute

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is facing an internal crisis as staff members and scientists have threatened to resign over the anticipated appointment of Paul Christiano to a crucial, though non-political, position at the agency’s newly-formed US AI Safety Institute (AISI), according to at least two sources with direct knowledge of the situation, who asked to remain anonymous.

Good for them! #longtermist / #EffectiveAltruist / #TESCREAL people are cultists and have no place in government. They're obsessed with fantasies like #xrisk that are disconnected from reality and distract from the actual harms #AI is already causing here on Earth. It's precisely the same phenomenon as holding endless discussions about how many angels can dance on the head of a pin while ignoring that people are suffering. It sounds like Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo might be a Kool-aid drinker herself or is sympathetic to the viewpoints of the Kool-aid drinkers.

From her Wikipedia entry:

Gina Marie American businesswoman, lawyer, politician, and venture capitalist

Emphasis mine.

It's alarming that this is even happening, and you know the fix is in because they tried to rush the appointment without informing staffers ahead of time. I hope #NIST staffers prevail.

cc: @timnitGebru @xriskology

DEDGirl, to random avatar

Saw my first Cybertruck out in the wild. 🤣 Holy Hell is it ridiculous. It’s exactly the opposite of what someone would envision a future car would be. It looks like a primitive Mars rover. 🤦‍♀️ I’d rather drive the Pope’s glass box.

paninid, avatar

@DEDGirl @patmadigan

I’m convinced it’s designed for a desired #MadMax future, rusted out heaps, pieced together from other Cybertrucks.

That is the vision the #TESCREAL #AntiNormie bros want to manifest.

darkobserver, to ai avatar

If you'd like to understand the link between the current #AI fixation of Silicon Valley billionaires and its roots in #eugenics and racism I highly recommend reading this series of articles. The term #TESCREAL has been created to summarize the different movements, some of them decades old, that are in play here. Eye-opening, alarming stuff, to be sure. Warning: This isn't something for fast consumption, other than most websites people link to these days.

mixmistressalice, to Podcast avatar

"Everyone's talking about AI, how it will change the world, and even suggesting it might end humanity as we know it. Dave Troy is joined by Dr. Timnit Gebru and Émile Torres, two prominent critics of AI doomerism, to cut through the noise, and look at where these ideas really came from, and offer suggestions on how we might look at these problems differently. And they also offer a picture of the darker side of these ideas and how they connect to Eugenics and other ideologies historically.

Together Émile and Timnit coined an acronym called TESCREAL, which stands for Transhumanism, Extropianism, Singularitarianism, Cosmism, Rationalism, Effective Altruism, and Longtermism — and yeah, that's a lot of -isms. But it ties into other topics that we have covered in this series, including Russian Cosmism and Longtermism.

Dr. Gebru came to prominence in 2020 after she was fired from Google for speaking up about the company's lack of ethical guardrails in its AI development work. Émile Torres studies existential risk and has been a critic of the "longtermist" movement for several years."—Dave Troy >

18+ cloudguy, to random avatar

Vivaldi as a browser is not ready, Firefox is going to die, Chrome sucks, Edge sucks more.

What a time to be alive

HistoPol, (edited ) avatar

@cloudguy @aniltj


...a way that threatens them. Why?

We argue that the 👉#TechGiants have learned how to coopt disruption👈. "

#TESCREAL #billionaire #PeterThiel agrees: "#competition is for losers."

In other world's, #BigTech has been killing any potential competitor of their #oligopoly for decades!

Given the stakes in the advertising shift regarding browsers, this is most likely the case with #Mozilla as well.


HistoPol, avatar


My point.

The bad thing is, I would actually agree with the systemic descriptions and the connotations of #TechnoFeudalism. If you factor in the #TESCREAL dimension of #Elmo and the #PayPalMafia et al, you even gave the medieval "beliefs" dimension. And no-one will argue that if you receive millions of dollars of seed capital, you owe your #liege aka #VC #fealty. And, yes they collect rent, and yes, they either inherited the "rights" or acquired them, charging rent.

dogfox, to ai avatar
Hey_Beth, to random avatar


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  • HistoPol, avatar

    It 's long been my opinion, that a mass exodus of /" voters 2 a new up-to-date platform was always the endgame of +his pals and autocratic/authoritarian foreign allies.

    As @pluralistic pointed out in a great speech last summer, it is next to impossible to migrate many people to ONE new platform.
    IMO, the only way is to have many endorsements by influencers/celeb accounts AND to have the old platform go out of business.

    Zee, to fediverse avatar

    As a Child of the 90/00s Internet; the current model for building and maintaining digital relationships is... Well...


    As a teenager, I was a member of a community of thousands of nerds who loved pushing computing hardware to its limits across several websites.

    Two had private sections where hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of computing equipment was swapped, bought, and sold; with little fraud and "drama".

    How can we design the make healthy relating the norm?

    toolbear, avatar

    @Zee speaking of conspiracy, what was that SILO mention about? The Herman Hesse connection is weird. Makes me think OG Futurists -> OG Nazis fleeing to South America -> Bay Area Soloists -> nRx / Rationalists / EA -> #TESCREAL.

    I don't have perfect clarity, but the pattern feels like a fit. Weird.

    Free_Press, to news avatar

    Putin said that modern Russian weapons are far more superior than NATO weapons. He held his chair tight while saying that.
    #AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Ukraine #Russia #Putin


    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar

    Very true.

    And on several issues, they have been collaborating with autocratic regimes, e. g. Russia, and Saudi Arabia, as well as with the #TESCREAL billionaires.

    @Vaniaji @palin

    abucci, to ai avatar

    I think the notion of uploading consciousness into a computer is just as absurd as the notion of uploading a tornado into a computer.

    #AI #consciousness #tescreal #transhumanism

    si_irini, to random German avatar

    Ich habe grad eine kleine Eingebung bzw. Inspiration bekommen mit dem Artikel aus deinem Toot
    über #Tescreal

    Na mal sehn was das wird
    Was kurzes
    Aber danke 🙂 🙏

    HistoPol, to scifi avatar



    Hi Cory,

    you were so right in 2020:

    "...according to #DanielDennett, this isn’t just fiction—it is the stuff we’ve fueled our #IntuitionPumps with. The problem is, it’s wrong. It makes for good stories, but those stories don’t reflect the truth of the world as I see it. Humanity is, on balance, good."

    "The Dangers of Cynical Sci-Fi Disaster Stories

    I’m changing how I write fiction—for the benefit of the real world."

    Your #SciFi writer...

    HistoPol, avatar



    ...played a vital role in creating the RL tech fascists of #TESCREAL (cf. (4/5) and (5/5)):

    Furthermore, I do think that the veil of society is razor-thin, as superbly portrayed in the movie Falling Down and #WilliamGolding's Lord of the Flies.


    maisouvaleweb, to random French avatar

    "Les milliardaires actuels de la Silicon Valley ont grandi en lisant la science-fiction classique américaine. Maintenant, ils essaient de la rendre réelle"

    Musk, Bezos, Zuck, etc. : These men collectively have more than half a trillion dollars to spend on their quest to realize inventions culled from the science fiction and fantasy stories that they read in their teens

    #TESCREAL (whatever it really

    jbzfn, to scifi avatar

    🛸 Tech Billionaires Need to Stop Trying to Make the Science Fiction They Grew Up on Real

    「 These men collectively have more than half a trillion dollars to spend on their quest to realize inventions culled from the science fiction and fantasy stories that they read in their teens. But this is tremendously bad news because the past century’s science fiction and fantasy works widely come loaded with dangerous assumptions 」

    #SciFi #Dystopia #TESCREAL

    kaffeeringe, to TeslaMotors German avatar

    : Die Tech-Oligarchen und ihre merkwürdige Philosophie. Woran , , , , & Co so glauben und wie sie die Welt nach ihren Vorstellungen verändern wollen:

    peterdutoit, to climate avatar


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  • NatureMC, avatar

    @jackofalltrades On dark days I can see cynic dystopias as well but most of the time I'm hopeful.
    IMHO, most people are not yet aware that the biggest danger of our time is the centralised social media platforms à la Musk and Zuckerberg (and the constant quoting in media). These super-rich climate polluters help fascist ideologies, disinformation (willful dumbing people) and #TESCREAL. But we need democracy to have a future. How to resist them?
    @pvonhellermannn @urlyman @peterdutoit

    2ndStar, to random German avatar


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  • HistoPol, avatar


    Empfand ich damals als zu seicht.
    Heute wäre mir vermutlich die Realität mit den USA, (Ost)Deutschland etc. und Musk /#TESCREAL zu ernst.
    @herrschwarz @aZa1905 @2ndStar

    josemurilo, to ai avatar

    "They’ve wrapped “#AI” with a shiny ribbon to make it fun and appealing to the masses. How could something so fun to play with be dangerous? But like the story we are told about the #cottongin, the true costs are hidden."


    From: @nazgul

    nazgul, to ML

    Something I’ve been thinking about a lot in the current battle over the future of (pseudo) AI is the cotton gin.

    I live in a country where industrial progress is always considered a positive. It’s such a fundamental concept to the American exceptionalism claim that we are taught never to question it, let alone realize that it’s propaganda.

    One such myth, taught early in grade school, is the story of Eli Whitney and the cotton gin. Here was a classic example of a labor-saving device that made millions of lives better. No more overworked people hand cleaning the cotton (slaves, though that was only mentioned much later, if at all). Better clothes and bedding for the world. Capitalism at its best.

    But that’s only half the story of this great industrial time saver. Where did those cotton cleaners go? And what was the impact of speeding up the process?

    Now that the cleaning bottleneck was gone, the focus was on picking cotton as fast as possible. Those cotton cleaners likely, and millions of other slaves definitely, were sent to the fields to pick cotton. There was an unprecedented explosion in the slave trade. Industrial time management and optimization methods were applied to human beings using elaborate rule-based systems written up in books. How hard to punish to get optimal productivity. How long their lifespans needed to be to get the lost production per dollar. Those techniques, practiced on the backs and lives of slaves, became the basis of how to run the industrial mills in the North. They are the ancestors of the techniques that your manager uses now to improve productivity.

    Millions of people were sold into slavery and worked to death because of the cotton gin. The advance it provided did not, in fact save labor overall. Nor did it make life better overall. It made a very small set of people much much richer; especially the investors around the world who funded the banks who funded the slave purchases. It made a larger set of consumers more comfortable at the cost of the lives of those poorer. Over a hundred years later this model is still the basis for our society.

    Modern “AI” is a cotton gin. It makes a lot of painstaking things much easier and available to everyone. Writing, reading, drawing, summarizing, reviewing medical cases, hiring, firing, tracking productivity, driving, identifying people in a lineup…they all can now be done automatically. Put aside whether it’s actually capable of doing any of those things well; the investors don’t care if their products are good, they only care if they can make more money off of them. So long as they work enough to sell, the errors, and the human cost of those errors, are irrelevant. And like the cotton gin, AI has other side effects. When those jobs are gone, are the new jobs better? Or are we all working that much harder, with even more negative consequences to our life if we fall off the treadmill? One more fear to keep us “productive”.

    The Luddites learned this lesson the hard way, and history demonizes them for it; because history isn’t written by the losers.

    They’ve wrapped “AI” with a shiny ribbon to make it fun and appealing to the masses. How could something so fun to play with be dangerous? But like the story we are told about the cotton gin, the true costs are hidden.


    Bundesregierung, to random German avatar

    Immer wieder lesen wir in den Social-Media-Kommentaren, dass Deutschland kaum Einfluss auf die Erderwärmung habe. Das ist falsch. Weitere Fakten, mit denen Sie Mythen zum #Klimawandel entgegentreten können:

    HistoPol, (edited ) avatar


    I agree wholeheartedly with all your assessments .
    This is why humanity stands where it stands: #overshoot.

    The things I wrote down 1m ago that would be required are very unlikely to happen--on time, if at all:

    Even the #TESCREAL billionaires can only hope that #Elmo's Ark will be ready on time.

    But why they would want to live in a hostile Martian colony and lacking the technology to terraform #Mars instead of saving Earth eludes me.


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