CharlieMcHenry, to random avatar

Google Authenticator cloud sync: Google can see the secrets, even while stored - Google has just updated its 2FA Authenticator app and added a much-needed feature: the ability to sync secrets across devices.TL;DR: Don't turn it on. #privacy #cloudsync #surveillance #google

cyberghost, to random

Aww so cute ❤️

#meme #funny #privacy #nsa #surveillance

CharlieMcHenry, to random avatar

Smartphones with Qualcomm chip secretly send personal data to Qualcomm - “The fact that Qualcomm collects a large amount of sensitive data and transmits it via the insecure and outdated HTTP protocol shows us that they do not care about users’ privacy and security.” #smartphone #Qualcomm #privacy #surveillance #dataprivacy #datacollection

Natanox, to random avatar

Smartphones using the Snapdragon 630 chip were found to call home to Qualcomm without the consent of the user, bypassing the whole operating system. Data includes unique hardware ID, current IP, country, your ISP, list of installed apps and other data.

It is send unencrypted and gets combined with data broker profiles.

As usual, big IT companies don't give a flying fart about any laws, their customers or ethics in general. Who would've guessed. 😔 #privacy #security

Natanox, avatar

To make anyone of you go ballistic on how bad this currently looks, put it into context to what current-gen Qualcomm smartphones are doing:

A phone that calls home on hardware level with always-on mic AND cameras and the ability to analyze that data using the inbuilt NPU (Neural Processing Unit)? Oh boy, do I feel safer now.
🔥 :thisisfine: 🔥 🔥
#privacy #security #android #qualcomm #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism

nw, to random avatar
openrightsgroup, to random avatar

🚨 When the UK government attacks ‘activist lawyers’, it’s not just a soundbite. They’re spying on human rights lawyers who are acting on immigration matters and blocking any transparency.

This is a direct attack on our justice system and the rule of law!

#surveillance #ukpolitics #immigration

strypey, to random avatar

"In his excellent book on #surveillance, Bruce Schneier has pointed out we would never agree to carry tracking devices and report all our most intimate conversations if the government made us do it.

But under such a scheme, we would enjoy more legal protections than we have now. By letting ourselves be tracked voluntarily, we forfeit all protection against how that information is used.

Those who control the data gain enormous power over those who don't."


jake4480, to tech avatar

I'm no conspiracy theorist or a Luddite or someone who's afraid of/resistant to change, but I don't like the idea of driverless cars. Just like I'm not into all the AI stuff.

I just see all the autonomy and these camera-covered vehicles leading to driverless drones and vehicles used by governments for martial law-- to keep the population in line. Unfettered, unregulated tech advances-- that's what this kind of stuff always leads to. Fascism, control, surveillance states (I mean, more than the USA already has).

Again, just my personal view, but I just get the feeling that AI, LLM, ChatGPT, all of it is just making the kind of controllable future that the rich and their corporations want that much easier to create.

And you just KNOW that's what this particular driverless car tech is going to be used for. The ability to more and more easily dispatch driverless vehicles, not to mention all the data they are already collecting and will collect -- all this is going to be sold to the highest bidder for surveillance purposes just like it always is (Think Facebook, etc. And I'm sure this is probably already happening).

Just.. no thanks. To all of it.

#privacy #DriverlessCars #surveillance #corporatocracy #SurveillanceState #ai #llm #tech #future

CharlieMcHenry, to internet avatar

Statement on EU-US Cooperation on Turning Public Opinion Against Encryption - “The general public is often a beneficiary of encryption multiple times a day – from visiting websites, using cell phones, making payments – without even realising its presence. This is testament to the quality of the tremendous work it has taken to make encryption ubiquitous. It is at the heart of a trusted internet, an enabler of both economic benefits and human rights.” #encryption #privacy #internet #communication #surveillance #LawEnforcement n

PrivacyDigest, to random avatar
PrivacyDigest, to random avatar
openrightsgroup, to random avatar


Over 320 people have joined our campaign to #StopTheSpyClause in the Online Safety Bill (UK).

Will you join the movement to protect your privacy? #DontScanMe

#OnlineSafetyBill #privacy #e2ee #ukpolitics #surveillance

re_vbrakel, to random

Great to see some insights I gave in an interview in 2013 on algorithmic discrimination and smart video #surveillance are still relevant 10 years later! #AI

itnewsbot, to science

Weird SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in mink suggests hidden source of virus in the wild - Enlarge / Minks are seen at a farm in Gjol, northern Denmark, on Octobe... - -cov-2 -19

CharlieMcHenry, to internet avatar

The EARN IT bill is back, seeking to scan our messages and photos - Republicans keep putting legislative garbage like this forward in their pursuit of autocracy. TBH it is not that different from China’s social surveillance and credit system that keeps the population under constant monitoring for what the state considers ‘proper behavior’. Is this what we want for the USA? Conservative Republicans seem to think so. #republicans #conservatives #surveillance #privacy #internet

justinling, to random avatar

CNN reporting that BuzzFeed News is being shut down.

Another fantastic news shop gutted and killed by hedge funds and institutional investors.



BuzzFeed was funded by #TechnoFascist #BigTech #SiliconValley #VC's

It's being shut down because the personal behavioural data it's been harvesting & scraping from humans since DayOne of operations simply isn't needed anymore to feed the #Surveillance beast.

Haven't you heard? the injection of #AI into #media ecosystems is where all the action is today...


#Privacy #Democracy

openrightsgroup, to random avatar

Treating an entire population as a suspect whose private messages must be scanned is neither necessary nor proportionate to tackle public policy issues. The spy clause in the Online Safety Bill (UK) must be removed. It's a tool of mass surveillance.

Join our campaign:

#OnlineSafetyBill #StopTheSpyClause #privacy #surveillance #encryption #e2ee #ukpolitics

igd_news, to tech

"Our enemies have great capabilities and perfected tactics. On their side they have the police and justice systems, the scientists and technocrats, and in some cases the support of the general population. They control vast infrastructure networks. They have infinite memory, archives and DNA databases.

On our side, we have the informal and decentralized nature of our organizations, shadows to hide in, and solidarity to help each other in difficult times, to continue the fights of comrades who cannot do so anymore."

autonomysolidarity, to random German avatar

Das 40,00€ teurer gewordene Nachfolgeticket zum 9-Euro-Ticket soll Daten melken. Zwar solle das Ticket übergangsweise nicht nur für Smartphones erhältlich sein sondern auch auf Chip-Karten und kurzzeitig auf Papier mit QR-Code, aber wichtig scheint es den Regierenden vor allem anderen, dass mit dem 49€-Ticket Echtzeit-Verkehrsdaten erhoben werden können.

Positiv klingt zunächst: "Es werde nicht gespeichert, wer von A nach B fährt, sondern nur, wie stark die Verkehrsmittel ausgelastet sind. Für die Fahrgäste könnte das ein Nutzen sein, weil die Verkehrsunternehmen so für ausreichend Kapazitäten sorgen könnten."

Allerdings: Das Ticket wird wohl nur als Abo personalisiert erworben werden können, so dass darüber anfallende Personendaten zukünftig schnell integriert werden könnten. Mit Hinblick auf den aktuellen massiven Ausbau des Überwachungsstaats und der Kontrollgesellschaft in Deutschland und der EU (digitale Personenkennziffer/RegMod, Chatkontrolle, Identifizierungspflicht, Biometrie, eIDAS uvm) ist es doch auch gar nicht die Frage ob, sondern nur wann und mit welchem Vorwand (Anschläge, Pandemie, Jugendschutz, Wahlkampf) personalisierte Datenerfassung und Polizeizugriffe kommen werden, sobald die digitale Kontrollinfrastruktur erst einmal errichtet wurde.

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Überwachung mit «Safe City» :
Nowhere to hide
Es gibt keinen Ort, um sich zu verstecken

"Ob in Ghana, Serbien oder Ecuador: Das vernetzte Kamerasystem des chinesischen Techkonzerns Huawei kontrolliert Städte auf der ganzen Welt. Ermöglicht es den Regierungen bald eine lückenlose Überwachung inklusive Gesichtserkennung?
«Nowhere to hide» – kein Ort, um sich zu verstecken: Mit diesem Versprechen preist der chinesische Techkonzern Huawei auf seiner Website sogenannte «Safe City»-Lösungen an. Dank intelligenter Kamerasysteme und der passenden Analysesoftware soll es möglich sein, Städte oder gar ganze Länder sicher zu machen – oder zumindest sicherer....."!1X7A0YFDHY1M

autonomysolidarity, (edited ) avatar

Police seize on COVID-19 tech to expand global surveillance

"In the pandemic’s bewildering early days, millions worldwide believed government officials who said they needed confidential data for new tech tools that could help stop coronavirus’ spread. In return, governments got a firehose of individuals’ private health details, photographs that captured their facial measurements and their home addresses.

Now, from Beijing to Jerusalem to Hyderabad, India, and Perth, Australia, The Associated Press has found that authorities used these technologies and data to halt travel for activists and ordinary people, harass marginalized communities and link people’s health information to other surveillance and law enforcement tools. In some cases, data was shared with spy agencies."

autonomysolidarity, avatar

CSRC Bulletin #1 - Counter-surveillance resource center

International Coordination Against Targeted Surveillance

"We are anarchists. We believe in an international coordination of informal anarchist groups to pursue the fight against all forms of domination. We believe that sharing knowledge about our enemies’ capabilities and tactics should be an important part of that coordination."


#Surveillance #Selfdefence #socialwar #socialcontroll #technology #antireport

autonomysolidarity, avatar

(en/it/pt) Doxcare: Prevention and Aftercare for Those Targeted by Doxxing and Political Harassment

"This step-by-step guide explains how to protect yourself from online stalkers, why it is important, and what to do if you are targeted for “doxxing”—the publishing of your private information. In a era of universal surveillance, when livestreamers broadcast every major demonstration while fascists, FBI agents, and police officers comb through social media posts to gather intelligence with which to harass activists, there has never been a better time to take steps to secure your privacy. Here’s how."
Via @CrimethInc


#Surveillance #Selfdefence #Datasecurity #datas #technology #antireport #doxcare #privacy #activism

autonomysolidarity, to random German avatar

Frontex, dass wohl als eine von der EU eigens zur gnadenlosen Bekämpfung von Menschen in Not eingerichtete Agentur bezeichnet werden kann, baut die Überwachung immer weiter aus.
Mit Millionensummen werden hier neue Überwachungs- und Kontrolltechniken an den Schwächsten und Wehrlosesten erprobt und verfeinert.
Wir sollten nicht zulassen, dass immer mehr sichtbare und unsichtbare Grenzen um uns herum gezogen werden, die uns alle zu Gefangenen machen!
Mauern einreißen! Frontex versenken!

Frontex installiert Kameras in der Stratosphäre

EU-Empfehlung an Griechenland : Frontex-Drohne darf erstmals im zivilen Luftraum fliegen

Ende Mai 2023 nimmt die Europäische Union eine neue biometrische Datenbank in Betrieb.

Frontex Überwachungsflugzeug im Einsatz:

Anlagen zur „Erstregistrierung“ von Geflüchteten
Beispiel Österreich: Reportage von @Schalk

#Frontex #AbolishFrontex #FortressEurope #noborders #FightTheFortress #KeinMenschIstIllegal #Überwachung #Migration

autonomysolidarity, avatar
autonomysolidarity, to random German avatar

Wir ahnten es und es dauerte leider gar nicht lange... Hier ist es also: Das neueste rechtspopulistische Vorhaben von Vorratsdaten-#Faeser und ihrer Ampel-Regierung aus #SPD, #Grünen und #FDP.

Nun wollen sie also der #Bundespolizei die „präventive“ #Überwachung von Handys und die Ermittlung von Standorten ermöglichen sowie Drohneneinsätze an Bahnhöfen, Grenzen und Flughäfen beschließen. Und natürlich noch mehr #Kameraüberwachung. Wie es sich für jeden ordentlichen Überwachungs- und #Polizeistaat nun mal gehört.

Der GdP geht das ganze – wie immer – nicht weit genug. Die will auch noch Onlinedurchsuchungen und Verschlüsselungsverbote. Vermutlich haben die einfach noch nichts von der EU-Chatkontrolle mitbekommen...

Das ganze erinnert uns an das „Loi sécurité globale“ in Frankreich. Dort gab es allerdings heftige Proteste dagegen. Bei den letzten Polizeibefugniserweiterungen/PAGs in Deutschland rafftem sich hingegen kaum mehr Linke auf und dann staunten alle mit großen Augen über die #Präventivhaft für #Klimaaktivist*innen #defundthepolice

autonomysolidarity, avatar

Indessen wurde in #England im Oktober 2022 ein Gesetz verabschiedet welches beinhaltet, dass "verdächtige" Menschen je nach Laune von der Staatsmacht mit elektronischen Etiketten markiert werden können. So kann auf Nummer sicher gegangen werden, dass sie keinerlei Protestform nachgehen, um ihren Unmut kundzutun. Begründet auch hier mit Aktionen der #Klimabewegung.
Die#Dystopie des #Polizei und #Überwachungsstaates nimmt auch hier immer mehr Formen an.

"The bill makes a number of acts a criminal offence, including 'locking on' - when protesters use locks to attach themselves to stuff to make it harder for police to remove them - and 'tunnelling' - when protesters make tunnels to protest in.

It creates new offences that could see people face prison sentences and hefty fines for expressing discontent about the state of the world, and it has been described as "draconian" and creating "a police state".
It also expands stop and search powers - by allowing police to stop people they suspect could be carrying "a prohibited object"

It also creates Serious Disruption Prevention Orders (SDPOS) that can be placed on people to stop them from protesting in the first place, including by making people wear electronic tags."

#Surveillance #UK #Repression #Antireport

autonomysolidarity, avatar

How Britain Is Waging War Against Climate Protesters

"The bill also enhances police powers to stop and search suspected protesters, and allows for certain individuals to be banned from protesting altogether.
“It’s the kind of legislation you would expect in Russia or Iran or Egypt or China,” says George Monbiot, a British writer and environmental activist. “It’s not the kind of legislation you would expect to see in a nominal democracy.”"

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