dave_andersen, to Pittsburgh
@dave_andersen@hachyderm.io avatar

Hah! Just when I was complaining yesterday about the lack of regional solar to absorb some of that hot day electricity demand peak, along comes Summer Lee digging up $2m to put a solar farm on the nine mile run slag heap area.


Awesome use - the place is horribly contaminated, and this will cover it and reduce stress on transmission lines into squirrel hill. ♥️

balkonsolar, to solar German
@balkonsolar@freiburg.social avatar

Ich dachte erst Bilder von im , da findest du Nix. Das ist ja überall verboten. Dann ging ich beim wandern durch eine Kolonie in . Gefühlt jeder zweite hatte Panels! @umwelthilfe


P4FKoeln, to solar German
@P4FKoeln@social.cologne avatar

Donnerstag, 23. Mai 2024, 18:30, Klimacafé Riehl, Brehmstraße 4-6, 50735 Köln

Alles, was Du über und wissen musst!

Der Riehler Klimatreff lädt zum Infoabend zum Thema -Anlagen und Balkonkraftwerke ein.

Wenn Du Dich dafür interessiert, als Hauseigentümerin oder Mieterin den teilweise selbst zu produzieren bist Du herzlich willkommen!


susankayequinn, to solar
@susankayequinn@wandering.shop avatar

Do you have ? Got some good pixs? Enter them in this contest with the DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office!


CelloMomOnCars, to solar
@CelloMomOnCars@mastodon.social avatar

Smelting Without Fossil Fuels: Power Shatters the 1,000°C Barrier for Industrial Heating

"Swiss researchers have developed a solar energy method using synthetic quartz to achieve temperatures above 1,000°C for industrial processes, potentially replacing fossil fuels in the production of materials like steel and cement."


Caveat: this is a lab result, albeit a promising one.

pee, to solar
@pee@mastodon.online avatar

Life's bliss with and . Got my Smart Plugs & Switches today. 0.00


BlumeEvolution, to solar German
@BlumeEvolution@sueden.social avatar

Guten Morgen - Tässle Kaffee ☕ ?

Letzte Woche gab es wieder etwas #Hate vor allem älterer, reaktanter Männer, nachdem mich der #SWR mit 1 Satz pro #Windkraft zitiert hatte.

Doch ich bleibe dabei und bekräftige es auch: #Windenergie ist eine wichtige Form erneuerbarer #Friedensenergie. Wer deren Ausbau pauschal bekämpft, nimmt die weitere fossile Finanzierung von Krieg & Terror, #Antisemitismus und dualistischer Propaganda in Kauf. Ich bin pro #Solar & #Wind! :0450: https://scilogs.spektrum.de/natur-des-glaubens/windkraft-zur-produktion-erneuerbarer-friedensenergie-gegen-krieg-und-antisemitismus/

tomkalei, to solar German
@tomkalei@machteburch.social avatar

Seit wir unsere PV-Anlage in Betrieb haben, beobachte ich unseren Stromverbrauch und da fallen einem Dinge auf, die, nun ja, eigentlich offensichtlich sind. Man weiß sie schon, aber es hat mir nochmal die Größenordnungen von Leistung vor Augen geführt.


EZLorenzImagery, to Seattle
@EZLorenzImagery@socel.net avatar
balkonsolar, to solar German
@balkonsolar@freiburg.social avatar

🟨🟨▫️▫️ bereits 55 Leute haben sich angemeldet für unseren -Versuch im !

Es gibt noch 45 Plätze, daher schnell auf https://balkon.solar/weltrekord gehen und anmelden.

Wir bauen aus gebrauchten Panels und neuen Wechselrichtern, neue Steckersolargeräte!

unnameduser, to solar
@unnameduser@mastodon.social avatar
GreenFire, to solar
@GreenFire@mstdn.social avatar

Without celebrating the climate progress that we've made we send a signal to young people that we've not been trying to address the problem and that's a problem.

Already, the rollout of clean generation, led by solar and wind, has helped to slow the growth in fossil fuels by almost two-thirds in the last 10 years. As a result, half the world’s economies are already at least five years past a peak in electricity generation from fossil fuels.

#ClimateHope #Solar #Wind

Snowshadow, to news
@Snowshadow@mastodon.social avatar

Researchers use reflectors underneath solar panels to boost solar power by 4.5%

"The University of Ottawa in collaboration with National Renewable Energy Laboratory developed an add-on to solar panels that increases their energy output by 4.5%"


malcircuit, to solar
@malcircuit@thingy.social avatar

Holy crap!

The sun kicked out a X8.79 flare at about noon CT today! THAT'S HUGE!!!

If there was a CME associated with that one, we might be getting another major geomagnetic storm in a few days.

#solar #astronomy

greenfrogg, to Energy Dutch
@greenfrogg@mas.to avatar
meganL, to solar
@meganL@mas.to avatar

Stating what should be obvious, but is too often ignored in calls for solar farms - we have plenty of existing infrastructure on which to be installing solar.

We don't need to centralize nor overrun more habitat.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hcsFVZbV5w #Solar

ctietze, to uk
@ctietze@mastodon.social avatar

Solar farm update. Fencing. Trenching. Lawyers… https://www.positech.co.uk/cliffsblog/2024/05/10/solar-farm-update-fencing-trenching-lawyers/

If you wonder why medium scale solar farms don't multiply much quicker than they do, maybe the reason is in this post: the paperwork seems to be very, very complicated if the bureaucrats don't want to make it easy.

I'm puzzled why so many identity documents are 1) needed and 2) even exist!

This is such a mess.

Edent, to solar
@Edent@mastodon.social avatar

🆕 blog! “One MegaWattHour of Battery Power!”

Less than a year ago, in August 2023, we installed a 4.8kWh Solar Battery at a cost of £2,900. Whenever I talk about the upfront capital costs of solar power, people rightly want to know what the payback period is. Well, after less than 10 months, the battery has given us 1MWh. To put that […]

👀 Read more: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/05/one-megawatthour-of-battery-power/

#battery #moixa #solar

blog, to solar
@blog@shkspr.mobi avatar

One MegaWattHour of Battery Power!

Less than a year ago, in August 2023, we installed a 4.8kWh Solar Battery at a cost of £2,900. Whenever I talk about the upfront capital costs of solar power, people rightly want to know what the payback period is.

Well, after less than 10 months, the battery has given us 1MWh.

To put that in to context, the average UK household uses about 3MWh per year. So (again, very roughly) over a third of our electricity use this year has come from the battery.

But where does the battery get its energy from? We have two sources.

First is solar. When the sun is shining, our solar panels produce electricity. That flows down from our roof and into our mains wiring where it is used by the home. If we are using less electricity than is being produced, the electricity flows into the local grid and we get paid for selling our surplus.

Our battery has sensors attached to the grid connection. When it detects surplus generation, it starts charging. By constantly monitoring our overproduction, it can charge up with free solar power.

But the sun doesn't always shine (ain't that the truth!) so there are days when our solar production is less than our usage.

In these cases, the battery charges from the electricity grid. We have a smart tariff which changes price every 30 minutes. The battery knows the day's prices and can predict our daily usage. If it can see that electricity is cheap at 3am and expensive at 4pm, then it will charge up during the early hours of the day and discharge at peak time.

The battery occasionally sits idle. Mostly when it has fully charged but knows an expensive period is coming up later.

What does that mean for money?

Well... it's complicated! When the battery charges from solar, is the electricity free? No! If we were to sell that surplus electricity to the grid, we would be paid 15p/kWh.

When the battery charges from the grid, is the electricity expensive? No! Because we are on a dynamic tariff, we occasionally get paid to use electricity! Our provider has paid us up to 5p/kWh to charge!

When the battery discharges, how much does it save us? Again, complicated! Because we're on a dynamic tariff our prices change every 30 minutes. Sometimes the rates are as high as £1/kWh, other times they're 1p/kWh. Generally speaking, the battery only discharges if the price of use is higher than the cost of acquisition.

So... I've fudged the figures! For the first year of operation, energy prices have been high. Based on a back-of-a-fag-packet calculation, I reckon the battery saves us an average of about 31p/kWh. Call it about £360 per year in savings.

That gives us a payback time of about 8 years.

Of course, if electricity prices spike, payback will be quicker. If they crater, it'll take longer. If we switch to electrical heating or get an electric car, the savings will be greater.

Domestic battery technology is still a bit of a tough sell. The batteries are large and their fans are noisy. The cost of materials and installation is high and their capacity is relatively small. But the technology behind them is sound. With a dynamic energy price tariff, they're one of the best way to reduce utility bills.

Obligatory referral link

Join Octopus energy and we both get £50. They have regular and dynamic tariffs, and a pretty cool GraphQL API.


jackofalltrades, to China
@jackofalltrades@mas.to avatar

An honest look at both coal and renewables in China.

"Barring further extreme weather events" is an interesting condition in the era of climate disruption we're living through.


@jackofalltrades@mas.to avatar

On a statistical basis, China’s newly-built wind and solar capacity figures are impressive, but their performance consistently lags that of renewable assets in other countries. China gets low utilization rates for its wind and solar because it has built a lot of capacity in parts of the country that have average-at-best natural wind and solar resources. Furthermore, much of the solar is on rooftops, which also see lower capacity factors than ground-mounted solar.

adingbatponder, to solar
@adingbatponder@fosstodon.org avatar

panel with USB A connector is plugged into the USB micro power in port. The tbeam has a 16850 3400 mAh Li-Ion 3.7 V battery. The panel & tbeam are behind a velux roof window angled at the sky. The sun is shining well today, no clouds. The t-beam shows 4.2 V plugged in symbol in the app. When unplugged from the panel, the t-beam shows 100% charge.
solar panel https://www.botnroll.com/en/solar-panels/3244-monocrystalline-solar-panel-5v-1a.html
This is test to see how long this lasts - there is no power management circuit.

meshtastic andoid app showing the same node now with a battery symbol which implies it is running on its battery only. It shows 100%
A tbeam plugged into a small solar panel via usb
the solar panel and tbeam are placed under a roof velux window behind its rolled-down blind. the sky shows it is dusk and is a dark blue

ncoca, to TeslaMotors
@ncoca@social.coop avatar

Too much criticism of #Biden's #EV #tariffs ignoring basic facts about #China & #BYD

A reminder about why #Chinese #electric vehicles are so cheap - more than mere "innovation"

  • non-existent labor protections, & no real labor unions in Chinese factories = cheap workforce (unlike unionized Detroit)

  • minimal lacking sourcing standards for raw materials = widespread supply chain #humanrights & #environmental abuses

  • massive subsidies & domestic market protectionism


@ncoca@social.coop avatar

@Alon @adnan Definitely, remember the tariffs against Japanese automakers in the 1980s?

But for all the issues US, #Japan, #Europe, etc, face w/ trade b/t each other, #China is completely different. At the very least, I'd appreciate if those criticizing #Biden's tariff would at least recognize that.

Also lessons have been learned - American solar is growing. Europe, which failed to protect against cheap Chinese #solar imports/dumping (or #forcedlabor) saw its solar industry decimated.

sudelsurium, to solar German
@sudelsurium@troet.cafe avatar

Frage an alle, die #Photovoltaik mit Aufsparrendämmung nutzen:

Verschraubt Ihr die Haken durch die Dämmung hindurch im Sparren - oder kann eine Verschraubung in Lattung/Konterlattung genügen?

Gibt es da eine Montageform, die als fachgerecht bzw. vorschriftsmäßig definiert ist?

🔮❌ Bitte keine Spekulationen, nur sachkundige Antworten.

#solar #steildach

elaterite, to california
@elaterite@fosstodon.org avatar

I decided to roll the dice, that my CV joint on my car wouldn't blowup, for a run up north out of city lights to see the aurora--& I'm so glad I did! Two shots from northern California: First is from Doyle & the second is from Frenchman Lake. What an amazing display! For a time the aurora covered a 180 degrees from east to west & was overhead & could be seen in the south! I shot these photos with a 15mm f/2.0 30sec ISO400.

Color photo of an aurora. The landscape is forested mountains with a tongue of a lake going from the lower left to lower central frame. A distant body of water can be seen past the tongue. In the sky there are stars. On the horizon, just above the low mountain ridge line, is a band of yellow-green. Blue is above that. Then red. Then purple. There are numerous vertical streaks as well.

SiR_GameZaloT, to pakistan
@SiR_GameZaloT@paktodon.asia avatar

Brilliant article on the challenges facing transition to renewables, and why its unlikely

"while the cost of renewable power is now lower than that of fossil fuels, renewables are not a profitable business. The particularities of the .. market structure are the causal factors here... Making sure that capital gets its pound of flesh has crippled the country."


@SiR_GameZaloT@paktodon.asia avatar

Continuing the theme - why despite hitting 's rooftop target half a decade early the Gov is being forced to somehow put brakes on the renewables transition.

" this rapid growth in rooftop solar is creating costs that have to be passed on to poorer segments of the population"



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