TerryHancock, to random
@TerryHancock@realsocial.life avatar


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  • kkarhan,

    @TerryHancock Yeah, #Canonical should understand that forcing #Snap down everyone's throat is only going to harm @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS instead.

    Still consider #Firefox?

    nixCraft, (edited ) to FreeBSD
    @nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

    "240 million PCs could end up in landfills when Windows 10 support ends"


    Or they could be repurposed with or Chrome OS Flex, or , and we can stop being so freaking dramatic.

    If you just browse, watch Netflix, shop, net banking, etc, Linux distributions like Mint or Ubuntu could save you money. It is an environment-friendly option.

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @nixCraft Yeah...

    Jist put on some @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS amd hve a good Desktoo for 5-10+ years amd even lowest-end machines can be repurposed with @bunsenlabs / #BunsenLabsLinux or if you want something to just surf on, consider #PorteusKiosk.

    Either way, I think #Microsoft should be forced to pay for those >240M PCs they decided to obsolete for no good reason and that this should be accounted for in their #CarbonFootprint as a #Corporation!

    nixCraft, to random
    @nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

    If you could code any fictional technology from movies or books, what would it be?

    kkarhan, (edited )
    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @SweetAIBelle @landley @OS1337 Eeyupp...

    In fact, the approach as of now is the classic #init file as #bash script since #toybox exists.

    For a minimalist system that wants to be a successor to #tomsrtbt and #Floppinux there isn's anything smaller nor more efficient.

    After all, I don't expect OS/1337 to be used as a "#Server" in lieu of @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS or #Debian but instead want to use it as a clean foundation for other projects of mine in need of an #OS.

    publicvoit, to Podcast German
    @publicvoit@graz.social avatar

    @stdevel machte mit @fabrik42 @knoppi und mir eine spannende Episode zu und .

    Auch der kam durchaus öfters vor.

    Wenn du noch nicht viel über die Themen weißt oder noch unschlüssig bist, solltest du dir das mal anhören - gibt einen guten Überblick über diese ziemlich ausgereiften Powertools.


    :emacs: :orgmode:

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @flyinggecko @stdevel knar, ich betrachre es jedenfalls als.lustig wenn irgendwelche -Hater sich als -Fans entpuppen weil das komplett absurd ist...

    Ist so'n bisschen wie wenn -Fans iegendwelche - pushen...

    Ich selbst bin ja nen Fan von etweder exzellent umgesetzen Distros ( @ubuntu ) oder konsequentem Minimalismus ( / & )...

    jvagle, to random
    @jvagle@mastodon.lawprofs.org avatar

    YouTube has “launched a global effort” to crack down on ad blockers.

    It was not quite a year ago that the FBI was recommending that everyone use ad blockers to avoid scams and privacy violations.



    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @jvagle Interestingly #YouTube already started that shit even in the #EU & #Germany but apparently I've never seen these myself as I use @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS, #Firefox, #uBlockOrigin, #SponsorBlock and #pfBlockerNG on my entire network...

    angusm, to windows
    @angusm@mastodon.social avatar

    "Ohai, this is Windows. You may have noticed that I killed all the long-running jobs that you left going overnight and restarted your computer so that I could inject some AI-flavored bullshit you never asked for into your (*) operating system. You're welcome!!!”

    (*) “It's not actually yours, of course. The OS now works for our Marketing Department rather than you. kthxbai.”

    #Windows #enshittification

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @angusm The only.win.ing.move.is to refuse to use it.

    The #Enshittification of #Windpws.make it useless to me since #Windows8 amd even then every release after #WindowsXP was a #downgrade with only #Windows7 being somewhat bearable.

    Consider @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS instead...

    davidho, to random
    @davidho@mastodon.world avatar

    What is common knowledge in your field but shocks outsiders?

    More than half the CO₂ emissions of the industrial age have been dumped into the atmosphere since 1990.

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @grob Because I consider at that time all major distros to be basically noob-friendly and #Valve pushed for #LinuxGaming on #Steam.

    Like everyone who could not be satisfied with #UbuntuLTS, #SUSE or #RHEL would've prefered #macOS anyway...

    BrodieOnLinux, to linux
    @BrodieOnLinux@linuxrocks.online avatar

    Whenever I see comments like this about I always have to ask, who do you think would be developing this new protocol? Every single graphics developers agrees that Wayland is where we're going, the problem is nobody agrees on how it should look

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @rdfhrn @BrodieOnLinux And yes, I don't care myself either because to me a system needs to work.

    I use @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS because it's the least worst LTS distro with commercial support options from the maintainers.

    And also it's 4x cheaper than #SUSE #SLES / #SLED & 8x cheaper than #RedHat / #RHEL...

    Also #Canonical's speed of #Enshittification is the slowest AFAICS.

    But in the end Software makes OSes & OSes make Hardware!

    nixCraft, to linux
    @nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

    #Linux filesystem comparison

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @cloud_manul @nixCraft had #RedHat not killed #CentOS8, I might've even migrated a former employer/client to #RHEL8 but given their asshole moves, I pivoted them to @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS instead...

    kkarhan, to linux German
    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    Or even better: Install @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS #Linux instead of #Windiws / #Winfows10 / #Windows11 and be done with that shite regardless of location!

    mpospese, to random
    @mpospese@iosdev.space avatar

    I think I will follow my usual routine of only upgrading macOS when the latest stable Xcode version requires it. I’ll see you on Sonoma sometime next Spring!

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @mpospese it's / by ...

    Mostly the is limiting...

    Consider putting @ubuntu on legacy devices to keep them useful...

    adamhill, to microsoft
    @adamhill@hachyderm.io avatar

    Pouring out a 40 for the millions of Symbol Scanners and Point-of-Sale registers out there.

    #microsoft #operatingSystems

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @adamhill well, #WindowsCE was superseded by #WindowsEmbedded (Which is based on the same #NT Kernel and Tools as the #Desktop Versions), #Windows #Enterprise #LTSC Edition and #Windows10IoT...

    Needless to say #WindowsMobile.died for good, and I hope #WindowsServer, #Windows10, #Windows11 and #MicrosoftOffice will die out sooner than later and be replaced by good #Linix distros lile @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS / #Ubuntu...

    kobilacroix, to random
    @kobilacroix@jorts.horse avatar

    There seems to be a prevalent idea in tech that software has to be difficult to use, because if it’s too easy, it’ll attract too many “low quality” users who will use it to create low quality content, thereby dragging down the software’s reputation.

    I just think this is some smug elitist digital tragedy of the commons bullshit.

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @kobilacroix Yeah, I've to kinda agree...

    It's really bad and I hate the elitism.

    Which is why I do prefer offering the easy-to-use yet good solutions, like #UbuntuLTS...

    After all, I think it's dellusional to expect the average #User to learn how to use #OpenBSD or even embedded #Linux when that's unnecessary for them...

    sqrt2, to random
    @sqrt2@chaos.social avatar

    no comment

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @thomasgriffiths @sqrt2 that very much depends, but in General, I'd recommend @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS on #Desktop and #Server and #OpenXchange or @nextcloud for any #Groupware as well as @libreoffice and/or @CollaboraOffice for Editing.

    In the end it kinda dependa on the setup and individual / organizational demands:

    For those looking for a replacement for #ChromeOS & #Gsuite or #Office365, #PorteusKiosk + #NextcloudHub is a good combo.

    chirpbirb, to linux
    @chirpbirb@meow.social avatar

    i really don't think #linux users recognize: we are weird for using linux. and that's okay! but we are like literally less than 5% of the desktop computing userbase. nobody knows what the fuck a compiler is or how to debug a package manager. they just want to browse reddit or whatever

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @chirpbirb And that's why I install distros like @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS:

    #Normies don't care about the #OS,

    All they care about is how to #consoom #SocialMedia and maybe sending an #eMail or printing a letter..

    And that's why I act as #BenevolentDictator and forcibly migrate #TechIlliterates to it!

    Funfact: I never had to manually build packages or compile anything myself in 10 years...

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @odoben @chirpbirb Unless #nvidia will continue to be assholes requiring their #BinaryBlob #Firmware to be injected...

    But in the end most users don't care.

    All they want is shit to work and be able to do the tasks they do.

    they con't care if they use #UbuntuLTS / @ubuntu , @bunsenlabs #BunsenLabs, #Goolge #ChromeOS or #PorteusKiosk to do so.


    mimsical, to random
    @mimsical@mastodon.social avatar

    can’t stop thinking about this toot

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @somethingblue @mimsical mine is @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS but that can change anytime...

    I do work on OS/1337 / #OS1337 tho...

    beebles, to random
    @beebles@beebl.es avatar

    I've mentioned this but I'm gonna make a real post.

    If you are setting up Windows 11, select "English (World)" as your language (English Europe also works), and you will have NONE of the third party bloatware installed.

    No Candy Crush, no Netflix, just the first party apps

    Please do share this info with anyone who may be setting up Windows soon


    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @toby not really.

    I migrate #TechIlliterates all the time to #UbuntuLTS /
    @ubuntu because at the end of the day, NO #TechIlliterate cares about what OS / Distro / ... they use.

    All they want is being able to #consoom social media, maybe write and print a letter and check their eMails.

    They don't care if they have #Windows, #Ubuntu, @bunsenlabs or #PorteusKiosk at their disposal, as long as they can click and type and get shit done...

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @Theholypumpkin @toby I mean it really depends on one's use-case:

    For a lot of people, the @Raspberry_Pi #Pi400 Kit is basically all they need to do their computing needs.

    Personally I just tend to install @ubuntu / #UbuntuLTS on most systems as it's a #64bit distro (#RaspberryPiOS is only available for #ARM, #ARM64 & #i386) and comes with support for basically everything anyone ever asked for - including #Steam.
    @bunsenlabs is my go-to distro to use on #lowend systems.

    tod, to random
    @tod@hci.social avatar

    The entire city of #Yellowknife is being evacuated. This is unprecedented and terrifying.

    And thousands of citizens aren’t aware because Meta continues to block news in the country.

    This is what happens when citizens are convinced to use an American multinational corporation as their community’s primary communications channel — a corporation that couldn’t give two shits about anything except its “fiduciary duty” to shareholders.


    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @JustinLachance as #IT #Sysadmin I am contractually obligated to stay up to date and my job literally is to be the #BenevolentDictator in terms of #tech and what #TechStack is being used.

    I forcibly migrate #TechIlliterates to @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS because I don't get paid enough to deal with shit like #Windows.

    And those that need some proprietary #CCSS get a machine with #macOS or a #VNC / #RDP session to a #MacMini or #MacPro that has been rackmounted.

    JorisMeys, to random
    @JorisMeys@mstdn.social avatar

    Our IT dept took over my PC a while ago, and installed Chrome. As I hate it for multiple reasons, I uninstalled it. Turns out that it comes with "Chrome apps" like Gmail, Docs, Sheets and so on. But uninstalling Chrome doesn't uninstall the rest. They're left in the Apps list on Windows 10.

    Anyone an idea how to clean up that mess?

    Also @StevenRogge can we PLEASE remove Chrome from Intune? The bugger keeps trying to reinstall on my machine and I do not need that garbage.

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @JorisMeys @StevenRogge Maybe consider switching to #Linux where this shite doesn't happen?

    Also @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS and #Canonical #Landscape do installs and uninstalls as well as updates way more gracefully...

    Jain, to random
    @Jain@blob.cat avatar

    @hackernews I thought that SteamOS actually uses Arch and not debian :blobcatgoogly:

    RE: https://die-partei.social/users/hackernews/statuses/110741441975829337

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @Jain @hackernews Well, the current versions do.

    I still remember the original #SteamOS one could download from #Valve's website and that was basically a rebranded @ubuntu #UbuntuLTS...

    nixCraft, to random
    @nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

    my condolences to anyone who has to sell this right now 👇 with linux you can still use older mac as macOS Sonoma drops support for another wide swath of Intel Macs

    @kkarhan@mstdn.social avatar

    @nixCraft And even if the is completely f**ked (and because is , it's !) one can still use it as a system for running @tails / or even @ubuntu from an external SSD.

    Pretty shure someone already slapped a phat cooler on it to make a or at least silent mod.

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