matt, to microsoft avatar

Outlook for Mac is okay, but there are just some things that you need Outlook on Web for. 🧹💨

If you use Microsoft 365 at work, give Outlook in the web browser a try!

It's even available as a progressive web app so you can "Install" it to your computer. ⬇️ 💻


#Microsoft #Microsoft365 #M365 #Outlook #MicrosoftOutlook #MicrosoftOffice #PWA

linuxnews, to linux German avatar
matt, to ai avatar

I recently got thrown into the world of AI and LLMs. My role suddenly flipped from working on Search products for Microsoft Office to being right at the forefront of Microsoft Copilot exploration.

So, here is my Hugging Face profile... because that's a thing. I don't know how I'll use my account yet, but if you want to follow me, there I am.

#AI #LLM #LLMs #Microsoft #MicrosoftOffice #Microsoft365 #M365 #MicrosoftCopilot #Copilot #HuggingFace #OpenAI #ChatGPT

CenturyAvocado, to microsoft avatar

Another #CloudServices win... #Microsoft removing #A1Plus from #Education tenants later this year. #Teachers and #Pupils no longer get free access to #MicrosoftOffice desktop applications. This is after the change they've applied in the last few days to #OneDrive space limiting it to 100GB per user.

itnewsbot, to ArtificialIntelligence avatar

Microsoft Copilot Pro review: Office joins the genAI revolution - Microsoft’s $20-per-month Copilot Pro subscription gives you access to Microsoft’s Cop... - #artificialintelligence #smallandmediumbusiness #productivitysoftware #microsoftoffice #generativeai #microsoft365 #microsoft #windows

itnewsbot, to microsoft avatar

Microsoft fixes two zero-days with Patch Tuesday release - Microsoft on Tuesday released 73 updates in its monthly Patch Tuesday release, address... -

jake4480, to opensource avatar

I forget exactly when I bought this HP laptop I'm currently using. It was at least 5 years ago, and I grabbed it for school. It has Windows 10 that came on it preinstalled. I used it for a bunch of school stuff over the last few years, never had any issues.

Today, I'm trying to mess around in Excel, I'm logged into my Microsoft account like usual, and it's trying to tell me I have to pay now to keep using Excel? It just gives an option to pay or shut it down. After 5+ years of using legitimate, paid-for Microsoft Office products on here. SUCH weird garbage.

Super thankful for LibreOffice and being able to reset all my defaults to that.

jake4480, avatar

I'm now hearing via @rtw and other folks that Microsoft is going to be pushing for subscription-based models for all their stuff (including things like my version of Windows/Office 10 that I paid for and have been paid off for 5+ years).

Microsoft is gonna get pushback on this if they're rolling it out everywhere. Some people will pay, sure. But many will find open source options (easily) like I have before and now will even more.

Way to alienate "customers", Microsoft.

#Microsoft #Windows #MicrosoftOffice #subscriptions #SubscriptionsSuck #LibreOffice #OpenSource #Xbox #corporatocracy

readbeanicecream, to technology avatar
DanielMReck, avatar

Oh noes @readbeanicecream, whatever word processor will I use now that is killing ? Woe is me!

Why, hello there .

What's that? Your apps already completely replaced and on my workstation years ago when Microsoft tried to charge a subscription for ?

kura, to linux

Friend I convinced to switch to Linux (popos) is happy they made the switch.

They was so annoyed with windows and every update made it worse.

Then installed Linux and everything worked out of the box.

kkarhan, avatar

@Yeekasoose @kura

Well, congrats it was just something that "legacy" and not like "I can't legally use
#Windows because #Microsoft refuses to comply with #GDPR & #BDSG!" or "#AlwaysOnlineDRM bricks #MicrosoftOffice!"
But then again, some folks refuse to accept that switching to #Linux & @libreoffice is the only way to make #change happen...

kubikpixel, to ilaughed avatar


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  • kkarhan, avatar

    @cryptoparty @kubikpixel


    In some cases, some Software is so irredeemably bad that literally anything is better...

    - espechally , , , , ...

    governa, to microsoft avatar
    kkarhan, avatar

    @governa IMHO, #Microsoft should just kill #Windows and #MicrosoftOffice and FLOSS all of it including all #API's and #ABI's ever made and/or used and just focus on #Xbox and #Azure sinve that's where the real margins are...

    It's not a.matter if #Linux will dominate the #Desktop like it already does the #Server space but whether or not this will end with Microsoft still existing and/or whether that transition will be painful or not to everyone with escalating commitment to said #Govware OS...

    pivic, to microsoft avatar

    Use the 'new' Microsoft Outlook and share your information with 766 third-party companies.

    Don't forget, if you add a non-Microsoft email account, all of your email, contacts, calendar events, and other data will be stored at Microsoft.

    #microsoft #privacy #outlook #MicrosoftOutlook #MicrosoftOffice

    heiseonline, to microsoft German

    Last Call: Microsoft 365 im Unternehmen meistern – fünf Webinare für M365-Admins

    Microsoft 365 bildet die Basis der Arbeit in vielen Büros: von Office über Mail bis Cloud und Security. Lernen Sie ab 6.12. M365 effektiv zu administrieren.

    libreoffice, to foss avatar

    LibreOffice Viewer for Android is back on the Google Play Store! (And is also on F-Droid.) The app lets you view documents on the go – and also has experimental editing support. But we need your help to make editing ready for everyone! 😊

    kkarhan, avatar

    @libreoffice Yeah, I really want to see #LibreOffice for #mobile - even if it's just like the #PocketPC versions of #MicrosoftOffice for #PDAs back then...

    spucky, to random German avatar

    help! Kennt sich jemand gut mit postman aus und kann mir einen Crashkurs verpassen?

    kkarhan, avatar
    itnewsbot, to microsoft avatar

    Critical zero-day flaws in Windows, Office mean it's time to patch - We are now in the third decade of Microsoft's monthly Patch Tuesday releases, which de... - #smallandmediumbusiness #microsoftoffice #microsoft #security #windows

    itnewsbot, to CloudComputing avatar

    The end of the standalone application - Once upon a time, I loaded and ran software from 360-kilobyte floppy disks on my KayPr... -

    mailbox_org, to random German avatar

    So, nochmal frisch am Montagmorgen:

    ‼️ Vorsicht: Das neue #Outlook sendet Passwörter, Mails und andere Daten an Microsoft-Server.

    Wir raten allen Privat- und Geschäftskunden dringend zu Alternativen wie Thunderbird oder unseren @mailbox_org Webmailer.

    👉 Für Geschäftskunden kann die derartige (wenn auch ungewollte) Speicherung personenbezogener Daten übrigens ein bußgeldbelegter DSGVO-Verstoß darstellen.

    Mehr im Blog:

    kkarhan, avatar

    @mailbox_org Generell ist es Fraglich ob #MicrosoftOffice / #Office365, #Windows oder andere Dienste und Produkte von #GAFAMs überhaupt mit #DSGVO & #BDSG vereinbar sind.

    Angesichts von #CloudAct erwarte ich dass @maxschrems und @noybeu die #Unvereinbarkeit gerichtlich feststellen lassen...

    2ndStar, (edited ) to random German avatar


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  • kkarhan, avatar

    @2ndStar @heiseonline das ist wortwörtlich -Verhalten und deshalb gehört wie aich der Rest von / und verboten!

    bfdi, to random German avatar

    Die Meldungen über ein vermutetes Datensammeln von MS über Outlook sind alarmierend. Wir werden am Dienstag beim Treffen der europäischen Datenschutzaufsichtsbehörden die rechtlich dafür federführenden irischen Datenschutzbeauftragten um einen Bericht bitten

    kkarhan, avatar

    @bfdi IMHO sollten entsprecuende Anordnungen schlellstmöglich ergehen und bei unmottelbarer Nichtbefolgung ein , und für sämtliche -Produkte (neben , auch / & ) ergehen.

    Ist ja nicht so als seien die Gesetze neu oder die Regeln unklar...

    Microsoft sollte sich nicht darüber beschweren dürfen, wenn & kommen!

    Jede die das Täte wäre als OK verboten worden!!!

    adfichter, to random German avatar

    Sorry für das Doomsday-Szenario ⛈ , aber hier meine Prognose 2023-2027 in Sachen Digitalisierung 💻 :

    1. Kein KI-Gesetz wie in der EU
    2. Kein Ausbau von Swiss Gov Cloud, digitale Souverenität adé.
    3. Mehr "law and order"= mehr Überwachung 🕵‍♀️
    4. Stümperhafte Gesetze wie das Jugendschutzgesetz
    5. Nächstes Xplain-Debakel steht vor der Tür.

    kkarhan, avatar

    @adfichter 6. Mehr intransparente Beschaffung von #Govware wie #Windows und #MicrosoftOffice aus #Übersee, welche nachweislich der illegalen #Agententätigkeit dient...

    blacklight, to random

    There are a few generalizations in this article, but it mostly nails my thoughts on the current state of the IT industry.

    Why can we watch 4K videos and play heavy games in hi-res on our new laptops, but Google Inbox takes 10-13 seconds to open an email that weighs a couple of MBs?

    Why does Windows 10 take 30 minutes to update, when within that time frame I could flash a whole fresh Windows 10 ISO to an SSD drive 5 times?

    Why do we have games that can draw hundreds of thousands of polygons on a screen in 16 ms, but most of the modern editors and IDEs can draw a single character on the screen within the same time frame, while consuming a comparable amount of RAM and CPU?

    Why is writing code in IntelliJ today a much slower experience compared to writing code in vim/emacs on a 386 in the early 1990s? And don't tell me that autocompletion features justify the difference between an editor that takes 3 MB of RAM and one that takes 5 GB of RAM to edit the same project.

    Why did Windows 95 take 30 MB of storage, but a vanilla installation of Android takes 6 GB?

    Why does a keyboard app eat 150-200 MB of storage and is often responsible for 10-20% of the battery usage on many phones?

    Why does a simple Electron-based todo/calendar app take 500 MB of storage?

    Why do we want to run everything into Docker containers that take minutes or hours to build, when most of those applications would also be supported on the underlying bare metal?

    Why did we get to the point where the best way of shipping and running an app across multiple systems is to pack it into a container, a fat Electron bundle, or a Flatpak/Snap package - in other words, every app becomes its own mini-OS with its own filesystem and dependencies, each of them with their own installation of libc, gnutils/busybox, Java, Python, Rust, node.js, Spring, Django, Express and all? Why did we decide to solve the problem of optimizing shared resources in a system by just giving up on solving it? Just because we assume that it's always cheaper to just add more storage and RAM?

    Why does even a basic hello world Vue/React app install 200-300 MB of node_modules? What makes a hello world webapp 10x more complex than Windows 95?

    We keep repeating "developer time is more expensive than computer time, so it's ok for an application to be dead inefficient if that saves a couple of days of engineering work", but I'd argue that even that doesn't apply anymore. I've spent the last couple of years working in companies where it takes hours (and sometimes days) to deliver a single change of 1-2 lines. All that time goes in huge pipelines that nobody understands in their entirety, compilation tasks that pull in GBs of dependencies just because a developer at some point wanted to try a new framework or flavour of programming in a module of 100 LoC, wasted electricity that goes in building and destroying dozens of containers just to run a test, and so on. While pipelines do their obscure work, developers take long, expensive breaks browsing social media, playing games or watching videos, because often they can't do any other work in the meantime - so much for "optimizing for engineering costs".

    How come nobody gets enraged at such an inefficient use of both computing and human resources?

    Would you buy a car that can run at 1% (or less) of its potential performance? Then why do we routinely buy and use devices that take 10 seconds to open a simple todo app in 2023? No amount of splash screen animations can sugarcoat that bitter pill.

    The thing is that we know what's causing this problem as well.

    As industries consolidate and monopolies/oligopolies form, businesses have less incentives for investing engineering resources in improving their products - or take risks with the development of new products or features based on customer's demand.

    That creates a vicious cycle. Customers' expectation bars lower because they get used to sub-optimal solutions, because that's all they know and that's all they are used to. That drives businesses to take even less risks and enshittify their products even more, as they know that they can get away with even more sub-optimal solutions without losing market share - folks will just buy a new phone or laptop when they realize that their hardware can no longer store more than 20 Electron apps, or when their browser can't keep more than 10 tabs open without swapping memory pages. That drives the bar further down. Moreover, now companies have even one more incentive to enshittify their product: if the same software can no longer run on the same device, make money out of the new hardware that people will be forced to buy (because, of course, you've made it hard to repair or replace components on their existing hardware). And the cycle repeats. Until you reach a point where progress isn't about getting new stuff, nor getting better versions of the existing stuff, but just about buying better hardware in order to do the same stuff that we used to do 10-15 years ago.

    Note however that it doesn't have to be always like this. The author brings a good counter-example: gaming.

    Gamers are definitely not ok if a new version of a game has a few more ms latency than the previous one. They buy expensive hardware, and they expect that the software that they run on that hardware makes the best use of the available resources. As a result, gaming companies are pushed to release every time titles that draw more polygons on the screen than the previous version, while not requiring a 2-10x bump in resource requirements.

    If the gaming industry hadn't had such a demanding user base, I wouldn't be surprised if games in 2023 looked pretty much like the SNES 2D games back in the early 1990s, while using up 100-1000x more resources.

    I guess that the best solution to the decay problem that affects our industry would be if users of non-gaming software started to have similar expectations as their gaming fellows, and they could just walk away from the products that can't deliver on their expectations.

    kkarhan, (edited ) avatar

    @blacklight +9001%
    Another option is to and .

    The fact that 18.04 on a 7200rpm HDD is faster than 10 on a SATA-6G - SSD on the exact same system speaks volumes.

    I refuse to use Windows & for the same reason: I hate the !

    In terms of "Do better" I work on OS/1337 as .

    heiseonline, to microsoft German

    Microsoft 365 im Unternehmen meistern – fünf Webinare für M365-Admins

    Microsoft 365 bildet die Basis der Arbeit in vielen Büros: von Office über Mail bis Cloud und Security. Lernen Sie ab 6.12. M365 effektiv zu administrieren.

    itnewsbot, to edge avatar

    Microsoft addresses three zero-days for October’s Patch Tuesday - This month, Microsoft has released 103 updates to Windows, Edge, Microsoft Office, and... - #smallandmediumbusiness #microsoftoffice #microsoftedge #itmanagement #security #windows

    NDR, to random German avatar

    🖥Hamburgs Schulsenator Ties Rabe (SPD) hat am Dienstag angekündigt, dass Informatik in der Mittelstufe ab August 2025 zum Pflichtfach werden soll.

    🧑‍🏫 Rabe begründete die Entscheidung so: Wer digitale Techniken nicht verstehe, drohe in der digitalen Welt abgehängt zu werden. Er aber wolle Kinder und Jugendliche besser auf das Leben vorbereiten.


    kkarhan, avatar

    @NDR was heißt ""?

    unter veralteter & -widriger wie & samit nutzlosem Scheinzertifikat ()??

    Oder tatsächliche Kenntnisse & Basics???

    Ich bezweifle letzteres und mutmaße ersteres!!!

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