luckytran, to random avatar

There's a Senate hearing on Long COVID today. Notice that Long COVID advocates are all wearing high quality masks? That's because they understand we are in a surge and each reinfection increases the risk of developing Long COVID.

Watch the Senate hearing on Long COVID here:

ahimsa_pdx, avatar

Thanks for the reminder!

I tuned in and was happy to hear Dr. Harkins talking about post-exertional malaise and Dr. Al-Aly talking about post viral ME/CFS. Both of these have been very low priority for so many years, not even taught in med school. ME/CFS has been ignored by all but a few dedicated researchers.

But it's much harder to ignore these things now that the pandemic has triggered so many new cases of disabling chronic illness!

#LongCovid #MEcfs #PEM #ChronicIllness

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs avatar

Quote from an interview with Dr. Asad Khan, talking about Long Covid:

"We worship exercise, and exercise is good for most people, but when you have a post viral illness, it is the worst thing you can do ... and this is not really well known.

So there are other illnesses for example like M.E. (myalgic encephalomyelitis), Long Covid, and Lyme disease, for example, where if you make people exercise they only get worse."


#LongCovid #MEcfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS #Exercise #PEM #Lyme

corrosivedream, to mecfs avatar

"Oxygen extraction by the body’s tissues was compromised in patients who had symptoms of after "

"Patients are told that their symptoms are a result of deconditioning, or decline from lack of physical activity.
Our findings contradict that hypothesis."

sb, to mecfs avatar

My last day at work has been scheduled. In just 3 shifts, my 25 year career in #proAudio comes to a screeching halt while I enter the terrifying world of #disabilityInsurance.

All this because I caught #covid19, once, at work, in June 2022, despite having 4 vaccines.

The first 12 weeks were bad. Then I got a little worse each week. My weight tanked. I am 6' 3 and was a little over 200lbs (my normal weight). A year and a half later, I presently weigh 145 and dropping.

I was diagnosed with #meCFS, #PEM, #POTS, and am still having tests (CT, gastroscopy, biopsy) done on my GI.

#LongCovid is very real, and has robbed me of the luxury of clear though, easy movement, and a "normal" life.

Don't get Covid. Don't get Covid again. #WearAMask, please.

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs avatar

"Long COVID can destroy your ability to exercise. Now we know why"

"As a new study shows, the answer lies in some long COVID sufferers’ muscle damage and their bodies’ ability to make energy"

No paywall - archived version of National Geographic article

@mecfs @longcovid

#LongCovid #MEcfs #PwME #Exercise #PEM #Research

anilvanderzee, to random

Physical exertion worsens symptoms in patients with post-COVID condition. We provide a short overview about post-exertional malaise:

"As a result, the term 'Exercise is Medicine' may not be directly applicable post-COVID condition patients exhibiting #PEM."

"The authors would like to thank Anil van der Zee for his contribution to the text."


#LongCovid #pwme

tenorune, to mecfs

Ed Yong has been doing impeccable long form journalism on COVID, Long-COVID and ME/CFS for three years.

(The Atlantic will put the article behind a paywall tomorrow, so this is a free archived link)

#meCFS #longCovid #PEM #disability

wolfsbruder, to mecfs avatar

Needed to dig this out after dealing with a new potential PCP

Nope rejected them.

One, not masked and demanded I take my mask off.

Me: "No, the issue ISNT my weight, The issue is MECFS, the fibromyalgia, the POTS, the PEM, and Longcovid. The weight is BECAUSE of the other issues."

Dr: "Are you you a medical professional? No, no you are not. The issue is your weight, lose the weight and all the other problems will go away, and long covid is a hoax"


Dr: "You are being a problem, do I need to call security."

Me: "You are a fucking incompetent moron."

Dr: "And you are being highly abusive and refusing to listen to reality."

(yes I did file a complaint)

edit this is the same guy who wants me off all my meds, including my psychmeds

p1nkyyy, to mecfs German

Ich würde mich gerne mit Menschen vernetzen, die akribisches #pacing anwenden müssen.

Macht doch mal piep bitte. :blobcathearthug:

#mecfs #cfs #postcovid #longcovid #pem

trekhausen, to mecfs

Just had one of my worst experiences since having #LongCovid - I felt so poorly this morning too after a bad night sleep, but dragged myself to an online video group chat with the NHS Long-Covid Hub. Basically the facilitators said a load of shit about how the symptoms aren't often based on anything actually being physically wrong and there is often no lasting damage (yeah, they said that with confidence) and that it is about "reframming" the brain and its response to symptoms when doing various activities. They tied this into Somatic tracking etc. I was the only one in the group that spoke out on this by saying that I was concerned they were suggesting the symptoms are in our mind rather than being the physical reality they are - for instance, they were citing that tests often say we are fine or the fact symptoms fluctuate as evidence for what they were saying. They responded by coopting terms like #PEM and #pacing but the message was for the majority of people with Long-Covid there is nothing to really worry about as it's not physically harmful and rather about retraining the brain.

I was so mad and angry and felt so isolated. Then the facilitators spent the rest of the session periodically saying things that seemed directly related to me challenging them, for instance this included: "[to the group] I am so glad you have taken it on board and seen it for what it is." "It is neuroscience" "Not going to resonate with everybody" "we are providing evidence based options". Sadly noone else spoke out and backed me up and actually people in the group backed them if anything about how useful it was (I know this will sadly include people that are new to this shit and won't know the history of this well documented by the ME/CFS community). It just added to the sense of isolation I felt. Horrible experience.

This is something I haven't experienced at the Long-Covid Hub before and seems to clearly tie into the government's agenda around Long-Covid and how they want people with Long-Covid to get back into work, as they argue being out of work for longer makes it worse etc. Retrain and reframe those symptoms at work to see the "benefits" of being a "productive" part of the system kind of BS. Oh and of course, the main facilitator has had Long-Covid and they said they used these techniques/approach to recover from it.

In sum, it was all about promoting individualistic approaches and psychologizing Long-Covid. It's the exact same thing many have been doing to people with #MECFS for years; for instance, see here I found from a quick search:

I am glad I said something but sad I was the only one. I also feel gaslighted. And the Hub is the main source of support I get as someone who has had Long-Covid for 3+ years. Thankfully, but also sadly, I know that there are a lot of people here on Mastodon that understand how I feel and why I feel this way.

#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsAirborne #SpoonTheory #Spoons #Disability #DisabilityJustice #LongCovidJustice

Moby_MicroDick, (edited ) to random French avatar

Hey les valides en pleine santé de #Lyon, l'un-e de vous peut aider 👇 ? Vous n'arrêtez pas de raconter sur ce RS que vous adorez faire du #vélo… 😉
On rappelle que @ChiaraChiarel ne peut pas marcher plus de 300m sans s'écrouler, avec des conséquences cliniquement dangereuses les jours qui suivent (#PEM). Et n'a pas d'auxiliaire de vie pour la seconder au quotidien puisque les pouvoirs publics ne reconnaissent pas l' #EncéphalomyéliteMyalgique.


PS : Qq1 est en route. 🙏

britt, to mecfs avatar

Has anyone used the app Gentler Streak on iOS? Specifically my and friends?

I’ve been using the built in Heart tracker app, a sleep tracking app w/ HRV, and Cardiogram to help monitor my … but I still overdo it resulting in a chain of crashes and resetting my baseline rather than moving on a recovery path. I’ve been stagnant for 6-8 months. (18 month journey)

I’m curious about your experiences. Pls feel free to share below.

sb, to foss avatar

Fresh for 2024: The Year It All Comes Crashing Down!

I'm Sean - a formerly prolific rock , current engineer, full-time at a busy roadhouse and , almost 2yrs with , , and an host of other goodies.

I like working on projects that enable marginalised persons to take back their autonomy on and offline. I subscribe to and am a voracious . I make for and the . I'm building a replacement for and .

I care about all and on this planet, an am strongly aligned against their destruction via a education. I'm against all , and call where I see it, and I see every . I'm pretty .

I for , , , against , and for a in .

I educate myself on the world around me - with help from y'all - and I do my best to educate and those around me.

I'm friendly, weird, and irreverent. Feel free to follow, boost and interact. This is a social media!

Dynamicallydisabled, to mecfs avatar

Gonna write something soon about how I've been using a smart watch as to help with for energy limiting illness, avoiding crashes... anyone else do this? Do you use other things as assistive tech?

jrefior, to mecfs avatar

"By taking biopsies from long #COVID patients before and after exercising, scientists in the Netherlands constructed a startling picture of widespread abnormalities in muscle tissue that may explain this severe reaction to physical activity.

"Among the most striking findings were clear signs that the cellular power plants, the #mitochondria, are compromised and the tissue starved for energy."


MEActNOW, to mecfs avatar

⚠️ Best explanation of #PEM and its impacts by @PutrinoLab

What is Post Exertional Malaise?


ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs avatar

"Life derailed: Long COVID still gnaws at Victoria long after pandemic fades"

(at least headline says "fades" vs "over")

"Long, slow path of a constrained self facing thousands dealing with lingering effects of the virus"


Eka_FOOF_A, to mecfs avatar

This is extremely important for those with Long COVID and ME/CFS. ""Experts warn that exercise can "harm" and other approaches are needed"" Spread everywhere! You may help save lives.

I noticed this issue in myself long before I was diagnosed with ME/CFS. Nobody would listen. I kept getting told I need to exercise more. As a former farmer who was raising bull breed stock, getting enough exercise wasn't the problem. Too much was.

#longCovid #MECFS #MillionsMissing #PEM

CaramelizedShallots, to random avatar

‘If Exercise Could Cure This, I Would Have Been Cured So Quickly’
Striving for fitness is usually healing. But for most people with long COVID, it can be toxic.

#LongCovid #PEM #PESE

ImmedicableME, to mecfs

If you don’t experience (post-exertional malaise), it’s hard to understand just how overwhelming and painful it is. Why do my muscles hurt so much when I stayed in the car during our entire drive on Saturday? Why can’t I lift my legs into bed? Why do my arms hurt? Why do I keep bursting into tears? Why am I nauseated and having trouble following a TV show? Why does seeing the outside world from a car cause me to feel like I have mono all over again?


martinruecker, to mecfs German avatar

Es war DER Aha-Effekt beim in Jena: Ein -Arzt gestand die Schädigung von Patienten „am Stück“ ein. Gleichzeitig gibt es neue Ideen, wie Reha bei nutzen kann, ohne zu schaden - Näheres wird auch die neue Leitlinie regeln, die bald veröffentlicht wird. Umstritten bleiben jedoch und . Alles zur Kontroverse @riffreporter:

ahimsa_pdx, (edited ) to mecfs avatar

A short thread about PEM/PESE from #MEAction 🧵

"Explaining PEM (post-exertional malaise AKA post-exertional neuroimmune exhaustion/ post-exertional symptom exacerbation) can be difficult.

Someone asked for help communicating about PEM & limitations, especially around the holidays. We have focused our social media on it today."

[See last post of this thread for quote source]


@mecfs @longcovid

#LongCovid #MEcfs #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #CFS #PEM #PESE

corrosivedream, to mecfs German avatar

Selbst Mediziner werden mit #LongCovid nicht ernst genommen.

"Entweder man ist eine Simulantin, hat eigentlich gar nichts, sucht nur Aufmerksamkeit. Oder man ist schwächlich. Erschöpft von der Pandemie, den Krisen der Welt [...] Oder drittens, man ist übereifrig im Leben und hat einfach einen Burnout. In jedem Fall ist man selber schuld."

#PostCovid #MECFS #POTS #PEM #Covid #Covid19 #Corona

Dynamicallydisabled, to random avatar
Dynamicallydisabled, avatar

Not Quite a Ghost 📚 In this middle grade book, the main character simultaneously deals with a spooky presence in her new house, and a confusing new #chronicIllness. The author does a great job portraying some struggles common to #MECFS and #postCovid : the discombobulating nature of symptoms that fluctuate, shifts in friendships when pals don’t believe/judge you, not being believed by doctors, and some very accurate descriptions of #PEM. Plus, the suspense makes it a great audiobook.

Frieke72, to random Dutch avatar

Zojuist in nieuws bij : (eindelijk) start Nederlands onderzoek... particulier gefinancierd 👏🏼Aanvulling: het zijn niet alleen 90.000 bedlegerigen. Daarnaast vele 100.000-en die in meer of mindere mate beperkt zijn in hun leven.

Hieronder mijn situatie die ik (pre-masto) bij de buren postte:
>Vanaf infectie- eerste 4 maanden
>Na 6 maanden
>Draadje onderzoeksnieuws

Zal hier aanvullen

Frieke72, avatar

This thread!!! On why and exercise for a large cohort of patients don't work and why it's missed by revalidation doctors / physiotherapists


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