ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

💙 It's May 12th, International ME/CFS Awareness Day 💙

I'm one of the millions around the world who has ME/CFS.

I'm 63 years old and I've been dealing with ME/CFS for over 34 years, since January 1990.

(attached photo is from last year)



#MEcfs #PwME #WorldMEDay #MEAwarenessDay #MEAwareness #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

Back to ME/CFS, for a few years #MEAction has used the phrase "Millions Missing" which has at least 3 meanings:

  • Millions of patients are missing from their lives - work, school, exercise, socializing

  • Millions of dollars are missing from ME/CFS research

  • Millions of doctors are missing ME/CFS education - often not taught in med schools

Here's a pillowcase I made for last year's demonstration and the caption I wrote.



#MillionsMissing #MEcfs #WorldMEDay #MEAwarenessDay

I've been sick so long, since January 1990, that I don't even recognize my former self. I've lost the ability to do so many things. I feel like a caged butterfly beating its wings against the bars. Marjorie

ahimsa_pdx, (edited )
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

This year is focusing on educating medical professionals with a "Teach ME, Treat ME" campaign.

And you can help! 😁

Just share this link to the Mayo ME/CFS CME (Continuing Medical Education) with your doctor:


You can also print the document (8 pages) to bring to your next appointment. I've given it to several doctors - and so has my husband, who does not have ME/CFS!



ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

As we approach May 12, ME/CFS International Awareness Day, it's important to remember those with severe ME.

Many of them are so sick that they are on social media either very rarely or not at all 😢

This video from Anil van der Zee, The Prison of ME, explains the agony of severe ME:


About 12 minutes. Subtitles in multiple languages.

ahimsa_pdx, (edited )
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

I realized that once again I completely forgot to spell out the abbreviations ME and ME/CFS.

So, for folks who have never heard of this illness, or who may mistakenly know it as "chronic fatigue" (which is a symptom of many illnesses and is not the same as an ME or ME/CFS diagnosis), here's a link from the website:

"What is ME?"


ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

I've joined the "Teach ME, Treat ME" campaign from #MEAction

We're asking for ME/CFS (myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome) to be taught in medical schools and via continuing education (CME)

⭐️ And you can help! ⭐️

Please share this CME with your healthcare providers:


Need help crafting an email? Here's a template:


Thanks ❤️


#MEcfs #PwME #MedEd #LongCovid #TeachMETreatME #MillionsMissing

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

This short video (about a minute) from asks people with ME/CFS, "How long did it take you go get diagnosed?"

(ME/CFS = myalgic encephalomyelitis / chronic fatigue syndrome)


I'm "lucky" because it only took me 5 years to get a diagnosis vs. an average of over 8 years (from the 417 responses they got).

What's your answer? 🤔



@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

You don't have to be an ME/CFS or Long Covid patient to help us improve medical education.

Join 's "Teach ME, Treat ME" campaign. Contact your doctor to tell them about the Mayo Clinic CME:


Learn more at https://millionsmissing.org



ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

Only a few days left until May 12, World ME Day!

My advocacy actions may be small, but I'm trying to help spread the word! 😊

If you want to join in the MEAction group has a list of suggestions in this "Show Up From Home" toolkit (Google doc):




@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

One idea is to send a message to your doctor to tell them about the Mayo Clinic CME

#MEAction has a template for what to say:


You can also print the Mayo Proceedings document (8 pages) and bring it to your next doctor appointment. I gave a copy to my cardiologist. I know he read it because he referred to it in my chart notes! 😁

Link to Mayo doc and CME:




#MedEd #MedMastodon #MEcfs #LongCovid #MillionsMissing #TeachMETreatME

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

If you have the financial means (and only if you are not struggling yourself!!) please consider making a donation to #MEAction

Thank you ❤️




#MillionsMissing #MEAction

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

From #MEAction:

"We are excited to announce the kick-off of #MillionsMissing 2024 – our ongoing campaign to Teach ME and Treat ME by educating medical providers across our nation’s hospital systems and medical schools about myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)."


See link for upcoming events.



#MEcfs #LongCovid #TeachMETreatME #MedEd #MedMastodon

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

This toolkit from lists all the different "Show Up From Home" actions that you can do:


And here's a link for anyone reading this who wonders, "What is ME/CFS?"

Roughly half of Long Covid patients meet the ME/CFS diagnostic criteria.



@mecfs @longcovid

tomkindlon, to mecfs
@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar

TIME100 Health is a list of the most influential people in 2024 within health

Jamie Seltzer, scientific director of #MEaction made the list. In the presentation of Seltzer,TIME writes US medical schools have barely taught about ME/CFS & Jamie Seltzer is working to change this.

#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MEcfs #CFS #PwME @mecfs


ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

It's May! That means it's ME Awareness month, with World ME Day on May 12th!

I'm going to try to post about ME Awareness events over the next few weeks.

This year #MEAction has a campaign called "Teach ME, Treat ME" which will

"… educate hospital systems and medical schools about ME/CFS by encouraging medical schools to Teach ME, and major hospitals to Treat ME"

Here's the event schedule:


#MEcfs #PwME #MedMastodon #MedEd #MillionsMissing #TeachMETreatME

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

There's an overview of #MEAction's "Teach ME, Treat ME" campaign here:


I'm not sure anyone is in the phase of planning new events at this point, but this page does have good information, including a link to the "Show Up From Home" toolkit.

I've attached an image with an overview - list of activities according to energy required - but please go to the actual file for more details! 😁

(edited for typos)


@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

I realized that I should add the "What is ME?" page from the #MEAction website (the link is found on their website's home page) to this thread:



#MEcfs #PwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

From :

"Jaime Seltzer, ’s Scientific Director, has been selected for TIME100 Health 2024, TIME’s new annual list of 100 individuals who most influenced global health this year! This is a huge honor based on years of work fighting for equity for people with ME.

... We want to say thank you to the community that has enabled this work"

Congratulations, Jaime! 😁




ahimsa_pdx, (edited )
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

Jaime does not have an account on here, but here's a link to a Bluesky post she made today:



@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

And here's a link to the Time 100 website with her profile:

"Jaime Seltzer,
Postviral patient advocate"



#MEcfs #PwME #MEAction #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #PatientAdvocate #Advocacy

Through #MEAction, Seltzer is helping to spearhead a major campaign to improve ME/CFS education, diagnosis, and treatment. Thanks to Seltzer’s efforts, staff at big-name institutions including Emory, Brown, and Georgetown are working with #MEAction to improve education programs and treatment plans related to ME/CFS. Those efforts build on a partnership Seltzer made last year with the Mayo Clinic, through which she helped revamp the health system’s public-facing ME/CFS fact sheet and designed an algorithm to help doctors better diagnose and treat patients.

@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

@anniegreens Yeah, it's not great.

But you can sign up for the #MEAction mailing list to get updates so that's one option. No need to follow them on those other platforms.

#MEcfs #PwME

concepcion, to random Spanish
@concepcion@masto.es avatar

Lb: con once años, después de una mononucleosis, empecé a no poder dormir más de cuatro horas al día. Nadie reparó en ello. Dejé de tolerar las grasas (adiós al tocino del cocido, a las sardinas y, en momentos chungos, al aliño de las ensaladas) y tenía diarrea tres o cuatro veces al mes, todo convenientemente ignorado y normalizado. Tenía «dolores inespecíficos» y un cansancio atroz, pero eso era «depresión infantil». Luego fue juvenil, luego fue crónica. En mi vida pasaban otras muchas cosas que lo podían justificar, así que, así se quedó.
Como tengo el umbral del dolor muy alto y una tolerancia al mismo nada desdeñable siempre me dediqué a ignorar el cansancio y trabajar como una mula (solo dormía cuatro horas, mis días eran muuuuy largos). Periódicamente me daba un chungo muy chungo que me dejaba fuera de combate meses... Pero eso era la depresión.

@concepcion@masto.es avatar

En 2021 pillé covid y las cosas se descontrolaron. Hasta pensar me dolía, de manera literal. Puedo notar cómo sube la intensidad del dolor cuando tomo una decisión, o según pasan los minutos en una conversación. Mi capacidad de concentración desapareció, no era capaz de organizarme y la memoria me funcionaba como una bombilla que se funde si no si no si no no no si no no no si... Al principio pensé que era alzheimer precoz. Pero, a pesar del umbral alto y la resistencia el dolor dejó de ser manejable. Los periodos de recuperación absurdamente largos. Pero, sobre todo, por primera vez no tenía NINGUNA duda de que no, no estoy deprimida, para nada. Tenía que ser otra cosa. Tardé 10 meses en que alguien dejara de decirme «tómate la sertralina» (antidepresivo) y me hiciera caso. Espoiler: no fue mi médico de cabecera, fue un médico de urgencias, que me derivó a medicina interna.

@concepcion@masto.es avatar

En medicina interna me despacharon rápido «posible fibromialgia, por aquí no vuelvas, ahora te lleva tu médico de cabecera». Pero no cuadraba. Mi tolerancia a estímulos auditivos desaparecía por momentos junto con el cansancio (y el cansancio aparecía muy rápido con el más mínimo esfuerzo físico, pero sobre todo, mental). Es más, con el cansancio me cambiaba hasta la percepción de los sabores y la comida, cualquier comida me sabía mal. Necesitaba estar más de quince horas al día en la cama. Mi médico de cabecera (que de la vergüenza de haberme tenido tanto tiempo con el «tómate la sertralina» se ha vuelto muy colaborador) no sabía que hacer, intentaba derivarme a alguna especialidad en la que me pudieran ayudar, pero me rechazaban en reumatología y medicina interna. Al final me aceptaron en neurología. Fue el primer profesional que DE VERDAD me escuchó.

@concepcion@masto.es avatar

«Tienes un síndrome de fatiga crónica de manual. Lo voy a poner muy claro en el informe, por si te hace falta». Ese hombre sabía lo que tenía enfrente de mí, aunque yo aún no era consciente de ello.
Del laberinto burocrático y el maltrato institucional del INSS aún me queda un buen trecho, pero al menos ya sé qué tengo y cuáles son mis opciones.
Tiempo de diagnóstico: 33 años, 2 desde que se agravaron los síntomas.
No me gusta llamarlo síndrome de fatiga crónica porque es reducir una enfermedad muy chunga a un solo síntoma y porque la mayoría de la gente oye «vaga oficial». Si otro nombre es encefalitis miálgica, que tampoco me gusta, pero es el que uso.

ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

From :

"… we are asking the community to submit a quick video recording sharing how long it took to receive a ME diagnosis, to be featured during the campaign week.

This recording will highlight why there is a need for more medical providers to be educated about ME…"

Full email includes script suggestions & other details:


Video submission deadline is Tuesday, April 30, 11 AM Pacific


ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar


"Teach ME Treat ME will be here in the next few weeks! While many of you are preparing to host medical education events, we know that thousands of you will be participating from home!

We are beyond excited to share the Show Up From Home Toolkit! This toolkit lays out an array of ways you can take action from home based on your energy level."



ahimsa_pdx, to mecfs
@ahimsa_pdx@disabled.social avatar

Email from :

"We are less than a month away from launching 2024, and we are thrilled at the success we’re already seeing with the campaign!

We know the impact of will be HUGE with thousands more clinicians across the country being educated on how to diagnose and treat the ME. Some of these clinicians will become the specialists we so desperately need."

Full email -



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