stefan, to fediverse avatar

Any #calckey or #misskey developers out there able to help?

I implemented a basic oauth login system that works great with Mastodon. When I log in with a account, I'm getting "NO_SUCH_SESSION" error instead of a user token.

Not seeing much online about this.

jo, to fediverse
ArtBear, to fediverse

A week later & I'm having a mostly great time on #calckey but still feeling this... #Calckey #Mastodon



@ArtBear It's named such because @thatonecalculator forked it from #Misskey.

kongarin, to fediverse avatar

#藍Art #misskey

atomicpoet, to fediverse

David Slifka's chart actually doesn't tell the whole story.

Here's what more people need to see: the rise in *key apps.

Both #Misskey and #Calckey have seen major growth. What's notable is that it's largely occurred after February 2022 -- well after Mastodon's growth plateaued.

In fact, these charts don't even reflect what's happening right now. I know that Misskey alone now has over 300,000 accounts, and is now the 2nd most used platform on the Fediverse.

What's more, just overtook, one of Mastodon gGmbh's flagship servers.

On the Calckey side, it's a similar story -- though we have yet to reach the heights of Misskey. The server that I admin,, is having the most activity it's ever had right this moment.

Lots of Calckey servers are starting up right as we speak, and the enthusiasm cannot be denied.

This is why it serves to look at the Fediverse beyond Mastodon.



Average Calckey Total Users by Month

davidslifka, to spreadmastodon

I'm very concerned about this seven-month graph of Mastodon's MAU, for the sake of both Mastodon and the fediverse.

To be honest, I don't love any of my current ideas for changing this picture.

I'd be grateful for anyone sharing their own ideas that could move the needle on growing the fediverse (i.e. Mastodon and/or other platforms). @spreadmastodon

Data from

atomicpoet, avatar

@davidslifka David, here’s the graph you should be looking at right now. This is #Misskey. It’s growing at a far faster rate than Mastodon.

And as someone who’s helping out with the #Calckey project, we’re seeing the same crazy and intense growth too.

I’m not saying that you should abandon a focus on Mastodon. I’m saying you should expand your focus to the entirety of the Fediverse.

Here’s what I believe will happen. Mastodon will be Coke. *key will be Pepsi. Pixelfed, PeerTube and Castopod will be non-Cola Fediverse variants.

I’m open to chatting with you about this as I do have experience in this kind of thing.


Could I ask what you think this explosive growth is from? I've seen your threads on Calckey features, and it definitely has some benefits, but could the growth just be super fast because starting with low numbers (so a relatively small adoption in one go can look stratospheric?).

Not in the slightest doing it down, just curious about this rise. I hope it's genuinely 'viral' - keen to try it.


#calckey #misskey

finestructure, to random avatar

I wonder how much of the reluctance/preference of Mastodon vs Bluesky is going to be based around geography.

Mastodon seems to be more European (Mastodon the company being German, a big number of servers being French).

While we Europeans & the most of the rest of the world are quite used to dabble in US centric/based social networks I wonder to what extent that's an impediment the other way around.


@finestructure Can confirm that I found basically no French people on #bluesky

There is a decent Japanese community though, it’s going to be interesting to see if they prefer it over #misskey

atomicpoet, to fediverse

So now the next question: why #Calckey?

Calckey is not the only kind of Fediverse server software I operate, and it won't be the last.

Currently, I also run a Pleroma server ( and a Pixelfed server (

And when #SpaceHost gets off the ground, I plan on running Lemmy, Friendica, Castopod, and Mastodon servers.

However, I know exactly where the wind is blowing, and that's with *key apps.

#Misskey is already taking Japan by storm. And #Calckey is gaining popularity here in the West.

I've also heard that a few more *key apps are in development: one for organizations, the other one specialized for the African-American community.

Here's what I've realized.

For the Fediverse to truly take off, there needs to be more than just Mastodon. There needs to be something else that shows what else is possible on the Fediverse, and it looks like that realization of possibilities will be from the *key apps.

If you asked me a year ago what I thought would take off next from the Fediverse, I would have said it will be Pixelfed or PeerTube. That might still be possible, but based on trends since February, it's more likely to be the *key apps.

This is ultimately a good thing. For one thing, the popularity of *key apps will finally mean that Mastodon will not longer be synonymous with the Fediverse to the general public.

But this also benefits Mastodon because this means that one of the best features of Mastodon will finally be demonstrated: interoperability with other apps.

Once people see Mastodon talking with *key -- and vice versa -- they will finally appreciate the true promise of the Fediverse.

atomicpoet, to random

So time to answer the burning question: why did I move from to

First, let's get the obvious out of the way.

I bought the domain back in December. You see, I run a local Calckey server called, and I noticed people were registering there just to try . In the spirit of keeping a local server, I felt that I needed a space to kick non-Vancouver residents so they can fool around with the software.

So the idea for was born.

A month later, @kainoa asked if he could make it an "official" server for Calckey. It was originally supposed to be the junior server to But after awhile, he felt that there should be a place for casual folks to hang-out.

Well, once we got our ducks in a row, shot off like fireworks.

We discovered there was lots of demand, and it was all so unpredictable. So now is the flagship server, and it's grown by 1,200 accounts over the past 2 weeks.

Naturally, people asked why I'm on and not over here.

At first, it was because I didn't want to be the one to dominate the server. People who know me, realize how loud I can be.

But now that we're coming close to 1,500 accounts on, that's no longer a big deal.

However, I still imagine that this account migration may change the very young culture here. Now that the migration is complete, I am the largest account on Calckey by follower count.

Things are about to get more noisy here.

But what a time to build a new community!


@hellerphant Not a different front-end. It's completely different software that's a fork from #Misskey, which is two years older than Mastodon. It's basically a microblogging platform with CMS options. Or as I like to put it, if Twitter and WordPress had a baby, it would be Calckey.

It's not that hard to migrate. Calckey supports migration from Mastodon.

atomicpoet, to fediverse

It just happened! overtook!

As tabulated by FediDB, it is now the 5th largest Fediverse server!

This is quite symbolic because, for the first time, #Misskey's flagship server now has more users than one of #Mastodon's flagship servers!


atomicpoet, to fediversenews

This is dramatic! is 4 users away from overtaking as the 6th largest server on the Fediverse!

At least according to FediDB:


darnell, avatar

@atomicpoet @fediversenews Yeah, Fediverse Observer ( already reports #Misskey ( as the eighth largest instance in the #Fediverse right now as it has surpassed #Mastodon Online (

darnell, avatar

@tofugolem @atomicpoet @fediversenews 😂 Meow indeed!

I would not be surprised if the main instance ( enters the 6th spot by the end of the year (surpassing

Especially with the main instance ( shutting down.

They could potentially surpass Cloud (, but I think that site is also growing really fast too.

damonoutlaw, to fediverse

I do believe more #mastodon users should use #BlueSky there’s a lot that the team and users in general can learn from those in the #fediverse and clear up misconceptions


@mekkaokereke @davidslifka @supernovae @damonoutlaw That’s big news! I’m already donating to his project, Fipamo without even knowing he was working on his own *key.

By the way, have you spoken with @darnell? He has a lot of expertise about different aspects of the Fediverse. He also runs a server, and is also familiar with its forks.

darnell, avatar

@atomicpoet @mekkaokereke @davidslifka @supernovae @damonoutlaw That is really cool! Yes, I am aware @Are0h is working on something awesome.

Folks need to realize that is just one flavor of the . I really enjoy (it’s a super vibrant, happy community) as well as & .

Misskey (& ) already have many of the features people are requesting Mastodon to implement, so people can sign up or setup an instance that suits their fancy.

risottobias, to fediverse

what's a low system requirements server at this point?

#calckey #mastodon #glitchsoc #misskey #pleroma #akkoma #foundkey #gotosocial

Bigou, to fediverse

Hope there is some more apps beeing developed for the , , & , (and maybe somme others) because so far, they arrent well supported by native apps. (Be it for , , or even .)

panos, to fediverse

OK, let me try something.

Hello @Gargron! It’s the first time I’m addressing you, so let me first of all say a big THANK YOU for your contribution to the #Fediverse! The reason I’m writing this is that I saw that @mastodon recently announced quote posts - I think that’s a great decision! As you probably know, #Misskey and #Calckey already have an implementation for quotes, where the quote appears under the original post (like a comment, but flagged as a quote), and where the original poster is notified when quoted.

I don’t know how you intend to implement this feature in Mastodon, but since our users interact with each other, I thought it would be a good idea to suggest some direct communication with @syuilo (who originally implemented this in #Misskey) and @kainoa (our lead dev at #calkey), to make sure our implementations will be compatible. Even if there are concerns and things that you’d prefer to be done differently, I think that they should be discussed, and #Misskey and #Calckey should consider adjusting their implementations, so that they interoperate seamlessly with yours. The idea is, let’s see if it’s possible to find a common way to do this, so that users have a smoother, safer and more consistent experience, on such a sensitive issue!

I think that the widest possible interoperability in the #Fediverse is to everyone’s benefit, and it gives a better experience for every #fedizen, no matter what platform they’re on. Let’s try to work closer together on common features or problems and find common solutions - we’ve got this. ​:blobbonedealwithit:​

Posting this publicly because I think that more cooperation between fedi platforms is something many people in here would love to see – myself included! Hoping this is received positively and in good faith. United fedi is best fedi =) ​:fediverse:​


@mrcompletely @kainoa @syuilo @Gargron No, currently quotes are not opt-out. My personal opinion on this is that this should probably be addressed by visibility settings. If you make a public post, well... the same way someone could link to it, they can also embed it in their post (which is what a quote essentially is). We don't allow quoting non-public (followers only) posts, obviously.
However, if that's something Mastodon wants to do, perhaps we could talk about it and find a better way that would address all concerns. This is the idea behind the post, we already have this feature, Mastodon intends to implement it soon, so perhaps see if there's common ground and work on a more unified approach, that could offer more consistent experience for users among #fedi platforms. After all, our users all interact with each other, so it would be nice if a #quote worked similarly in #Mastodon, #Misskey, #Calckey, #Akkoma etc. I think it could help with addressing concerns and confusion about how others do it, who can do what etc.

atomicpoet, to fediversenews

I didn’t see this coming, but I’m pleased!

@jerry just announced that the infosec community now has their own #Calckey server! You can join it here:

To all infosec friends, welcome aboard the #Calckey train!

Choo choo 🚂




@jerry @fediversenews To be sure, I did not create . That honour goes to @kainoa who formed it from .

But I do help the community in whichever way I can.

jerry, to random

All the cool kids are playing with calckey. I didn't want to left out, so introducing:! (a new calckey instance)


@adamhotep @jerry It’s not based on Mastodon. #Calckey is a fork of #Misskey, which is the 2nd most popular server software on the Fediverse.

snowfall, to fediverse

I wonder if anyone has looked across #fediverse platform themes yet, to identity which are pulling #Google fonts, a serious #privacy tracking threat. Which platform is most resistant to and prioritising privacy?

Users should know if their instance is intentional about protecting them from surveillance #capitalism.

#mastodon #friendica #pleroma #pixelfed #misskey #calckey #akkoma

NeonPayload, to fediverse

Has anyone used #misskey? is it any good? I like the UI more than mastodon. and it plays well with the fediverse.

mike, to random avatar

The only feature that matters for any social media experience is the people who are on it. I'm amazed at how many technology leaders forget this and get distracted by the underlying tech, protocols, features, etc.

Elon is a great example. He thinks he bought a platform. But what he really bought was a community. And of the two, the community has degraded far more than the platform.


💯 with you!

This is the isue with #Mastodon driven instances. The software is robust, but many sys admins are illiterate about the "social" constructs of what makes a networking stick, being geeks. Second, a lot of people who started with Mastodon in the first place claim they came here because they were 'mistreated' by others in twitter and Facebook for various reasons, they came up with peculiar provisions of no quote tweet, blocking people at the drop of a hat, rude words (like 'content warnings', why warning?). Besides, I avoid using Mastodon instances if I can because of most posters are very rude and hostile. On the other hand, most non-Mastodon instances have a relatively relaxed environment, and instances driven by #Misskey for example, are designed to be fun to hang out with. No wonder #Calckey ended up being a nice, friendly place to post ideas.

Then #twitter under Musk is another level of purgatory!

atomicpoet, to random

Here's a feature comparison of Calckey and Mastodon.

This handy chart not only compares Calckey with Mastodon, but all the well-known Fediverse microblogging software with each other.

But a chart can only tell you so much. If you really want to know what makes Calckey different from Mastodon, you have to try it.

If you want to know more about Calckey, visit this site:

darnell, avatar

@vwbusguy @DuncanWatson @atomicpoet Why is this the case for #Mastodon but not for other instances like #Misskey

mammoth, to random avatar

Mammoth for Mastodon is now available to download for free on the App Store! 🎉

It has the easiest way to join Mastodon with a great onboarding flow and no need to think about what server to join, it’s full-featured with complete Mastodon feature parity, and fully customizable to tweak it just the way you want and make it yours.


@mammoth Will support other -based systems in the future? Like the , (, , …) , , & Co.?

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