
Threat hunting. FR/EN

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atomicpoet, (edited ) to Instagram

Have you seen the latest update from the #Instagram Help Center? It offers insight into how #Meta views the #Fediverse. Let's take a closer look at the highlighted text together:

"#Threads is planning to use a protocol called #ActivityPub to connect with other servers that support this protocol. Our aim is to enable communication between Threads and users on different fediverse platforms that we don't own or control."

Now, considering everything we know about Meta and their business practices, you might wonder why they're doing this. Well, here are a few reasons that could shed some light:

  1. Regulatory pressure: While Meta is doing its best to compete with #Twitter, they also want to avoid appearing like a monopolistic force. By joining the Fediverse, they can show regulators that they are simply becoming part of an existing social network.

  2. Zuckerberg's strategy: Mark Zuckerberg has been observing what's been happening with Twitter ever since Elon Musk acquired it, and he's learned some lessons. Twitter has faced criticism for various missteps like alienating journalists, restricting API access, and even requiring logins to view tweets. Zuckerberg wants to assure people that Threads is different from Twitter and avoid those same pitfalls.

  3. Embracing social media decentralization: It's widely acknowledged in the social media industry that the future lies in decentralization. The era of closed-off platforms is gradually coming to an end. Just as Compuserve couldn't survive the open Internet, walled garden social media platforms won't be able to thrive in the open Fediverse. Meta doesn't want to become the next Compuserve.

  4. Early entry into an emerging ecosystem: Meta is eager to establish itself in the emerging Fediverse ecosystem, much like they tried to do with the Metaverse. Being an early player allows them to take a leadership position before other major players like #Google, #Apple, and #Automattic jump on board.

However, it's worth noting that there might be a personal rivalry at play here. There have been rumors of a rivalry between Zuckerberg and Musk, and it seems they don't particularly like each other. So, one could speculate that Zuckerberg might want to undermine Musk by taking down Twitter, the platform Musk acquired for a hefty sum of $44 billion.

Hope that provides some context and clarity on why Meta is making these moves.

What do you think about Meta’s Fediverse explainer?



@zbrando @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Meta CANNOT push ads through ActivityPub. That's not how federation works. That's not how any if this works. You receive posts from people you follow, if someone is making sponsored posts you can unfollow them. And that's it.


@zbrando @atomicpoet @fediversenews
Meta CANNOT push ads through ActivityPub. That's not how federation works. That's not how any if this works. You receive posts from people you follow, if someone is making sponsored posts you can unfollow them. And that's it.

bigzaphod, to random avatar

If everyone runs off and joins Threads and leaves here, what incentive does Meta have to actually interoperate with mastodon/fediverse?

I remain skeptical and without a Threads account.


@bigzaphod People are running off Twitter not the fedi. The fedi isn't going anywhere. Actually sign ups are at an all-year high right now.

matthieu_xyz, to Futurology

As I expected, more that the privacy issues or the number of users. The problem with Threads is going to be the moderation (reason why I advocate to silence/limit them).

I'm not surprised libsoftiktok tried to join, I just want to know how long it will take to ban them, if they get banned at all...

#meta #threads

santiago, to random avatar

Zuckerberg is bragging already about Threads reaching 10 millions users, despite blocking all of EU because of privacy laws. Already half of the total Fediverse belongs to him today.

By next week the majority of users connected to the Fediverse will see it through another manipulation machine engineered by Meta. We’ll soon be that weird 5% minority while the rest will be …Facebook users trying a new thing. And we know what happens to minorities.



@santiago The 5% will only be even more irrelevant by defederating.

"Start using free softwares while keeping connections with everyone" is a better argument than joining the weird 5% who cut all connection with people who aren't nerds.

atomicpoet, to threads

So, I tried installing to check it out, but I ended up uninstalling it pretty quickly. Here's the deal: it's just another Twitter clone that's all about algorithms.

I get it, that's what most people are into. I understand that influencers, media, and celebrities attract a lot of attention. But that's just not my thing.

I might sound a bit "weird," but I actually prefer my reverse chronological feed where I have complete control over what and who I see. If I want to discover more stuff, I'll just use 's search feature, which may not be the best but works well enough for me.

Oh, and I deleted my Meta accounts for a good reason. Whenever I'm there, I feel this weird sense of discomfort, like I need a good shower afterwards.

I know I'm not your typical user. I've been part of the Fediverse since 2018 and have genuinely enjoyed it, even when it was just a small community of a few thousand people. We have a nice little community going on over here, and I don't need all the fancy stuff that Threads is offering right now.

I'm not trying to bash Threads or judge anyone who uses it. It's just not the right fit for me, plain and simple.


@atomicpoet That's fair. I also wished they had at least a second feed for accounts I follow...

I'm however very impressed by the number of accounts I was already following on Instagram and/or I wish to remotely follow across ActivityPub.

In the end the best way to enjoy Threads will be to remotely follow Threads accounts.

matthieu_xyz, to threads

As I feared, no nudity, no female nipple on threads. That's good for us, that's a big argument to switch to mastodon.

#threads #meta

matthieu_xyz, to threads

In the category "features that mastodon should really have but doesn't", Threads can make it impossible for others (or non-followers) to @ you.

#threads #meta

matthieu_xyz, to threads

First mistake: using a separate app instead of having threads inside Instagram. (Or both)

Second mistake: the search bar is for finding users not for finding posts. I cannot judge meta's (lack of) moderation if I can't dig up posts from bigots using the right keywords.

#threads #meta


Third mistake: no "following" reverse chronological feed. Only one singular home feed with content from people I don't follow. Algorithms were expected, but come on, at least a second feed with only the people I follow?

#threads #meta

evan, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

"If you have control of a domain name, you can have account portability on the fediverse."


@alan @evan
Calckey users are starting to look like a cult with all the promotion, but.... We have a "view result" and it's great. So it's certainly possible to do on other fediverse softwares.

atomicpoet, to bluesky

People still talk about #Bluesky?

I’ve been on #Bluesky for months, and it bores me. I barely ever use it. Rarely do I ever see anything worth reading.



@atomicpoet They've done some stuff right some stuff wrong. It's certainly past the hype stage already (hype never last long and is not necessarily a good thing). But I do tbink its going to stay there for a while.

It's not necessarily bad, at least it's forcing mastodon to adopted some features to stay competitive.

jwildeboer, to Facebook avatar

So what happened in the #Facebook #meta #fediverse conference call yesterday? Has someone from our (the fediverse) side put out a blog post? Or did the NDA work?


Don’t tag me, tag @supernovae
The blog post was posted after yesterday’s meeting, so I doubt it was a drastic change from the first meeting.

atomicpoet, (edited ) to random

, which is like the "language" that makes the work, doesn't have special rules to keep things private. It's more focused on helping different parts of the Fediverse talk to each other. ActivityPub doesn't have special rules to keep your messages private, so we need to be careful about what we share and who can hear us.

Imagine you have a sandcastle on the beach, and you want to keep it just for yourself and your friends. But sometimes, there are sneaky seagulls that come along and try to take your sandcastle when you're not looking. Even if you build a strong wall around your sandcastle (like ActivityPub), these sneaky seagulls (called scrapers) can still fly over the wall and take your sandcastle away. So, it's important to be careful with what you share, even if there are walls to protect your things.

And defederation doesn’t necessarily make your posts private either. You might think because you built another wall for your sandcastle that it will be safe. But sneaky seagulls can still fly over to your wall and see your sandcastle, even if you’ve created a barrier to entry (defederation) that you believe keeps them away.

So, just building a wall doesn't always keep your sandcastle (or your privacy) completely safe from the seagulls (or people who want to see your things). They have wings. They can fly over it.


@dominic @atomicpoet
I see only two options: admit that everything is public and find another mean to fight (legal) using copyright, licensing, clear labelling and lawsuits.

Or move to a private space (end to end encrypted) like matrix or xmpp


@dominic @atomicpoet Depends the kind of private you want though.

If you want to escape commercial usage of data that might be enough. But this is clearly not enough to escape the NSA or unlawful actors.

mekkaokereke, to random avatar

🧔🏼‍♂️ I can't believe that Apple would advertise their Show "Silo" on Twitter! Twitter is evil! They should not use that platform at all! They should advertise elsewhere!

👨🏿 Like Mastodon?

🧔🏼‍♂️No!!! Get your corporate nonsense out of here! No ads on Fedi!

👨🏿Like Instagram?

🧔🏼‍♂️Now I know you're trolling me! Say Zuck one more time and I'll defederate you before the "Z" crosses your lips! Say it! I dare you!

👨🏿Like BlueSky?

🧔🏼‍♂️No! Listen crypto swine! If you want Jack to hurt you again just say that!


@Decad3nce @mekkaokereke
Firefox which is a living advertisement and has always been a living advertisement to Google.

harlan, to random

Mastodon’s philosophical opposition to search seems like an excellent example of why it’ll never reach the mainstream.


@harlan At least it’s on the roadmap. Only after pleroma, akkoma, misskey, calckey, some mastodon forks and even kbin implemented it....

dominic, to bluesky French

On dirait bien que l'engouement pour #Bluesky sur #Twitter diminue. Cette personne a raison. Il y a 1 mois, tout le monde me demandait un code d'invitation. Ce matin, j'ai posté un message disant que j'ai un code à donner, 1 personne s'est manifestée beaucoup plus tard !

The popularity of Bluesky on Twitter seems to decrease.This person is right. 1 month ago, everyone was asking me for an invite code. This morning, I posted that I have a code to give away, 1 person showed up much later!


@rmdes @dominic Moderation issues. They can barely manage the amount of people they have right now.

rodhilton, (edited ) to random avatar

The thing that saddens me the most about the whole fedi/meta drama is a thing I can't prove, but that I think is likely because I've worked in these kinds of tech companies.

The notion that Meta is looking to embrace/extend/extinguish the fediverse is laughable. The entire fedi userbase is a rounding error for Meta. They arent looking to take down the fediverse, they're trying to take down TWITTER.

They want the celebs and journalists back. Take advantage of Twitter's tarnished reputation.


@MyLittleMetroid @rodhilton EEE was specifically invented by Microsoft and used purposefully. It also was targeted toward closed source competition not just open source and finally it almost never worked against open source. Microsoft tried to kill Java, JS, the open web, office documents, etc. All of them are still here.

EEE isn't exactly an easy strategy with a high rate of success. It's more like a convulated strategy that almost never work.

randulo, to random avatar

Who should be on Mastodon,
who should be on BlueSky,
Who should be on t2,
who should be on Post News,
who should be on Spoutible,
who should be on Twitter?

I can't wait for your replies!


@randulo If you are representing a community of important value or need to reach the widest audience. (non-profit, support group, union, journalist, etc.), you should be everywhere and try your best to cross-post the most important announcements on all networks.

If you’re just looking to get off Twitter, just pick whatever.

If you’re interested in building a different future and a better platform that will outlive Twitter, you should be at least at two places and report on what the others do better/worse. At least one of the two should be decentralized. (Yes Nostr is an option too)

There is no shame in not deleting Twitter right away. But if you’re looking to get your audience out of Twitter, apply the 20-80 rule, 80% of your time/posts on the new platform, 20% on the old one mostly for cross-post and/or advertising the new platform. Just one message "ok bye" and then 100% of your time on the new platform won’t do it.

eniko, to random avatar

Can't relate to people who say bluesky is so much better than mastodon. Bluesky feels dead to me. Also one of the arguments I saw was that they had search and algorithms instead of hashtags, and this individual didn't wanna use hashtags

The thing about hashtags is that it makes discoverability opt-in. You decide if you want random word searching bastards to find your posts, which is important since 95% this is done by people looking to harass others

Anyway I wanna wish people luck on bluesky. They're not even out of private beta yet and the people in charge are already talking to press about their plans to add "monetizable value add"

I'm gonna stay here where I can control when I want everyone to be able to find what I say, and where a corporation won't try and carve chunks of functionality out to sell them back to me, a process that inevitably culminates in what happened to twitter and reddit when they can't squeeze enough blood from the stone anymore



Bluesky feels dead to me.

Absolutely agree, anything that doesn’t make it to "what’s hot" is instantly dead. Very hard to get any engagement.> The thing about hashtags is that it makes discoverability opt-in. You decide if you want random word searching bastards to find your posts, which is important since 95% this is done by people looking to harass others

I cannot agree with that. I don’t want to reinforce the false sense of security some of the folks have here. Many fediverse softwares (misskey, calckey, pleroma, akkoma and even kbin) have full-text search. Your post can also be boosted uncontrollably and reach a much wider audience than expected. Disabling boost isn’t even an option.

Full-text search is also on the mastodon roadmap.

Sure, hashtags boost your discoverability, but you’re absolutely not hidden if you don’t use hashtags. Your posts are still public and you’ll get reply from random people who don’t follow you. (good and bad replies)

aristeon89, to Futurology

On the #Meta controversy.

When I joined the fediverse I was told that its decentralised nature made it impossible for a big corporation to take it over. Then why are people so afraid of Meta?

I didn't come here to be isolated from the outside world. I just don't want to be controlled by one single corporate entity.

But some activists seem to think we should build a different kind of wall and be hostile to anything "commercial".

I'm not up for that.



@aristeon89 I don’t think you have to worry about that. People who want to wall-off will wall-off, people who want to connect will connect.

There is going to be some confusion for a few weeks/months, but we’ll soon see where everyone is standing and users will migrate toward stricter servers or more connected servers.

The people asking to "defederate the severs who federate" or two-layers of defederation are either empty threats or will just cut themselves entirely from the network. It’s not worth worrying about them.

Shrigglepuss, to random avatar

If full text search is implemented into the fediverse retroactively without any sort of opt-in, it's functionally equivalent to snitch-tagging every single public toot you've ever written. So gross.
Tags work fine, bookmarking or faving a toot to be able to seach for it later works fine. Opening up the whole history of the fediverse and its whole future even further to trolls is not fine.


@Shrigglepuss Full-text search is implemented in pleroma, akkoma, misskey, calckey and kbin. (basically everything except mastodon)

Some of those are OLDER than mastodon and actively federating with mastodon since forever. It’s not reto-active. Your post are already searchable right here and now. You didn’t use any hashtags, I still found your post.

Now, for good measure, it would be extremely easy to add a starting date that the search shouldn’t go before. If mastodon doesn’t do that, admins can. It would only require a small change in the database query used for search.

Edit: also with public visibility and 11 boosts, you don’t need search for your post to be very visible.

atomicpoet, to random

I don’t get how setting up lobby servers for the express purpose of helping people migrate from Meta is somehow “pro-Meta” when the objective is to get more people to, you know, stop using Meta.

You know what’s a pro-Meta stance? Making it harder to leave Meta.


@noondlyt @atomicpoet
If you’re an early user of anything, anything at all. You’ll very soon realize that your friends and family will almost never follow you right away. They’ll join much much later when the network effect kicks in.

I could never convince anyone to drop skype for discord (I couldn’t use skype on linux and discord was less bad), ALL the people I couldn’t convince at the time are on discord now. Not because of me, but because of the network effect. I was merely an early adopter.

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