@JulieB@deacon.social avatar



I love Jesus but not the church as is. I church here, around my dining room table, in the grocery store and on my front porch. I'm a firm egalitarian and am actively taking my life back from the patriarchy. I am a friend of anyone wounded or in the margins, loving the person in front of me as a way of life.

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JulieB, to Bloomscrolling
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

Berry blossom in the sunrise light.

vlrny, to random
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Well, everything is on a moving truck to be delivered next week, I am back in Guelph.
It is over. I am out. It is done.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar
vlrny, to random
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Good news, I did have 10 days of reserves built up before tackling this move/packing.

Bad news is this is a 2 week project.

Feel utterly knackered. Gotta stop for a day of maximum self care. I see a pillow nest on the fire escape in my future. :)

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny That is one of the hardest self-care things for me: taking a day off from the never-ending list to rest and refresh and delight and to cozy, to give my brain and my heart a rest and enjoy.


I'm getting better at it all the time.

she said from her recliner by the big window looking out at the drippy woods and chubby robins and smooth river

I used to find great joy in accomplishing and pleasing. I'm over it. Ha!

I'm hoping your rest invigorates your tomorrow and clarifies the tasks on your list: what to keep and what to chuck and what would be easier to just put it on the curb and let someone adopt it.

Cheering you on from afar. ❤️

vlrny, to random
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Today's packing music is a mix CD.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny A TS lyric is running through my head in reply:

"And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free."

The line hits me every time, this youth we lost for one reason or another.

I'm so sorry. I would have loved to meet her, that one who wore that sweater/coat and those shoes. ❤️

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny She still is . . . just different asses. ❤️

vlrny, to lonelinesscorps
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Bad news is I am back in the stupid town and stupid apartment that nearly killed me to pack up my life and move it to Guelph (yay!)

Good news is I have access for an installation of #valeriesDVDDrawer !
Choices this round:
Starting between 5pm and 7pm my time.
Let me know if you are interested and which movie.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny @lonelinesscorps I feel this on the packing to move, with my move so recently. I had to tell myself over and over: this is for future goodness. I can do this for my future gooness. I am still telling myself this as I work through the transition. I'm cheering for you and so glad you're almost done with that place!! 🥰

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny @lonelinesscorps but don't get me wrong: it still sucks. I'm not suggesting in any way that must force a smile onto your sweet face. No shoulding at my house!

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny I love that! Not trapped and reclaiming. Reclaim as fast as you can! 😉

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

My sister and I met at the Title office this week to sign papers for the selling of our house. I ended up in a small office around a small table with my sister and our very kind, patient and good humored Title Agent . . . with the wrong glasses on my face so I was unable to read fine print easily as I sat in front of thirty pages of the stuff. 🤦‍♀️😆

I was doing just fine until we got to the marital status page and as she was explaining the document I saw the blank and wrote:

'SINGLE'. Big. Bold. Caps.


The agent without missing a beat pointed out the boxes I was meant to check and that I was probably going to need to check the first 'unmarried' box.


And my sister said, "But she is recently and proudly SINGLE." Joining her in her mouthiness I said, "Yeah! I worked hard for that!" and by this point all three of us are laughing.

I dutifully checked the first 'unmarried' box then crossed out the word 'SINGLE' and initialed it - but I was disappointed in the word choices available.

Unmarried feels like I'm less than, as if I wasn't chosen or wanted or something, as if marriage is the goal I had failed to attain.

'Single' sounds like a personal decision, a choice I made for myself because that is what I wanted for me.

And I wanted it badly.

As I sit under my awning today, the air barely cool and quite still, in my generous adironack chair, listening to the birds who have not quieted really since their party they throw every morning in the dark, hearing too my neighbor playing her piano out her open windows, all of this is what I have chosen for me. This is what I have attained. None of this beauty and peace would have been available had I stayed.

So nope, despite the documents centering marriage with their almost judgy labels,

I am SINGLE. ❤️

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

From the book, "While You Are Healing" by Parm K. C.

you can fold yourself up
into halves,
or more.
and still,
you won't be small enough
for the ones who feel
entitled to your space.
so f*** it.


Deep breath in and out.

Damn, that's good.

vlrny, to coffee
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

Oh you know, just blinking slowly, singing James Blunt songs to my coffee, as one does...

What are the rest of ya'll up to?
#coffee #gratitude #slowMorning

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny @lonelinesscorps Enjoying the chilly morning as much as I've been enjoying the hotter afternoons, snuggled in my covers with my coffee and every door and window open, adding to my chore list which I will putter through later. Much later because . . . it's Saturdaaaaaaay, have a lovely Saturday, boop de boop boop boop.

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

I saw this quote the first time yesterday and have seen several versions of it since then and I've been pondering. It said,

"When choosing a woman who works, you have to accept that she can't handle the house.

If you have chosen a housewife who can take care of you and fully manage your household, you have to accept that she is not earning money.

If you choose an obedient woman, you must accept that she depends on you and you must ensure her life.

If you decide to be with a strong woman, you have to accept that she is tough and she has her own opinions.

If you choose a beautiful woman, then you will have to accept big expenses.

If you decide to be with a successful woman, you must understand that she has character and has her own goals and ambitions."


This is the first time I've seen someone being instructed that a woman is not an endless resource, that if she is good at one thing she may not be good at this other thing, and if you choose the thing she's good at, you also need to take responsibility that you chose the second maybe-not-so-good thing.

Yes, some of the word choices in the quote are not my favorite, especially the 'obedient' part, but if a woman is one that naturally follows and supports and defers and that is what makes her happy and content, and you choose her? You don't get to be mad at her for not being decisive and forward thinking and self-motivated.

After decades of being told I needed to be all the things all the time and anything less was basically sin?

This was incredibly freeing. I get to be me without having to be all.

Be mindful that what attracts you to a partner will have some costs attached to it. Your partner is not an endless resource nor do you get to expect them to be good at everything - they will excel at some things and struggle with others. Be thoughtful of both as you choose.

I spent way too many years trying to please an impossible list of attributes. I don't have to live like that anymore.

RickiTarr, (edited ) to random
@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

The Tale of Two Gynecologists

This is a bit long, and I've talked about this a lot lately, but it's something I'm thinking about a lot in the wake of so much hatred of female Healthcare. When my female troubles got bad enough that I finally talked to my doctor about it, he referred me to a gynecologist. I had already had several ultrasounds and an MRI at this point, and she had put me on some oral contraceptives for several months, (which made sick to my stomach no matter what I did) and had just done another ultrasound. She greeted me with "Well, you're really messed up inside, Honey.", which already had me pretty stressed out. Then told me I would probably need surgery to figure out exactly what was going on. She then asked me if I wanted children, and I said No. I had taken my husband with me to the appointment for moral support, and she glanced over at him, and then talked to me for 5 minutes about how many women my age could still have children, and I could definitely consider it, and that they would do everything they could to make sure I could stay viable. They could freeze my eggs if I had to do a hysterectomy, just on and on. She probably asked me directly 4-5 if I was sure I didn't want kids. Finally, I said, "Ma'am, my husband got a vasectomy over a decade ago, we are absolutely sure we don't want kids." After hubs had found me crying on the toliet, because my period was late again, he went to his doctor and said, "Hey doctor, I'm thinking about a vasectomy." The doctor gave him a pamphlet to read, and made him an appointment. The whole thing was done in a few weeks.

Anyhow, she finally referred me to a gynecological surgeon, and I was not looking forward to dealing with this again, and was just generally terrified of having surgery for the first time. I met with this woman and she was so efficient and practical. It is the longest doctor appointment I've ever had, since this surgery would be exploratory, she went over every possibility of what could happen when she was inside. She did a thorough exam, she went over all the scans that I had, and explained why she thought this needed done. Then she said she would like to put in a Mirena IUD during surgery. She said, "You're in pain half the month, and there's no reason for you to have a period if you don't want to have kids. You'll have some erratic bleeding for six months, but by a year most women have a very light or no period at all, there's no reason for you to needlessly suffer if you don't end up needing a hysterectomy."

It's interesting to me still, that one doctor was so focused on what my body could do, and another so focused on how I felt. I came out of the first appointment feeling scared and confused, and the second feeling heard and cared for. Feeling valued as a person and not a baby maker made the surgery much easier to go through, and the Mirena has been great btw. Women don't have to needlessly suffer.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@RickiTarr I've had an issue with my left hip since the fall of 2018 - significant ache, sometimes enough pain that my left leg fails in order to relieve it, interferes with my sleep, limits activity almost fully. I used to be a hiker that could keep up with or lead 'kids' 20 years younger than me, but I had to give it up. I've had doctors not believe me, roll their eyes at me, tell me it's not bad enough for surgery so I need to just wait for it to get worse so my insurance would cover it, be unwilling to touch me in places in order to diagnose or treat even though I saw them do what I was asking for on a male patient, have not bothered to change the treatment plan when I told them the current plan was adding pain to my left knee, etc.

I'm coming up on six years of limited mobility and still don't have an answer . . . though, I might be on to something. But do I have it in me to take on the mental and emotional load to go fight for a doctor to believe me?

That's a really good question. 😔

This fall there may be room on my plate to fight this fight . . .

But we shouldn't have to fight.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@sarahconner @RickiTarr Exactly. They look at me, now after six years of not enough activity and decide things about me, when really I'm an athlete. I don't look like one so they assume I am not. And they have no idea what I've lost. 😔

vlrny, (edited ) to random
@vlrny@disabled.social avatar

puts cross-strap sports bra on, somehow gets strap tangled in armpit

gets untangled, pulls tank top on - it's backwards

gives up on whole day before 10am

#whereIsMySupervisor #fuckitFriday

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@vlrny One day I bumbled and fumbled around looking for the patch pocket in my jumper dress and just kept dragging my hand down the front of it hoping my hand would catch on one of the pockets until finally . . .

I turned on more light and found a mirror . . .

It was on inside out.

Finding a pocket was the least of my troubles. 😆

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar


JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar
JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

I'm learning the routines of Mother Nature. The sun crests the mountains to the east and lights up the fog, but all I can see is the fog all glowy. But within fifteen minutes the fog is cooked away and the air above the river clears and the mountain is sharp and bright.

From seeing nothing to seeing everything in fifteen minutes.

Solar power.

compost, to random
@compost@regenerate.social avatar

Working with compost piles will show evidence of how toxic our society has become.

Capitalism in the name of profit uses so many chemicals and harmful compounds that are harmful to our health and the planet that we can't control easily the toxic inputs we use in our compost.

This is why harvesting your organic matter and working on creating wild areas for this is a smart idea. You will limit the risks of contamination of your piles.

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@carapace @benben @compost And thus my garden plan is born. grins

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar
lea, (edited ) to random

If you're not from the US and want to travel here. Don't.

I thought as a (German and white) visitor I'm gonna be fine.

Border and customs protection took my phone, forced me to unlock it and stole god knows what data from it. The agent was powertripping and made sure to let me know that I am powerless and he can just send me home or do godknowswhat to me.

He directly said "if you're annoying I'm just sending you home".

Apparently my trans ass was part of a "random search". Lol.

I'm fine now and with Lexi luckily. I don't know what kind of malware is on my phone, or what they took from it. I've been crying all throughout my connecting flight.

This place is a dystopian shithole. Please don't go here.

​:boost_ok:​ ❤️

@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

@lea I am so sorry you were treated that way. The powerlessness must have been terrifying. I can't even imagine. 😔

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

How something hits you, affects you, is not necessarily how it hits or affects the other person in the conversation. They may be coming into the conversation with a loaded and painful history, real experience and your contribution to the conversation may be from an article you read or theory you're curious about.

Go gently.

And believe them when they express the weight of it, the pain of it.

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

Just told my neighbor (again, he's gettin' older) that we're moving.

He told me to tell the people that buy our house that they have to giggle loudly on occasion, cuz he's gonna miss that.


JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

This is true about so much of life:

JulieB, to random
@JulieB@deacon.social avatar

Every now and then I'll take a look at the toots of a person that liked or boosted one of my toots. Not often - I like to easily keep up with my Home Page and don't seek to crowd it up to overflowing.

So I clicked on this person's name and there I was, boosted all over his page. Not like a million posts, only five or six out of the ten available to see, but it was funny to see me from his point of view.

This could have been so useful back in my dating years: here in print on the screen are five things he likes about me enough to share with his friends. 😆

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