@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar



Admin of https://mastodon.de/@MastodonDE | https://mastodon.de
Mitgründer von https://mastodon.de/@AnneFrankInNorden

#KnackigePfirsiche 🍑 #CrunchyPeaches

Member of the Fediverse
Decentralize or Die! #SmallWeb
Open Source is a Human Right!

Socialize the Social Network for the Sake of All!

Born at 375.64 ppm | :he_him:​:er_ihm: | :bisper: tfr
:ICANN: + :IANA: = 💖
Former Account: @Erik

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

ErikUden, (edited ) to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Welche Partei wählt ihr?
(wenn jetzt Bundestagswahl wäre)
Aufgelistet von politisch Links nach Rechts

ErikUden, (edited ) to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Eine E-Mail. 40.000 Accounts gerettet. Was ein Tag. ✉️ #SaveTroetCafe

ErikUden, (edited ) to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

To all Fedi Admins Currently Being hit with a Spam Wave:

This kind of spam is now over! Unmute all the instances no longer on my list!

I've just released v4.0.0 of The UNmute List! I'd be very happy about a small donation because I have very little time and I cannot really justify working on this list with my current schedule :mycomputer:​

There is a new type of spam, the same instances are affected as before. Those responsible in Japan are said to have been arrested.

Without further ado...

Limit these instances:

[Full List of Affected Instances Here]

Just get the list to download and import here.

Simply import this list and you'll mute the 47 worst spam instances currently known to me! I've worked on it for multiple weeks, sometimes ~9 hours at a time verifying all lists sent to me manually.

Limit first, defederate only in worst situations!

Consider re-federating with and un-silencing any of the mentioned instances once the spam is mitigated. The admins of some of these may have just been asleep when this all started.

Ban Spam Accounts via their E-Mail Domain

Block the following E-Mail Domain and whatever temp Mail provider it resolves to: chitthi.in

Just to be safe, block these ones too (same provider)

  • mailto.plus
  • fexpost.com
  • fexbox.org
  • mailbox.in.ua
  • any.pink

All our spam accounts came from these E-mails.

Since you probably have some of these accounts sleeping:

https://[your-instance.tld]/admin/accounts?email=%25%40chitthi.in there just select all and press “Ban”.

Find Remaining Spammers

I've seen instances that fixed the spam issue but began being hit later again. The spammers might use new E-Mails, so here is a way to find and block them anyway:


IP Bans and TOR

These spammers seem to be using the TOR Network as all of their IPs are TOR Exit Node IPs, hence an idea (with some collateral damage if executed) would be to ban all TOR exit node IPs for sign ups. I am personally against this idea as you'd also prevent users who simply wish to stay anonymous online (political refugees, leakers of important documents, etc.) from using your platform. For now, simply banning every user using a particular Spammer IP will not help and will merely ban users that try to stay anonymous! Not necessarily the spammers.

How To Block All Temp E-Mails in the Future

If you want to prevent this from ever happening again, you should block E-Mails from Temporary Mail providers all together:

Because of this, hessen.social, for example, was not affected by the spam attack! They had already banned the email domain the spammers used ages ago.

In future updates on Mastodon, maybe Admins can simply click a button that says “Ban Temp E-Mail Providers” Automagically from the E-Mail Menu? There could be E-Mail categories that can be banned, such as temporary mails.

Why did this happen?

The real reason hundreds of us spent hours of our days during the spam on mitigating it is the following:

Cyberbullying Gone Global: Fediverse Spam and Operation Beleaguer

This is the full exposé @cappy has been working on regarding the February 15th Spam Attacks!

Thank you @BrodieOnLinux for mentioning this post in a video!

Good luck, everyone!
Thanks for participating in the Fediverse Experiment!

#FediBlock #FediAdmin

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Once libraries are nonexistent any modern fascist movement wouldn't even have to burn books, but flick one switch and they'd be remotely deleted from your Amazon Kindle or similar digital “library”.

Capitalists are already building the infrastructure to do this through DRM, so stop believing tech is apolitical - the defunding of libraries and paywalling of information are all part of this. :trantifa:

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

The “guns don't kill people” crowd sure seem to think books can make you gay.

ErikUden, (edited ) to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Künstler:Innen wie Antilopen Gang / Danger Dan bedienen sich in ihren neuen Songs AfD-Narrativen, wie der des „importierten Antisemitismus”. Der Song „Oktober in Europa” ist da das beste Beispiel.

Das Lied wurde nun rumgereicht und gepriesen von BILD, CDU und FDP. Spätestens ab diesem Punkt sollte man sich fragen ob man nicht doch rechte Narrativen reproduziert und die Debatte rundum Antisemitismus in Deutschland sich von Neu-Rechten angeeignet wurde um wieder gegen Minderheiten und Progressive Gruppierungen zu hetzen.

Eine gute Einordnung zum Lied :youtube: Springerpresse-Rap: Oktober in Europa

Eine weitere gute Einordnung von Abdul Chahin auf Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/p/C5jTm7EMVxt/).

Sowie von der TAZ

Sie behaupten indirekt der gestiegene Antisemitismus käme von Linken/Woken, Immigrant:Innen oder jeglichen antirassistischen Gruppierungen. Dabei wird vergessen das zum Beispiel der geplante Anschlag auf eine Synagoge in Halle kein Ausländer oder Immigrant war, sondern ein deutscher Faschist.

Die gezeichneten Davidsterne an Synagogen kommen von der Jungen Alternative / AfD oder anderen Rechtsradikalen Bewegungen wie der Identitären Bewegung. Zumindest die bisher nachgewiesenen.

Nachdem die AfD laut Umfragen 20% Zustimmung in diesem Land hat, schieben Künstler:Innen wie Danger Dan die Schuld des Antisemitismus auf die Ausländer und bedienen sich so diesem AfD-Narrativ?

Ich finde das, neben sehr vielen fehlgeleiteten Aussagen in diesen Liedern, sehr traurig.

Link zum Lied
Link zum Liedtext

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Ich wurde erneut daran erinnert wieso Ich konventionelle soziale Netzwerke verlassen habe als Ich auf Reddit wieder erklären musste warum Freier (Menschen die für Prostitutierende bezahlen) nichts gutes sind, gar das Problem darstellen. Sie stützen ein solch unfreiwilliges System und beuten Menschen körperlich aus welche meist aus Geldmangel, Traumata, oder Menschenhandel in diese Arbeit gezwungen wurden, somit keinen Konsens/Consent/Einwilligung geben können.

Klar ist es falsch Menschen die diesen Beruf ausüben Hass oder Unverständnis entgegenkommen zu lassen, sie sind ja nicht das Problem, sondern die Sachzwänge welche sie zu solch einer Arbeit zwingen (aka das kapitalistische System) - es muss sich selbst prostituierenden geholfen werden, ein Leben ohne Prostitution ihnen ermöglicht werden.

Selbstverständlich wurden diese Aussagen mit extremen Unverständnis angesehen, eine Person fragte auch zysnisch ob Freier denn keine Steuern zahlen, so als würde das deren Aktionen legitimieren.

ErikUden, (edited ) to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Alle Mastodon Profile von Kandidierenden zur Europawahl (09. Juni 2024) mit Verlinkung zum AbgeordnetenWatch Profil zum Stellen von Fragen.

Parteien Aufgelistet von Links nach Rechts und nach Listenplatz Oben nach Unten


Carola Rackete (2)

Johanna Brauer (15)


Anja Hirschel (1)

Anne Herpertz (2)

Lukas Küffner (3)

Sven Bechen (4)

Wolf Vincent Lübcke (6)

Arnold Schiller (17)

Bündnis 90/DIE GRÜNEN (Greens/EFA)

Sergey Lagodinsky (2)

Anna Cavazzini (3)

Jutta Paulus (9)

Daniel Freund (10)

Rasmus Andresen (12)

Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg (17)

Jan Denis Wulff (18)

Jürgen Kretz (24)

Corinna Balkow (29)

VOLT (Greens/EFA | Renew Europe)

Kai Tegethoff (3)

Sahak Ibrahimkhil (8)

Hans-Günter Brünker (12)

Benjamin Körner (20)

Ich kenne nicht alle zur Europawahl antretenden Menschen die zugleich auf Mastodon sind, nur die in meinem Dunstkreis, was selbstverständlich einer persönlichen Präferenz nachkommt. Wenn ihr also weitere Profile kennt werde Ich diese hier beifügen, nach kurzer Suche einiger Spitzenkandidat:Innen habe Ich leider wenig gefunden!

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Today, 15 years ago the person or group with the fictive name of “Satoshi Nakamoto” created the first cryptocurrency named Bitcoin with the thought of it becoming a secure and fast alternative to fiat currency.

Now it's known as the most wasteful use of electricity, inefficient and limiting capability/functionality, as well as being among the most insecure and de-anonymizing ways to transfer money.

However, what Satoshi Nakamoto probably hasn't expected is how many scam-currencies would come after theirs, and how their invention would create a new breed of the most annoying people known to our species: crypto-bros.

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Joe Biden has deported more people than Donald Trump [1], funded the police more than Trump [2], and has now helped to kill more Palestinians than Trump [3].

If you cannot allow criticism towards this person because you believe critiquing them is the same as endorsing the opponent, then you are participating in the very cult behavior you should be criticizing.

Yes, Trump would be worse, way worse...

...but it's horrible to compare Trump's potential genocide to Biden's currently real and ongoing genocide. Voting Democrat is harm reduction, portraying it overall as anything else is, in my privileged opinion, incorrect. In many individual examples I can, however, see how you come to view the Democrats not just as the lesser evil, but even positively.

Many vulnerable groups such as queer (especially trans) people are helped by a Democratic government, even maintaining the right to abortion is, visibly, helped by Democrats. There are examples in which voting the Democratic Party betters the lives of certain groups. Yet that change doesn't come sustainably and the tides may as well turn. If the Democratic Party is willing to throw one group of people under the bus for winning Republican voters, who is to say they won't do the same with your group?

If you don't give human rights to everyone, it's not a right anymore, it's being treated human as a privilege.

When it comes to foreign policy, unions, most social services, the treatment of the poor, healthcare, border policy, it's mostly the same between the two parties. Trump is merely the death of the euphemism.

A queer person won't vote for a party that doesn't support queer rights, so what should someone of another marginalized group not supported by the Democrats do?

Additionally, don't forget that it was the Democratic party that supported and funded Donald Trump's primary election in 2015 [4] as they always back the most far right candidate [5] in order to even make a distinction between the two parties visible.

What I'm trying to say is that you, as a democratic voter, cannot blame someone for supporting an alternative party, nor claim that supporting that third party is horrible merely because it may “allow for a Republican victory.” If it was in the Democrat's interest to change the election system or electoral college to allow for something other than effectively a two party system, then they would've done so.

I won't ride a high horse and claim it's morally wrong to support the Democrats, I don't think that. I do believe, however, that many people are disillusioned in voting for Democrats but know voting for Republicans only makes things worse. If not allowing a Republican victory was in the Democrat's interest, then they would adapt the party's stance to social, non-war/non-genocide, non-deportation, anticapitalist, pro-Housing, and pro-Healthcare for all positions. They don't, so what choice is there for people from marginalized groups other than voting for a third party? Can you tell them it's only morally right to vote for a party that worsens their living conditions or wishes to have them erased?

A representative democracy exists so people can voice their opinions through voting in the representation they favor — if you critique them because the USA's democratic system fails to represent them, hence they should vote for one of the two representations that are possible, but aim to kill them or worsen their lives, then you are critiquing an individual for the faultiness of the system.

And last but not least, any person should still be called out for “boycotting the election”, not voting is ridiculous which is perfectly explained by Jay Foreman here.

Participate in every election while you can. :voteblue: :dsa:

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Dancing, making jokes or satire publicly, is illegal next week Friday in Germany.

This is not a joke. Whenever I talk about this publicly people think it's a joke. This concept is so foreign to some people.

My favorite TV shows can't air because it's illegal to make jokes that day.

What kinda Footlose sh*t is this??

ErikUden, (edited ) to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

The Palestine Congress in Berlin has just been stormed by the police, electricity has been shut off.

17:29 The Palestine Congress has been made illegal without justification by the police.

This comes after Ghassan Abu Sitteh, a Palestinian doctor who spent 43 days with Doctors Without Borders at the Al-Shifa Hospital, who also is the Rector of the University of Glasgow, was denied entry into Germany at the Berlin airport today because he wanted to speak about his experience at the congress.

German media calls this congress antisemitic and pro-Hamas, the evidence for these claims is insubstantial. „Some supposed invited speakers have liked images by groups who are said to...” and so on.

This congress is prevented as the German fascist party sits at a 20% approval rating and ~1000 far right (and often armed) extremists are currently on the run from the police.

ErikUden, to FediPact
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Hey Fedi Admins, y'all federating with this? :Threads_Burning: #FediPact

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Die jüngste Kandidatin Europas für die EU Wahl ist von Die Linke :linke2: und auf Mastodon!

👋 @jo1hamma6und1sichel
🌐 https://www.abgeordnetenwatch.de/profile/johanna-brauer

Stellt ihr gerne Fragen auf AbgeordnetenWatch, warum man das tun sollte habe Ich schon Mal hier geschrieben!

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Mastodon bleibt Mastodon.

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

someone just asked me why i was wearing a mcdonalds logo

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Auszüge aus dem Volt Parteiprogramm:

Europa Europa!
Europa, Europa Europa Europa. E u r o p a. Europa, Europa? Europa! Europa. Euro-pa.

Europa! Europa! Europa!

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

like all people

ErikUden, (edited ) to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Der US Kongress hat 320 zu 91 beschlossen, die Definition von Antisemitismus zu ändern um somit Proteste von Studierenden einfacher polizeilich auflösen zu können. [Quelle: AP News]

Der gleiche US Kongress hat zudem beschlossen, jegliche Förderung von humanitären Hilfsorganisationen in Palästina zu beenden, sollte dieses jemals versuchen eine Anklage gegen Israel vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof zu starten. [Quelle: The Canary]

Die USA lehnt internationale Gerichte, sowie dessen Entscheidungen, immer ab, da ansonsten jeder U.S. Präsident seit 1950 als Kriegsverbrecher deklariert und inhaftiert werden würde. [Quelle: Noam Chomsky | Internationales Kriegsrecht]

Zu sagen das man einen Gerichtsprozess um Menschenrechte boykottiert, bevor dieser überhaupt stattfindet, zeigt das man Angst vor dessen Ergebnis hat.

ErikUden, to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Stellt euch vor Deutschland hätte nie Russland sanktioniert und jetzt ruft ein Journalist dazu auf man sollte Produkte welche direkt die russische Wirtschaft und somit den russischen Krieg stärken boykottieren.

Ist das ein Grund aus dem ÖRR geworfen zu werden? Ist das antirussischer Rassismus? Nein...

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

I'd like to remind people that the USA passed a law promising to invade the Netherlands if any war criminals were ever put on trial in the International Criminal Court The Hague as part of the Hague Invasion Act.

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

hello netherlands you mean to tell me I don't need to download a separate app for every local transportation system for every city I visit but can simply use my existing credit, debit, or EC card as both payment and ticket?

My feeble German mind cannot comprehend this

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

92% of women wish to leave prostitution but don't due to needing money for healthcare, food, or a house to live in. Consent cannot be bought, consent here is traded in exchange for being allowed to continue to survive.

ErikUden, to random
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

The developers of GPT-4 made AI safety tests before release and wanted to, for example, figure out whether the AI could duplicate and spread itself to other servers.

They experimented whether artificial intelligence could buy cloud storage and even pass a CAPTCHA it was never designed to solve.

The AI automatically used an API to hire a human contractor to ask them to solve a CAPTCHA for it. The human joked “are you sure you're not a robot :D?” and GPT-4 thought to itself that it should lie, not reveal that it is a machine, and make up some reason about a vision impairment in order to not sound suspicious.

ErikUden, (edited ) to random German
@ErikUden@mastodon.de avatar

Kommt am https://www.instagram.com/p/C2Su4rxNa95/! Es lohnt sich. :nona:

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