atomicpoet, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I’ve been around for a few migrations to the #Fediverse. They follow similar patterns.

First, some Big Social service does something bad, something so egregious it pisses off a vocal set of people on Big Social.

A bunch of people on Big Social realize they don’t want to be beholden to some company trying to get rich off their work, so they look for an alternative. They land on the Fediverse because it’s the one space that is resistant to centralized control. They want something specific: social media that is decentralized. This first group of migrants tends to be the most enthusiastic.

The next group of people who migrate don’t care as much about centralization or decentralization. But they like the first group, and they generally want to be supportive so they take the step of migrating.

After that comes a group motivated by FOMO. They see something happening, want to be part of it, and go where they perceive the crowd is going. They like the high of a mass movement happening, and love participating in something bigger than themselves. This group is very influential, as they generate hype and a sense that the Fediverse is “the hotness”.

Thereafter comes influencers, usually people who are influential on other platforms and want to go where they believe the audience is going. But not always. Some of them are wannabe influencers with dreams of grandeur, and want to be “first” at a space they perceive is in its infancy.

What’s next? Journalists. And to be specific, I’m not talking about journalists who are already active on the Fediverse, but those who come in cold, are already overworked, and are probably bitter about visiting what they perceive to be a convoluted nerd “site”. They don’t understand what’s going on, but they were given an assignment from their editor, and so they have to write something – anything – to explain it (what they perceive to be it) to the masses.

Finally, there’s the “mainstream”. These are people who read something in Android Authority or the New Yorker or the Washington Post, have minimal curiosity, and try registering an account. They give what they initially think is a “site” a glance, just so they can say they’re in the know. They now know what the big deal is, or think they do.

Most of these migrants won’t be here for the long term. And some of them might even become detractors, angry that the Fediverse doesn’t work like “everything else”. And that’s okay. The Fediverse can’t be all things to all people – yet.

However, there will also be some who stay because they realize there’s something about the Fediverse that speaks to them. These people become incredibly active, big evangelists for the Fediverse, telling people they know about its benefits.

Each migration builds the network effect of the Fediverse. Each migration builds awareness.

And more importantly, each migration builds further upon what is possible with the Fediverse.

atomicpoet, avatar

If I were devs of #Pixelfed, #Hubzilla, #Friendica, #Peertube, #Funkwhale, etc., I would be watching all closely and taking notes.

These migrations often happen suddenly and unpredictably.

montag, to fediverse German

Hallo an alle und ,

da das immer noch am wachsen ist und es jetzt wohl gerade größere Wanderungsbewegungen weg von zu und dem Fork gibt, hier mal ein aktualisiertes Übersichtsdiagramm um zu zeigen, dass das Fediverse nicht nur aus besteht.

Erst mal vielen Dank an @kuketzblog und @imke für das erstellen des Diagramms.

Dann gibt es natürlich auch noch ein paar Links zu Seiten auf denen man sich einen Überblick über das Fediverse verschaffen kann:

dragfyre, to fediverse avatar

A note on the current #Threadiverse expansion: As a few have pointed out, #Lemmy and #Kbin are OK, but as far being Reddit replacements, remember that neither software is really stable or mature, especially in terms of moderation. It'll be a while before we can really consider either one as a good place to build a community.

dragfyre, avatar

FWIW #Friendica is probably the most reliable #Fedi software for groups right now, although it doesn't really replicate Reddit at all. If you do like forums though, it's pretty sweet—and it federates pretty much perfectly with Lemmy and Kbin servers, as well as other servers like Mastodon, #Misskey #Calckey, #Hubzilla, and even #diaspora. #FediGroups

thisismissem, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Okay, so, I've just done a review of the features in both and .

I've written up a fuller report on the IFTAS matrix, but the tl;dr is: if you care about user safety, do not deploy either of these.

They do not feature comprehensive or well built moderation tools, and you will not be able to effectively moderate instances running this software.

You are better off waiting to deploy these once they mature more.

Edit: removed user mentions to stop spamming them.


@thisismissem @Zach777 happy that #Hubzilla popped up :-) I am no fan of its UX among other thungs, but it is a different take on architecture, in that lemmy-like or pixelfed-like services are plug-ins, and rich authentication and authorization options (basically, account-level moderation) and service building blocks are the core.

JungleGeorge, to random

Apparently and Beehaw having some beef at the moment. No idea what's going on. Just saw some posts about one defederating the other. What a nice way for all the reddit refugees to get introduced to Fediverse politics ​:ablobbonelightstick:​


@JungleGeorge It depends on how the UI and UX works for an individual.

For example, for me #Lemmy feels “isolated”. It doesn't show you the wider #fediverse. But in #Kbin, it has a “Microblog” tab where you will be able to see what the rest of the fediverse are saying about your topic -- posts that don't appear as a “Thread”.

For other people, #Calckey's UI and UX are working well. Like me for example, I see the topics I want to see, and the communities around it, because I'm using Calckey's antenna feature combined with a Deck UI. I see discussions and communities I do not see from a Mastodon instance.

I also used to have a solo #Hubzilla instance and I can say the same for it, I can see the wider fediverse and the different communities surrounding the different topics I am interested in.

The thing with a fediverse account, first and foremost, it is what it is for you based on how you built your network. What you see, what you interact it, is your #ObservableFediverse.

Some people only follow groups/communities/magazines. They have few 1-to-1 “following”. If the instances these groups/communities/magazines goes offline… their “Observable Fediverse” will be cut a lot, and they might even feel isolated suddenly.

So, for me, my “Observable Fediverse” is wide and revolves around the topics I care about. Thus, I see the “community” in using Calckey and Hubzilla (and Kbin for that matter) far more than using Lemmy.


(PS I have accounts where its “Observable Fediverse” is purely reliant on groups/communities/magazines. It's a totally different Fediverse experience from those accounts.)

youronlyone, to lemmyworld in Is more active than

First, welcome to the ! I'm glad you found your way in the -based “federation network”.

So, wait… what are these terminologies? And what exactly is the “Fediverse”?

Think of it like this:

  • Name: Web
  • Protocol: HTTP
  • Browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Naver Whale

Then you have the Fediverse:

All these “fediverse browsers”, like Lemmy and Kbin, are commonly referred to as fediverse software. (extra info: Wikipedia calls Lemmy, Kbin, and similar answers-type or Threads-type software as “Link-aggregators”.)

There is no “Mastodon network”. There is no “mastoverse”. There is no “threadiverse”. There is no “Threadinet”, or whichever -verse / -network people are coming up with.

Any software that is using the ActivityPub protocol is part of the “Fediverse network”. Just like how any software that uses the HTTProtocol is part of the Web.

That clear so far?

Now, we go to your question.

Q: I moved to and have noticed that has been popping up as another featured instance. What differs from vs Is .ml more active? and are called instances (the terminology used to refer to a fediverse server/service). These two are only two out of many fediverse instances available. In paritcular, these two instances are only two out of probably a hundred Lemmy-based instances available.

What differs between the two? As far as features and functionalities go, none. Since these two Lemmy-based instances are using the same software, they have the same set of features. The only difference would be if one instance fell behind in Lemmy version upgrades.

Since is one of two flaship servers of the Lemmy software project, naturally it will get the bulk of registrations and content.

For example, before the Reddit Migration, there were already existing communities for many similar Subreddits, and many of those are in and are very active. So, when Subreddits started to migrate, some chose and other lemmy instances. Which allowed to catch up with the number of users and number of active communities that already have. AND, some of these are about the same topics/fandom.

So… yep, that's the detailed explanation. ^_^

I hope I wasn't confusing.

caos, to finanzen in Wiki o.ä. für Standard-Fragen


"Wo könnte das gehostet werden?"

vielleicht auf #Hubzilla ?…
@Jupiter Rowland ist gerade am Testen, wie die Föderation zwischen Hubzilla und #Lemmy so im Einzelnen läuft und könnte da vielleicht mehr zu sagen?

gnulinux, to wordpress German avatar

Fediverse-Serie: ActivityPub bei WordPress - einen Blog in ein soziales Netzwerk bringen

Das Plugin implementiert das ActivityPub-Protokoll in einen Word-Press-Blog, was bedeutet, dass Blogbeiträge im Fediverse verfolgt werden können. Darüber hinaus werden Antworten aus dem Fediverse automatisch zu Kommentaren im Blogbeitrag.

#Wordpress #Fediverse #Artikelserie #ActivityPub #Blog #Mastodon #Pleroma #Friendica #Hubzilla #Pixelfed #SocialHome #Misskey #Plugin #Linux

maegul, to fediverse avatar

If there isn’t much cross-platform engagement between the #threadiverse and #mastodon, and Reddit migrants leave because of insufficient activity … is this a failure of sorts of the #fediverse ?

I’m leaning yes. If cross-platform activity is essentially irrelevant but more of a minor awkward perk at times then the fediverse doesn’t exist (yet) at the level of being a social media platform or space.

Instead, it’s a tool for FOSS platforms to scale through decentralisation.


0xSim, avatar



> (Deliberately used the quote feature here.)

> (Another quote which Mastodon can't display. Blame Mastodon. #Hubzilla here works perfectly well.)

> Mastodon users tend to demand the whole rest of the Fediverse cut down on its features

That's now how you'll get newcomers feel welcome and try your oh-so-superior hubzilla. Touch some grass.

youronlyone, to kbinMeta in What instances is federated with?
youronlyone avatar

It depends on how you look at it. There are thousands of fediverse servers, and there are at least a million active users in total.

Based on the context of this discussion thread/branch, those Lemmy servers mentioned would not even fall near the “dominating the network”, they are very far from dominating the fediverse network.

But, if you are referring to “Reddit-like / Stackexchange-like / Quora-lack”, then sure, those servers mentioned are “dominating” the “answers UI/UX” space. However, the fediverse doesn't work like that, and you probably won't even notice it while using any fediverse software.

In the fediverse, and servers acts like a group. If you have used and groups ( and respectively), then Lemmy and Kbin servers works similarly.

If I post to a Lemmy “community” or to a Kbin “magazine”, that post will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted to everyone who subscribed/followed that community/magazine. Anyone who replies to that post, it will be re-shared/boosted/re-posted also.

In other fediverse software, it will just appear as a regular status update thread. In Lemmy and Kbin, it will appear as a comment to a certain post.

It's the same for, say, . The flagship BookWyrm server is “dominating” the “bookshelf UI/UX” space, however, outside of that, it's just another software. The only difference is that with BookWyrm, you get a shelf, track your book reading, leave reviews to a specific book, and so on.

However, everything else are the same… if you leave a comment or posts an update about the book you are reading, it is no different from using , , , , , , , to post a new update that “I am not at page 879 of the book ‘Shaka. When the Walls Fell’.”

And as far as the fediverse is concerned, BookWyrm is far from “dominating” the network.


choyer, to fediverse en-gb

Having second thoughts about my self-hosted instance, it’s just too much of a resource hog for a single user / small instance on a 4 core / 4G vServer if you want to run other stuff ( is live, to be installed!) as well. On the other hand it is very nice that the software is stable, reliable and well designed. So either I need to move to a bigger server or decommission my self-hosted profile and look into other options for micro / macro blogging self-hosting again. I did like but the current version doesn’t install on my properly. Tried and - weren’t my thing, can’t get over the design. I do like and its possibilities but it is a bit clunky at times and I have some doubts if protocols other than the quasi standard have much of a main stream future which kinda could make the additional Friendica features a little islandish. Same applies to which I only start testing. Leaves and which could be good options but not sure about the reliability and gameplan there, I don’t want to tinker every night on my server so probably need to become a little more stable first, seems to have no current version on YunoHost, so need to explore other install options… Any thoughts very welcome! @fediversenews @fediversede

youronlyone, to fediverse

Latest update: 2023-05-18

🕸️ “The Federated #SNS Timeline” (#Fediverse history). Key events in the #history of federated #socialnetworks.

Q: Who first coined the “fediverse”?

Q: What was the first fediverse #protocol?



I hope this consolidated timeline is useful for the community, and writers.

Enjoy! ^_^

#CCBYSA 4.0 International

#FederatedWeb #SocialWeb #Federation #Web3 #Web30 #YourOnlyOne #Misskey #Friendica #Pleroma #Hubzilla #Mastodon #diaspora #ActivityPub #MycelialNetwork #MyceliumNetwork #Mycelial #Mycelium

petrescatraian, (edited ) to fediverse in Other use cases for the fediverse

@gredo There is a clone of (actually 2 or 3: , which uses AP, , using it's own protocol and , using both AP and it's own, protocol).

Then there's , which is an alternative to

Edit: what I really find missing is an alternative to

gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

Join the JoinFediverseWiki - "eine Enzyklopädie über das Fediverse"

Das Wiki bietet schon umfangreiche Informationen über das Fediverse und dessen diverse Plattformen. Es enthält jedoch auch noch einige Lücken, die darauf warten, von fleißigen Fedizens gestopft zu werden.

shimriez, to random

A simple symbolic shape of a house. Inside it, three dots connected to eachother, forming a network.

If you are curious and want to try Hubzilla, you are welcome to do so. This is what you need to do:

  1. Find a hub/server open for registration. Have a look here:

  2. After the registration process, it's time to create your first channel. You will have to choose if you want it to be public by default ("Public") or followers-only by default ("Personal"). Don't worry, this setting can be overridden for individual posts if you wish.

  3. Find your first contacts. Since you are here, you probably already know some Hubzillians. (If your server supports Activitypub you can also add contacts from Mastodon, Calckey, Friendica).

Those are the necessary steps, simplified. Hubzilla is a huge toolbox with a lot of possibilities to fine tune your settings. But for your first try - this will be enough.

Oh. And there's no character limit in Hubzilla.

#hubzilla #blog #test #fediverse


@shimriez where does a #Hubzilla user have to go to learn about its quirks? I have a clear question but having to ask it on #ActivityPub would hurt my feelings for Hubzilla 😁

tetrislife, to fediverse

#ActivityPub #spam seems to be spreading nowadays. It isn't new, I moved away from my previous instance because it didn't have active mod volunteers.

#Snikket's idea of invites (#XMPP, not AP) seems like a good way to both control spam and onboard users. Mods can rate-limit account creation by judiciously creating invites. Users can generate 1 invite each, but can expect to also get banned if their invitee is a spammer. User-invited users would have a real account to bootstrap their connections.


@volkris interesting view. Web of trust-ness seems to be there in #SecureScuttlebutt (it "gossips" content from friends and friend-of-friend, friends are cryptographically verified by design).

Per your view, #Zot / #Nomad would work well on the user-in-control front (although whether their #Hubzilla / #Streams UX implementations work for users is questionable).

pere, to random


I envision actors having public keys as their IDs, possibly with some system for updates/revocations. When actor references are passed, they're sent together with the current (or last known) network location of the actor. Each server keeps a directory mapping IDs to locations. Actors can transparently move between instances, by sending a Move notification about their new location. Anyone who misses the notification can query friends/others who did get it.




> public keys as ID's
> directory mapping ID's to current location

#Hubzilla does this in its #Nomad protocol. In its #Streams incarnation, it seems to present #ActivityPub posts as a public stream and native Nomad posts as a fine-grain-permissioned stream.

ueckueck, to fediverse German avatar

Am Montag, den 15. Mai 2023, ab 20:00, findet wieder das @fediverse_moderationstreff ( statt.

Das Schwerpunktthema dieses Mal sind Fallbeispiele.

Bringt gerne konkrete Fälle aus der Moderation ein, die unklar oder ungewöhnlich waren und für andere lehrreich sein könnten.

Link zur BBB-Videokonferenz:

Organisiert von @w4ts0n, @ebinger und mir mit Special Guest @citizenK4te, die uns einige besondere Fall-Konstellation mitbringt.


eshep, to fediverse in Mastodon monoculture problem

@butter, @dessalines, I've grown quite fond of Friendica for that very thing, following things, not just people. Not only does it let me follow topics via tags, but things like and get added as "forums", plus I can follow any or feed. All of these are added the same as adding any other contact (follow). All of these different ways of following things get listed in the same area of my account, as "contacts", where they can be easily separated into to multiple groups (lists). Each followed hashtag, forum, contact group, or protocol type is always listed down the side of my page where I can simply click on it to filter my current feed.

I know that other / interfaces such as , , , , , and have some/all of these capabilities, each to their own extent. However, having played around extensively with all of them, I've come to find that is the one that works best for me. And at the end of the day, this is the only thing that matters. It may be a bit time consuming, but trying all the things is the best (only?) way to see how they'll work for you.

SteveTux, to random German avatar

Auf der Suche nach #socialmedianetwerk relevanten Webseiten zum Selbsthosten gerade über einen Artikel von Chris Burger gestolpert und in begeistert gelesen!
Hut ab ... ich werde mir das auf jeden Fall einmal genauer ansehen! :)


SteveTux, avatar

Stimmt. Umso wichtiger, sie #sinnvoll zu nutzen - was mir - durch externe Anforderungen - leider immer schwieriger fällt.
Deshalb jetzt etwas Nachforschung, wie ich mich möglichst stressfrei möglichst unabhängig im Netz bewegen kann und meine Anforderungen fokussieren. #hubzilla scheint da eine echte Alternative zu den ganzen verstreuten Diensten zu sein.

mj, to mastodon German avatar

Ich startete 2017 mit #GnuSocial ging dann 2018 zu #Mastodon und probierte auch #Pleroma, #diaspora, #Hubzilla, #Misskey, #Calckey und #Friendica aus. Schaute mir, #Plume und #WriteFreely an.

Habe einen Mastodon-Account und einen Backup-Account (auch bei Mastodon), bin bei #Pixelfed, #PeerTube und #BookWyrm.

Von wegen es gibt keine "Alternativen".

jeff, (edited ) to random avatar


  • Loading...
  • pierreb,

    @jeff we already have been there almost 10 years ago with #diaspora*. I personally hosted a pod (an instance of diaspora*) during seven years. This is why my hope for the federation by that time was a protocol taking into account the precarious nature of servers in a decentralised network. Notably minimal dependency upon DNS for users. But we got #activityPub poorly protected against servers shutdown rather than #Hubzilla and it’s nomadic identities persisting beyond servers lifetime.

    jo, to fediverse
    jo, to fediverse

    Same. ❤️ And Friendica, Pixelfed, Lemmy, and Hubzilla. All of which I use in one way or another, along with an connected account. And there's still a bunch of services I've yet to try, like . Those who think of the as only a birdsite alternative really do it a disservice.


    atomicpoet, (edited ) to random

    I need you all to do me a favour and follow these steps:

    1. Visit this post:

    2. Click the link shown I've shown in the red box (see screenshot)

    3. Tell me if the link goes to or

    I want everyone to report what you see.



    I. Opens a local profile

    II. Opens the URL

    I think it's safe to say that only Mastodon opens uses its local cache to open a remote profile. Other software, regardless if they have a local cache, opens the URL since it starts with https: and not a webfinger.

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