@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar





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SomeGadgetGuy, to windows
@SomeGadgetGuy@techhub.social avatar

It just clicked in my brain. What I haven't been able to articulate about why I'm so anxious about Recall. I'm sure others have already gotten to where I am.

It's worse than "a system that tracks everything you do" and stores that info in a basic database that could be easily compromised.
It's worse than a nanny surveillance tool for companies to spy on their employees.

It's inescapable.

It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

It won't matter if you're a master expert specialist. You can't account for EVERY other computer you've ever interacted with. If a family member looks up an old email with your personal data in it, your data is now at risk.

If THEIR system is compromised YOUR data is at risk.

I just went from "vague feeling of unease" to "actively writing templates to canvas elected officials, regulators, and attorneys general."

evawolfangel, to Cybersecurity German
@evawolfangel@chaos.social avatar

Oh and in case there a journalists from the Netherlands in my bubble (or in yours, please share!): It might be interesting to do a follow-up to our article (which will be published tomorrow) because WebEx leaked tons of data from the Dutch government.
Feel free to contact me for further information.

dennishorn, to random German
@dennishorn@mastodon.social avatar

Eine Woche ist jetzt rum, aber die re:publica hallt noch immer nach. Ich habe mir viele Notizen gemacht, zu dieser und zu jener Session, und eigentlich wollte ich sie euch an dieser Stelle wie immer zusammenfassen. Aber dann habe ich gemerkt, dass vor allem ein Thema viel mit mir gemacht hat: Zukunftsszenarien.

⬇️ Ein Thread.

@dennishorn@mastodon.social avatar

Am Ende war aber auch die Diskussion auf der re:publica davon geprägt, dass es zwar die Forderungen nach mehr Zukunftsszenarien gab - gleichzeitig aber sehr wenige Zukunftszenarien an sich. Und ich frage mich, was uns (die Gesellschaft, die Politik, die Player in der öffentlichen Debatte) eigentlich davon abhält, sie zu entwerfen. Es macht mich ratlos.

mono, to solarpunk German
@mono@digitalcourage.social avatar

Ich suche utopische Kurzgeschichten oder Romane, die in einer Nachhaltigen und Postfossilen Gesellschaft spielen, welche auch wir zeitnah erreichen könnten. Gerne Teilen!

evawolfangel, to Cybersecurity German
@evawolfangel@chaos.social avatar

Oops, wieder in ein fremdes Webex-Meeting verirrt. 😜
Aber die Menschen nehmen es mit Humor. "Hallo, mein Name ist Eva Wolfangel, Ich recherchiere über Sicherheitslücken bei Webex Nur ganz kurzes Schweigen. Dann: "Herzlichen Glückwunsch, die Recherche scheint erfolgreich zu sein."

Artikel kommt bald - und ja: das Problem ist seit meinen beiden anderen Artikeln ... größer geworden.

jens2go, to random
@jens2go@mastodon.social avatar

Inheriting status and power in the early : The case of (at least according latest analyses at the burials from Eberdingen-Hochdorf and Asperg-Grafenbuhl, Germany:

https://www.science.org/content/article/graves-celtic-princes-suggest-powerful-role-women-ancient-germany by @spoke32 via @ScienceMagazine

TarkabarkaHolgy, to 13thFloor
@TarkabarkaHolgy@ohai.social avatar

So in honor of #PrideMonth

I am reading an article about how every time ancient art depicts a goddess as sexually alluring, they always get labeled a "goddess of fertility". Even when there is no indication of children, pregnancy, or anything fertile.

The article argues that some goddesses were deities of sex and pleasure, without the maternal fertility aspect.

I am like 🤯 🤯 I have a whole entire archaeology degree and we never addressed this...

#mythology #sex #religion #archaeology

mpe, to random
@mpe@ravenation.club avatar

I think it's really disappointing that conferences about the future of scholarly communications are going "in-person only" in 2024. I cannot travel as I need haemodialysis every 48 hours. Without any remote participation, I am effectively excluded by disability.

astro_jcm, (edited ) to Astronomy
@astro_jcm@mastodon.online avatar

1/4 "All those protoplanetary discs will be lost, like tears in a rain of ultraviolet photons."

Ok, it doesn't sound as cool as the actual quote, but still 😉

This tear-shaped object is a protoplanetary disc –the birthplace of planets around another star– observed with ESO's Very Large Telescope. Material from the disc is being stripped away by a bright star beyond the upper-right corner, outside of the field of view, hence this cometary shape.

📷 ESO/M. L. Aru et al.

dangillmor, to random
@dangillmor@mastodon.social avatar

The Washington Post is about to lurch sharply to the right politically as former Murdoch apparatchik solidifies his grip on the organization. Current editor Buzbee is out, and he's bringing in people from Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and the Telegraph (right-wing UK news org).


Sylviaborin, to random German
@Sylviaborin@mastodon.social avatar

Die rechten in Italien streichen das Bürgergeld ersatzlos und machen mit dem "gesparten" Geld Steuergeschenke an die Besserverdienenden. Melonie gönnt sich eine 1,5 Mio € Villa. Neoliberale in ganz Europa jubeln und hoffen auf das erstarken der Rechten auch in Deutschland und Frankreich.

In Neapel leiden die Menschen seit Ende des #Bürgergelds an Zukunfts­sorgen und Hunger.



kosi2801, to Facebook German
@kosi2801@graz.social avatar

Kleiner Reminder!
In Kürze beginnen und ja damit, eure Bilder, Posts und Nachrichten für das Training ihrer eigenen zu verarbeiten.

Sind Daten einmal in KI Training eingeflossen, können diese aus heutiger Sicht nicht wieder entfernt werden.

Will man das nicht, kann zu dieser Verarbeitung Einspruch eingelegt werden.

Genauere Erklärungen und Links zu den Einsprüchen findet man bei der unter https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/aktuelle-meldungen/digitale-welt/ihre-daten-bei-facebook-und-instagram-fuer-ki-so-widersprechen-sie-95646

vicgrinberg, to random
@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

You don't owe anyone a follow (this includes me). Not even people you've been mutuals for a while. Not even people you know on real life. Not even people whose profile you check often.

Sometimes they just post too much. Or post stuff you don't want pop up on your list (but want to check on your terms). Or they start (re-)posting hate (you don't owe them a call out; especially not if you don't think it will go well). Sometimes they are lovely folks but just bore you with their favorite sports.

florisbiskamp, to random German
@florisbiskamp@mastodon.social avatar

Ich habe mir diese Woche zweieinhalb Stunden Jung&Naiv-Podcast mit der UN-Sonderberichterstatterin für die besetzten Gebiete Palästinas Francesca Albanese angehört. Manches von dem, was ich da hörte, war bizarr. 1/

Fischblog, to random German
@Fischblog@chaos.social avatar

Das ist übrigens ganz aufschlussreich, warum versprochene nicht ankommen. Die meisten kleineren Gemeinden haben gar nicht die Ressourcen, die Gelder abzurufen, weil die rechtlichen Hürden so hoch sind.


vicgrinberg, to random
@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

I love book recommendation lists but they often tend to upset me. My favorite kinds of lists are either international lit (where I am usually upset that there are not enough women represented) or books by non-male folks (where I am upset that it's often mostly English-writing folks).

So - here is a list of my personal recommendations of books by women in (English) translation. One book for every day of June. Feel free to join - does not have to be every day!


@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

Rose Ausländer - Jewish poet, Bukowina-born (today Ukraine), mostly has written in German but also (in the years after WWII) in English.

The "black milk" in Celan's work? That's an image from her work (& later he influenced her in turn).

Seek out her late poems if you can (most of her work she dictated in her last years, fully bed-ridden) - extremely condensed. Incredible.

(The photo is a graphic novel about Ausländer. Also a rec, by Ukrainian authors, in German.)


@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

Mariama Bâ - "Une si longue letter / So Long a Letter / Ein so langer Brief"

I remembered reading the book some 15 years ago and being thoroughly impressed by a world so different from my own - both in terms of society (I know almost nothing about Senegal!) and the viewpoint of a then much older women having lived such a different live.

Take a look - and if my mini recommendation is not convincing you, here is a much longer one ▶️ https://www.theparisreview.org/blog/2019/05/13/feminize-your-canon-mariama-ba/


vicgrinberg, to random
@vicgrinberg@mastodon.social avatar

Zwei kluge und schmerzhafte @tazgetroete -Artikel heute, die leider stark in Resonanz stehen:



Sustainable2050, to random
@Sustainable2050@mastodon.energy avatar

Hearing that Dutch (technical) universities are already having to slash their budgets and lay off scientists due to the coalition agreement of the incoming right-far-right government which contains big budget cuts on scientific research. Not a smart idea in a knowledge economy.

juergen_hubert, to politics
@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

1/ Okay, while the Trump verdict has been very riveting, I'd like to talk about failure states in democracies for a bit.

Any stable democracy needs peaceful transfers of power. If a ruling government loses in an election and thus loses power, they are free to moan about it - but in the end, they should leave office without violence because (unless they screwed up bigly) they realize that they will likely return to power one day. They are invested in the system, and do not want to overthrow the basic democratic order of their country - because it works for them.

Thus, a country needs multiple parties with an investment in democracy, who are willing to form a government - but who are also willing to leave peacefully. If this is not the case, then the democracy in question is in a failure state.

An good (or rather, very very bad) example of a "proportional representation" democracy in a failure state was the late Weimar Republic. Starting in 1932, the NSDAP (Nazis) and the KDP (Communists) received a majority of the vote and thus representatives. Both wanted to overthrow the Republic and its democracy in its own way, and thus it became impossible to form a democratic government - let alone switch between different ones. But the Weimar Republic had problems in this regard even earlier, since there were numerous miniscule parties with only a very small number of candidates. They only cared about a small number of issues, had no motivation to compromise, and thus were not willing to join a working government.

#Politics #Democracy #Elections #WeimarRepublic #Germany #History

@juergen_hubert@thefolklore.cafe avatar

3/ Meanwhile, First Past the Post voting systems - as seen in the and the - massively favor a two-party system. That means that if one of the parties is no longer committed to the democratic order of the nation, its democracy automatically enters a failure state - as there can no longer be a peaceful transfer of power. If there's one party which is willing to overthrow the democratic order of the country when they get into power - as the Nazis did during the Weimar Republic - then they must not attain power, or else it's game over for democracy.

But then the other party - which is (hopefully) still committed to democracy - must not lose power, because then it's game over for democracy. But when one party has to be constantly in power in order to save democracy, then a peaceful transfer of power is no longer possible! Thus, this democracy has entered a failure state. It is inevitable that frustration with a particular government will grow over time, yet this frustration cannot find release because the government must not be voted out of office if democracy is to survive.

Thus, the only way for democracy to survive if the not-democratic party either reforms itself or is displaced by a new party - and the latter is extremely difficult to pull off under a FPtP voting system, since such voting systems massively discourage first parties.

megschwamb, to random
@megschwamb@mastodon.online avatar

Taking a well-being day and working from home curled up on the sofa with no meetings in comfy clothes while the tv is on. Sometimes you just need to try and refill your own tank.

echo_pbreyer, to random German
@echo_pbreyer@digitalcourage.social avatar

🇩🇪 🚨Achtung: Die bisher auf Eis liegende #Chatkontrolle könnte von den EU-Regierungen doch noch angenommen werden. Frankreich droht ihr zur Mehrheit zu verhelfen.

Der “Kompromiss”: Entweder du lässt deine Chats kontrollieren oder du kannst keine Bilder/Videos und keine Links mehr posten&sehen!

Lies alles darüber von @AnjaHirschel und mir: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/chatkontrolle-blockade-wackelt-chatkontrolle-verweigerer-sollen-mit-foto-und-linkverbot-bestraft-werden/

@echo_pbreyer@digitalcourage.social avatar

🇬🇧🚨Beware: The proposal which has been stalling could be adopted by EU governments after all. France is considerung to give up its resistance.

The "compromise": Either you agree to have your chats scanned or you can no longer share&receive pictures/videos and links!

Read all about it: https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/majority-for-chat-control-possible-users-who-refuse-scanning-to-be-prevented-from-sharing-photos-and-links/

Tinido, to wirtschaft German
@Tinido@chaos.social avatar

Verlage machen sehr viel Geheimnis über ihre Geschäftsmodelle und wie das Business so läuft (so ist es für Nicht-Mitglieder des entsprechenden Branchenverbandes sehr sehr teuer, Zahlen zu Auflagen zu recherchieren). Hier schreibt Alex Bachler bei @vliestext über den Umgang mit Ladenhütern in einer Buchhandlung:


sundogplanets, to random
@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

I am talking o a reporter about this in a couple hours: https://regina.ctvnews.ca/from-outer-space-sask-farmers-baffled-after-discovering-strange-wreckage-in-field-1.6880353

This is about an hour away from my farm, so this'll be a fun conversation, and yet another great opportunity to tell a lot of people about what a huge problem we have with unregulated commercialization of orbit. (Also I just redid my slides for my public talk next week, this is going in!)

@sundogplanets@mastodon.social avatar

I talked to the farmer again and apparently SpaceX is coming on Thursday to pick up the space junk. He said he'd be happy to host some journalists at his farm to record the hand-off and keep SpaceX honest.

So, I just emailed a large fraction of the local journalists who have interviewed me about this to give them a heads-up 😈

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