
Software developer here to learn about tech, especially the future of social networking. Certainly not an expert on any of it -- I have much to learn.

I tend to take long breaks between posting because of the way I am.

(Ridiculous pic is from when I needed a sample image for a test and maxed out my artistic skills.)

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

reiver, to fediverse avatar

For better or worse, the Mastodon client-server API is the (de facto) standard client-server API for the Fediverse.

If you are building a Fediverse server — implementing the Mastodon client-server API instantly makes all sorts of Fediverse client software work with your server.

If you are building a Fediverse client — using the Mastodon client-server API instantly makes your client work with most Fediverse servers — even ones that aren't Mastodon.



@reiver I think it is pretty limited to microblogging though right?

liaizon, to random avatar

Is there anyone working on generalizing the Mastodon API, or documentation to follow for apps that are using it for things other then Mastodon? #fedidev #mastodev #mastodonapi #APIdev


@gabek And who would control said standard? Cause Eugen is not going to give up control over the API Mastodon uses. He will continue to do whatever he wants for Mastodon. So then what happens if anyone wants any improvements or additions to the API for their own innovative fedi software? Eugen has to okay them. I don’t think that’s going to go well.


@gabek Of course but since his software currently is run by like 90% of the fedi, having him drop out of whatever standard will have a significant impact on whether people who make microblogging clients care about said standard.

jmaris, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

I'm really pleased to see so much variety in the #ActivityPub space, but I'm not sure that having more and more #pleroma and #Misskey forks, none of which seem to have a solid reliable management structure, is that great an idea.


@jmaris Is pleroma being forked all the time? I thought that was misskey.


@jmaris I don’t think so

ophiocephalic, to FediPact

With the Zuckerberg takeover impending, there's a lot of confusion circulating about the use of user-level and instance-level blocks, and how our online expressions can be secured against Meta. Everyone who objects to their accounts being mined by the Zuckerberg entity for data collection, AI ingestion, monetization, and possible ghost-profile building needs to understand this problem. Here's information to clarify.

Neither a user-level block, or an instance-level block, will protect our posts from Meta data-mining by default on a Mastodon instance. Posts won't be delivered directly, but can be ingested by other means; if, for example, users on Meta-federated instances boost them.

However, both user and instance blocks will totally prevent post delivery in all cases IF your host instance has enabled the functionality called Authorized Fetch.

By default, Authorized Fetch is off on Mastodon instances and most haven't turned it on. If this concern is important to you, you might want to respectfully reach out to your admins and let them know. Remember that they are working hard to provide and sustain online community at no charge. It's likely they won't be very familiar with it and will need time to look into it.

For more information on Authorized Fetch, check out this blog post by @brook : Please untag Brook from replies unless you specifically intend to address him


@ophiocephalic I’m thinking about moving to a server that does have it enabled. Does anyone reading this have recommendations for somewhere that might be a good fit for me?

kyonshi, to threads avatar

Short #threads thought: so yeah, you think Zuckerberg wants to invade the usual #fediverse, but Gab and Truth Social are also running on #activitypub.
He's after that sweet, sweet right wing content Facebook made its money with...


@kyonshi I could be wrong but I thought neither gab nor “truth” federate right now.

thisismissem, to fediverse avatar

It always amazes me in how in discussions of the future of #ActivityPub services that moderation is generally an afterthought.

Okay, we add nomadic identity, how does that impact the ability for servers to moderate, given all moderation tooling is built on user + server identity?

Okay, we add the ability to put people on lists without following, how does that impact moderation and privacy?


@thisismissem Do I understand correctly that your point is not that we shouldn't consider new features/directions, but that discussions around new features/directions should inherently include discussions on how that affects moderation and privacy and what new tools might be needed in those areas?


@thisismissem Fully agree!

codesmith, to accessibility

I want to learn more about designing #accessible software, ideally from people who use #accessibility features themselves. Any follow recommendations?

codesmith, to threads

Just spent too much time reading peoples' takes on #Threads. A few good takes and a lot of bad takes. A lot of people completely unconcerned about #moderation of a single instance with millions of users by a company with a history of concerning moderation issues. Upon a few moments of research though, the people who are shrugging this off appear to nearly always be people who likely have quite a bit of privilege - the sort of people who will likely rarely (if ever) deal with the consequences of poor moderation themselves.

#Meta #Fediverse


Also it seems my current admin does not intend to defederate from #Meta. I respect that it's entirely their choice, but I'm thinking of exercising my choice to move. Does anyone have #instance recommendations that might be a good fit for me?


@reiver Thanks for the suggestion. I have two questions for anyone who knows the answers:

  1. Would my experience as a user be identical to if my admin did the block?
  2. Would the experience of users on Meta's server be identical to if my admin did the block?
ifixcoinops, to random avatar

Alright, so how come I'm now when I was yesterday, what's the story, what's everyone banging on about with the dot art and Welsh pixies and Meta meta and stuxes, alright here's the Short Version

Stux = guy who runs and a bunch of other general-purpose fedi sites
Welshpixie = lady who runs, an art focused mastodon website
AJ = guy who runs, this website
Meta = Facebook, hereafter referred to as Facebook because they don't get to change their name and wash away their past sins any more than my Lucky Goldstar dishwasher does

Facebook: Mmmmmmay we pleasssse have a little CHAT with the big adminsssssss, we promissssse we'll be good this time <3
Fediverse in general: Haha get bent facebook, we weren't born yesterday
Facebook: That wassss Facebook, we've reconssssidered, let'ssss be friendssss
Me: Happily dunking on people who spell accessibility as a11y and completely oblivious to this whole conversation
Welshpixie: Ey up, facebook are up to their old tricks again, remember not to fall for it guys
Stux: Nasty Welsh Pixie, let's give them a chance, I will block your Whole Entire Domain website: A block you say, a defederation, now that's quite serious, that's for when you don't want anyone on your website to follow anyone on this other website, are you quite -
Stux: yes I'm sure lol website: Very well, chop
Everyone on who was following anyone on suddenly, silently not following those people any more
Everyone on who was following anyone on also suddenly silently not following those people any more
Everyone on both websites who was following anyone on the other website: WTF STUX
Stux: oh uh yeah hm. Ahem. That may have been hasty. I wonder if I can undo some of the - website: nope
Stux: I think I'll take a break from the computer for a bit
Me: Drinking beer and playing Beat Saber with a couple of out-of-town mates and completely oblivious to this whole thing happening
Me: goes to bed
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Me: good morning fediverse, what are the haps my frieWHAT THE HELL
Fediverse: meta meta meta
Several People: Dan my server's gonna defed from yours in a week, can you move?
Me: what no what's going on that's not enough time I've got things to do, tell you what though I'll have some time in the autumn and I like you too, can we catch back up then?
Several People: we are chill and lovely and we understand
Me: slowly pieces together what's going on while drinking a Winsford Mocha

---intermission because I have a fifty thousand character post limit now---

A Winsford Mocha is an analogue of this fancy "mocha" coffee stuff you tasted once in the far-off land of Chester, where they have coffee shops; you live in Winsford, which is a town best known for having Europe's last remaining salt mine, a literal man-made hole in the world, where there are no such frivolities, so you attempt your own. It's two spoons of instant coffee, two spoons of Cadbury's drinking chocolate, microwaved for a minute, stirred and microwaved for another minute, and drunk with thumb resting on the spoon because the contents tend to settle.

---intermission over---

Everyone on both affected sides of this whole shambles: YEAH SAME DAN I SEE YOU'RE LATE TO THE PARTY HERE
Me: Sigh. I guess I'll move servers, AGAIN, and probably spend a month or two having random people look at my join date and tell me I'm using mastadon wrong, AGAIN, but this'll have to wait, I have Things To Do
Mastodon: it's Mast-OH-don actually
Me: I know
The Fediverse: actually it's the F... ah, you know
The Things I must Do: oh my god where do I even start, they are a nice even spread between equally important physical things and computer things and family things and some of them have Rather Tight Deadlines, I will spare you the details but this is why I said to several people lol see you in October
Me: I am mad about this situation and I want to talk to someone IRL about it but how the hell do I even start to explain why this is even possible without that person resolving to never ever ever even glance at this whole fediverse thing
Stux: notices me, noticing him and his horrible mistakes
Stux: Say, that post of yours... not the one where you call me a wanker, it'd be a bit heavy-handed to delete that one, if I were to delete that one then you'd be able to say "Lol look at this fragile guy everyone" and you'd be right, but this one from yesterday:
Me, from yesterday: "Extremely popular take that some here won't like but seriously need to sit with: spelling words like a11y or l10n or i18n or m17n is bloody incomprehensible and makes you look like an absolute w4r"
Stux: yeah, that content violates the following community guidelines: "No harassment, dogpiling or doxxing of other users." I am going to remove it.
Me: oh no, not only is he not taking a break from the computer, he's back to pressing buttons and he's gone into petty "LOOK AT THE POWER I HAVE TO REMOVE YOUR VERY WORDS" mode, I have to move TODAY while I can still get an archive of my shite
AJ: Hey you can put your shite here
Me: Thank you AJ, I will put my shite right there. I will fill your website with my shite.
Several long threads of mine which started on which is the website I was on before I was on which is the website I was on before I moved to today: lol what are you gonna do, make a blog?

---the story is done but so is the damage---

Everybody I was following on I'm still not following them; there's no way to get that data back, shy of just kinda stumbling across folk and going "Oh I recognise them, follow"
Everybody from who was following me, probably months from now: Hmm haven't seen that joystick pop up in my feed for a while, wonder if he died, shrug
The Fediverse In General: LACKING in having tools to recover from the social damage that can be wrought with one reckless button press
Facebook: hrmmmm yesssssssss, yum yum yum, licks eyeballs
Me: sure hope next time this daft shite happens there's some kind of backup
AJ: My server can do 50,000 characters
Me: makes USE of this, haha you all get TURBO DAN NOW


@ifixcoinops I know this was really not the thrust of your post but I am glad to see someone else dislikes calling it "a11y" "l10n" etc.

dansup, to random avatar

Meta blocked #joinPixelfed a month ago (later was fixed, multiple ppl can confirm), I’ve tried to be understanding and respectful but why?

I’ve never been contacted by them about p92 and never attended any meetings, do you honestly think I would work with meta????


@dansup Was this not sort of an indication of considering working with Meta? Or did I read something incorrectly?

jwildeboer, (edited ) to twitter avatar

Soon “#Mastodon failed because it didn’t replace #Twitter” will be replaced with “#Lemmy #kbin failed because it didn’t replace #reddit”.

But that’s not the point. The point is that millions of people across the planet are exploring #ActivityPub based communication now. THAT is the big opportunity and success.


@jwildeboer And of those people now exploring ActivityPub, a relevant number of them are designers and devs who are already spinning up their brains on how this can be made even better.

schizanon, to fediverse

/ has a problem that hasn't even attempted to solve; groups and what happens when they get popular.

, , , whatever they are called are implemented as in . They are basically just very popular users who boost a lot.

You can't just distribute them across instances the way normal actors do. Whichever server hosts @technology or @technology is going to get HOSED on the regular.


@mkhoury @schizanon I think the most complicated aspect of this (as usual) is the question of moderation. Who moderates a community across multiple instances and how? What is the balance of power between instances and communities?

I'm not saying it can't be done, but I feel like it would be a tough one to do well.


@schizanon @technology @technology Yep. I expect that long-term a lot of instances will limit the ability to create groups (as Beehaw does) or place restrictions on the size a group is allowed to grow before asking that group to move to another/their own instance or ask for finances to help with the costs.

kainoa, to random

Calckey is not going to be called "Calckey" for much longer, that's all I'll say... 😉


@kainoa @EwanCroft Better to change your company name now than after you reach 4B users!

codesmith, to bluesky

Whether it's #BlueSky or #Meta, I just do not understand how anyone can possibly give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their intentions with federated networking. Like, it's not like the internet is new. We have countless examples of what billionaires do with their power. They never try to make things better for us. They always try to accumulate profit for them at the expense of anyone else. How many times do people need to be fucked over before they learn?

codesmith, to fediverse

Does any #Fediverse software allow someone to restrict who can @ mention them? Or is that just generally fair game? If always allowed, is that a vector for pile-on-style harassment?

#ActivityPub #Mastodon #Calckey #Pleroma

rysiek, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

Well if it isn't cryptocurrency spam coming from the biggest, open instance on the . 👀

I wonder if this is at all related to challenges with moderating an instance of checks notes 200k active accounts? Or with moderating new accounts on the only instance actively promoted in the official apps? :thinking_rotate:

Thankfully we can always defederate! What's that? It's the biggest instance so there are real concerns about a lot of people losing connections? Whodda thunk it!


@rysiek WTF is a "meme token created by the latest neural network?" Like, I know this is crypto spam but I swear it's increasingly making less sense. Though I'm a little surprised they didn't fit a few more buzzwords in there.


@ericdano @rysiek What would/could that screening look like?


@rysiek Do you have an opinion on what a more healthy max user count would be?

atomicpoet, to internet

What will be the tangible difference between the BGS that #Bluesky is making for AT protocol and a really well-connected relay operated with #ActivityPub?

The more I think about it, the more I don’t know.


@darnell @atomicpoet I believe the ATProtocol is exactly as complex as is required for what they are really trying to do. Which is, I believe, extend surveillance capitalism but escape the (already minimal) regulations surrounding it while outsourcing a bunch of the running costs.

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