TonyStark, to random avatar

When someone like Josh Hawley writes a book about manhood, the natural response is to laugh and move on with your day. But the better response is to support Lucas Kunce, the Marine veteran who’s running against him. You can contribute to his campaign here:

“Running" | Lucas Kunce launches campaign for U.S. Senate against Josh Hawley-


@TonyStark The best way to serve America would be to hold unpatriotic runaway sprinter Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz & their congressional "Republican" Jan-6 co-conspirators finally accountable for their unbearable engagement in the Trump-incited insurrectionary Jan-6 overthrow attempt.
#RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityNow #JusticeMatters #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Jan6 #Insurrection #WeMustDoThis #WeCanDoThis #UnitedInDiversity

Ulrich_the_Elder, to random avatar

The Nazis fomented hatred against, the gay community, people of color, the mentally ill, and the Jewish community. Does this seem familiar and current???


@Ulrich_the_Elder The United States & her allies defeated Nazi Germany, but the U.S. refrained from defeating the Nazi part of America - a burden, that's still harmful.

Immediately after the war the allies banned the swastika, the Nazi party & the publication of "Mein Kampf" in Germany - none of that happened in the U.S., on grounds of a potentially dangerous & self-destructive naïve interpretation of the First Amendment.

"While America protects the right of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, and other hate groups to hold public rallies and express their views openly, Germany has strict laws banning Nazi symbols and what’s called Volksverhetzung — incitement of the people, or hate speech. Like more than a dozen European countries, Germany also has a law criminalizing Holocaust denial."

Free speech has & needs limits — to prevent harm & protect the Rule of the People aka democracy.
#RuleOfLaw #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #IncitementOfThePublic #Incitement #Insurrection #FreeSpeech #FirstAmendment #Nazism #Terrorism #Extremism

w7voa, to random avatar

@w7voa Xina's dictatorial chokehold keeps on suffocating Hong Kong's remainder of democracy.
The free world's economies shouldn't be dependent on reckless anti-democratic inhuman dictatorships.

PDFlynn, to random

Supreme Court restricts the EPA's authority to mandate carbon emissions reductions

Updated June 30, 202210:30 AM ET

Heard on All Things Considered
Nina Totenberg

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday dealt a major blow to the Environmental Protection Agency's power to regulate carbon emissions that cause climate change. The decision by the conservative court majority sets the stage for further limitations on the regulatory power of other agencies as well.

By a vote of 6 to 3, the court said that any time an agency does something big and new – in this case addressing climate change – the regulation is presumptively invalid, unless Congress has specifically authorized regulating in this sphere.

"That's a very big deal because they're not going to get it from Congress because Congress is essentially dysfunctional," said Harvard law professor Richard Lazarus, an expert on environmental law. "This could not have come at a worse time" because "the consequences...


@PDFlynn Leonard Leo's SCOTUS-majority-six may certainly deserve thorough scrutiny & investigation after a bunch of decisions undermining the authority & ability to act of the United States government, especially pertaining to vital issues like climate change, environmental protection, SCOTUS majority's decisions, that are spreading the stench of corruption.

"You’re not going to convince Alito that women are people; you’re not going to convince Thomas that being loved by white people is a pathetic life goal; you’re not going to convince Neil Gorsuch that the 20th century happened. If you are part of the conservative-industrial complex, you don’t have to convince these people of anything; they’re already on your side. All you have to do is convince the conservative justices to be the worst versions of themselves."
(Elie Mystal, November 22, 2022)

TonyStark, to random avatar

The Supreme Court majority is so far to the right as to be nauseating. As in so many cases where SCOTUS rules on technical issues, this decision completely misses the intent of the law.

Water flows through wetlands. Pollution is carried by that flow. Water doesn’t just go or stay where you tell it to.

All this does is pollute our water more.

Supreme Court strips federal protections from some wetlands, boosts property rights |


@TonyStark Leonard Leo's Federalist-Society SCOTUS majority is indefensibly undermining the authority of United States government.

"Five justices, however, do not think the federal government should be able to stop landowners from destroying wetlands on their property."

Samuel Alito’s Assault on Wetlands Is So Indefensible That He Lost Brett Kavanaugh

shoq, to random avatar


𝗦𝘂𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁 𝗱𝗲𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝘄𝗲𝘁𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗶𝗻 𝘄𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗜𝗱𝗮𝗵𝗼 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀


@msbellows @AbortTheGQPNOW @shoq Right! The six Federalist Society justices created overturnable SCOTUS precedents/ decisions by overturning precedent.

TonyStark, to random avatar

It’s more than clear. Republicans want to control the bodies of Americans, whether it be a pregnant person or a person who wants to present themselves as they wish.

These aren’t 6 week bans. You may have just a day or two. Then you have to face waiting periods, getting time off work, and screaming people outside a clinic if you can get an appointment. It’s meant as a total ban.

SC Senate gives final approval to 6-week abortion ban. Next step Gov. McMaster's signature|


@daddoo @calculsoberic @TonyStark Louie Gohmert (in 2004) was the first "Republican" to represent (?) Texas's 1st congressional district since Reconstruction (ended 1877) — after gerrymandering, inserting Tyler into the district & drawing Texarkana (rural & Dem-friendlier) out of it.

Feel free to call "Republicans" the fraudulent Da Vincis of congressional district-redrawing.

#RuleOfLaw #BanTheGOP #Insurrection #ElectoralFraud #ElectoralApartheid #VoterSuppression #Gerrymandering #Disenfranchisement #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #Freedom #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice

alfredo_liberal, to random

Of course Trump was going to rant about it. What a fucking asshole he incapable of keeping quiet #ruleoflaw

alfredo_liberal, to random

Pay wall: like I said last night the leaks about Trump's finances were old news since they are at least 3 weeks old. Now #jacksmith investigation into espionage is finished and an indictment maybe imminent. It's still possible an indictment could come out tomorrow and upstage Desantis's potential announcement if he can announce at all without resigning 1st. Get your popcorn folks #ruleoflaw

TonyStark, (edited ) to random avatar

Good thing that it won’t be him. But if you still need a reason to vote, this ought to do it.

DeSantis says next president may choose 2 new justices-

petersuber, to random avatar

Kudos to .

What is your state doing to identify and avoid the revised to ingratiate extremists?


@petersuber Florida's Constitution-beater DeSantis & his junta need to be expressly reminded, that the First Amendment also applies to the state of Florida & its anti-constitutional governor & regime:
=> Gitlow v. New York (1925), SCOTUS ruling.

"Congress shall make no law... ...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;..."


@GhostOnTheHalfShell @petersuber Right, efforts to pervert "We the People" into "We the Oligarchs" have been tolerated for much too long.
The rich descendants of slaveholders have never seriously & firmly been taught, that slavery is deservedly dead & will never again be accepted to be reawakened.
They didn't really understand 1865 — a policy of "healing" & insufficient education may have helped them misunderstand.

pivoinebleue, to random

Blame Ron DeStupid for losing the billion dollar deal.

Blame DeStupid for losing 2000 new jobs.

Blame DeStupid for Star Wars hotel closing in September.

Blame DeStupid for the 7000 employees laid off by Disney in April.

Blame DeStupid for all migrants and Immigrants walking off the construction sites and farms.

Blame DeStupid for the truckers boycott.


TonyStark, to random avatar

They're all about small government until they're in charge, then they're all about extremist government control.

The demonization of people simply trying to live their lives is a horrifying look. History won’t look well on this. No matter how one feels about the issue personally, people need to stand up and put a stop to this.

Ron DeSantis Is On His Way to Making Trans Lives Illegal-


@TonyStark 🤔 In 2022, the Regional Court of Cologne/ Germany ruled that denying that trans people were targeted by the Nazis qualifies as "a denial of Nazi crimes".

What is going to follow DeSantis's targeting of trans human beings & their human rights?

TonyStark, to random avatar

Durham is a MAGA hack, just sayin'.

Durham Report: no crimes, no indictments (the two he did bring, he lost.)

4 years... $6.5 million... finding nothing of consequence.

Yep, that sounds like every other GQP investigation since Obama took office.


@TonyStark Durham put today's "GOP's" platform into practice:

Abuse of power & real taxpayers' hard-earned dollars.

Unworthy of any public office.

#RuleOfLaw #DefendAmerica #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice #BeTheChange #BanTheGOP #DefraudingAmerica #ElectoralFraud

FRA, to random

What's coming up?

Today, #EURightsAgency Director @MichaelCJT speaks to 🇮🇪@LawSocIreland in Dublin about #RuleOfLaw challenges in the European Union and how to strengthen #FundamentalRights.


SueInRockville, to random avatar

On #MothersDay2023
I don't need flowers or gifts
I don't need candy
I don't need breakfast in bed
I don't need to go out for dinner
What I need & desperately want is to show my kids & grandkids that there is
#Justice in America & the #RuleOfLaw applies equally to all

alfredo_liberal, to random

Donald Trump is in an arena where he has 0 control over everyone who said he wouldn't be held accountable because he's rich and powerful were saying that for clicks and I know who is one of those people am not going to tag her but will say her name Nicole Sandler. Everyone else who said that should be ashamed of themselves doom scrolling isn't healthy for you. If your feeling upset that the consequences weren't what you expected take a mental health break. #ruleoflaw will prevail and Trump will be held accountable to highest degree possible. Also I encourage you to read blog and follow her

realTuckFrumper, to random avatar


"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

— 18 U.S.C. § 2383 —

"Seditious Conspiracy" won't protect the United States from Trump being a national security threat in public office again (as warned against by Liz Cheney), nor from corruptly being pardoned in the foreseeable future by one of his bootlickers/ victims of extortion in higher office.

joaocosta, to random

How many russian oligarchs arrested in Britain?

How many peaceful protesters arrested in Britain?

The Tories' and Met's priorities are out there for everyone to see.

#RussiaIsATerroristState #ArrestPutin #Londongrad #London #Corruption #Oligarchs
#DontLookUp #NotMyKing #protests #UK #democracy #RuleOfLaw #AbuseOfPower #hypocrisy #ClimateEmergency #JustStopOil

Abuse of power by the Metropolitan Police

maddad, to random avatar


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  • ArenaCops,

    @maddad See a pattern... in former (?) slaveholder states?

    Or should we update the description to southern "childholder" states?

    #RuleOfLaw #SaveLives #DefendAmerica #DefendTheConstitution #BanTheGOP #ChildAbuse #Corruption #Insurrection

    TexasObserver, to politics avatar

    @TexasObserver State despotism must never be allowed break the nation's voice & will!

    Your voice matters! You matter!

    Federal law over states' fraudulent obstruction & racist voter suppression.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #BanTheGOP #ElectoralFraud #Insurrection #VoterSuppression #YourVoiceMatters #YouMatter #RaiseYourVoice #UnitedInDiversity

    TonyStark, to random avatar

    A jury of their peers, mind you.

    Congratulations to AG Garland and his Justice Department team. To those critical of Garland's tenure, this is a strong counterargument.

    May Tarrio and his counterparts have a long stay in prison. Imagine losing your freedom for Donald Trump, a guy who wouldn’t stop his limo to help you if you were on fire, much less give a single penny in your legal defense.

    Jury convicts Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys on seditious conspiracy charge-


    @TonyStark Reminder: Tarrio is just a field operative - while his lead officers are still walking free, golfing in Mar-A-Lago or going through stolen classified materials in Bedminster, Doral, Aberdeenshire, Turnberry or elsewhere.

    #RuleOfLaw #AccountabilityNow #JusticeMatters #IndictALLRebels #Jan6 #Insurrection

    DemocracyMattersALot, to random avatar

    Democracy is done in #Montana.

    Judge declines to overturn Zooey Zephyr's ban from Montana House


    @DemocracyMattersALot What the "GOP" despots demonstrated against Zooey Zephyr as Montana's first openly transgender lawmaker was a despicable & illegal act of discrimination.

    If Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars employers from discriminating against their employees on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, and religion, there's no plausible reason, why it shouldn't equally apply to power-abusing, insurrectionary (anti-)"Republican" lawmakers, dividing the people into master race & 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-class subjects on the basis of above-mentioned characteristics.

    Ban the fake "Republican" power-abusers & their insurrection.
    Bring American freedom back to Montana — and all places held by "GOP" insurrectionists.

    #RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #StandWithHumanity #Democracy #BanTheGOP #Insurrection #UnitedInDiversity #StrongerTogether

    StillIRise1963, to random avatar

    John Roberts believes those entrusted with the law are above the law.

    gimulnautti, avatar

    @StillIRise1963 He what?

    I mean Montesquieu came up with the basics framework of the modern state in the mid 1700’s.

    The enforcement of law or interpretation of judgement can in no way be tied to regulators or the branches tied to each other.

    Autocracy happens when principle of rule of law that’s created by the separation of branches breaks down, basically.

    Can we afford to forget things like this? I think not.

    #montesquieu #ruleoflaw

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