t3n, (edited ) to random German
@t3n@t3n.social avatar

Throwback to the golden days 📞✨ Unser Autor hat sein iPhone gegen die Neuauflage des Nokia 3210 getauscht – kein Touchscreen, keine Apps und eine Kamera, die ein Picasso-Gemälde wie ein 8-Bit-Bild aussehen lässt – Spaß, so schlimm ist sie nun auch wieder nicht! 😂📸
Wer erinnert sich noch an Snake und die unzerstörbare Batterie?

Hier geht es zum Artikel: https://t3n.de/news/nokia-3210-handy-test-review-1627168/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=referral #nokia3210 #nokia #dumbphone #smartphone

fell, to linuxphones
@fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

There it is. My #Nokia #N900 #eBay purchase has been blessed with #postmarketOS. This is going to be my new #MobileLinux #SSH #Terminal device.

#Linux #LinuxMobile

geekymalcolm, to microsoft
@geekymalcolm@ioc.exchange avatar

Ten years ago #Microsoft bought the #nokia phone unit – then killed it as a tax write-off


aka_pugs, to random
@aka_pugs@mastodon.social avatar

Excellent article about the demise of #Nokia Mobile Phones. I was there during the peak of fun in the year 2000. https://www.theregister.com/2024/05/05/microsoft_nokia_anniversary/

amberage, to random
@amberage@eldritch.cafe avatar

Okay, this is a long shot, but maybe someone can help.

I've got a Nokia phone with KaiOS on it (Firefox OS offshoot). It's utter garbage and I would like to switch to a new one.

The one problem is that there's a lot of WhatsApp chats on there that I would like to keep, mostly for sentimental purposes. And since this is a niche OS with a WhatsApp implementation developed specifically for that phone, which lacks all but the most basic features (no WhatsApp web, no calls, no file transfer, and crucially no backups), if I just took the SIM out and stuck it into my new phone, I'd lose all that.

Does anyone have experience with that sort of situation, or with KaiOS in general, and could give me some pointers about manually scraping that data off the phone? I don't have high hopes, but perhaps someone out there knows something.

#Nokia #KaiOS #WhatsApp #DataRecovery

chillicampari, (edited ) to android
@chillicampari@layer8.space avatar

I have an Android (and Nokia/HMD) question. After updating to Android 14 my Nokia G42 5G lost AAC codec over Bluetooth support, which downgraded some of my headphones as they are falling back to SBC (more noticeable on some headphones than others and these are without aptX* support, which is still working fine). Developer Options doesn't change it. Has anyone else seen this? I already factory defaulted the phone and recently updated to the April 2024 patch with no change.

fasnix, to linuxphones German
@fasnix@dresden.network avatar

#SailfishOS #Intex #Linux

Ich habe ein altes #Smartphone des indischen Herstellers Intex, auf dem Sailfish läuft.

Allerdings hat der Hersteller das Gerät schon vor Jahren "aufgegeben" und den Support (Updates) eingestellt.

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, im Betriebssystem den Update-Server zu aktualisieren, sodass es wieder mit aktuellen Updates versorgt wird?

(Hinweis: Ich bin kein Programmierer und habe keine tieferen Kenntnisse von Terminal / Shell, usw. :D ...)

@cyberlyra@hachyderm.io avatar

@fasnix oooh I wanted one of those intex #sailfish phones so badly! I would check the forums — https://forum.sailfishos.org/ This group inherited the same community of diehard Meego Harmattan fans that kept the #Nokia #N9 alive for ages, including rescripting firmware etc.

Also tagging @flypig and @piggz (unrelated, despite pigs in usernames, hmm) in case they have info or pointers.

spaceflight, to space
@spaceflight@spacey.space avatar

Within the next few years, a new #communications infrastructure will unfold for the Moon 🌙. Shackleton Crater is deeper than the #GrandCanyon. Extremes at the South Pole present challenges for establishing wireless networks like #WiFi 📶 and #5G📱. #Earth 🌎 is only visible for roughly two weeks of each month. #Nasa has funded #Nokia to demonstrate a #4G link on the #IM2 mission, which will be the first #cellular network on the #Moon https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240308-talking-on-the-moon-the-quest-to-establish-lunar-wifi


santiago, to retrogaming
@santiago@masto.lema.org avatar

Someone mentioned old Nokias here and it reminded of the Java 2 Mobile era or the early 2000s.

So I had to dig up backups of old games I made before I had gray hair. Thankfully I had saved GIFs which are a bit easier to see than .jad/jar files over here.

Nokia 3410 - 96x64 pixels mono
Nokia 7210 - 128x128 pixels color

#J2ME #Nokia #RetroGaming

A black and white puzzle game with a small bird pushing eggs
A color game with a small bird pushing eggs in a scrolling view

morgan, to random French

Cela faisait plusieurs années que cela me trottait dans la tête et le mois dernier, j'ai franchi le pas en achetant un "dumb phone". Le Nokia 2660 flip 4G pour être plus précis. L'idée est, comme vous vous en doutez, que je sois moins dépendant du smartphone. Je commence à l'utiliser en week-end et tout se passe étonnamment bien. Pourtant, j'avais beaucoup d'appréhension notamment la saisie de texte en T9 mais là aussi, ça se passe étrangement bien. 1/2
#Nokia #dumbphone #dependancenumerique

Photo du Nokia 2660 flip 4g de couleur bleue et noir. Le téléphone à clapet est ouvert. La partie haute affiche un écran de 2,8 pouces en couleur. L'image de fond représente un paysage au soleil couchant. La partie du bas montre le clavier numérique illuminé. Le téléphone est posé sur une table en bois.

viznut, to random en-us

Mikko 1 (1972) was the first computer designed and produced by Nokia. It's far more obscure than it should be (I find no mentions on the Fediverse), so let me hype it up a little.

The picture shows a Mikko-based cashier terminal. Several hundreds of Mikkos were produced, mostly for this type of use. The computer itself is the box behind the keyboard unit, so it's quite small for a pre-microprocessor minicomputer. The CPU takes up four of the 10×15 cm² circuit boards. The most complex ICs are 4-bit full adders (7483).

At the heart of the machine is a microcode ROM of 256×16 bits that controls a very minimal CPU core (that lacks things like right bitshift). The name "Mikko" stands for "microcomputer", where "micro" refers to the microcode rather than a microprocessor. The design is quirky in many ways, but it manages to fulfill the requirement of a shoebox-sized computer that is as powerful as a PDP-8.

12-bit word, 4096 words of address space, 5 MHz clock (each micro-instruction eats up 10 clock cycles). A detailed technical overview is available at a collector's blog (in Finnish).

richardnosworthy, to retrocomputing
@richardnosworthy@toot.wales avatar

Partying like it's 2008 with #NetAtNight podcast on my #NokiaN800

#Nokia #n800 #RetroComputing

linmob, to linuxphones
@linmob@fosstodon.org avatar

#Plasma6Mobile on #OnePlus6 - #postmarketOS edge.

Not much to say yet, but it feels quite smooth and I love the mode dark wallpaper.

@farooqkz@blackrock.city avatar


Unfortunately, Librem 5 is too expensive. I can't pay 1k to buy a phone. Plus it's not a feature phone. I'm a 800 Tough user here.

oldphonepreservation, to CASIO
@oldphonepreservation@digipres.club avatar
Lehmanator, to random
@Lehmanator@fosstodon.org avatar

Android 14 changed the color of the low battery icon from red to white.

Recently, for some reason, I've stopped getting "Battery low" notifications at very low percents...but I still get them at 30% & 25% (I have it set to start at 30%).

...so now I rarely notice when my phone is about to die. This has interrupted me on so many occasions.

My hatred of Android has been growing exponentially lately.

@cyberlyra@hachyderm.io avatar

@scops @KeksKopf I’ve had no problem connecting to Bluetooth or any peripherals.

I run Rockpool to connect to my Pebble smartwatch. Heritage software from the #Nokia #N9 Maemo days. Zero problems, works great with the Rebel.io Pebble firmware.

cirrus, to Samsung
@cirrus@mstdn.social avatar

For a laugh, I decided to compare my current smartphone with the very first #smartphone I ever owned 20 years ago...


#nokia #samsung #tech #gadgets

alexkidman, to random
@alexkidman@aus.social avatar

HMD Global's emphasising its own brand rather than "Nokia" for smartphones -- and I reckon that's a smart idea if it wants to attract a wider crowd of phone buyers.

#HMDGlobal #Nokia #Smartphones #FeaturePhones


FreakyFwoof, to random

What does 'being online' mean to you?
In the 90's, it meant #dialup modems and all the noise and slowness that came with it.
In the early 2000's it meant HSDPA via my #Nokia phone over IrDA or Pop Port, at varying speeds from 9600 baud, to around 42 Kbit.
Later, DSL.

These days it's anything, but in my head, I'm not 'online' unless I'm in a browser.
It's a weird psychological thing I think, because in the 90's, after dialing up, you'd open a browser to do well, most things. Fewer email clients and things existed as programs back then, at least that I had access to, so 'The Internet' was such a purposeful action you had to take.
These days with always on connections, it's just there, and it's part and parcel of what we do, but if I actively stop and think about it, 'online' will always mean browser.
Obviously even this post is 'online' and I know that in my head, but it doesn't compute in the same way.
To some of you born after a certain point, this likely makes no sense at all.

smeg, to minimalism
@smeg@assortedflotsam.com avatar

I got a Nokia 2780 Flip phone as our "home phone" for around the house and for my kid to bring with him in situations where we might be separated. It's very satisfying to use! Physical buttons, T9 texting, and it even has a rudimentary Google Maps app. 3 days of battery life, to boot. It runs KaiOS. Great call quality, signal strength, and that pleasant Nokia ringtone.

hirad, to random
@hirad@hirad.it avatar

I still have my C7, which I bought in 2010.

Ciantic, to iPhone
@Ciantic@twit.social avatar

Can any of the modern devices wake you up if they run out of battery? Some Nokia phones could wake you up if you ran out of battery, it still was running in some very low power mode and was still able to run a wake-up alarm in the morning. It was a very basic beeping noise but it worked.

I know for sure iPad fails at that very easily. I missed an alarm when it ran some update automatically at night.

#iPhone #iPad #Android #iOS #Nokia

SomeGadgetGuy, to tech
@SomeGadgetGuy@techhub.social avatar

I hate sounding like the old guy in the room when I say things like "phone design used to be more fun". I mean, I AM the old guy in the room, but I hate SOUNDING like the old guy complaining about new tech.

Frosted gradients. Laser etched glossy. Bold primary color polycarb. Metal and leather. Different form factors and features... Sigh...

We didn't know how good we had it...


mustikkasoppa, to tech Finnish
@mustikkasoppa@mementomori.social avatar

Oon niin hidas kirjoittamaan älypuhelimella, joten naputtelen someen juttuja tietokoneella.

Ennen oli paremmin. Nokia 3310 puhelimella sain ennätysnopeasti viestit kirjoitettua ja näkemättä koko puhelinta. 🤯

#Nokia #SmartPhone #phone #mobile #tech #writing

spaceflight, to internet

The 📶 should have been tested by a experiment () during the mission planned for 📆 August 2022 which is currently delayed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2022/10/29/nasa-will-launch-psyche-mission-to-explore-asteroid-worth-more-than-the-global-economy

📱 on the : 's first beyond- cell site will launch next summer on a Falcon 9 rocket as part of its IM-2 mission https://www.fastcompany.com/90795731/why-nokia-wants-to-put-an-lte-network-on-the-moon

Pictures : https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Astronomers_inside_the_CSIRO_Parkes_radio_telescope.jpg https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Night_sky_over_New_Norcia_(24807822968).jpg

FreakyFwoof, to random

When I met my father in-law during Christmas of 2008, I had a #Nokia with BeyoCBS which was I guess the much cheaper version of NKFB Reader. At the time, I showed him how (air-quotes) 'Easy' it was for a blind person to read stuff. He handed me a bottle of wine and it took me perhaps three goes before I got anything meaningful out of it. Every year or two I try to find something else to show him. This year with the introduction of #BeMyAI and Seeing AI doing what it does, will be interesting. Though he's not very tech-savvy himself, he's always curious to see how I do what I do as the years progress, and this year I think will likely blow his mind. I thought reading anything on a phone in 2008 was great, but it's not a patch on how fast and also much more accurate, things can be these days.

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