persagen, to random avatar

[thread] politics, populism

  • Culture wars, divisive rhetoric, political ideologies, populist memes are existential threats to humanity & civilization
  • divide and conquer wedge strategy
  • facilitate far-right tropes, electoral victories
  • shroud campaigns devoid substantive policies, change
  • rooted in concentration of wealth & pursuit of power, influence

#populism #CultureWars #FarRight #ChristianRight #GOP #neofascism #ideology

persagen, avatar

[thread] politics, populism


  • political stances emphasizing "the people"
  • juxtaposes this group against "the elite"
  • freq. associated w. anti-establishment & anti-political sentiment >> search: populism AND existential"
populism AND "culture war*"

#populism #CultureWars #FarRight #ChristianRight #GOP #neofascism #ideology

slcw, to history avatar

#CornelWest is another narcissistic, "I'm in it for me" rabble rouser who believes that going against the grain is a political #ideology. His so-called #candidacy is a joke without a punchline. All he's doing is feeding his #ego at the expense of the best interests of the nation. And for what? At the end of the day, he'll just be another quirky also-ran in the footnote of #history.

slcw, to random avatar
itnewsbot, to science

Political polarization toned down through anonymous online chats - Enlarge (credit: Carol Yepes/Getty)

Political polarization in ... -

slcw, to Florida avatar

Ron #DeSantis would love to see every #library in #Florida shut down because it would further his ultimate goal of having an #ignorant and #misguided #population that he can #control. And control is really what these fascistic #bookBans are all about. Keep them #stupid, keep them in the dark, keep them enmeshed in an #ideology that ensures his political #power.

#GOPfascists #GOPLies #RepublicansAreTheProblem #FloridaFascism

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

#AI #GenerativeAI #Chatbots #AIBias #ChatGPT #Ideology #Politics: "Another important difference is the prompt. If you directly ask ChatGPT for its political opinions, it refuses most of the time, as we found. But if you force it to pick a multiple-choice option, it opines much more often — both GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 give a direct response to the question about 80% of the time.

But chatbots expressing opinions on multiple choice questions isn’t that practically significant, because this is not how users interact with them. To the extent that the political bias of chatbots is worth worrying about, it’s because they might nudge users in one or the other direction during open-ended conversation.

Besides, even the 80% response rate is quite different from what the paper found, which is that the model never refused to opine. That’s because the authors used an even more artificially constrained prompt, which is even further from real usage. This is similar to the genre of viral tweet where someone jailbreaks a chatbot to say something offensive and then pretends to be shocked." /p/does-chatgpt-have-a-liberal-bias

slcw, (edited ) to DadBin avatar

#Ramaswamy is a piece of shit. Full stop. #Clergy members are not forced to #officiate #weddings they oppose. That's just a flat-out #lie. And someone's #sexualOrientation, or #genderIdentity isn't an "#ideology". It's a biological fact. #Children cannot be #indoctrinated into being #gay, or #trans. All his so-called complaints amount to a #redHerring based on intentional #falsehoods. Nobody this #dishonest should ever be elected #president.

ChrisMayLA6, to random avatar

A lot of people use the term #neoliberalism as a catch-all term of abuse, without necessary appreciating the more nuanced detail(s) of what the #ideology might entail.

This is not to say we should (or could) find an acceptable neoliberalism, but we do need to understand what it is (and what it is not).

So if you have the time this morning & are interested in a more complex account of neoliberalism, I would recommend sitting down & reading @sjwrenlewis latest post

nando161, to random

Sorry but if your #ideology is "I will force you to work regardless and if you don't work you won't eat" I will burn your cities to the ground :antifa_100: :anonymous:

slcw, to Florida avatar

and viewpoint are official state sports in . By virtually eliminating access to subjects the , and his co-conspirators are effectively establishing state-sponsored into political . And that's exactly the point.

skarthik, to ai

A must read longform on the pioneer of AI chatbot who became AI's main and earliest detractors, Joseph Weizenbaum (of ELIZA fame here at MIT) by Ben Tarnoff!

Weizenbaum's was a lone voice in the 1970s, and many of his views are as apt now as they were then. Almost the entire article is chock full of quotes, and so here is a thread with quotes and a few of my thoughts interspersed.

"There is so much in Weizenbaum’s thinking that is urgently relevant now. Perhaps his most fundamental heresy was the belief that the computer revolution, which Weizenbaum not only lived through but centrally participated in, was actually a counter-revolution."

I too had my early training in computer science, and have come to see it increasingly as counter-revolutionary not even delivering on its promises of economic productivity (topic for another day). With my expertise in neural networks, I should be riding atop the current wave of AI to the bank, instead, I mostly see it as a land of false promises mediated by dangerous levels of silicon valley mythmaking.


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


Weizenbaum vs what he termed the "Artificial Intellgentsia":

"Minsky was bullish and provocative; one of his favourite gambits was to declare the human brain nothing but a “meat machine” whose functions could be reproduced, or even surpassed, by human-made machines. Weizenbaum disliked him from the start... Weizenbaum’s trouble with Minsky, and with the AI community as a whole, came down to a fundamental disagreement about the nature of the human condition."

"... he [Weizenbaum] argued that no computer could ever fully understand a human being. Then he went one step further: no human being could ever fully understand another human being. Everyone is formed by a unique collection of life experiences that we carry around with us, he argued, and this inheritance places limits on our ability to comprehend one another. We can use language to communicate, but the same words conjure different associations for different people – and some things can’t be communicated at all. “There is an ultimate privacy about each of us that absolutely precludes full communication of any of our ideas to the universe outside ourselves,” Weizenbaum wrote."


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


Weizenbaum and what he saw as necessary political action:

"Weizenbaum supported the action [MIT students protests of 1969] and became strongly affected by the political dynamism of the time. “It wasn’t until the merger of the civil rights movement, the war in Vietnam, and MIT’s role in weapons development that I became critical,” he later explained in an interview. “And once I started thinking along those lines, I couldn’t stop.”

"... MIT was receiving more money from the Pentagon than any other university in the country. Its labs pursued a number of projects designed for Vietnam... Project MAC – under whose auspices Weizenbaum had created Eliza – had been funded since its inception by the Pentagon... wrestled with this complicity, he found that his colleagues, for the most part, didn’t care about the purposes to which their research might be put. If we don’t do it, they told him, somebody else will. Or: scientists don’t make policy, leave that to the politicians. Weizenbaum was again reminded of the scientists in Nazi Germany who insisted that their work had nothing to do with politics... Consumed by a sense of responsibility, Weizenbaum dedicated himself to the anti-war movement... Where possible, he used his status at MIT to undermine the university’s opposition to student activism. After students occupied the president’s office in 1970, Weizenbaum served on the disciplinary committee. According to his daughter Miriam, he insisted on a strict adherence to due process, thereby dragging out the proceedings as long as possible so that students could graduate with their degrees."


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


What differentiates humans from machines, the question at the heart of "human intelligence" and Weizenbaum's:

"In 1976, Weizenbaum published his magnum opus: Computer Power and Human Reason: From Judgment to Calculation... The book is indeed overwhelming. It is a chaotic barrage of often brilliant thoughts about computers. A glimpse at the index reveals the range of Weizenbaum’s interlocutors: not only colleagues like Minsky and McCarthy but the political philosopher Hannah Arendt, the critical theorist Max Horkheimer, and the experimental playwright Eugène Ionesco."

"The book has two major arguments. First: there is a difference between man and machine. Second: there are certain tasks which computers ought not be made to do, independent of whether computers can be made to do them. The book’s subtitle – From Judgment to Calculation – offers a clue as to how these two statements fit together."


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


Values, decisions, judgements: are they fit for optimization?

"For Weizenbaum, judgment involves choices that are guided by values. These values are acquired through the course of our life experience and are necessarily qualitative: they cannot be captured in code. Calculation, by contrast, is quantitative. It uses a technical calculus to arrive at a decision. Computers are only capable of calculation, not judgment. This is because they are not human, which is to say, they do not have a human history – they were not born to mothers, they did not have a childhood, they do not inhabit human bodies or possess a human psyche with a human unconscious – and so do not have the basis from which to form values."

"(It would be a “monstrous obscenity”, Weizenbaum wrote, to let a computer perform the functions of a judge in a legal setting or a psychiatrist in a clinical one.)"

This is as succinct an argument to make for why we should not be making value judgements that humans are "meat machines" or "biological automata" or just a "bag of neurons" with a body attached, or the urge to suggest that we are neither special or unique since every trait that a human possesses is now replicable by a machine. The one word is VALUE and that's quite a loaded word!


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


Human agency, the ability to make history, and usher progress:

"Just as the bomber pilot “is not responsible for burned children because he never sees their village”, Weizenbaum wrote, software afforded generals and executives a comparable degree of psychological distance from the suffering they caused."

"... Bound by an algorithmic logic, software lacked the flexibility and the freedom of human judgment. This helps explain the conservative impulse at the heart of computation. Historically, the computer arrived “just in time”, Weizenbaum wrote. But in time for what? “In time to save – and save very nearly intact, indeed, to entrench and stabilise – social and political structures that otherwise might have been either radically renovated or allowed to totter under the demands that were sure to be made on them.” "

This is an absolutely wonderful synthesis of status quo, the relegation of agency and willful denial of responsibility by replacing humans with technologies and that has only intensified.

As the author notes later:
"Weizenbaum was always less concerned by AI as a technology than by AI as an ideology – that is, in the belief that a computer can and should be made to do everything that a human being can do. This ideology is alive and well. It may even be stronger than it was in Weizenbaum’s day."

What is this "ideology"? It goes something like what the political philosopher Slavoj Žižek wrote: “they know it, but they are doing it anyway”, which he riffs from Marx who wrote of the capitalists, "they do not know it, but they are doing it". Marx himself was riffing on Jesus (from Luke):"Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they're doing".


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum


He seems to have been on the mark with respect to climate change:

"The later Weizenbaum was increasingly pessimistic about the future, much more so than he had been in the 1970s. Climate change terrified him. Still, he held out hope for the possibility of radical change. As he put it in a January 2008 article for Süddeutsche Zeitung: “The belief that science and technology will save the Earth from the effects of climate breakdown is misleading. Nothing will save our children and grandchildren from an Earthly hell. Unless: we organise resistance against the greed of global capitalism.”"


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum



Reading these excerpts on Weizenbaum's "no human being could ever fully understand another human being", I am reminded of a paragraph from the great anthropologist David Graeber's less read work, "Lost People" that states this quite stunningly:

"If it is really true... that what makes us human is above all our capacity to make history, and if history consists of actions that could not have been predicted be­forehand, then that would mean that the fundamental measure of our human­ity lies in what we cannot know about each other. To recognize another person as human would then be to recognize the limits of one's possible knowledge of them. Their humanity is inseparable from their capacity to surprise us."

For too long, in the name of science and technology, for mostly nefarious and monetary purposes, the naysayers have insisted on making machines out of humans, and rendered them soulless and disenchanted. It's time to put the soul of value back into humans.


#AI #HistoryOfAI #Computing #Critique #Technology #Ideology #ManVsMachine #MIT #Weizenbaum

F100, to Russia avatar

Max Planck recounting a discussion with Hitler where he tries to dissuade Hitler from his anti-Jewish policies, from Werner Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond:#trump #rightwing #russia #ideology #fascism #germany #ukraine #socialism #bolsheviks

persagen, to random avatar

Bizarre, Dangerous Utopian Ideology Quietly Takes Hold of Tech World
“It’s shaping our world right now” says philosopher/historian Émile P. Torres

New Atheism:

  • Describes positions of some 21st century atheist academics, writers, scientists, & philosophers

  • Advocates view that superstition, religion, & irrationalism should not be tolerated

#NewAtheism #ChristianRight #populism #CultureWars #ideology

Drand, to politics

🚨New paper in press @ JEPG🚨
Remember the paper showing that it’s specifically low-conscientious #conservatives who share fake news? It got lots of coverage. BUT it seems like that claim isn't actually true - in a new paper, we fail to replicate it in 5(!) times and also show that even the original data don't support the claim (because they look at overall sharing, not specifically at sharing of false claims).

Bottom line: conservatives are more likely to share #misinformation, regardless of their level of #conscientiousness.

Check out the ungated paper: "Conscientiousness does not moderate the association between political ideology and susceptibility to fake news sharing" at

#ideology #politics #fakenews #personality

fulelo, (edited ) to animals avatar

Your lucky again, with a new episode of - the boss lady deep in thoughts while listening. It is about 's media marathon: the suffocating of independent thought and media in in the last quarter of a century and some of the main milestones along the way
This one is deeply personal - if you can take the time, i would love to hear your thoughts. Thanks

fulelo, avatar

'children of young primary school age as soon as they start school, effectively … going to be doing lessons and in schools, which was a era practice… like stripping down and learning first aid and if people go to university, starting in September of this year, there's going to be a compulsory programme of Russian taught at university level and also military training.'

persagen, to Florida avatar

Guess Who’s Targeted in Ron DeSantis’s 1st Major Policy Address?
LGBTQ people? Authors of banned books? Those seeking abortions? Close, but not quite

[A: immigrants] In a nutshell, DeSantis is promising to be worse than Trump on immigration

mjb, to Futurology

Leftist and rightists both updated their beliefs on political and non-political issues in the face of counter-evidence to the same degree.

Individual differences in threat sensitivity also did not play a role.

@socialpsych @politicalscience


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