hazelweakly, to ADHD
@hazelweakly@hachyderm.io avatar

One of my biggest struggles right now is managing my ever growing list of Shit To Do That Doesn't Have A Deadline. Or stuff that has a deadline of "by (some vague time that's further away than next week)", which is functionally the same thing

Do y'all have any better strategies for this? I just have a Todo notepad in my phone that becomes a black hole dumpster fire, and it's not sustainable.

#adhd #taskManagement #todo

jeff, to fedieltern German

Gehts euch auch so?

Aufgaben, Aufgaben, Aufgaben, ... so weit das Auge reicht.
5 davon werden abgearbeitet - 9 neue rücken nach.

Aufgaben, Aufgaben, Aufgaben, ... reichen bis zum Hals
7 davon werden abgearbeitet - 13 neue rücken nach.

Aufgaben, Aufgaben, Aufgaben, ... BLUB

Ist das normal so? Wenn ja, wie geht ihr damit um?


khalidabuhakmeh, to random
@khalidabuhakmeh@mastodon.social avatar

Every few months, I come back to rewriting a app in , sometimes it's with Blazor, sometimes it's Razor Pages, and this time with (although I may have already done HTMX 😅)

I got some quality-of-life improvement issues entered to help make better, too. So that's a win!

Htmx-powered todo app.

kubikpixel, to Logseq
@kubikpixel@chaos.social avatar

I try now and this is and I would like to like it but somewhere I can't manage to understand and use it. I don't just want to write down my thoughts and , I also want to be able to check off a list… 😐

What is your experience with @logseq or do you use something else with for structured on the ?

blog, (edited ) to fediverse
@blog@shkspr.mobi avatar

A (tiny, incomplete, single user, write-only) ActivityPub server in PHP

I've written an ActivityPub server which . That's all it does. It won't record favourites or reposts. There's no support for following other accounts or receiving replies. It cannot delete or update posts nor can it verify signatures. It doesn't have a database or any storage beyond flat files.

But it will happily send messages and allow itself to be followed.

This shows that it is totally possible to broadcast fully-featured ActivityPub messages to the Fediverse with minimal coding skills and modest resources.


I wanted to create a service a bit like FourSquare. For this, I needed an ActivityPub server which allows posting geotagged locations to the Fediverse.

I didn't want to install a fully-featured server with lots of complex parts. So I (foolishly) decided to write my own. I had a lot of trouble with HTTP Signatures. Because they are cursed and I cannot read documentation. But mostly the cursed thing.


Creating a minimum viable Mastodon instance can be done with half a dozen static files. That gets you an account that people can see. They can't follow it or receive any posts though.

I wanted to use PHP to build an interactive server. PHP is supported everywhere and is simple to deploy. Luckily, Robb Knight has written an excellent tutorial, so I ripped off his code and rewrote it for Symfony.

The structure is relatively straightforward.

  • /.well-known/webfinger is a static file which gives information about where to find details of the account.
  • /[username] is a static file which has the user's metadata, public key, and links to avatar images.
  • /following and /followers are also static files which say how many users are being followed / are following.
  • /posts/[GUID] a directory with JSON files saved to disk - each ones contains the published ActivityPub note.
  • /photos/ is a directory with any uploaded media in it.
  • /outbox is a list of all the posts which have been published.
  • /inbox is an external API endpoint. An ActivityPub server sends it a follow request, the endpoint then POSTs a cryptographically signed Accept message to the follower's inbox. The follower's inbox address is saved to disk.
  • /logs is a listing of all the messages received by the inbox.
  • /new is a password protected page which lets you write a message. This is then sent to...
  • /send is an internal API endpoint. It constructs an ActivityPub note, with attached location metadata, and POSTs it to each follower's inbox with a cryptographic signature.

That's it.

The front-end grabs my phone's geolocation and shows the 25 nearest places within 100 metres. One click and the page posts to the /send endpoint which then publishes a message saying I'm checked in. It is also possible to attach to the post a short message and a single photo with alt text.

There's no database. Posts are saved as JSON documents. Images are uploaded to a directory. It is single-user, so there is no account management.

What Works

  • Users can find the account.
  • Users can follow the account and receive updates.
  • Posts contain geotag metadata.
  • Posts contain a description of the place.
  • Posts contain an OSM link to the place.
  • Posts contain a custom message.
  • Posts autolink #Hashtags (sort of).
  • Posts can have an image attached to them.
  • Messages to the inbox are recorded (but not yet integrated).


  • My account only has a few dozen followers, some of whom share the same sever. Even with cURL multi handle, it takes time to post to several servers.
  • It posts plain text. It doesn't autolink websites
  • Hashtags are linked when viewed remotely, but they don't go anywhere locally.
  • There's no language selection - it is hard-coded to English.
  • The outbox isn't paginated.
  • The UI looks crap - but it is only me using it.
  • There's only a basic front-page showing a map of all my check-ins.
  • Replies are logged, but there's no easy way to see them.
  • Doesn't show any metadata about the place being checked-in to. It could use the item's website (if any) or hashtags for the type of amenity it is.
  • No way to handle being unfollowed.
  • No way to remove servers which have died.
  • Probably lots more.

Other Resources

I found these resources helpful while creating this project:

What's Next?

I've raised an issue on Mastodon to see if they can support showing locations in posts. Hopefully, one day, they'll allow adding locations and then I can shut this down.

The code needs tidying up - it is very much a scratch-my-own-itch development. Probably riddled with bugs and security holes.

World domination?


You can laugh at my code on GitHub.

You can look at my check-ins on a map.

You can follow my location on the Fediverse at @edent_location@location.edent.tel


#ActivityPub #fediverse #mastodon #php #Symfony

grumpygamer, to gamedev
@grumpygamer@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Been a while since I did a TODO list. I got sidetracked with "life". I've been working on the game, finding an artist, and what-not but I need to get back to my daily TODO list. Posting it helps me keep focused and oddly enough it makes me feel accountable. Staying motivated is hard when you're working on a game alone.

m0bi13, to random Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

#ToDo Podczas deszczu ścianki na dole potrafią stracić naprężenie i zbierać wodę. Myślałem wcześniej o podpórkach części dolnej, dla wygody w środku. Teraz wiem że muszę to zrobić. Dodatkowo, naciągi jak zmokną to puszczają, przelotka blokująca nie działa.

#Wyprawa2023 #camping #repair

Tymczasowa podpórka prostujàca ściankę namiotu zrobiona z ułamanej gałęzi

Taffer, to ADHD
@Taffer@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

One of the classes of software that I'm always dissatisfied with is to-do lists. Wunderlist was actually great, until MS closed it down; their "re-imagining" as MS To-Do is not great.

When I practised Getting Things Done I used OmniFocus, which is awesome but not portable enough (I need Linux support, too).

Currently using Remember The Milk, but going to try Todoist for a bit.

gregorni, to firefox
@gregorni@fosstodon.org avatar

Today, I finally managed to close all browser tabs on my phone. I'm incredibly proud of myself.

#phone #browser #mobile #MobilePhone #Firefox #FirefoxMobile #FirefoxAndroid #tabs #BrowserTabs #FreeTheBrowserTabs #Todo #TodoList

devinprater, to emacs

Yes! I finally got a simple, very simple, toDo system going! In Emacs, I'm using Org-capture, and then I have that file connected to the Org-agenda. That way, when I do C-C a t, for showing the agenda, in todo view, there the todo's are.

#emacs #org-mode #todo #accessibility #blind

louis, (edited ) to random
@louis@emacs.ch avatar

What do you manage your Todos?

danrot, to random
@danrot@mastodon.social avatar

I really would like to use simple no-bullshit tools that do their job effectively. Best examples are #todo applications. I've used #Wunderlist, which allowed me to change background (why?), but hat problems with synchronizing. Currently I am using #Todoist, which comes with lots of additional stuff I don't like, for example a productivity feature or "intelligent" text recognition instead of just a date picker.

palendae, to ADHD
@palendae@linuxlab.sh avatar

What do folks use to keep track of their tasks? Especially ones that take more than one day.

I’ve tried a bullet journal, tracking in a daily note via Obsidian, but right now they’re failing me.

Something like a kanban board would be nice, but I’m not really interested in a cloud service for it, so Trello’s out. Possibly the Kanban plugin for Obsidian?

#todo #organization #adhd

Phipe, to NoStupidQuestions French
@Phipe@diaspodon.fr avatar

Allez tiens, la du jour les mastogensses :

Quel outil simpliste/simplissime utilisez-vous pour vous aider à gérer vos tâches (noter/planifier/cocher) ?
Quelle adaptation/simplification avez-vous fait pour votre cas perso d'une méthode style ou (ou autre) ?


grumpygamer, (edited ) to gamedev
@grumpygamer@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

My action-pack fun filled day:

P.S. Designing and building fun dungeons is hard.

_DigitalWriter_, to random German
@_DigitalWriter_@bildung.social avatar

Vor dem Verkauf von "Wunderlist" an MS wurde die Todo-App von vielen gerne genutzt.
Heute ist "Superlist 1.0" erschienen - sieht recht interessant aus. Denke zwar nicht, dass ich Todoist untreu werde - aber ausprobieren kann man es ja mal ...


#todo #superlist #todoist

danie10, to technology
@danie10@mastodon.social avatar

With Superlist, Wunderlist Makers Pick Up Where They Left Off

Remember Wunderlist? It was a highly popular and well-made cloud-based to-do/task app that was free to use on all major mobile and desktop platforms, including Linux, until Microsoft acquired it and eventually shut it down.

Well, now it’s back — sort of.


See https://gadgeteer.co.za/with-superlist-wunderlist-makers-pick-up-where-they-left-off/

#organising #technology #todo

heinragas, to random
@heinragas@mublog.nl avatar

I'm looking for a #todo application (preferrably through a website) in which I can add items to do and add relationships between the items: what needs to happen before something else can happen, etc. Ideally this would have a graphical interface so we can drag stuff around, colour-code it etc.
There are so many to-do apps (and it seems to be a favourite coding example too) that extensive searching has not turned up anything.

Please tell me about your favourite app that does this!

kushal, to random
@kushal@toots.dgplug.org avatar

I will have to remember to open the #todo app. I wonder how people are managing todo items lists now!!

toaskoas, to microsoft German

Ich suche eine #Aufgaben App ähnlich #Microsoft #ToDo.
Meine Frau nutzt das gerne.
Es sollen mehrere Personen an einer Aufgaben Liste arbeiten können. Das ganze muss natürlich dann irgendwie synchronisiert werden.
Außerdem sollen Benachrichtigungen erscheinen, wenn Aufgaben erledigt werden oder es eine neue Liste gibt.
Kennt da jemand was?

0x61nas, to rust

Okay, there is a potential bug here?, hmm, just write a TODO comment and fix it later........ after two years, oh what's this comment for? I don't remember maybe just delete it.

This scenario must happen to all of us at least once in our careers, and we all know that later never comes, at least if our boss doesn't track the TODO comments :)

Introducing todo2 - A better todo! macro inspired by searls/todo_or_die

This crate provides a better todo! macro, which allows you to specify the deadline and the conditions when the code should be implemented.
and when the condition or the deadline is met, the code will panic or emit a compile error, or just log an error.


I know the name isn't that cool, but we all know that naming is hard especially when comes to trying to find a cool one that isn't reserved on crates.io

hope you found it useful

#rust #rustlang #todo #proc_macro #rust_macro #rust_crate

jor, to random French
@jor@eldritch.cafe avatar

Remplacer les mèmes où Batman gifle Robin par des mèmes où c’est Batman qui se fait gifler, parce que bon c’est quand même un milliardaire et un flic, qui passe le plus clair de son temps à tabasser des pauvres avec la vengeance pour principale motivation, donc il mérite un peu plus d’être giflé qu’un enfant quand même. 😐

hemish, to python

I am making a app to manage as per format (https://todotxt.org). Don't know when it will be completed (as it is my second time actually working on making a GTK4+Libadwaita app after giving it up once months ago).
I am using the latest by @flyingpimonster and the team for making this.
I am making this in , and aim it to be like QToDoTxt2 (https://github.com/QTodoTxt/QTodoTxt2).

Here is a little video attached showing my progress


bitprophet, to random
@bitprophet@social.coop avatar

I should see if I bothered writing down /why/ I bounced off of #OmniFocus 3 and settled on #Things (#ThingsApp? ugh. fucking cutesy anti-search-friendly names) years ago.

Cuz I sort of want to try OF4, but not if it retains whatever core issues I had with it, which meant Things (with its polished-but-limited feature set) was still better for my needs.

(Things is still fantastic, but dev is glacial & team clearly doesn't care about addressing the glaring UX issues that it does have…)


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