mobilizon, to random French

#Mobilizon s'envole hors du nid de @Framasoft : nous transmettons le projet à l'association Kaihuri. Toutes les infos et réponses à vos questions se trouvent dans cet article :

En conséquence, nous allons également transmettre les clés de ce compte, qui ne sera donc plus animé par @Framasoft.

Merci à toutes et à tous de votre confiance, et bon vent à #Mobilizon !

feditips, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

The Fediverse has an event organisation platform called @mobilizon, find out more at:


#Mobilizon servers let you create event pages where people can sign up, even without an account.

Mobilizon accounts can be followed from Mastodon etc, and followers will see your latest events appear in their home feed.

It's made by non-profit @Framasoft, who also make @peertube and provide all kinds of nice free open source online services.

#Fediverse #FediTips #Events

LaurensHof, to fediverse avatar

5 years of Mobilizon

Framasoft, the French non-profit organisation for open source software such as PeerTube, says that after 5 years, Mobilizon has reached maturity. In December 2018 the organisation announced their plans to develop Mobilizon, with the goal of creating an alternative to Facebook Groups and events.

Over the years, they have added multiple updates, such as federation in 2020 and searching across Mobilizon instances in 2020. This month, they are releasing their final update, v4, with a variety of new features.

Event administrators can now send private announcements to attendees, allowing them to contact all people who have registered for an event directly. This announcement is a one-way communications channel, intended for organisers to broadcast information. Besides that, a chat system for attendees is also implemented, which federates with the rest of the fediverse.

Another new feature is the ability to import and synchronise events from other platforms, such as Meetup and EventBrite. Framasoft created an import tool that allows you to import and synchronise event information from these platforms into Mobilizon. iCal event feeds are support too, so this even works with most calendar tools.

The big platform for importing events from is Facebook. Here, Framasoft has done the work to get it to work, and the ball is now in Facebook’s court to approve and validate. Framasoft is clear that they do not have a timeline how long this will take, and that they are unsure if Facebook will do so.

While Framasoft sees Mobilizon has having completed their vision, it is far from over for the project. Framasoft will hand over the keys to the French association Kaihuri, who has been maintaining a Mobilizon presence for a while. Kaihuri recently got funding from NLnet to continue development work on Mobilizon, focusing on the user experience and improving interoperability. Meanwhile, Framasoft is betting big on PeerTube for next year, and is currently organising their yearly donation drive.

#fediverse #mobilizon

fediversereport, to fediverse avatar

Last Week in #Fediverse - ep 55

  • #Bluesky drops the invite codes, and turns out to be a massive hit in Japan. The network grew by more than 50% in less than a week's time.
  • The different federated event planning apps (#mobilizon, and Event Federation) are working together for a better unified experience
  • @theverge explains the fediverse.

Read at:

lm, to opensource French

➡️ Mobilizon cherche communauté dev !

Si vous avez envie de faire vivre Mobilizon, c'est par là :

🌎 Suite à la V4 @Framasoft passe la main, et une équipe de devellopement se coordonne pour la suite. Rejoignez-là !

#dev #mobilizon #opensource #app #foss #freeware #framasoft #chaton

Framasoft, to random French avatar

Import et synchronisation des événements, annonces des orgas, conversations... avec la v4 de #Mobilizon qui sort aujourd'hui nous atteignons nos buts (et sommes prêtes à faire la passe !)

Lire les 5 années de travail qui ont mené à Mobilizon v4 :

blog, to wordpress

When writing the initial version of our project plan as signed and agreed with by NlNet we didn’t know yet about the dynamics of the community, specifically about how the cooperation between the maintainers of the #WordPress #ActivityPub plugin and #Mobilizon would be like. The level of collaboration with other #Fediverse developers would determine whether our project goals could only be achieved through a series of workarounds, or whether we could work together to strengthen interoperability and compatibility in the Fediverse.

Mobilizon was, until our project, the only Fediverse application with true event federation. #Gancio limits its ActivityPub capabilities to sending notes, but is working on a true federation of events, and other services like #Friendica have a very different approach to events: their implementation focuses on sending invitations rather than publishing events. As is usual with any software, you will find a lot of small bugs if you have not done any tests beforehand. In the case of Mobilizon, this was not possible since there were no alternative platforms to do the tests with, so the only option was to test the Federation with other Mobilizon servers. We seem to be the first and we are fascinated and incredibly grateful for the willingness and prioritization that such issues have among the other developers (thanks to tcit and les). The issues may seem small, but they have a big impact: #304 #33 #321 #1509 #1507 #1392 #1385 #1388 #1387 #1378 #1376.

The other deciding factor for us was that we didn’t know how close the interaction with the upstream WordPress AktivityPub project would be. The exchange of ideas and the desire for a joint solution is strong. We would like to thank @pfefferle again for the regular exchange, his ideas and inspiration, without his commitment to the community our project would be less sustainable.

Tasks done (almost)

  • We published a repository that aims to make it easy for other developers, including ourselves to start developing and debugging WordPress along with Mobilizon.
  • We have created a pull request to add management of various ActivityPub transformers to the admin interface. The current implementation basically works, but we have a lot to polish and improve on our roadmap.
  • Using that patched ActivityPub plugin we explored writing transformers for two popular event plugins, this gave us a lot insight on what is important. These transformers already have fundamental compatibility with Moblizon.
  • Updating our About us page showing some information who we are.

Upcoming tasks

  • Implement FEP-2677: Identifying the Application Actor
  • Implement the followers list of the application actor in the admin UI along with the ability to reject, approve, and remove followers. We are very inspired by how #PeerTube has solved this in the admin UI. This of course includes a an option as:manuallyApprovesFollowers that can be set for an ActivityPub actor within WordPress.
  • Write an initial draft of the user documentation informing about custom ActivityPub transformers and instance-to-instance federation with Mobilizon. The target audience will be non-tech people. Parts of this will also be used as a non-tech description of our project.
  • Improve the admin UI and propose a solution to handle the settings for each transformer, if there are any.
  • Write more transformers for other popular event plugins to discover common pitfalls.

If you have any questions, ideas, or would like to help us, for example by testing our progress yourself if your operate a WordPress site with events, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We don’t care if you have technical experience or what your background is: any kind of involvement is valuable to us.

#ActivityPub #Fediverse #Friendica #Gancio #Mobilizon #PeerTube #WordPress

fediversereport, to fediverse avatar

Last week's fediverse news roundup, episode 19 is out! Some highlights:

📋Defederation of Meta's potential entrance to the #fediverse remains a hotly discussed topic, with the user base fairly split over the approach
📸#pixelfed is rapidly shipping updates, such as spam detection, account verification, edits and more
🎥@thelinuxEXP has an excellent video about @Framasoft , the organisation behind #peertube and #mobilizon (


Read at

mobilizon, to random French

#Mobilizon flies out of the @Framasoft nest: we pass the project on to the Kaihuri association.

All the info and answers to your questions can be found in this article :

As a result, we will also be handing over the keys to this account, which will no longer be managed by @Framasoft.

Thank you all for your trust, and all the best to #Mobilizon!

kuketzblog, to fediverse German avatar

Morgen startet der . Eine Bitte an alle, die hingehen: Macht Werbung für das Fediverse, damit noch mehr Menschen den Weg in die Freiheit finden.

jo, to fediverse
tinker, to fediverse

Big shoutout to @jerry for setting up a Mobilizon server at !

This is an analog to but is a part of the Fediverse and uses ActivityPub.

This has a few amazing implications...

So!!! You create a personal account on the server and then create a group. The group can then create events.

This is multiuser administration! So the group is separate from your personal account. So you don't have to share passwords for the group account. Instead, you have members join and then assign them administrative privileges. That's huge!

Further, whenever you create an event, it posts it via ActivityPub as well! So you don't need a separate Mastodon account to "crosspost". (Kinda like when we posted a meetup event, we would then cross post to Twitter. - You don't do that here. It's just one place and any fediverse account that follows you can interact with you via any other software / service.

So! I can follow my FXBG Hackers Mobilizon group from my Mastodon account. It just looks like a normal account from here. (you can view it at: @fxbghackers ).

We just created an event for our December meetup. That can be found here:

You can view that link through Mobilizon or through Mastodon and it will appear differently (see screen shots).

Here's the cool thing. I REPLIED to the Mobilizon event announcement with my Mastodon account via the Mastodon software and it shows up AS A COMMENT in the Mobilizon event page!!!!

That is the power of the Fediverse.

Fucking unbelievable.

#fediverse #feditips #mastodon #mobilizon #meetups

Post from Mastodon to Mobilizon showing up as an post comment in the Mastodon UI.

rysiek, (edited ) to fediverse avatar

How many accounts/alts do you have?

(/) counts.
and all count! If it federates, it counts.


m0bi13, to mastodon Polish avatar

A wiecie, że fundacja non-profit FTdL @ftdl z Krakowa, która w swojej serwerowni prowadzi dla Was m. in.:,

oraz oferuje własną infrastrukturę dla,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i wielu innym projektom,

ma również profil na .pl?

Więc jeśli wygodniej Wam tam właśnie wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność, to zapraszam na:


bateausurleau, to fediverse French

Salut à tous·tes !

Une nouvelle instance mobilizon dédiée aux luttes éco-sociales a ouvert récemment.

Elle vise à contribuer à la décentralisation et à la résilience des réseaux des instances libres et émancipatrices...

Lutte · Transformation sociale · Émancipation · Liberté

"Partage ton événement militant en protégeant les libertés fondamentales."

#logiciellibre #mobilizon #fediverse #FOSS

ftdl, (edited ) to mastodon Polish avatar

Przyjazna przypominajka, że fundacja non-profit FTdL z Krakowa (tak, to my), zbiera środki na swoją działalność w serwisie #Patronite tutaj:

Dzięki Waszym dobrowolnym wpłatom możemy finansować wiele projektów oraz utrzymywać serwerownię KRK-DC, w której prowadzimy dla Was paletę usług, by wymienić m. in.:


Oferujemy tę infrastrukturę również dla takich serwisów jak:,,, FOSSGralnia,,, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK,,, i kilku innych.

Więc jeśli wygodnie Wam wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność na Patronite, oraz uznacie, że nasza wspólna praca jest warta waszych dotacji, to serdecznie zapraszamy ❤️

#WspieramFTdL #WspieramPolSocial #WspieramPolskieFedi

milan, to random avatar

Reminder: now has a #Mobilizon instance as requested by many of you. Give it a try by publishing your events at :)

milan, (edited ) to random avatar
wedistribute, to random

#Mobilizon, the federated social events system by Framasoft, is pulling in some big new features. It's also moving out from under the Framasoft umbrella!

m0bi13, to fediverse Polish avatar

Zaczyna się życie na 📆 czyli #Wydarzenia jak z FB na #Fediverse ‼️

Kilka osób zaczęło wprowadzać tam dane o różnych eventach, z różnych miast i można już coś ciekawego znaleźć 😉

Wielkie dzięki dla tych osób 👏 👍

Może i Wy chcecie nagłośnić imprezę? Wydarzenie? Koncert? Demo? Spotkanie?


#FediTipsPL #FediPomoc

unutao, to Nantes French avatar

Mercredi 13 décembre 2023, 18h30 :

vous invite à un apéro-ateliers sur #Mobilizon et #Matrix pour :

  • apprendre à développer des #communautés avec ces outils,
  • découvrir les groupes nantais sur ces réseaux,
  • rencontrer des personnes qui en font partie.

Si vous êtes du coin, n'hésitez pas à passer, ou autrement à partager l'info ! :D


chbmeyer, to fediverse German avatar

Liebes Team des #bwinf,

auch das #Fediverse ist ein großartiges, soziales Netzwerk, und vor allem frei von Tracking, Monetarisierung, WalledGardens und Firmen, die so ganz andere Ziele haben, als #Bildung und #Schule

Dafür gibt es hier das #FediLZ, das natürlich auch schon im #biberfieber #schülerwettbewerb für den #informatikbiber ist. 😉

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn auch Ihr #Informatik er nicht nur #Twitter, #Instagram, #LinkedIn oder #BlueSky bewerben und hofieren würdet, sondern auch die Möglichkeiten von #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Pixelfed, #Mobilizon u.v.a.m. erkennen würdet. ...

Ansonsten: natürlich nehmen wir daran teil! 🤗

gnulinux, to fediverse German avatar

Mobilizon Version 4 ist erschienen und damit die letzte Version von Framasoft

Mobilizon Version 4 ist erschienen und damit die letzte Version von Framasoft.

#Mobilizon #Framasoft #Fediverse #Linux

m0bi13, to mastodon Polish avatar

Hmm, to 0 nie wygląda ładnie 🤔

Kto zdecyduje się otworzyć sakiewkę z dotacją dla fundacji @ftdl która właśnie uruchomiła wsparcie przez #Liberapay?

Przypomnę, że fundacja prowadzi dla nas:


Wszystko to bezpłatnie, bez reklam i szpiegowania ❤️

Prowadzi też wsparcie, pomoc i moderację. Tworzy nowe usługi i tłumaczy istniejące :)

Toss a coin to Your Non-profit 💵

#wsparcie #PolSocial #FTdL

velorution_brest, to random French

Le saviez-tu ?
Le collectif Vélorution Brest a un groupe Mobilizon sur l'instance du chaton local.

Rejoins-nous 😊 🚴‍♀️🎶

#mobilizon #Vélorution #brest #vélo

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