@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Trans people are "forever patients"?

So is literally everyone!

Fuck off.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

Raise your hand if you take a pill every day to keep yourself mentally/physically healthy! ✋

@dabertime@mstdn.social avatar

@RickiTarr You mean every hour right?

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

@RickiTarr technically, I don't have to take the pills every day, just "as needed" which ends up being like 5 out of 7 when things are going really, really well

@RosePuckey@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr 12 pills and a twice monthly injection for health reasons. They don't really make or keep me healthy so much as stop my body from giving up. Then there's 8 a day to reduce pain levels to not severe enough to want to stab people with a spoon for breathing too loudly. My mental health is a different story and a constant fight with my penny pinching GP, when strong enough to fight.

@textualdeviance@retro.pizza avatar

@RickiTarr Diabetes ($$$), BP, statin, two brain meds and prilosec. Plus a vitamin D in the morning and a melatonin at night. 53 in a couple months, but wouldn't have made it even this far without all the above. Also used to be on various hormones to control my effed up repro system before I got it nuked (which I highly recommend.)

@thezerobit@anticapitalist.party avatar

8, well, one isn't a pill


@RickiTarr and I’d be dead if I didn’t. Will have to take it forever, but so grateful to have it.

@moirearty@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr I take a dozen doses of various things prescribed by doctors every day at specific intervals and literally keep a med journal, and have for years. It’s a total riot.

None of the above includes vitamins either, I take B1 daily and sometimes B12 and small amount of Zinc if I haven’t eaten much meat recently.

My body has virtually no B1 at all for …unknown reasons… TBD, hopefully soon.

I don’t want to be a forever patient, but life happens, damn it.

@Clutha@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲, could be more or less, but I’m homing in on octogenarianship 😂🙁😂🙁😂🙁

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Clutha It comes for us all, but I'm glad you're taking care of yourself

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr One pill would be for starters. (Actually, I managed that as a teenager)

Nowadays, it's a bit more than a dozen per day, sigh.

So yeah, I'm a natural anti-prepper. My medication supply ends, and so do I.

@yacc143@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr I can see how that looks crazy to Americans because most Americans would go bankrupt on what my family just swallows daily in medications (I prepare the weekly pill doses, so I know), it will be easily 3 dozen different medications between us, but medicines are a) cheaper here b) paid mostly by public healthcare.

Literally for a small samples it looks like private insurance copay in the US is higher than what our public health system pays in total for the “same” pack of medication.

@M0YNG@mastodon.radio avatar

@RickiTarr inhaler for my asthma, two puffs twice a day (total four)
Before covid I only needed an inhaler on extremely rare occasions to relieve. This one is combined relieve and prevent.

@RolloTreadway@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr A couple of years ago, I went in a very short space of time from having no prescribed medicine at all, to buying pill boxes so I could organise all the meds I now have to take at various times during the day.

It was then I decided that I've become old.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@RolloTreadway Happened to me too my friend, but I also decided I didn't want to die young from preventable diseases

@Liliki@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr trusty vape pen for me 😊

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Liliki Ha yep!

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr :blobcatcheer: both hands?

@MisuseCase@twit.social avatar

@RickiTarr I take a few LOL

And if you take birth control? Congratulations you are taking hormones every day

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar


@ShredderFeeder@shredderfood.com avatar


Different pills, different days.. Sometimes it's in the shape of a gummy bear. :)

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@ShredderFeeder mmm yes

@CoachMark@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr I take two Zyrtecs, Vitamin D, a Bayer Aspirin, and two squirts of Nasacort in each nostril two times a day thanks to Long Covid. Oh and Multivitamin too.

@hopeward@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr stretches a withered claw out ‘me pilllls…’

@TheJen@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr 🤚 Several.

@OhOkKay@beige.party avatar

I know it's Wednesday 'cause my pill case said so.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@OhOkKay LOL it helps me remember too

@essjax@essjax.com avatar

@RickiTarr ✋ three pills a day and one injection a week. All prescribed long term meds that do a great job of keeping me well.

@Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr i take pills every day to not die, but healthy would be stretching it

@gatewayy@mastodon.gatewayy.net avatar

@RickiTarr I have a machine that helps me breathe at night. I also take sertraline.

And spiro. And estrogen soon

@courtcan@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr I take 2 prescription pills, 4 pills without prescrip but recommended by doc, and use 2 prescription powders. I also see a therapist regularly. Oh, and I am a person with a uterus and other female reproductive doodads, so I see a gynecologist at recommended intervals to keep all the doodads healthy.

I am a 47yo forever patient. I have been a forever patient since age 12.

"Trans people are forever patients" as a "warning" is a monumentally disingenuous paradigm.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@courtcan Well put

@Majorzman@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr ✋several

@Jennifer@bookstodon.com avatar

@RickiTarr I take HRT every day for menopause symptoms so I don't stab someone with a fork. I guess I'm a forever patient too just like people who take HRT every day to be themselves.

@dexiheart@laserdisc.party avatar

@RickiTarr lol one pill :sadwillystyle:

@Penguinflight@mastodon.scot avatar

@RickiTarr A pill? I should be so lucky. rattles when walking

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar
@Mary625@mstdn.social avatar


I even have a pump to pump the insulin into me all day long 🤚🏻

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Mary625 You're a cool cyborg Mary! My Mum has one too, saved her life

@Mary625@mstdn.social avatar


Glad to hear your Mom got one!

I should change my profile name to "Cyborg Mary" 😂

@cohomologyisFUN@mastodon.sdf.org avatar

@RickiTarr ✋🏽

@BruceMirken@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr ✋️ Blood pressure and cholesterol meds. Heart attacks killed my grandfather and nearly killed my dad.


@RickiTarr I have a thyroid condition! My husband has high blood pressure.

@maddad@mastodon.world avatar


Yes, and I am one of those people whose backpack makes a rattling noise when walking through the airport.😳

@tirrimas@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr 🖐️

@qurlyjoe@mstdn.social avatar

I take 12. 8 because I’m old and 4 because of a lifelong chronic disease. I guess that’s needlessly redundant. 😉


@RickiTarr Two pills & a once-a-day inhaler. I'm a "forever patient" as I'm A) alive & B) utilize the miracle of modern medicine for what ails me as I need it. The alternative is to NOT receive medical care & suffer until something kills me.

Which kind of shows their hand...

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Stybba3019 EXACTLY

@JosephMeyer@c.im avatar

I am a "piller" of society. The ones I take are for blood pressure and cholesterol.

@shaknais@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr 3? And that's just to keep me in one piece. I ain't healthy by any standard.

If someone has a magic pill that makes them feel themself... They're one up on the rest of us.

@CuriousMagpie@mastodon.social avatar

🙋🏻‍♀️ 5 pills plus insulin

@Rodelinda@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr antidepressant, antipsychotic, statin, baby aspirin, and Flonase. Anyone who thinks I need a walk in the woods instead can have all the seats.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Rodelinda damn right

@izzyamar@twit.social avatar

@RickiTarr raises several hands

@elverkonge@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr ✋✋✋✋✋✋

@MishaVanMollusq@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr a pill?
Try 6+
Every 12 hours
Every day .
8 days a week
370 days a year
Is there life on Mars?

@TeeCeeGee@mastodon.nz avatar

@RickiTarr I don't get substrate chauvinism. Some people use the homebrew dopamine their brain produces naturally, I use the top-shelf high-grade stuff in a bottle from the pharmacy. 😄

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@TeeCeeGee Right, we don't all get the same stuff

@TeeCeeGee@mastodon.nz avatar

@RickiTarr Oh, we're all on the same stuff. Some make it themselves, others have to buy it.
My response to "Oh, you're on an anti-depressant", is usually, "Yeah man. So are you. Mine just has a prescription." 😄

@LeftOfKarlMarx@mastodon.social avatar


I take a handful of pills to keep myself from turning into a pile of goo.

@melissabeartrix@aus.social avatar


{Waves} ... And not because I am trans too ... Giggles

Hugz & xXx

@ParadeGrotesque@mastodon.sdf.org avatar


Only one pill?


@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar
@ParadeGrotesque@mastodon.sdf.org avatar


Well, the thing nobody told me about getting old was the number of pills I would have to ingest daily.

At least, they seem to be working since I am still shit posting on the Internet.

@tshirtman@mas.to avatar

@RickiTarr ✋ i guess B12 as a vegan does count? though missing a day is not catastrophic, missing many days for too long would be.

(and yes, the diet is healthy if you take the complement, and the complements are part of the diet, so the diet is not unhealthy, thanks, science.)

@furicle@mastodon.social avatar

@RickiTarr please don't tell me we're limited to just one?

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@furicle NOPE LOL

@MichaelPorter@ottawa.place avatar
@cory@social.lol avatar

@RickiTarr several, on a schedule. Night and day difference.



"a pill" oh how I wish, my "breakfast" selection of medication is more than my wife takes in 3 months
so ✋✋✋✋✋✋✋✋


@RickiTarr Got a small cocktail of them at the moment, but the biggest reason is my lack of a baby maker. Mine was silly and tried to kill me at a young age. It's gone now. HRT ever since.

@HeatherTX@mastodon.social avatar

Yep! A couple! 🙌

@kyleford@hachyderm.io avatar

@RickiTarr 🙋🏼‍♂️ to keep my OCD from OCDing (at least partially)

@toxy@mastodon.acc.sunet.se avatar

@RickiTarr I inject immunoglobulin weekly so I can have a functional immune system. Looks like I am a member of the FP-Club. Are there badges?


I take so many meds I have to use a pill organizer box, plus other supplies for life.



I have been injecting insulin for most of my life; a hormone that is essential for my survival.

@tayfonay@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr Jokes on them I’ve gotten an exorbitantly expensive infusion every 8 weeks for 7 years (ask your doctor about Entyvio)

@precariousmind@paquita.masto.host avatar

@RickiTarr a diabetic I and hypothyroidism, so yep, here the insulin and T4 like forever.

@YakyuNightOwl@mastodon.world avatar

@RickiTarr Wow.

They get really bold about their racket, don't they?

There is a cross on the building where a body takes their first breath.

There is a cross on the building where a body takes their last breath.

There's a cross on a headstone where a body rests for eternity.

That's everyone. That's forever.

How about "forever branding" gets some stigma? As a treat.


Some fuckers really think they're impervious, I guess. :ablobstare:

Even if you currently aren't relying on meds or eyeglasses, you're always a few years and one injury or sickness away from it.

@Johny28@thecanadian.social avatar

~20 pills a day for over 40yrs now. Alive and unwell.

@justafrog@mstdn.social avatar

@RickiTarr Like it's the only chronic illness in the world?

What is wrong with people who can't even see such basic facts.

I know they're real, though, and that they really can't understand simple things.

@MishaVanMollusq@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr so when I start HRT in earnest I’ll be a triple forever patient .
Such Phun!

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@MishaVanMollusq Congrats


@RickiTarr A BUNCH of pills everyday. (transplant anti-rejection drugs)

@QueenOfCoffee@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr multiple allergy meds every day... Used to take birth control until I got hubs fixed.

@CharJTF@a11y.info avatar

@RickiTarr I've been a forever patient for 45 years because of chronic kidney disease.

I got my new kidney almost 10 years ago. Now that everything has settled down (mostly), I take 12 pills every morning and night, which includes anti-rejection meds, supplements to keep my body in balance (and yes, I eat balanced meals), and those that help my brain shut up so I can sleep.

This doesn't include acetaminophen and other pain killers as needed, thanks to arthritis and Prednisone.

So, yeah...

@CatDragon@mastodon.world avatar

@RickiTarr they can take a stroll off a cliff.


@RickiTarr IME people with attitudes like this always have the hardest time coping once they pass a certain age, and their own poor health catches up to them. it's a bitch when you end up needing the same pills, assistive devices, and accommodations you always sneered at other people for using.

memento mori, motherfuckers. it comes for us all

@Kierkegaanks@beige.party avatar

@RickiTarr in the context of US hustle culture, that sounds like an expression of benefit? HAAS. Healthcare as a service by techbro mcbrotech

@hrefna@hachyderm.io avatar

@RickiTarr what the ableist cis nonsense is this -.-

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@hrefna They don't have anything real to be mad about, so they have to make things up

@realtegan@wandering.shop avatar

Ableist crap.

I was a child when I didn't take pills. I became a teen and needed pills to keep the chemically caused depression from taking over my mind and destroying my life.

Forever a patient!

The cysts in my ovaries caused intense pain, so I took hormones to prevent them from growing.

Forever a patient!

Now I take a dozen pills a day to keep my immune system from killing my kidneys and heart.

Forever a patient!

If you aren't already a forever patient, you will be someday.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@realtegan It's true!

@jared@spookykitties.com avatar

@RickiTarr I present my pillbox where all but two of the medications in it are required to keep me mostly functional as someone with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension + Sleep Disorders + plus other fun stuff

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@jared Now that is a pill box

@jared@spookykitties.com avatar

@RickiTarr indeed. Tomorrow, that box will include around $12000 worth of medication when my pulmonary meds arrive. During a brief period a few months back, when it included the awful awful inhaler pictured below, it includes around $30000 worth of medication. Thankfully, there is no black market to make up for the nice felony theft that it would cost someone to steal these from me.

@gatewayy@mastodon.gatewayy.net avatar
@hopeward@sfba.social avatar

@RickiTarr Ableism- always just a few health surprises away from being bashed over the head!!

@etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

@RickiTarr Word. Living is just another term for slowly dying.

@autolycos@med-mastodon.com avatar

@RickiTarr I really need fewer of those

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@autolycos As a doctor, you know patients only visit once in their lives, except trans people obviously

@autolycos@med-mastodon.com avatar

@RickiTarr all I know is the things they taught me in plumber school don't apply

@Hunterrules0_o@techhub.social avatar

@RickiTarr marge whats happening

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@Hunterrules0_o Just more Conservative bullshit lol


@RickiTarr lovely clearly such a good way to see us 🙃

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@JigglyWyvern I just hate the idea that Trans people are somehow a bigger burden on the medical system, it's so stupid.


@RickiTarr truly is and if anything why don't they change the systems then if we truly that much of an issue make working hrt easier and streamlining the process so it's just a regular manageable thing but ofc they won't do this there's no money in it and fuck us right our existence is optional.

This argument is so flawed, it's just another shit take... and if anything my health is more manageable now vs what it was when I wasn't trans so idk what the fuck there smoking.

Being trans isn't the issue the system is.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@JigglyWyvern It's almost like the system isn't actually for the people


@RickiTarr right what a wacky idea tho lol 😆

It has to be right? 🙄

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

@JigglyWyvern LOL just a crazy idea

@qurlyjoe@mstdn.social avatar

The health care system we see and experience is a side effect of the real purpose of the enterprise, which is to pay dividends to shareholders and exorbitant salaries to CEOs. Also to pay the salaries of everybody who works in and adjacent to health care. It’s complicated.


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