GottaLaff, avatar

🧵starts HERE.

REMEMBER: I can’t/won’t reply while live-posting. Please use NFL (Not For Laffy) so I can skip your reply, but NO hashtag on that. Thx.


Tyler McBrien::

Necheles rises to renew Trump's objection to Daniels testifying about any "sexual details," which she says has no relevance and is prejudicial.
By details, Merchan asks, more than just "we had sex"? Yes, Necheles says.

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ McB:

Hoffinger argues that the details of the encounter are important—it's important for the prosecution to establish credibility and the reasons that she did what she did. They've worked hard to omit details that are too salacious, but general details of what occurred are significant

Can you give me a sense? Merchan asks.

GottaLaff, avatar

3/ McB:

How she ended up having a sexual encounter with him, the full convo that occurred in the hotel room, but the sexual act itself will be very basic: no descriptions of genitalia or anything of that nature, Hoffinger says.

"It isn't needed in this case," says Necheles, "This is a case about books and records."

👉🏼But Merchan is satisfied with what Hoffinger says the prosecution plans to elicit—he agrees that Daniels has credibility issues, and the People establish certain background info


@GottaLaff NFL Its a shame Stormy won't be able to give details about her encounter with trump. I hear he's a real fungi.

GottaLaff, avatar

4/ Inner City Press (aka Press):

Justice Merchan: This woman has credibility issues, so details are important. I will allow them. Call your witness... Oh, the jury. Bring the jury in first

[Jury entering!]

Grant_M, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Ewww details!

GottaLaff, avatar

5/ Hey!


Jury is present and properly seated.

Next witness? A curveball.

People call SALLY FRANKLIN a SVP and Executive Managing Editor at Penguin Random House.

Are she familiar with a book called Trump, How to Get Rich? Yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

6/ Press with a little more:

Franklin: Penguin Random House and its imprints. I am here under subpoena.
Prosecutor: Are you familiar with "Trump: How to Get Rich"?
Franklin: Yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

7/ McB:

We now see People’s Exhibit 413—the cover of How to Get Rich: Big deals from the star of The Apprentice—by Trump “with Meredith McIver” and Franklin describes the cover.

We're going page-by-page, now on the copyright page—it was first published 2004.

We turn to exhibit 413A, pg 3 from the book, only two sentences are unredacted:

🙄"I am the chairman and president of the Trump organization. I like saying that because it means a great deal to me."😆

GottaLaff, avatar

8/ McB: [getting interesting now]

Another excerpt:
👉🏼"If you don't know every aspect of what you're doing, down to the paperclips, you're setting yourself up for some ... surprises."

"For many years, I've said that
👉🏼if someone screws you, screw them back. When somebody hurts you, just go after them as viciously and violently as you can. As it says in the Bible, an eye for an eye."👈🏼

richard_merren, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL

It always makes me angry to see "eye for an eye" misused like this. That passage not call for a maximum aggressive response like Trump is suggesting here. It was a restraint that punishment should not be allowed to exceed the severity of the crime. It was a revolutionary call AGAINST violent retribution.

GottaLaff, avatar

9/ McB:

413D, another expcerpt, pg203:

"3 p.m.,👉🏼 Allen Weisselberg my CFO comes in for a meeting, he's been with me for 30 years and keeps a handle on everything...he runs things beautifully."👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

10/ McB:

Exhibit 414 now, another entry in Trump's oeuvre:

TRUMP: Think Like a Billionaire, Everything You Need to KNow About Success, Real Estate, and Life, by Trump, again with McIver.

Trump again is alone on the cover.

[Me: Now he should be alone in a cell, but I digress…]

GottaLaff, avatar

11/ Sidebar, via Anna Bower, and it’s gold:

Update from the overflow room at Trump's criminal trial in Manhattan: someone in this room named their personal hotspot "MakeAttorneysGetAttorneys."👈🏼

AtheistIntelligence, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl 🤣

GottaLaff, avatar

12/ Press:

Prosecutor: For that book and another have you reviewed the excerpts, People's 413 and 414, Trump: Think Like a Billionaire?
Franklin: Yes.
Prosecutor: What does is say under the title?
Franklin: "Big deals from the star of The Apprentice"

Prosecutor: What's the largest word on the cover?
Franklin: Trump.👈🏼
Prosecutor: What percentage of the cover does it take up?
Franklin: Thirty percent.👈🏼
Prosecutor: And on Trump: Think like a Billionaire?
Franklin: Maybe 25%.👈🏼

GottaLaff, avatar

13/ Press:

Prosecutor: People's 413A.
Franklin: Be like a general.
Prosecutor: This?
Franklin: If you don't know all the details, you're setting yourself up
Prosecutor: 413C?
Franklin: "Sometimes you still have to screw them... Like it says in the Bible, An eye for an eye"👈🏼

Pros: And this?
Franklin: "All the women on The Apprentice flirts with me. That's to be expected...👈🏼
Prosec: 414, page 41
Franklin:👉🏼 "With a decorator, make sure to see all of the invoices. You should be double checking."

GottaLaff, avatar

14/ McB:

Recall almost none of the jurors have read any of these books in full.

Another choice excerpt from Think Like a Billionaire:
"When you're working with a decorator, make sure you ask to see all of the invoices...[Decorators are nice people], but you should be double checking regardless."

GottaLaff, avatar

15/ McB:

Franklin, records custodian witness, continues to read excerpts from the book, each speaking to Trump's attention to financial details, penny pinching, belief in inevitable sexual relations between him and other women, and other themes, ostensibly in Trump's own words

GottaLaff, avatar

16/ Color.

Via McB:

This is my first time seeing the jury, and they're surprisingly alert and attentive—some follow the excerpts on the screens in front of them and others scan the room from time to time, from the defense table out across the press in the gallery.

GottaLaff, avatar

17/ Press:

Prosecutor: And this?
Franklin: I always sign my checks, to make sure where my money is going. Check through your bills. My parents hammered frugality into me at an early age.
Prosecutor: People's 414-c.
Franklin: Watch the bottom line. Weisselberg is tough

GottaLaff, avatar

18/ Klasfeld:

Chapter title: "How to Pinch Pennies"

Trump recounts the company depositing a check for 50 cents.

"Calling it penny-pinching if you want to. I call it financial smarts."

GottaLaff, avatar

19/ McB:

Another excerpt, this one longer, pgs 68-69, chapter title How to Stay on Top of Your Finances, in which Trump writes that he regularly asks his financial team for reports on how his stocks, assets, checkbook, etc. are doing, and the smart prudence of doing so.

At 9:58 a.m., no further questions from the prosecution.

Blanche steps up, and asks Franklin if she's paying for her own lawyers (no).

GottaLaff, avatar

20/ McB:

Blanche asks about Meredith McIver's role.

Is she a ghostwriter? Franklin is not sure the exact details of her contribution.

Frankline's not sure because it varies, depending on the book, right? Blanche asks.

Yes, she says.

GottaLaff, avatar

21/ Katie Phang:

Trump's frugality, his attention to financial details, his micromanagement, and his typical business practices are laid out clearly in these books and the jurors are paying attention to these details.

GottaLaff, avatar

22/ Klasfeld:

Blanche: Q: You're trying to make money off the book, correct?

A: (emphatically) That is correct.


GottaLaff, avatar

23/ McB:

It seems pretty clear what Blanche is doing right now:

He's calling into question whether we can take the words in the the pages of Trump's book as Trump's words and Trump's beliefs.

GottaLaff, avatar

24/ Press:

Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche: Do you know how much the ghostwriter did?
Franklin: I don't.
Blanche: Who designs the cover?
Franklin: We have a department.
Blanche: So it is not entirely the author?
Franklin: We want to make the author happy.
Blanche: Nothing more

Adam Klasfeld:

Cross-ex was brief. Redirect begins.

GottaLaff, avatar

25/ Klasfeld:

Q: In your experience, do ghostwriters ever write entire books without the author's knowledge?
A: No.

"The ghostwriter works for the author," the witness says later, in response to a different question.

GottaLaff, avatar

26/ Press:

Prosecutor: Let's turn to 413 f - h, we offer them.
Trump's lawyer Blanche: May we approach, your Honor?
[Whispered sidebar ensues - during which, Susan Necheles remains at defense table, talking with Trump]


@GottaLaff NFL I love this. Either Trump did all that was written OR he has to assert he lied about his Business practices and what type of business man he is —- to sell books.

GottaLaff, avatar

27/ Klasfeld:

The parties meet at sidebar to argue a defense objection—overruled.

After they wrap, prosecutors display another chapter title getting to the ghostwriter issue: "The Mother of All Advice."

The chapter begins with two epigrams: one quoting Trump's mother and the other "DJT."

GottaLaff, avatar

28/ McB:

The objection is noted and overruled—more exhibits accepted into evidence.

More excerpts from Trump How to Get Rich—the epigraph page, this one from 👉🏼Mary Trump👈🏼: "Trust in God and be true to yourself"

The acknowledgements page includes a thanks to Meredith McIver, a "woman of many talents," who was also an Executive Assistant at the Trump office, has "heard everything," and has "taken good notes."

GottaLaff, avatar

29/ McB:

"It's important to have an editor who asks the tough questions," reads another line of the acknowledgements page, getting a very subdued chuckle from the press in the courtroom, who sound like they can very much relate.

GottaLaff, avatar

30/ Pagliery:

We're going over Trump books and laying out the idea that he's a stickler about expenses, always double checks bills, and cuts deals whenever he can.

This could be material prosecutors use to make jurors question why Trump would strike a hush money deal and reimburse Cohen.

Eka_FOOF_A, avatar

LOL Nail him with his own ghost written words.

GottaLaff, avatar

31/ Interesting nugget from NBC coverage:

At least one juror smirked as the prosecution showed the chapter from the Trump book "Trump: How to Get Rich" titled “Pay Attention to the Details.”

GottaLaff, avatar

32/ McB:

The initial buzz of the day the built after learning about the Stormy Daniels testimony has subsided a bit, as we read repetitive excerpt after excerpt from Trump's books.

👉🏼This excerpt, however, is pretty on the nose:

"For me there's nothing worse than a computer signing checks . . . When you sign a check yourself, you're seeing what's really going on inside your business."👈🏼

JanisKay, avatar

@GottaLaff ouch.

GottaLaff, avatar

@JanisKay Yep, amazing stuff

GottaLaff, avatar

33/ Press:

Prosecutor: And this?
Franklin: Thanks offered to Random House staff.
Prosecutor: Does this indicate an author very involved in the book?👈🏼
Franklin: Yes.
Prosecutor: This?
Franklin: 👉🏼God is in the details. Sign your own checks. People see it and they screw you less👈🏼

AtheistIntelligence, avatar

@GottaLaff nfl unless it's being used against you in court 😀

GottaLaff, avatar

34/ McB:

No further questions from prosecution, but Blanche wants another bite at the apple.

He puts up Exhibit 413G, an excerpt from the acknowledgements page.

No further questions from either side, and the witness steps down.

Attorneys from both sides huddle around Justice Merchan for a sidebar, as Emil Bove stays seated at the defense table, in conversation with Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

35/ McB:

The jurors occasionally whisper something to each other, or show their neighbor a note, and smile quietly.

Boris Epshteyn, three rows in front of me, turns back and scans the members of the press seated in the gallery.

Sidebar continues.

GottaLaff, avatar



“The People call Stormy Daniels."

GottaLaff, avatar

37/ McB:

Everyone's eyes are glued to the door in anticipation.

She enters, dressed in black, her hair tied up behind her, glasses pushed up on her head.

GottaLaff, avatar

38/ Klasfeld:

#StormyDaniels broadly smiles as she enters the courtroom, before quickly changing to a serious expression.

Assistant DA Susan Hoffinger begins direct examination.

GottaLaff, avatar

39/ McB:

Her voice starts a bit shaky as she spells her name. She takes her glasses off her head and puts them on as Hoffinger begins direct examination.

She prefers to use the name Stormy Daniels.

GottaLaff, avatar

40/ McB:

Daniels confirms her birth name is Stephanie Clifford, but she says she prefers to go by the name Stormy.

She describes her upbringing.

D Daniels confirms her birth name is Stephanie Clifford, but she says she prefers to go by the name Stormy.

She describes her upbringing.

Daniels: I was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

GottaLaff, avatar

41/ Phang:



We're getting a bit of her biography, born and raised in Louisiana to a "very low income family" with a single working mom. She started in the magnet high school program and wanted to be a veterinarian, and graduated high school in the top 10% of country

rayhindle, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL I hope Ms Daniels has plenty of bodyguards she can trust, I wouldn't put anything past Drumpf!

GottaLaff, avatar

42/ McB:

Despite getting a full-ride scholarship to Texas A&M, related costs were still too high, so she was not able to go.

Extracurriculars? Ballet, equestrian club. She taught handicap riding lessons there.

She's talking quickly, and Hoffinger asks her to slow down just a bit.

GottaLaff, avatar

43/ McB:

She's telling us now how she got into dancing, which sure beat shoveling manure, and she was able to start making money.

At Christmas time her senior year of high school, she says she left home, because her mother would just vanish for days at a time. She had just turned 17.

GottaLaff, avatar

44/ [She's here testifying under subpoena.]

Daniels: Now I live in Florida with my partner. My parents split up when I was 4. I went to a strict Christian school, paid for by my father. I was raised by my mother.
Pros: Hobbies in school?

Daniels: A friend introduced me to dancing, exotic dancing, when I was in high school. It was better than my other job, shoveling manure.
Pros: Why did you move out?
Daniels: My mother was neglectful, left me alone. She wasn't even an addict

GottaLaff, avatar

45/ NOTE: I will have to break away, but when I come back, I will post every word that was said.

Vaniaji, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you. This trial just got interesting… Thank you for all you do Laffy! ❤️

AtheistIntelligence, avatar

@GottaLaff I look forward to your trial posts.

JosephMeyer, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you for your excellent commentary! I always look forward to reading it.

GottaLaff, avatar

@JosephMeyer Not so much my commentary, but the reporters'

Grant_M, avatar

@GottaLaff Thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar

46/ I'm back, and once again, Mr. Blowdryer lost.

I'll use Phang's more concise comments to catch up:

HOFFINGER: Did you work in the adult film industry? DANIELS Yes,

HOFFINGER: How old were you at the time? DANIELS: 23 (when she was offered a contract in adult film writing.)
HOFFINGER: Did you continue to write and direct films? DANIELS: Yes, I still do

GottaLaff, avatar

47/ Phang:

DANIELS DESCRIBES THE TYPES OF MOVIES SHE WROTE AND DIRECTED “There’s the kinds that aren’t scripted, they’re just sort of scenes” “And then they are basically actual movies that have sex.”

GottaLaff, avatar

48/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Do you still host that podcast?
DANIELS: Sadly, No I don’t, because I got fired because I was reluctant to continue talking about just that one narrative and about this case and about politics, I was told I could talk about a variety of things and it kept going down that one subject line

GottaLaff, avatar

49/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: “I’d like now to direct your attention to July of 2006. Were you working at a celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe?” DANIELS: Yes
HOFFINGER: “Did you meet Donald Trump on the golf course at that celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe?” DANIELS: “Yes I did” …“It was a very brief encounter”.

GottaLaff, avatar

50/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: “Do you recall if at all what you discussed with Mr. Trump at the golf course at that time” DANIELS: “It wasn’t very much”

HOFFINGER: “How old were you at the time?” DANIELS: 27 HOFFINGER: Did you know his approximate age? DANIELS: I knew he was as old as my father. 60?

GottaLaff, avatar

51/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did you see him again? DANIELS: Yes. in the Gift Room. He talked to all the girls, and he asked what I directed DANIELS: He asked what I directed - it was called Three Wishes DANIELS: I saw him talking to another gentleman who was with him……. Somebody asked me… Mr. Trump would like to know if I wanted to have dinner with him.

GottaLaff, avatar

52/ Phang:


In response to the offer to dine with Trump:
DANIELS: I said I wasn't interested. “No, with an expletive in front” his name was Keith. KEith asked for my number and I gave him my number and he messaged me, so I saved the number in my phone

GottaLaff, avatar

53/ Phang:

Some color from inside of the courtroom:
Jurors are taking notes as she's testifying and looking at Stormy - very focused.

HOFFINGER: He asked about your work? DANIELS: He was very interested in how i went from being a porn star to writing and directing and i told him we have real scripts and i explained the different types of adult films from 5000 dollars to 200,000.

[Me: This is disjointed. I'm so sorry I had to leave & miss other reporting!]

GottaLaff, avatar

54/ Phang:

Trump asks Stormy about STDs.

Daniels: At the time, you had to be tested every 30 days; he asked if she had ever had a “bad test” and she said no, she had never tested positive for anything.

GottaLaff, avatar

55/ Phang:

DANIELS: I chose to work for Wicked Pictures because they are a “condom mandatory company”- even if you’re husband and wife, when you perform on cam for Wicked Pictures, you have to use a condom. Even when I worked with my husband I had to use a condom even though I’m allergic to latex.
HOFFINGER: “Is that one of the reasons you worked there.” DANIELS: Yes.

GottaLaff, avatar

56/ Phang:

DANIELS: He pulled out a magazine… this point, i wanted to eat my dinner and said are you always this rude, you don’t know how to have a conversation
👉🏼“I pretty much had enough of his arrogance and cutting me off and still not getting my dinner. “

GottaLaff, avatar

57/ Phang:

DANIELS: so he rolled up the magazine and “gave me the look” as kind of a dare,
DANIELS: “So I took it from him and I said turn around, and I swatted him” right on the butt DANIELS: “and he was much more polite”

Daniels: it was at that point he got really quiet and that i should go on his show, i assume celebrity apprentice, the apprentice,
DANIELS: “I said there’s no way they’d ever let me on TV, there’s no way NBC would ever let an adult film actress on television.”

CStamp, avatar

@GottaLaff Hence, "Spanky." 🙂

GottaLaff, avatar

58/ Phang:

👉🏼“he said you remind me of my daughter,” she is smart and blonde and the way he phrased it actually made perfect sense because you can go on the show and prove you’re not just a dumb bimbo
👉🏼DANIELS: He said you remind me of my daughter, she’s smart and beautiful and people underestimate her as well.

GottaLaff, avatar

59/ Phang:

DANIELS: We talked about what i really wanted to do, which is be taken seriously as a writer and director. “Nothing against the adult entertainment business.” I have “no shame, that’s who I am”

GottaLaff, avatar

60/ Phang:

DANIELS RECOUNTS TRUMP’s QUESTIONS about other girls from Wicked: Do you hook up off camera, do you sleep with each other off camera…
DANIELS said she called a friend of hers who happened to be in Lake Tahoe at the same time. She didn’t believe that I was with Donald Trump
DANIELS: So I called her because “One, I’m telling the truth, I am with Donald Trump. And two, he asked me to call one of my friends and I didn’t want to actually call my coworkers.”

GottaLaff, avatar

61/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: How long did you talk with Mr Trump DANIELS: Close to two hours, it was a long time,
HOFFINGER: “Did you sense any red flags or any concern about being there” DANIELS: “No”

GottaLaff, avatar

62/ NOTE: This is out of order, a little... trying to follow her thread is crazy.


HOFFINGER: Why did you put Trump there? DANIELS: “I didn't know Keith’s last name” i only knew who he worked for
HOFFINGER: “do you still have Keith’s contact in your phone to this day?” DANIELS: “Yes…

GottaLaff, avatar

63/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: Did you indicate to your friend you were going to have dinner with Donald Trump? DANIELS: Yeah DANIELS: So i arrived and went upstairs, took elevator to the top floor, and i went to that level and thats where i met Keith who was at the door, it was cracked open and Keith was standing there, and he said nice to meet you and so i walked in,

GottaLaff, avatar

64/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: “What were your expectations” DANIELS: I didn't really have expectations other than he said come up here and we would go downstairs to one of the nice hotel restaurants DANIELS: ​​“That was my only expectation was to have dinner, because I didn’t want to with somebody else.”

GottaLaff, avatar

65/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: “Describe if you would how—where you first encountered Mr. Trump inside the hotel suite” DANIELS: “I said hello”
met Trump right there and I said hello and he wanted to go into the living area, 👀👉🏼he was wearing silk or satin pajamas,
HOFFINGER: what was he wearing? DANIELS: Silk or satin pajamas, I made fun of him, said “does Hugh Hefner know you stole his pajamas?” I told him to go change, so he obliged, “very politely”

GottaLaff, avatar

66/ Phang:

HOFFINGER: when he came back in a dress shirt, where did you go? DANIELS: Dining room table, we both sat down.
HOFFINGER: What were some of the things we discussed? DANIELS: Getting to know you where are you from, i told him where i was from and where i grew up and he asked where i went to school, did i go to college, did i have children?

GottaLaff, avatar

67/ Geez this is hard to follow. Threads is awful. Their threads are not in order. Sorry if I'm missing anything.


Stormy is back on the stand after the quick morning recess.
DANIELS: “I’d been there quite a while, drank a couple bottles of water, and that’s all we were drinking, was water.” Instructed to go through bedroom and help myself to the facility.

GottaLaff, avatar

68/ Phang:

Daniels: I left bathroom and went around the bed and was hoping to say time to go i was there a long time and i when i opened bathroom door to come out MR 🤢👉🏼Trump was on the bed and he was wearing boxer shorts and a t-shirt, i was startled.

DANIELS: “ At first it was just startled, like a jump scare. Wasn’t expecting someone to be there especially minus a lot of clothing.”
DANIELS: “And that’s when I had that moment where I felt like the room spun in slow motion.”

GottaLaff, avatar

69/ I'm caught up but backtracking slightly. McB:

"At first I was startled, like a jump scare...I wasn't expecting someone to be there and in not a lot of clothing," she says, and felt the blood leave her hands and her feet, like when you stand up too fast.

"Oh my god, what did I misread to get here?" she remembers thinking.

GottaLaff, avatar

70/ McB:

She says she laughed nervously, went to step around him posed on the bed and leave, and it all felt like slow motion. He stood up between her and the door but "not in a threatening manner," she clarifies.

👀"I thought this is what you wanted, if you ever wanted to get out of that trailer park—" Daniels starts to say that's what Trump told her to get her to stay, but objection, sustained.

GottaLaff, avatar

71/ McB:

Q: What happened next?
A: I blacked out, though she clarifies that she was not drugged.

Justice Merchan cuts it off right there, and asks counsel to approach.


Objection sustained.

GottaLaff, avatar

72/ McB:

Hoffinger resumes, asking Daniels to slow down again, clarifying that Daniels was not drugged in any way nor had she had any alcohol in any way. Daniels confirms both."At first I was startled, like a jump scare...I wasn't expecting someone to be there and in not a lot of clothing," she says, and felt the blood leave her hands and her feet, like when you stand up too fast.

"Oh my god, what did I misread to get here?" she remembers thinking.

Edelruth, avatar



I had to come back to rage at this. One does not have to be drugged or drunk to be in an impossible situation.

GottaLaff, avatar

73/ I think I messed up slightly with a copy/paste but nothing major. Moving on... GET YOUR PEPTO BISMOL READY.


Q: Did you feel threatened by him?
A: No, not physically, but there was an imbalance of power for sure. He was bigger and blocking the way, but I was not threatened, verbally or physically.

GottaLaff, avatar


Hoffinger asks her to describe the sexual encounter "very briefly," Daniels starts to describe the fact that she had her clothes and shoes off and started in "missionary position"—but objection, sustained.

Q: Did you end up having sex with him on the bed?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have a recollection feeling something unusual?
Objection, sustained.
Q: What do you remember?
A:That I was staring at the ceiling, didn't know how I got there.

GottaLaff, avatar

75/ McB🤢 :

Q: Did you touch his skin?
A: Yes
Objection, sustained.
Q: Was he wearing a condom?
A: Yes
Q: Was that concerning to you?
A: Yes
Q: Did you say anything about it?
A: No, I didn't say anything at all.

GottaLaff, avatar

76/ McB:

Daniels remembers the entire sexual encounter was brief, and it was really hard to get her shoes on because her hands were shaking so badly
"Let's get together again 👉🏼honeybunch," SD says Trump told her, and she just wanted to leave, she says
Q: Did you say no at any point?
A: No.

JaneinNJ, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL Honeybunch 🤮

Flies4no1, avatar

@JaneinNJ @GottaLaff
NFL I wouldn’t be surprised if he called Ivanka “#honeybunch” at times, to taunt her. Like so many others.


GottaLaff, avatar

77/ McB:

"He didn't give me anything, he didn't offer to pay me, or give me his cell phone number," she says.

Did he ask you to keep this confidential? No.
Any concern he expressed about his wife? No.
Did you end up having dinner with him that night? No.

GottaLaff, avatar

78/ McB:

McB CORRECTION: I was typing too fast—Daniels said Trump was NOT wearing a condom during the encounter, and that that concerned her. My apologies.

"I told very few people we actually had sex because I felt ashamed I didn't try to stop it or say no," Daniels says.

davesdogmaggie, avatar



"I told very few people we actually had sex because I felt ashamed..."

A common refrain.

Shadedlady, avatar

@GottaLaff so this was not consentual because she would never have agreed to have sex without a condom. She might not have been physically coerced, but imo this is rape.

GottaLaff, avatar

79/ McB:

There were also details she didn't remember initially, but some of these details came back to her over the years, can she tell us about that? Objection—overruled

Hoffinger tries to clarify there were certain things Daniels always remembered, like the fact that they had sex, but when she continues another objection from Necheles, and counsel approaches.

This has been pretty stop-and-go so far, with frequent objections and sidebars.

GottaLaff, avatar

80/ McB:

Daniels says she saw him again in Tahoe the next day at her hotel, at a nightclub restaurant downstairs.

👉🏼The jurors are now fully rapt with attention once again, and some of their heads ping pong back and forth from Hoffinger to Daniels, much like spectators at a tennis match.

GottaLaff, avatar

81/ McB:

Daniels says Trump was in the club with his friend, Ben Roethlisberger, and Trump introduced her as👉🏼 "his little friend Stormy" to "Big Ben" the football player, who let her try on his Super Bowl ring. Trump continued to talk about getting Daniels on The Apprentice.

GottaLaff, avatar

82/ McB:

Daniels says she told her best friend/photographer Keith—not to be confused with another Keith, Trump's bodyguard— her makeup artist and confidant, and her personal assistant, but not many others about the sexual encounter.

Trump would call her often, "I would always put him on speaker phone. I thought it was funny." Dozens of people would hear these conversations, "it was not a secret."

GottaLaff, avatar

83/ Klasfeld:

Daniels says that Trump eventually gave her the number of his assistant: Rhona.

Earlier in the trial, Rhona Graff entered Daniels' phone number on Trump Org's Outlook database into evidence.

GottaLaff, avatar

84/ McB:

During these calls Trump update her (or offer "non-updates") about the Apprentice, 👉🏼ask Daniels if she missed him, and always called her honeybunch—"which was weird."👈🏼

She starts to digress at the next question, and Merchan asks her to "please just answer the question."

Daniels says Trump gave her his personal assistant Rona's phone number in late summer 2006.

She answers more briefly and succinctly now, taking Merchan's instructions to heart.

GottaLaff, avatar

85/ Press:

Prosecutor: Did he know he was on speaker phone?
Daniels: No.
Prosecutor: Why did you continue to take his calls?
Daniels: My publicist bragged

GottaLaff, avatar

86/ Klasfeld:

Daniels entered her number on her phone as:

"D Trump Rona [sic]."

Klasfeld Analysis:

The dirty details of the testimony will dominate the headlines, but pay attention to any corroborating evidence that emerges as trial continues.

GottaLaff, avatar

87/ McB:

We see some evidence now: the contact page in Daniels' iPhone for Rona Graff, which she saved as "DTrump Rona," & another contact page (not from iPhone) for "Stormy" with Daniels' phone no. (only last 4 digits unredacted).

Daniels says Trump reached out and asked her to attend the a party for his vodka brand, which she accepted to maintain the relationship and the "chance to be on The Apprentice" was still up in there air, especially since Trump framed it as her writing and directing.

GottaLaff, avatar

88/ McB:

At the vodka event, Trump greeted her, unconcerned by the optics, Daniels says, and he introduced her to his friend "Karen"—Karen McDougal.

She says he asked her to go back with him that night, but she lied to him that her and a friend were flying out on a girls' trip.

GottaLaff, avatar

89/ Please note: As I type this thread, Pres. Biden is giving an important speech about antisemitism. I'll try to post about it later, if time.

Eetschrijver, avatar

@GottaLaff I very sincerely can't thank you enough for everything you're doing.

GottaLaff, avatar

90/ McB:

We fast forward now to 2007, she says Trump told her to contact him if she was in NY—she "hit him up" to get him to come to the club where she was performing, but he "invited me to his office tower" instead. Why? 👉🏼"It was a public place, lots of witnesses"—objection, sustained.

GottaLaff, avatar

91/ 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ [Me: "In a very short period of time. In 2 weeks..."]


Daniels says she had a "very brief" discussion in his office in Trump Tower. She says he was very busy.

👉🏼"It was always, 'I'm still working on The Apprentice thing,'" Daniels says.

GottaLaff, avatar

92/ McB:

Now to the 2007 Miss USA Pageant, tickets to which Trump had left under Daniels' name at will call, she says. Then, summer 2007, she met with Trump in LA for dinner at his bungalow in Beverly Hills Hotel.

Q: Did you tell your boyfriend what happened in the hotel with Trump?
A: Not the sexual part. Because I was ashamed.

GottaLaff, avatar

93/ McB:

Daniels' boyfriend waited outside while she went into the bungalow, she says. Trump was busy, watching TV (a documentary about some sailors who got killed by a shark when the submarine sank), and👉🏼 kept trying to "make sexual advances." 👈🏼But no "real update" on The Apprentice.

GottaLaff, avatar

94/ McB:

She says Trump still did not ask her to keep the sexual encounter confidential, nor did he seem concened about it.👈🏼

Trump called her a few more times—once to tell her he couldn't get her on The Apprentice ("his overruled had been overruled"), Daniels says.

GottaLaff, avatar

95/ Hi Melania.


Daniels recalls meeting with Trump at a bungalow in Los Angeles.

"He kept trying to make sexual advances, putting his hand on my leg," she says.

Q: What was your response?
A: I told him I was on my period.

GottaLaff, avatar

96/ McB:

Eventually, Daniels says 👉🏼she stopped answering his calls and moved on with her life.

Jan 2008-May 2011, her life was "pretty awesome"—she got a raise, directed movies, started doing more mainstream things, got married, had a daughter.

Then, May 2011, she says she agreed to be interviewed for a magazine called InTouch—a "sort of tabloid."

She learned that someone had sold a story about her to a magazine, so she freaked out. "I don't know who leaked it—I just had my daughter"

GottaLaff, avatar

97/ McB:

Daniels says that Gina Rodriguez told her you can either take control of it and get paid, or someone else will make money from it, and who knows what they'll say.

She was supposed to be paid $15k, and was doing less work at the time because she had just had her daughter.

GottaLaff, avatar

98/ McB:

Q: Did you discuss with InTouch all of the details of what happened in the room?
A: No, I tried to keep it fairly light-hearted, and quick and to the point.

InTouch didn't end up running the story, and at the time Daniels says she doesn't know why.

Hoffinger asks to approach.


@GottaLaff NFL Another catch-and-kill?

GottaLaff, avatar

99/ Kyle Cheney:

👀From afar, I would be surprised if Trump's lawyers don't move for a mistrial when Stormy Daniels is off the stand, given the level of detail Daniels went into that even seemed to bother the judge — and even after he warned prosecutors to steer clear.

not2b, avatar

@GottaLaff NFL They'll ask for a mistrial but the judge is no pushover. If the prosecution went over the line in his opinion he would have stopped it. He sustained some defense objections. And while IANAL, I don't see why a mistrial makes sense: in a trial that is about disguised payments to cover up a sexual encounter, the prosecution had the audacity to provide evidence that there was a sexual encounter?

ralfmaximus, avatar


> I don't see why a mistrial makes sense

It's not about making sense. It's (1) performative for the Defendant and (2) their legal strategy has always been "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks".

@GottaLaff NFL

GottaLaff, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

100/ McB:

If I'm not mistaken, during each of the many sidebars so far, Bove has stayed back at the defense table with Trump, the two men deep in conversation.

After Daniels was interviewed by InTouch, she had an experience about June 2011 in a parking lot in Las Vegas. She says she was approached by a man who threatened her "not to continue to tell my story"—about her encounter with Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

101/ McB:

She says she didn't tell the police because she was scared, and didn't want more of the story to get out because of her daughter, and the father of their daughter, who was struggling at the time and never knew about the encounter in the first place.

GottaLaff, avatar

102/ McB:

Fast forward to Oct 2011: Rodriguez told Daniels that a story about her had been published on a celebrity gossip site called The Dirty dot com.

She says she never gave the site information, nor had she ever heard about it, and wanted the story taken down.

She remembers she was freaking out, crying and hyperventilating, and Rodriguez asked if her lawyer—another Keith, Keith Davidson—could take it down. Daniels said yes, and it was taken down a bit later.

GottaLaff, avatar

103/ McB:

Once Trump announced his presidetial candidacy, Daniels says Rodriguez reached out to Daniels and mentioned that she could sell the story again—making money for both her and Daniels.

GottaLaff, avatar

104/ Press:

Prosecutor: In 2015 once Mr. Trump was running for President, were you told you could sell your story for more?
Daniels: Yes. I was advised by a lawyer to have a press conference

GottaLaff, avatar

105/ McB:

For what it's worth, Merchan has been keeping this testimony on a pretty short leash, allowing frequent objections from the defense for leading the witness, and steering Daniels back to the questions at hand.

Q: Were you aware in early Oct 2016, the Access Hollywood tape coming out publicly?
A: Yes, Gina told me.
Q: Was she successful in selling the story before the AH tape came out?
A: No.

GottaLaff, avatar

106/ McB:

Q: Did you continue to agree that Rodriguez could keep trying to sell the story?
A: Yes, I told her she could keep trying. More people were calling.

GottaLaff, avatar

107/ McB:

Daniels says her motivation wasn't money, it about the story getting out, and in Oct 2016 she says she learned through Rodriguez that Trump and Cohen were interested in buying the rights to her story.

👉🏼Daniels says she understood Trump and Cohen to be interested in paying for the story and killing it, which would be the best-case scenario for her: so her partner wouldn't learn about it, and the story would never get out.


@GottaLaff NFL October 2016. Ten years after it happened they're worried about it coming out. Mmmmhmmm

GottaLaff, avatar

108/ McB:

She says she didn't care about the figure of $130,000—she didn't try to negotiate the money, because it wasn't her main concern and she didn't need it. She was directing more, moved out of expensive California, etc.

GottaLaff, avatar

109/ Kyle Cheney expands on his mistrial comment:

That's not to say I think he'll get a mistrial. I just expect him to ask for it, given the judge's clear frustrations with the scope of Daniels' testimony.

GottaLaff, avatar

110/ McB:

We are now joining up with the narrative and timeline established in the case so far—Daniels describes signing an NDA, which we see displayed now, from Cohen, who was representing Trump.

GottaLaff, avatar

111/ McB:

Correction: the exhibit displayed is an email from Keith Davidson (acting as Daniels' attorney) to Cohen. The NDA is attached to the email in a pdf. Subject line: "SD vs. RCI." The settlement sum was identified as $130,000 and wire details are included in the body.

GottaLaff, avatar

112/ McB:

They added in an urgent timing consideration, because Daniels 👉🏼"was afraid if this wasn't done before the nominations and everything."

Daniels understood the terms to be that if she was paid that she could not tell her story, that Trump also could not tell the story, that they wouldn't contact each other's families, and basically pretend like it never happened at all.

GottaLaff, avatar

113/ McB:

We're back to documents now. This is, after all, not an "adult film star" case, but a 👉🏼falsification of business records case.

Familiar exhibits are displayed: the agreement, the sidecar agreement, the liquidated damages clause. Peggy Peterson for Daniels, etc.

GottaLaff, avatar

114/ McB:

Hoffinger displays page 10 of the settlement agreement, on which Danielssays she wrote a list of 8 names—these are the 8 people who "knew some of the details" of the sexual encounter between her and Trump.

Daniels, like Trump, used a pseudonym to sign: Peggy Peterson.

Q: Why did you not put your real name here?
A: I was instructed not to.

GottaLaff, avatar

115/ McB:

After the ink dried on the agreement, there was a delay in payment, and Daniels was concered about all the excuses Cohen was making, especially because that sum of money shouldn't matter to Trump. So she assumed it not to be a financial delay, but something worse.

GottaLaff, avatar

116/ McB:

Merchan must like cliffhangers, because we stop there for a lunch recess.

We'll see you back here at 2 p.m., he tells the jurors,


tersenurse, avatar

@GottaLaff I don't know if it's that he likes cliffhangers, or that he really likes lunch. Good luck with the showing!


@tersenurse @GottaLaff In this case, is it a Clifford-hanger?

GottaLaff, avatar

@tersenurse Many thanks!

Callalily, avatar

I hope all goes well on the house showing. 🤞🏻🙏🏻

GottaLaff, avatar

@Callalily Many thanks. We need to sell.

CharJTF, avatar

@GottaLaff Thanks, Laffy 🙂 I really appreciate the efforts you're putting into this.

Hope the house showing goes well!

GottaLaff, avatar

@CharJTF Thank you! We so need to sell this sucker.

CharJTF, avatar

@GottaLaff Yeah, we went through that in 2018. It's stress we didn't need...and you don't, either.

GottaLaff, avatar

@CharJTF Right? The move itself is going so smoothly, but the market for selling is flat.

That's our biggest stress.

earthlingusa, avatar

@GottaLaff Fingers crossed for you.

GottaLaff, avatar

@earthlingusa Many thanks!! Need it!

mloxton, avatar

Good luck with the house showing. I hope you get a good offer and this goes smoothly and efficiently for you.

GottaLaff, avatar

@mloxton How I wish!! Thank you

GottaLaff, avatar

117/ A few from Pagliery:

Did he ask you to keep your encounter with him confidential?

(Trump's lawyers are objecting to any level of detail about the sex.)

I gotta hand it to Stormy. She has a keen eye for comical detail.

Even as she discusses the day after the sex, I'm still stuck on the fact that she found it hilariously odd a billionaire would use Old Spice and Pert Plus.

GottaLaff, avatar

118/ Pagliery:

We've reached the part of Stormy's testimony that's started to stretch the imagination.

She says she didn't care at all about the money. She only wanted a deal paper trail to "keep me safe" after getting threatened by someone in 2011 to keep the Trump story quiet.

But the reason that's starting to sound odd is because Stormy's lawyer was pretty aggressive about getting the $130k before the 2016 election.

GottaLaff, avatar

119/ Pagliery:

"I was afraid that if it wasn’t done… then I wouldn't be safe. He would never pay & there wouldn’t be a paper trail to keep me safe."

Okay, but what is she talking about? There are a dozen emails about them making the deal. There was a paper trail even if money didn't change hands.

How would a money exchange make her safe?

It's plausible this wasn't only about money.

This wasn't about money at all? Nah.

NorCalWineLady, avatar

@GottaLaff agree to disagree here

GottaLaff, avatar

@NorCalWineLady Yeah, me too

GottaLaff, avatar

120/ McB:

Trump walks out, his entourage in tow. He doesn't look happy.

See you all after lunch.

kwheaton, avatar

@GottaLaff thank you!

GottaLaff, avatar
stevencworlds, avatar


I’d be mad too if my defendant admitted to a court that she smacked my ass with magazines.

GottaLaff, avatar

@stevencworlds That's been out there for years though, but yeah.

darthstar, avatar

@stevencworlds @GottaLaff
Not just magazines, but a magazine with his daughter's face on the cover.

markmetz, avatar

With my compliments on your tenacity in reporting this case! Here’s a photo of Stormy arriving today.

GottaLaff, avatar

@markmetz Thank you! Great shot.

Eka_FOOF_A, avatar

Trump getting skewered is so refreshing. He was a real pest to the under age models. I would not be surprised if I had to tell him no more than a couple dozen times.

I knew a couple of his exes when I was young. Both were young and inexperienced, and dumped Trump in less then three months.

ChrisHolladay, avatar

Porn star in da house !!!!
I'm betting Donald is wishing he never ran into her

Mushroom Man lives to litigate another day 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

CarlataOld, avatar

@ChrisHolladay @GottaLaff

I imagine he's not regretting that as much as he is just feeling like she's ungrateful and he's the injured party.

Pretty skillful distortion on his part, given she felt like she had to have sex with him. She knew the type, and her consent was in the context of it being preferable to retain some control than to decline, and it all going much more badly for her.

Danetteb, avatar
GottaLaff, avatar

@Danetteb : )

lin11c, (edited ) avatar

Someone pointed out that GQP had no problem airing very intimate details about Clinton and Hunter Biden, so don't let anyone in the media try to play the outrage card about this trial! I see it already started. ABSOLUTELY NO!

GottaLaff, avatar

@lin11c The defense is doing that.

lin11c, avatar

Yes I know. That door and these tactics have been used by the GQP to prosecute a former president so Mr. Shitinpants does not get special treatment.

mloxton, avatar

Paglierie may be thinking of "sfe" in terms of not getting the payment, and Daniels may be more thinking about physical safety and reputational safety

thepoliticalcat, avatar


  • Loading...
  • paninid, avatar

    @thepoliticalcat @mloxton @GottaLaff

    She knew Donnie from Queens™ was a wannabe goombah

    artemesia, avatar


    > Stormy's lawyer was pretty aggressive about getting the $130k before the 2016 election

    Was the attorney paid via contingency? Because even a child would know that the payout was going to shrink or disappear if left til after the election. Regardless of contingency, it's the attorney's fucking job to represent the client's interests, and $130k is $130k.

    CarlataOld, avatar

    Without paying her, there's no real agreement, and they'd have no way to ensure her silence other than Cohen's threatening her again. Everyone preferred the payment-for-silence way. And for her, 10 bucks wasn't going to keep them from issuing additional threats.

    CarlataOld, avatar


    Of course, he's cheap, doesn't read Consumer Reports, doesn't do his own shopping, is lazy and picked the first brand he recognized when in high school, and never had a reason to change it. She's right, though, it's funny in a weird way.

    MaggyWells, avatar


  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @MaggyWells How I hope, Maggy. It's taken WAY longer than we thought it would. Our house is gorgeous and in perfect shape, renovated in and out, top to bottom, priced right.

    Everyone who comes in loves it. But no buyers.

    MaggyWells, avatar


  • Loading...
  • GottaLaff, avatar

    @MaggyWells Oh absolutely. Our friend/neighbor directly across the street is our realtor. She's good.

    SteveBologna, avatar

    @GottaLaff I hope there is a penalty for him. I wonder if the laxest punishment they can give him is New York apologizing. That’s probably what he’s going to get. Lock him up somebody please!

    andytiedye, avatar
    LinuxAndYarn, avatar

    @GottaLaff Bombshell to me: Donald Trump parties with Ben Roethlisberger, who has also been accused multiple times of sexual assault, including the rape of /a casino employee in Lake Tahoe/ (two years after the Trump-Daniels encounter) and paid the woman in a civil suit settlement after losing in the Nevada Supreme Court.

    12thRITS, avatar

    @GottaLaff Wouldn't you know a dirtbag like Ben Ruthlessfucker would show up in this drama.

    TheNovemberMan, avatar

    @GottaLaff 🤢 Add to the list of things I wish I didn't know.

    Unsee Must Unsee GIF

    SallyShuttle, avatar

    @GottaLaff this I did not expect and it’s deeply shocking. A rape. Horrifying. Yet ought we to be surprised?

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @SallyShuttle She said she doesn't consider it to be non-consensual.

    SallyShuttle, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL So many thoughts about that. Her description is helluva triggering for survivors of sexual abuse. Anyway, tx for all your hard work & best luck with the show house

    GottaLaff, avatar

    @SallyShuttle Many thanks. and yes... trigger indeed.

    troed, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    Trivia - this would constitute rape in Sweden. No need to explicitly say no, it's enough that there was no clear consent expressed.

    thepoliticalcat, avatar

    @troed @GottaLaff Every woman reading this - and many a nonbinary AFAB person as well - KNOWS this is a rape. But men are bigger and stronger, and not beyond using coercion and violence to ensure that no woman/nonbinary person is allowed to acknowledge that in public without being excoriated into silence.

    richard_merren, avatar

    @GottaLaff That is so unbelievably creepy

    spocko, avatar

    Remember Meredith McIver? When Melanie Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama for her 2016 speech at the RNC convention, #MeredithMcIver took the fall,
    "Team Trump at first adamantly denied that there was any plagiarism — but fessed up Wednesday when McIver admitted the mistake."
    #plagiarism #TrumpTrial



    sadele2, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL

    Maybe he deposited check for 50 cents but he famously cashed check for $1.11, $0.64 and $0.13, sent in 1990 by Spy Magazine correspondent Julius Lowenthal who "wanted to know just how cheap some of the city’s richest figures were."

    Eka_FOOF_A, avatar

    "MakeAttorneysGetAttorneys." is a perfect hotspot name for use at the trial.

    I rotate through clever hotspot names. That is for security, but also so I can find it in the list that sometimes can be very long.

    rayhindle, avatar

    @GottaLaff NFL or with a cellmate called Bubba!

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