ChrisMayLA6, to random avatar

So, KPMG undertook some #class analysis of its workforce recently & found that
'individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds (LSEB) took on average 19% longer to progress to the next grade' compared to those from higher socio-economic backgrounds.

To put it clearly: LSEB is a class marker in all but name; being lower class holds careers back at a major #financialservices firm!

The idea class has disappeared from our political economy is a nonsense unless you think KPMG is an anomaly!

StillIRise1963, to random avatar

You know, we refer to the behavior of Big Pharma and other industries as criminal in an off-hand way, but it really is CRIMINAL.

ricardoharvin, avatar

@drhoopoe @stewartvm @StillIRise1963 @birdpoof In the #US, the eager betrayal of #class in service of #racism can best be summarized by this quote from a man who knew #racists and racism very well:

"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." – President Lyndon B. Johnson

edsuom, to python avatar

Does anyone else use the first person for #python docstrings? I picked this up from reading #twisted source written by @glyph and @itamarst. My dialect of it: The #class is speaking about itself. It refers often to "my #instance" or "an instance of me" when speaking of an #oop #object rather than itself as a class. And methods are where it says "I do this" if that's what it does generally, like a leader speaking about what she did with the unspoken help of others carrying out that actual work.

MLClark, to workersrights

YSK: How to protect yourself against Etsy’s plan to prevent class action lawsuits (

Why YSK: You should know that you can protect yourself as a buyer or a seller as anyone who uses Etsy. It's a very popular sales platform and they're making some changes to prevent class action lawsuits against any shenanigans they might pull against buyers and sellers on the platform. You have the ability to opt out of this to...

ChrisMayLA6, to France avatar

(Picking up on a discussion from my timeline last week); If colour-blind (but then also #racism-blind) policy has not worked in #France to ease ethnicity-based tensions & #inequality, while #affirmativeaction & its associated polices are being dismantled in the USA (while racism still patterns much of the political environment), Kenan Malik asks what should (can) we do about racism in society?

Its a good Q. but will adding #class to the mix, improve our response(s)?

itnewsbot, to random

Hackaday Prize 2023: Supercapacitors Let Solar Speaker Work in Darkness - Solar panels are a great way to generate clean electricity, but require some energ... - -d

courtcan, to cycling avatar

Thanks to the cyclist husband, TIL about Kittie Knox, a prominent biracial cyclist of the late 1800s. Her mother was white, her father was Black, and she spent her short 26 years on this planet breaking serious social, gender, and racial barriers.

Read up on her. She was amazing.


courtcan, to books avatar
LinuxAndYarn, to Law avatar

A simple guide to #class, #wealth, and #law:

The poor

  • can't afford to steal
  • sometimes can't afford not to steal

The middle class

  • can afford not to steal
  • can't afford to steal

The rich

  • can afford not to steal
  • can also afford to steal and often prefer it
jillrhudy, avatar

@sjgochenour @kimlockhartga @bookstodon we should compare notes! I wrote about my most impactful social justice reads including #Evicted in “Ends, Not Meeting” which is a review of #Class by #StephanieLand

Deglassco, (edited ) to history

That affirmative action in university admissions & other domains existed as long as it did is remarkable, considering the formidable opposition it encountered. From Reconstruction to affirmative action, every major effort to promote the progress of Black Americans & rectifying the impact of racial subordination has consistently faced charges of "reverse discrimination" & unfair "preference."

#TeachHistory #BlackMastodon #History #AffirmativeAction #histodons
@blackmastodon @BlackMastodon



One of the aspects of this issue that I rarely hear about is the underlining injustice of the university system itself.

For hundreds of years, universities have been instruments of alumni nepotism, with people in positions of power promoting and hiring from elite schools, which perpetuates race and class bias.

The actual academic education that one obtains is not much different, it's the credentialism that gives graduates an advantage. This needs to change.

#race #class #IvyLeague #university

hesgen, to random

"'It’s not the fault of five men that hundreds of people died off Greek shores. But it is the fault of a system where the class disparities are so huge,' said one senior journalist at a major Pakistani outlet, who asked not to be named. 'When people point that out, it is misunderstood as hatred.'"

#GreeceBoatDisaster #TitanicSub #hypocrisy #class

pvonhellermannn, to uk avatar

More and more convinced that the best is to tackle :

to break the hold of the upper-middle classes (in the , say, the top 5%, those who send their children to ) on our institutions, minds, land, media, economy, everything.

The is a .

Wrote this short blog a while back but resharing as I feel I just need to keep on talking about this 1/2

pvonhellermannn, avatar

2/2 This small #Class’s hold on everything is at the heart of not just the #ClimateEmergency but also #CostOfLivingCrisis, #Poverty, #HealthCrisis (physical and mental).

Yet there is so little, almost no #ClassConsciousness nowadays; we are all gripped by values and systems that are not designed to help everyone, only a few.

We need to make people recognise this stronghold and that it is breakable; that all our interests - workers, climate activists, ordinary families - are aligned here

BPStuart, to random avatar

If you’ve inherited or amassed wealth that could sustain hundreds or thousands of lives beyond your own, you unquestionably have something that — in part —belongs to some of your contemporaries.
#wealth #avarice #greed #entitlement #privilege #access #class #indigence #poverty

BarbChamberlain, to accessibility avatar
pluralistic, to random avatar

Big Tech steals from the news, but what it steals isn't content - it steals money. That matters, because if we create pseudo-copyrights over the facts of the news, or headlines, or snippets to help news companies bargain with tech companies, we make the news partners with the tech companies, rather than watchdogs.

If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this to read/share, here' it is on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:


DemocracySpot, to movies avatar

🎬 "Educating Rita" (1983) is a Pygmalion-ish comedy starring and as a Lit. Professor who loves his drinks and a working-class hairdresser looking to improve her lot, Both won 1984 Awards for their performances.

A maybe-forgotten gem worth adding to your watch-list.

travisfw, to ai avatar
TonyStark, to random avatar

Good Samaritans don't kill people.

Pretty sure it's like #1 in the Good Samaritan Handbook.

Ignorant Ron DeSantis and Other Republicans Are Calling The Man Who Killed Jordan Neely 'A Good Samaritan'-


@TonyStark just posted:
Boiling down the hateful rhetoric & #propaganda … It all boils down to what it has always been about… Across #millenia … Sex & Race… The #hate #violence used to manipulate opposition. Humans…need domain over our mind & body… Regardless of our #sex #race #religiousbeliefs #SexualIdentity & #class It’s worth the fight!

anttipeltola, to fediverse avatar

If white people still refuse to discuss issues of #Race, #Class and #Culture openly on #Mastodon this will continue to be #Vermont of #SocialMedia. #BlackMastodon #Twitter #BlueSky

pvonhellermannn, to random avatar

#ClimateDiary New study out showing that that “the share of millionaires in the world population will grow from 0.7% today to 3.3% in 2050, and cause accumulated emissions of 286 Gt CO2. This is equivalent to 72% of the remaining carbon budget, and significantly reduces the chance of stabilizing climate change at 1.5 °C. “

LET THAT SINK IN. #ClimateAction must focus on #Inequality and #Class, to DnD avatar

This archetype has been banging around my head for some time. The ability of words to inspire rebellion, to move nations, and to inspire people to be better is quite clear. Dungeons & Dragons kind of wraps this into the College of Whispers Bard, but that’s quite supernatural. The Rogue: Propagandist is mundane, based in historic examples such as Thomas Paine and Benjamin Franklin, as well as in certain versions of Assassin’s Creed.

The design intent is to empower more play in urban and/or political campaigns. This attempt, which is essentially version 1.5, uses new mechanic for the rogue, one that demonstrates that people who publicly advocate for rebellion are often known, but still effective. The Propagandist most powerful abilities are powered by their Sneak Attack dice. This seemed to fit better than making them weak Bards in an Arcane Trickster variant like the Society of Veil and Shadows.

Most of the lore description is removed from this pre-publication draft in order to focus on the mechanics, which are complex and new. The Swarm of Commoners and the Printing Press tool are just shells of what they will be in the future as well.

Rogue: Propagandist

Rebel and Pamphleteer

You rose from the underbelly of empire to demand a better life for all. Your pamphlets and speeches can inspire hope, or fear. Whether from the soapbox or via playbill your proclamations turn the tides of rebellion or keep a government in power.

Propagandist Features

Level Ability
3rd Wordsmith, Rabble Rousing
9th Proclamations
13th Grand Voice
17th Master Essayist


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level you gain proficiency with the Printing Press and a skill from the following list — History, Investigation, Insight, Deception, Persuasion, and/or Performance.

In addition you learn one language of your choice.

At 6th level you may choose the Printing Press for your expertise option.

Rabble Rousing

Your words inspire rebellion. You are able to summon a Swarm of Commoners. These commoners are allied with your cause, but are not willing to die for it. You spend an active Sneak Attack die for each use of this ability per short rest. The number of dice used determine how many Swarms you summon. Rabble Rousing takes a minimum 10 minutes to activate via speech, pamphlet, or other communication. The Swarm is summoned at a time and location where some commoners could be expected. The Swarm of Commoners has advantage on saves versus fear and are considered under the effects of the Charmed condition.


To issue a Proclamation you spend at least ten minutes creating a pamphlet, playbill, speech, cartoon, etc. These Proclamations grant bonuses to those who experience their call. Those bonuses are equal to the number of Sneak Attack dice spent at the time of proclamation (Proclamation Bonus). The Proclamations’ influence extends to a number of subjects determined by the proficiency bonus + ability score modifier in the skill or tool used to deliver the proclamation. The proclamation can be delivered via speech (Persuasion, Deception, Performance), pamphlet (Printing Press), or cartoon (Calligrapher’s Tools, Painter’s Tools). A tool would use Intelligence (i.e. a 9th level Propagandist with an INT of 14 issuing a Proclamation of Safe Haven via a pamphlet would grant 6 readers the benefits of Safe Haven).

Proclamations that require a save do so against a DC determined by 8 + Proficiency and Intelligence Bonus.

List of Proclamations

  • Unrest – A number of Swarm of Commoners determined by the spent Sneak Attack dice gain a Proclamation Bonus of temporary HPs and gain the same bonus to damage rolls. These Swarms will attack on the Propagandist’s initiative roll minus 10. The Proclamation inspires a rebellion.
  • Rally – Subjects regain hit points in the number of the spent Sneak Attack dice plus a Proclamation Bonus (ie. 2d6+6) as these Proclamations rebuild the morale of wounded forces.
  • Urgency – Subjects gain a Proclamation Bonus to their next initiative roll. Subjects are eager to join the fight.
  • Power – Subjects gain a Proclamation Bonus to their damage rolls during their next combat. Those attentive to the Proclamation recognize that they are powerful.
  • Warning – Subjects fall under the Frightened condition if they fail a Wisdom Save versus your Proclamation DC. They are wary of the forces working against them, afraid of any Swarm of Commoners and/or the Propagandist. They are overcome with this fear for one hour.
  • Safe Haven – Subjects are able to gain the benefits of a short rest via the calming words of the Proclamation.

Grand Voice

Beginning at 13th level your words can invigorate your allies. You can use a Reaction to have an ally reroll a failed Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw. You have a proficiency bonus number of uses of this ability per long rest.

At 17th level you may also remove one level of Exhaustion via your Grand Voice, as long as the level of Exhaustion is not level 5 or 6. You may only remove one level of Exhaustion per ally in this manner.

Master Essayist

The strength of your words lasts. At 17th level any of your Proclamations (except Safe Haven) issued using a Printing Press grant their benefits/disadvantages until the target takes a short rest.

Swarm of Commoners

Huge, Neutral

  • Armor Class 10
  • Hit Points 48 (12d8)
  • Speed 20
10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)
  • Saving Throws
  • Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing
  • Condition Immunities
  • Senses Passive Perception 10
  • Languages Common (or 1 language of a peoples)
  • Challenge Rating

Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa. The swarm can move through any opening large enough for a Medium commoner. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain temporary hit points except via Proclamations.


Club. Melee weapon attack: +4 to hit, Reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (3d4) bludgeoning damage. This attack assumes multiple commoners are attacking as one.

The Swarm of Commoners can be adjusted if made up of a single humanoid race. Usually their weapons are clubs, but in some cases they may all use a specific simple weapon.

Any ally of the Propagandist, or the Propagandist themselves, that attacks from within the Swarm of Commoners has advantage on their attacks. They may also use the Swarm for half-cover, attempt a Stealth/Deception check as a bonus action. Upon a success the individual within the Swarm of Commoners is considered invisible.

Printing Press (tool)

These are the necessary tools to create pamphlets, books, and playbills. The press itself is too large for adventuring, but you would still have ink, a sheaf of paper, scissors, a few letter blocks and one or two signet blocks.


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