apq, to GraphicsProgramming
@apq@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Blender 4.2 introduces Thin Film Iridescence for materials such as soap bubbles, oil, and pearls, without the need of custom shaders.

These images were rendered in Blender 4.2 Beta using values from https://physicallybased.info/

Thin film on metals isn’t yet supported but it's coming, according to info in this thread: https://projects.blender.org/blender/blender/pulls/118477


pixel, to GraphicsProgramming
@pixel@social.pixels.pizza avatar
minioctt, (edited ) to GraphicsProgramming Italian

Quei gamer che come me hanno nell’animo il PC masterrace, ma nella pratica odiano il tedio contro cui ci si imbatte appena si vuole effettivamente giocare a qualcosa per PC, staranno con ansia aspettando progressi sulla questione di giochi Windows nel browser. Quindi, che ho fatto ieri? …Un cazzo di niente! 🥰

Ho perso mezza giornata cercando invano di far funzionare prima alcuni programmi di benchmark, e poi Touhou. Ho dovuto installare DirectX 9 per quei programmi, ma poi comunque questi non partivano, perché a quanto pare DX9 non include rendering via software per Direct3D, e in v86 non c’è alcuna GPU. Pazienza, per quelli me ne farò una ragione, non ho vitale bisogno dei benchmark… però per i giochi è una rogna. Sorprendentemente, Touhou 6 parte in questo ambiente mezzo sfasciato, ma c’è un problema: non so come il gioco gira, riesco anche a muovermi nei menu alla cieca e avviare una partita, ma viene renderizzato solo lo sfondo e letteralmente null’altro, quindi non si può effettivamente giocare. (Dettagli più precisi in questa chat qui.) 🤬

https://octospacc.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/photo_5080513907201780824_x8412736725975051660-320x169.jpghttps://octospacc.altervista.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/screenshot_2024-05-24-00-21-42-337_org2221662542601539196-960x418.jpgHo provato allora con DirectX 8a, che pare essere l’ultima versione con software rendering prima di DX10 (che lo ha reintrodotto dopo che fu tolto tipo), e stando a Wikipedia ES dovrebbe essere il minimo richiesto da Touhou 6 (altre fonti specificano semplicemente DX8 generico). E qui il gioco però smette di partire, restituendo un errore non molto chiaro… che ho decifrato con Reddit e Google Traduttore, ma la cosa non mi ha dato alcun aiuto, non so a cosa si riferisca l’errore esattamente, e nessuna opzione disponibile tra configurazione del gioco e impostazioni di Windows ha risolto il problema (chiede di cambiare una roba che online non vedo discutere, probabilmente manco esiste). 🐭Proprio stamattina ho voluto dare una chance a Boxedwine; pensandoci, posso usarlo in maniera complementare a v86, nei casi in cui questo non va bene. Fare tutto tra telefono e tablet (dato che non sono a casa) è stato un casino, tra lentezza generale, memoria che si satura (per questo devo usare due dispositivi alla volta) e via… e ugualmente non è servito A NULLA. A parte il tempo perso (tanto, maneggiare con gli ZIP sullo Ximi non è veloce) tentando di avviare gli ultimi pacchetti distribuiti dall’autore per Wine 1.7 e 5.0, che evidentemente non funzionano (il primo non so perché, il secondo è colpa di #11), usando il pacchetto di boxedwine.org sono riuscita ad almeno avviare il gioco, ma termina con un errore che credo sia proprio lo stesso di Windows 2000. Nella console di Wine vedo prima del crash una riga fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32f898,0x00000000), stub!, che può confermare i miei sospetti, ma non so se centri o sia una coincidenza. Guardando i file di Boxedwine credo ci sia DirectX dall’8 al 10, quindi non sarà un problema di librerie mancanti. 🐞

Se avete idee, per favore suggerite, perché sono proprio alla frutta, ho finito di giocare ancor prima di iniziare. Il problema è che il gioco non parte con software rendering, anche se in teoria potrebbe usarlo, sospetto che cerchi appunto una GPU e halti se non la trova. (Qui ho caricato il log di Wine.) Ieri sera ho fatto anche tardissimo per andare a letto, per via di questa roba, ma vi giuro ci ho messo un secolo a prendere sonno… questa cosa ora mi tormenta e devo risolverla: so che Touhou è abbastanza leggero da poter girare nel browser, se giochi anche molto più pesanti ce la fanno, quindi ora pretendo di averlo nel browser! Voglio giocarci in Sala Museo! Il problema sono ste cazzo di API; possibile che solo sulle console i giochi funzionano e basta? (Dovrò fare un emulatore Switch per il web, a proposito…) 🧱


#BoxedWine #crash #Direct3D #DirectX #emulazione #EoSD #gaming #gioco #GPU #PC #rendering #retro #retrogaming #Th06 #Touhou #v86 #WASM #web #Windows #Wine #x86

LilPecan, to random
@LilPecan@mastodon.social avatar

The first step in turning bacon fat into lard for is to clean the grease, aka render it.
Place grease into a pot with twice as much water as grease. Bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, until grease and water are well combined. Don't allow this mixture to boil over or you'll start a fire. After boiling, refrigerate until the grease hardens. The grease will float to the top and the water and impurities will sink. Scoop the grease from the top and save it. Discard the dirty water.

@LilPecan@mastodon.social avatar

After much delay, I have finally finished rendering my bacon grease into fat for soap making. I rendered it eight times. It's now free of impurities and virtually scent free. Soon I'll make more soap.

metin, to blender
@metin@graphics.social avatar

In the 2000s, I used to give lectures in working with 3ds Max and the V-Ray renderer. My students were mostly architectural visualizers.

Here I'm giving a 3ds Max + V-Ray workshop at the Dutch EUE 3D event, in a cool old bunker. 🙂

godotengine, to godot
@godotengine@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Credit to u/2DollarGames on our subreddit ☺️

#godot #godotengine #rendering

godotengine, to godot
@godotengine@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

PSA! 🚨

We are introducing minor compatibility breakage in shaders to bring you an import optimization.

Read more: https://godotengine.org/article/introducing-reverse-z/

#godot #godotengine #shaders #rendering

llemarie, to GraphicsProgramming
@llemarie@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Quick renders of the Sponza scene as voxels of arbitrary shapes (spheres for now).


apq, to GraphicsProgramming
@apq@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Another day, another piece of proof that** there are still no ethically sourced AI tools out there:**


#VFX #CG #Rendering #GameDev

tylermorganwall, to GraphicsProgramming
@tylermorganwall@fosstodon.org avatar

‼️ New rayrender update! v0.33.0 introduces instancing with create_instances(): copy/paste an existing scene (either a single 3D model or a collection of objects) and translate/rotate/scale it to a new location! This allows you to generate extremely large scenes with a low memory footprint. For example, here's 4,000,000 dragon models with about half a million vertices each: this would take about 150 terabytes of memory if loaded raw!

Link: https://www.github.com/tylermorganwall/rayrender

zooming out slowly to show 4 million dragons

tylermorganwall, to GraphicsProgramming
@tylermorganwall@fosstodon.org avatar

1/2 So this small, rather un-assuming render is kind of insane...

Earlier today, I posted a video showing an animation where each of the 435,545 vertices were themselves a complete Stanford dragon--cool. Instancing! However, when I implemented instancing in , I made sure to do so in a way that supported nested instances: e.g. you can create an instance, and then instance that instance, and so on. So why am I posting a 400x400 still image of a dragon again?

tylermorganwall, to GraphicsProgramming
@tylermorganwall@fosstodon.org avatar
tylermorganwall, to GraphicsProgramming
@tylermorganwall@fosstodon.org avatar

Rendering the the Stanford dragon with:

❌ Triangles?
❌ Gaussian splats?
✅ Stanford dragons

(Finally started working on a new rayrender feature that's been on my to-do list for a while: instancing! This video would have taken about 10 terabytes of memory if rendered raw)

Stanford dragon being rendered out of stanford dragons

gpuopen, to GraphicsProgramming
@gpuopen@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

🎇 We've integrated glossy reflections rendering into GI-1.1, based on our research "Real-time #Rendering of Glossy Reflections using Ray Tracing and Two-level Radiance Caching" 🎇


Our latest blog explains how radiance probes are combined with low-rate, denoised #raytracing for an efficient, high-quality solution in real-time apps like games.

maugendre, to iPhone
@maugendre@hachyderm.io avatar

It has already been possible to change an 's default web browser through the "Settings" app since iOS 14.

has a March 6 legal deadline to introduce app sideloading in the European Union in order to comply with the Digital Markets Act , and iOS 17.4 will add support for this. will allow Apple users to download apps outside of the App Store, but the change will be limited to customers in the EU.

Now is an opportunity to improve your web experience… and your safety…


"As a result of the DMA the tech giant allows to install other browsers as defaults. Apple ensured that these browsers can no longer use WebKit because it would make them faster than Safari. To this end, the tech giant blocked the WebKit API in iOS 17.4."

Az, to rust
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@sebastianlague latest video made me want to try his spatial grid algorithm. I've been wanting to try gpu-based spatial partitioning for quite a while and Sebastian's explanations are really nice to follow and wrap one's head around the concept.
But first, particles!

#rust #webgpu #simulation

A thousand circle particles behaving fluid-like, constrained in a circle, sometimes erupting before stabilizing again.

@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Finally back to working on the simulation. It's time to dogfood my mesh_to_sdf crate for the fluid sim mesh collisions. Really happy with the first results, it works!
I need to find a better screen recorder though, ScreenToGif struggles and invents drops when it's running at 300fps...

#rust #webgpu #rendering #simulation #wgpu #rustlang

The particle based fluid simulation falling on a dragon mesh, the particles follow the geometry.

@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
Az, to rust
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
Az, to rust
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Today I released my first (two) #rust crates! 🎉
mesh_to_sdf generates a signed distance field from a 3D mesh and its client lets you visualize it to fine-tune the parameters (and more).

It's agnostic to your math library, so you start using it right now with #bevy #fyrox or your favorite math library / game engine.


#rustlang #wgpu #rendering #gamedev

An overview of the mesh_to_sdf client app. It features model pbr, signed distance field visualization as a colored point cloud (green outside, blue inside, red surface), a voxelization and a raymarcher. On the left, an ui displays the most important informations (model and sdf data), and parameters to play with the renderer.

gooi_en_eemland_archief, to blender Dutch

Ik heb gisteren een berg foto's gemaakt van een Voetstappenpad paal (66 stuks) en deze in software gegooid om er een 3D beeld van te creëren. Het resultaat is indrukwekkend!

De foto's in deze post zijn geen echte foto's maar het resultaat van de renderingen.

Ik zal hierna een filmpje posten zodat meer detail te zien is.

Date Captured: Feb 12, 10:46 AM
Location: Laren
Lat/Long: 52.23 N, 5.22 E
Vertices: 25.5k

Gerenderd aanzicht van een voetstappenpad paal.
Gerenderd aanzicht van een voetstappenpad paal.
Gerenderd aanzicht van een voetstappenpad paal.

guidoschmidt, to demoscene
@guidoschmidt@genart.social avatar
@guidoschmidt@genart.social avatar


Since our son Emil was born last summer I did not have much time for personal creative practice, but during the Christmas holidays I had some fun getting into a virtual game console called TIC-80 thanks to .

So I did my first 256 byte demoscene production for the
@lovebyteparty new-talent competition.

Az, to rust
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

I couldn't have a SDF visualization without a raymarcher now, could I? Including trilinear, tetrahedral and funky interpolations. The only vis missing would be marching cubes I guess, but that's a story for another day.
I have everything I wanted for the 0.1 release, I just need to understand how I publish it on crates.io now.

#rust #wgpu #dev #gamedev #rendering

Raymarching of Suzanne with different interpolations

froyok, to gamedev
@froyok@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Here we go !
My new article is out and in this one I deep dive into the rendering of the game Syndicate: https://www.froyok.fr/blog/2024-01-breakdown-syndicate/

#gamedev #rendering #shader #bloom

Az, to rust
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
@Az@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
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