Cetraria, to mecfs

I just found out that the social resting group that I'm part of is moving to a time I can't attend because it's during my busiest work hours (pre-5pm Pacific). Aside from being sad because I've really enjoyed bonding with these folks who also have energy-limiting conditions, I'm starting to think about how else to connect with folks this winter.

Does anyone have any recommendations for online camera-optional meetings or support groups that are accepting new members? Please boost for reach.
#MECFS #NEISVoid #novid #POTS

hannu_ikonen, to novid

I read Ed Yong's op-ed.

If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, its Eugenics on a global scale with some places speedrunning ethnic cleansing & generally killing and maiming people while normalizing it by buying/shaping media.

To be honest, I would be more surprised but this aligns with my dads values aka privilege.

And paraphrasing Bret Hart, everyone can stick that privilege up their fascism normalizing ass.


VeeRat, to novid

So, people are still afraid of covid. Just not enough to overcome the peer pressure and/or denial and wear a mask.

I had to get my car emissions tested, and figured I would call ahead to see how accommodating they would be, and ask if I could stay outside. The receptionist misunderstood and thought I was saying that I have covid. Someone else (store manager maybe?) took the phone, and nicely told me to call when I arrive. This person met me outside and brought my car in for me.

Well, the people in the garage must have been told that I had covid. They tested my car with it just outside of the garage, and returned it to me with all of the windows open.

They clearly knew that covid is to be feared, and tried to isolate themselves from the perceived risk of my car. But none of them were masked. I guess it’s ok to “other” a potentially sick stranger, but not to “other” themselves by wearing a mask?

#covid #CovidIsNotOver #COVIDisAirborne #novid @novid

PacificNic, to novid

I went to buy groceries today and I did something different than I've done in the past.

Normally, when I'm wearing my mask (usually a Flo Mask), I keep my eyes down. I unconsciously make myself small to avoid conflict. I've done this for a while now and I think it's the wrong attitude for me to take.

So today I SWAGGERED my way through the aisles, chin held high, assured in the fact that I'm a fucking BOSS. I felt confident and I looked confident, as I should be.

Wearing a mask is sexy. Wearing a mask shows people you are a critical thinker and that you don't give a fuck what other's think. Wearing a mask is badass.

I'm on the psychological offensive, now.

#COVIDcautious #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #NOVID

westernspinster, to novid

New Tshirt design!

COVID shrinks d!cks
I wouldn't know.
I wear an N95.

My buddy proudly wore this shirt to his very macho workplace and there was a lot of uncomfortable laughter and teasing, but within two weeks they had installed upgraded all new HVAC with MERV 13 filtration!

All those macho dudes were bugging the management, and IT WORKED!

It's science! This shirt is also available without the final two lines, just the larger text.

The back of the shirt is a bibliography of articles with more specific information on post-covid erectile dysfunction, shrinkage & related topics. The handy QR code scans to the bibliography with links to the articles that you can easily share with people.


#MaskUp #WearAMask #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #Novid #CovidShrinksDicks #ED #CleanAirAdvocacy #RealDealPublicHealth

rhtunstall, to novid

Fighting with my immunocompromised wife who just had covid and is still dealing with heart pains yet just needs to be with her covid careless family for the next four days regardless.

An unexpected death in the family has caused my wife so much grief she started crying all day in class, consequently getting covid even while westing a mask.

She now submits us both to many hours of close contact with a large group of people who couldn’t even be bothered to mask before our visit.

Most of them have been sick three weeks now without testing!

I will be masked all Christmas, and will be one of the only two persons still doing so.

I don’t like our odds and unfortunately have lost this fight after 3 years of avoiding and contact with covid friendly family gatherings.

My time us up, the world continues despite me being the only left. I’m living a total nightmare in this pandemic, if only people cared.

We literally had to extend our visit for an extra dinner added with more than 12 people on the last day of our visit.

My concerns have been met with accusations that I’m just living in fear. This from my wife who is currently covid chokng in the hallway as she packs her things. A fucking nightmare.

I forgot to add, Happy Holidays?!

CookieCat, to novid

At this point, I know maybe 6 or 7 people (8 if you include me) irl, that haven't been infected with #Covid19.

Every time I tell people I've never gotten #Covid , they seem shocked.

All the people I know who are #Novid do at least 2 of the following.

  • Not spending time indoors unmasked around others that aren't in their "bubble." If they do see people outside their bubble, they try to do stuff outside. If it has to be indoors, everyone must #MaskUp when inside

  • Don't spend a lot of time in public places indoors - especially when there are crowds.

  • Having common shared agreements about #CovidPrecautions with the people they do see unmasked (usually about 3 people total - sometimes less - and it's pretty much always the people they live with).

  • #Masking in public using high-quality and well fitted masks (N95/KF94/KN95) - everyone I know who has remained Covid free is doing this.

I've watched basically every single person I know catch Covid, some of them multiple times, and it gets harder for me to comprehend how myself and others are screaming from the rooftops about #LayersOfProtection , yet they're still not #MaskingUp.

It's honestly just exhausting at this point because not only can the social isolation get you down sometimes, but I'm also just tired of seeing my friends get sick.

tomkindlon, to mecfs
@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar

New from Canada:
Metabolomic and immune alterations in patients with


"Our results demonstrate that LC patients exhibit persistent metabolomic abnormalities 12 months after the acute disease"

"suggests sarcosine and serine supplementations might have potential therapeutic implications"



PacificNic, to novid

I really don't go out of my way to look at current case numbers or wastewater data. I have no faith in source integrity and pretty much everywhere has at least one infected person walking around unmasked. Why take the chance?

#NOVID #CovidIsNotOver

yoboseiyo, to novid
@yoboseiyo@retro.pizza avatar

hey! johns hopkins is doing a survey about long covid! but they're having trouble finding CONTROLS, so if you've managed to avoid covid (#novid ) they wanna hear from you!


i took it! took about 30mins, and they ask about your vaccinations, so you might wanna have your card handy because they wanna know how many, what brand, and when. go help them out! #covid #LongCovid #COVID19

arisummerland, to novid
@arisummerland@mstdn.social avatar

For peeps in the US. I had a link up for a company in Canada, but they don't ship to the states.

I am ordering today to give it a try. I do have a few work days where I have to wear a mask for extended periods, so staying hydrated has been a challenge (my job is physical).

I have seen posts from other Mastodonians saying they have used these on plane flights and avoided catching any and all bugs. Cool!

#Novid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidSafe #MaskUp #SipMask


tomkindlon, to novid
@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar

#COVID Isn't Going Anywhere. Masking Up Could Save My Life

Alice Wong writes about trying to keep safe in the pandemic as a high-risk person. "The normalization of repeated infections, preventable deaths, & anti-science propaganda is tearing the fabric of society, with the most marginalized hanging by a thread”


#LongCovid #PwLC #LC #PASC #postcovid
#COVID19 #SARSCoV2 @novid #novid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidBrain

donkeyherder, to novid

Hey, do you want #Novavax? Dunno how to find it? This might help!
#Covid #Novid

ChasMusic, to novid
@ChasMusic@ohai.social avatar
ChasMusic, to novid
@ChasMusic@ohai.social avatar

Now we know how COVID attacks your heart

"Mounting evidence now shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not only a respiratory virus, but it can also affect the heart and many other organ systems, says Ziyad Al-Aly, a clinical epidemiologist at Washington University in St. Louis."


drclareharris, to mastodon
@drclareharris@newsie.social avatar

What I am appreciating and for about today is getting to know a few more and knowledgeable people who are trying their best to avoid Covid.

It takes effort and sadly some to stay .

Please consider a donation to https://donatemask.ca/ 🇨🇦

tomkindlon, to novid
@tomkindlon@disabled.social avatar

Glymphatic system dysfunction in recovered patients with mild -19: A DTI-ALPS study


“we demonstrated mild patients experienced asymmetric bilateral glymphatic function decline after four months of recovery, & the decrease in glymphatic function was more obvious in older recovered patients”


claudinec, to novid
@claudinec@aus.social avatar

kicked out of the club after three and a half years

superdilettante, to novid

#novid buddies, your thoughts:

I’ve managed to avoid COVID so far and today, while away for the holiday, learned my friend cat sitting just tested positive. She’s offered to limit her visits and mask while in the house, and wanted to know what my comfort level was with her feeding the cats the same day we return.

I said I thought that as long as she masks and washes her hands, I feel confident that the risk is minimal to us when we return. Especially considering we’ll just have gotten off an airplane where fewer than half of the luxurious hackers cover their coughs (or their faces).

But does anyone here have any thoughts? Thanks so much.

arisummerland, to GenX
@arisummerland@beige.party avatar

New-to-me instance, so I suppose I should do an #intro again -- and pin it.

Late-realized #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #GenX #Enby and more or less lifelong Kansan living once more in the blue bubble of #LFK. In one year I will have lived in my current house as long as I lived anywhere else in my entire life. That is kind of scary to me.

I have no idea what I said as an intro when I joined Mastodon in late 2022. I had just gotten slapped by the book of face because I said I wanted to drive to Texas to punch a Nazi. That'll tell you a lot about who I actually am.

I'm still #Novid because masking is punk as fuck, as is caring about other people in your community -- not just the shiny loud ones who are always talking and saying everything is fine.

It's not.

I believe it's going to be some version of OK, but it's going to be really different, and it might be pretty difficult, and a lot of people are going to be really uncomfortable -- but you probably already know that.

I love reading, learning, sleeping, foraging, unlearning, listening, learning to repair things, and being quiet for long stretches. I grow as much food and medicine as I can on my own small property. I try to be a good steward and give back to the land and the animals.

I am a chicken tender, and they are the joy of my existence. Those goofy birds helped me get through some really rough years recently. When you've got creatures that you have to get up and tend to many times a day, there's a reason to keep your feet on the ground on this earth for a while.

I have two dogs, three cats, and never enough time to do all the learning and reading or even work that I want to do.

I've been in my profession of bodywork for over 30 years and still love it. I'm only able to work part time due to my AuDHD and chronic physical conditions, so my work fits my needs very well.

I'm redheaded, left-handed, short, fat, and existentially angry most of the time, but I am also one of those people that will usually shut up after complaining and try to find a solution.

I'm a #meditator, meditation teacher, certified #yoga teacher, certified listener #poet, am becoming a certified #herbalist, and I like to question everything, especially authority. I have too many #typewriters and only two hands, and never enough time for all the poems that want to be scribbled down or typed out.

I'm a big fan of classic sci-fi, new sci-fi, speculative fiction, memoirs, and #books packed with useful information. I'm on the hunt for an entire set of encyclopedia, as I'm increasing my useful paper book collection. My TV choices tend toward #StarTrek, British comedy, and documentaries about weird cults/religions.

I'm very literal, and my sense of humor is very dry. I cut my teeth on 1970s #Doonesbury, to give you and idea of what I mean.

I am a weird combination of mostly vegan/vegetarian, but I do eat some chicken -- and the eggs my hens produce. So figure that one out if you can. (I can't!)

I love to cuss but I am very, very bad at it.

Some things I love about Mastodon: My Au friends here, all your cat and dog and rat and plant posts, watching monster movies on Sunday nights, my Novid and Covid-cautious friends, my #MLS soccer friends, and the character limit on this new-to-me instance. Woot!

Any questions? Thanks for reading.

yatil, to novid
@yatil@yatil.social avatar

Sentinel Survey here in Germany jumped from 2599 to 3896 per 100.000 in a week. This tracks directly with the waste water monitoring.

For comparison, the incidence was at 3074 at the end of February, a high of the wave back then. Today, it seems to be just accelerating.

This is a mass disabling event and people are ignoring it.


#COVIDisNotOver #NoVid #MaskUp

yatil, to novid
@yatil@yatil.social avatar

COVID incidence is now at 2.500/100.000 in Germany. Or 2.5%. Previous high this year was 3% at the end of February.

In a room with 50 people, one person had COVID during the last 7 days.

Wear masks, get your jab if you can, stay safe.


#COVIDisNotOver #NoVid

rolandelli, to novid
@rolandelli@sfba.social avatar

So I'm signed up with the specialty medicine department of my pharmacy group. For the shots that have to be refrigerated, because they come in the mail not from the local store.

There are questions about how much support I need, because having a chronic illness can be difficult (yup). One question asks if I have a place to meditate or a worship place. I thought about having to be outside of church for almost 4 years now, which has helped me avoid Covid this entire time. But not getting real support in this area hurts.

PacificNic, to novid

How many times were you told by someone not to judge them for pretending it's still 2019 while simultaneously judging you, harshly, for not participating in their fantasy?

#covodisnotover #NOVID

PacificNic, to novid

You've got to fight

For your right

To avoid PAAAAAARTIES! 🎵 🎶

#COVIDcautious #NOVID

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