janeadams, to reddit
@janeadams@vis.social avatar

I realize that I haven't shared much in the past few years about my previous work at the UVM Comp. Story Lab, where we studied phenomena like incels, k-pop, and linguistic turbulence on platforms like #Reddit and #Twitter. Explains why I know so much obscure internet lore 😅 Enjoy:

Incel lexicon: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.12006.pdf
K-pop > "god": https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.00149.pdf
Turbulence: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.13078.pdf

#DigitalHumanities #Linguistics #internet #dh #kpop #incels #history #socialmedia #mediastudies

Zipf distribution of terms that end with "-cel" in the incel corpus. The above distribution shows the frequency of each term that ends in "-cel" in the incel corpus vs its rank. Some of the points have been labelled with their respective "-cel" term. The highest ranked and most frequently occurring term is "incel". "Volcel", or "voluntary celibate" is another popular instance of "-cel" terms. The diversity of these terms is indicative of user identification with the incel movement.
Charts comparing the word usage ranks of @bts_twt (the Twitter account of BTS) versus usage of the word 'god' over time, showing BTS consistently outpacing god beginning in 2018
Allotaxonograph using probability-turbulence divergence to compare normalized 1-gram usage rates on two days of Twitter, 2020/03/12 and 2020/05/30—key dates in the US for the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter protests following George Floyd’s murder. Details are the same as for Fig. 1. The days are according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the 1-grams are those containing latin characters found in English- language tweets [27, 28].

josh, (edited ) to phdstudents
@josh@sciences.social avatar


Open-Rank TT Position in Media Ethics & Law | UMass Amherst Journalism Department

Posting is flexible regarding approach to the subject matter. Please spread widely within your networks. Feel free to direct questions to me, as I'm chairing the search. I'm happy to call UMass home. I ❤️ my colleagues and students. A lovely, exciting place to work.


@academicchatter @communicationscholars @phdstudents

inquiline, to random
@inquiline@union.place avatar
inquiline, (edited ) to ecologies
@inquiline@union.place avatar

Sure, let's make more announcements at 8:30pm on a Tuesday night, why not.

Hey, people! I'm on the editorial board of : The Journal of Sound and Culture, and we are seeking submissions. Please think about putting something in if you are an academic, artist, or ghastly hybrid working on


@academicchatter @ecologies @soundstudies

kubra, (edited ) to random Turkish

I just watched a few episodes of a k-drama (masked girl or sth idk i watched with Turkish audio) on Netflix and don't know how to process it just wow are they really doing this? Appreciating aesthetic operation over mental health? WTFWTFWTF?

kubra, (edited )

Here is the thing, these k-dramas I watched on Netflix in last 2 months was not align with that theory. They all need all of my attention due to social media details. I mean some key conversations were available to understand via just subtitle. There were things I need to catch up by actually LOOKING the screen, audio was not enough. Isn't it interesting?

dkompare, to random

CFP: "Is It Media?"

JCMS (Journal of Cinema and Media Studies)

#HigherEd #MediaStudies


inquiline, to religion
@inquiline@union.place avatar

Corporate flotsam as #Religion #Devotional #MediaStudies

aram, to Law
@aram@aoir.social avatar

Hey #commodon #mediastudies folks: 👀 Please RT

The Communication #Law & #Policy division at @ICAHDQ is having an election for new officers. Please consider applying for one of these roles:

✅ Secretary
✅ International Liaison
✅ Student & Early Career Representative

Please email the Division Chair Nina Li (luzhou.li@monash.edu) ASAP if you want to nominate yourself or someone else. Include a 300-word bio & statement.


StevenCapsuto, to television

Matt Baume has written an article about his favorite books about queer characters on TV. 🥰


StevenCapsuto, to television


BROTHERS: Premiere - 7/13/1984, Showtime

Probably the 1st US sitcom with multiple gay central roles. Predictably, this 1984-89 series wasn’t on broadcast TV but on premium cable: on Showtime, which later gave us QUEER AS FOLK and THE L WORD.

It dealt with 3 working-class brothers. The youngest, Cliff, comes out as gay on the day he was supposed to marry a woman. Joe is a retired football player who runs a bar, and Lou is a gruff, comically clueless construction worker. The 2nd gay regular, Donald, is a strong queen, the character who most seems to have his life "together." Rounding out the cast are Joe's daughter, Penny, and a wisecracking employee of Joe's, Kelly.

BROTHERS was first in development around 1980 at ABC, which commissioned a script but not a pilot. Given the realities of 80s TV, an ABC version would have been more inhibited and apologetic. https://youtu.be/F-TifU7910Q

#television #series #gay #queer #LGBTQ #MediaStudies #Showtime #sitcom

ludmila, to random

Sometimes research projects basically write themselves up I guess?!
Adam Mosseri confirming that a big component of what they hope will make Threads distinctive is mood management and calibration so as to keep the platform clean from anger, negativity, and bad vibes (and in so doing make it super brand-friendly I suppose)
#AoIR #mediastudies #commodon

jlori, to communicationscholars

«Entrevista a José Luis Orihuela. Innovación tecnológica, medios y formación profesional», en InMediaciones de la Comunicación, Vol. 18, Nro. 2, 2023, pp. 323-327

drahsturgis, to transgender
StevenCapsuto, to gay

The first edition of ALTERNATE CHANNELS came out 23 years ago today, on July 5, 2000. The original publisher was generally great to deal with but insisted on a sensationalist subtitle and left out all the photos I'd found.

A revised 20th-anniversary edition, subtitled "Queer Images on 20th-Century TV," contains about 100 photos from classic TV shows.

StevenCapsuto, to gay

Hung out yesterday in Seattle with queer TV historian extraordinaire Matt Baume, author of the new book HI HONEY, I'M HOMO, an entertaining, well-researched history of queer characters on American sitcoms and TV specials. He's a nice, smart guy who is clearly enthusiastic about his subject matter. Check out Matt's videos on YouTube.

At the coffee shop, he showed me his dog-eared, heavily annotated copy of my own book, Alternate Channels, which was awfully sweet of him.

StevenCapsuto, to television



Tom Snyder's late-night talk show marked Pride Week (and the Stonewall Riots' 7th anniversary) by interviewing author/activist Karla Jay and two gay magazine publishers: David Goodstein (then owner of The Advocate) and Don Embinder (publisher of Blueboy).

By the way, if anyone has video of this broadcast and is willing to share, please DM me. 😀

wcftr, to fediverse
@wcftr@hcommons.social avatar

We're very excited to be joining the #fediverse, so here's our #introduction post:

We are the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research (WCFTR), an archive preserving materials from the entertainment industries. We are home to over three hundred collections from playwrights, television and movie writers, producers, actors, designers, directors, and production companies.

Housed in the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Library-Archives Division, the WCFTR is one of the world’s most accessible #archives and is regularly visited by researchers from around the world. Research undertaken in its collections has revolutionized the scholarship of American #cinema, #theater, and #television.

We provide in-person and remote access to our collections. Learn more here: https://wcftr.commarts.wisc.edu/index.php/access-materials/

We use social media to share news about new collections, upcoming events, interesting materials we've found, and projects that we're working on -- as well as learning about what you're working on!

@greenback@det.social avatar

@wcftr Brilliant to have you here! Must-follow for all interested in , , , , and

remixtures, to random Portuguese
@remixtures@tldr.nettime.org avatar

#PublicSphere #MediaStudies: "“The” public sphere is now irretrievably fractured into a multiplicity of online and offline, larger and smaller, more or less public spaces that frequently (and often serendipitously) overlap and intersect with one another. This diverse array of what have been described variously as public spheres, public spherules, platform publics, issue publics, or personal publics nonetheless serves many of the same functions that were postulated for the public sphere itself. However, while the communicative structures, functions, and dynamics of many such spaces have been studied in isolation, we still lack a more comprehensive model that connects such case studies in pursuit of an overarching perspective. This article sets out a fundamental toolkit for the development of such an empirically founded model of the contemporary spaces for public communication. It identifies the crucial conceptual building blocks and empirical approaches that may be combined to produce genuinely new insights into how the network of such spaces is structured, and in turn structures our everyday experience of public communication." https://academic.oup.com/ct/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ct/qtad007/7199747?login=false

KathyReid, to linux
@KathyReid@aus.social avatar

It's a while since I've written an #Introduction #Introductions #Connections #TwitterMigration post, where I use my large follower count to more richly connect the :fediverse:

So, please meet:

@alyssa - Alyssa is a #Linux hacker who works with #graphics drivers (THANK YOU!) and who is doing amazing things with #GPU stuff on Macs.

@adam42smith is Sebastian Karcher works in #qualitative #data at #Syracuse, and works closely with the @zotero project (also THANK YOU!)

@rachelcoldicutt researches #innovation and alternative #infrastructures, and helps build intentional #communities

@ed is Stefano Maffulli, the current Executive Director of the #OpenSource Initiative - @osi

@DianaOfPortland is Diana Larasen, and she works in #Leadership #Agility

@photocyte is Dr Tim Fallon, who is a #biologist, #biochemist and #genomics and #bioinformatics #postdoc at #UCSD

@bridgetbarrett is an incoming Assistant #Professor at CU Boulder in #Advertising - working in #MediaStudies and #SocialIdentity and #SocialMedia

Please share your own #ConnectionList - and help us create a strong and connected #Fediverse :fediverse: ❤️

FID_Ost, to historikerinnen German

Die Anfänge des tschechischen Radios waren abenteuerlich: Aus einem Zelt am Stadtrand wurde am 18. Mai 1923 bei Wind und Regen ein Konzert gesendet. Wie daraus eine 100-jährige Erfolgsgeschichte wurde, zeigt die Kabinettpräsentation vor dem Ostlesesaal der @bsbmuenchen: https://www.bsb-muenchen.de/veranstaltungen-und-ausstellungen/article/100-jahre-radio-in-tschechien-5261/

#Tschechien #Czechia #Radio #Histodons #Mediastudies @historikerinnen

stephen_cornford, to random
@stephen_cornford@assemblag.es avatar

Next month this book, documenting the melting of an iPhone at volcanic intensity, goes to print.

Today the kickstarter to raise the remaining £3000 required for printing is launched. If you're able to support the project, please do.

There's preorders of the book available, three different limited editions print runs, and 5 molten samples of the phone itself (1 sold already).


#anthropocene #ewaste #future #DigitalArt #MediaStudies

Front cover of the book, a black and white SEM image, with bronze foil applied to some of the white areas, and a blue linen band on the binding.

julia, to random
mastodonmigration, (edited ) to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Find and Follow Academics on Mastodon

OK, this is wonderful. Sociologist Mark Igra @markigra made this amazing tool for finding and following academics:

Find Academics on Mastodon >>> https://find-masto-folks.vercel.app/

This awesome resource takes data from the authoritative repository:

Academics on Mastodon >>> https://nathanlesage.github.io/academics-on-mastodon/ .

To be listed, use this link to find your discipline >>> https://nathanlesage.github.io/academics-on-mastodon/#curated-account-lists , and fill out the form or contact the list curator.


mastodonmigration, (edited )
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar
mhdl, to movies
@mhdl@hcommons.social avatar

Hello, Fediverse! Here's our #introduction post:

The Media History Digital Library (MHDL) is a free online resource, featuring millions of pages from the histories of #film, #broadcasting, and #recorded #sound. We provide access to industry trade papers, magazines, Hollywood pressbooks, technical journals, and more.

Lantern, the MHDL's full-text search platform, enables researchers to query specific words or phrases within scanned pages.

We hope the MHDL has had a transformative impact on the study of film & broadcasting history. The sources we have digitized for open access, and the large-scale queries that our platforms allow, have enabled ambitious research projects and the production of new knowledge.

We look forward to sharing interesting content from our collection and learning about projects that use the MHDL.

Learn more about our history and our work here: https://mediahist.org/about/history.php

#cinema #radio #television #digitalHumanities #commodon #mediaStudies #academia #libraries

StevenCapsuto, to random


CHEERS: "Rebecca's Lover - NOT" - 4/23/1992, NBC

Harvey Fierstein, one of the very few out-of-the-closet queer celebrities in early 1992, guest starred as Rebecca's old high school sweetheart. Rebecca, oblivious to the fact he's gay, hopes they'll get back together.

Queer regular characters were still pretty rare back then, but this sort of likable guest role (a regular's old friend or lover who's now openly gay/bi/trans) was an acceptable way to "do something different" for one episode.

Two years earlier, Fierstein had been in negotiations with CBS about a potential sitcom about the friendship between a gay man and straight woman. The network executives said they loved the script (except for one gay character who didn't like or trust straight people), but they said they couldn't put it on the air because they thought advertisers would boycott it.


#MediaStudies #gay #queer #LGBTQ #Cheers

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