crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Fediverse-Serie: Pleroma & Akkoma: Einfache Kommunikation im Fediverse - GNU/

Pleroma und Akkoma gehören wegen ihrer Einfachheit zu den beliebtesten Diensten im Fediverse. Gegenüber Mastodon bieten sie default 5000 Zeichen und einige weitere Funktionen.

Herkunft und Einbindung ins Fediverse
Pleroma und dessen Fork Akkoma gehören einerseits neben Mastodon, Calckey/Firefish, Misskey, Foundkey und GoToSocial nicht nur wegen des Aussehens und Handlings zu der Sparte der twitterähnlichnen Microbloggingdienste im Fediverse. Es unterscheidet sich andererseits recht deutlich insbesondere von Mastodon, wobei das klassische Aussehen doch recht ähnlich ist - aber davon später mehr.

Wenn Du gerne eine Art Mastodon mit richtigen Microblogging-Möglichkeiten haben willst, dann würde ich tatsächlich stark zu Pleroma oder Akkoma raten!
Pleroma/Akkoma ist ähnlich wie Mastodon, aber übersichtlicher und mit mehr Funktionen: Es kann zusätzlich längere Posts (default bis 5000 Zeichen Länge) und Textformatierungen wie Markdown, "schöne Links", Zitate, Aufzählungslisten u.v.m. (was allerdings wie alle Textformatierungen nicht von Mastodon, aber von allen anderen Diensten dargestellt wird)....

crossgolf_rebel, to fediverse

Liebe #Neuhier und auch die, die schon länger dabei sind.
Das Fediverse ist nicht Mastodon und Mastodon ist nicht das Fediverse.

Solltet ihr Funktionen in Mastodon vermissen, dann schaut euch andere Dienste an. Noch mal, ihr seid im Fediverse nicht zwingend auf einen Zugang mittels der Software Mastodon angewiesen, ihr könnt auch eine der anderen Softwares nutzen, die alles das implementiert haben, was hier immer als "zwingend notwendig" erachtet wird.

Mastodon ist nicht der einzige Microbloggingdienst im Fediverse, ihr könnt auch Pleroma, Akkoma, Misskey, Sharkey, Firefish oder Iceshrimp nehmen und außer das ihr auf einmal viel mehr mit der Software und eurem Konto machen könnt (na gut, schöner sind die auch noch), werdet ihr kaum einen Unterschied merken.

Schau hier ruhig mal in die Artikelserie über Dienste im Fediverse nach.

Das #Fediverse ist #NichtNurMastodon

#FediTipp #Feditip

orionkidder, to random avatar

Does anyone know if there's a way to make a list on mastodon that follows hashtags? I want to keep up with all these writing tags but not on my main feed. Suggestions welcome.

sfwrtr, avatar

@orionkidder cc: @adaddinsane

Found a workaround! Woot! You can have a column that lists just a set of hashtags! Fiddly, though.

For me this works only on the desktop web UI because on the phone the "settings" button does not show. There may be ANOTHER bug in my instance server's UI glitch soc theme. Anyway, if you can get a multicolumn view in the web UI using advanced settings, try this: (see pictures)

  1. Click on a starting hashtag, like
  2. Click on the setting button in the upper right of the hashtag column. It looks like three lines with toggle buttons.
  3. Click on +Pin that will show up. After you do that, you may have to click on the settings button to show the new UI.
  4. Toggle Include additional tags for this column.
  5. In the "Any of these" field, enter additional hashtags to follow. This provides an OR sense, specifically the post will show if it has any of these hashtags not all of them. I've entered and . Please note you MUST wait for the dropdown list to update and select from the list, That will get you a label with the hashtag and an X button. THEN type the next hashtags, etc. etm.

There you go. You have a new column of hashtags.

EDIT: The column is permanent until you close it. It would be nice if you could name it and bring it back anytime you want, but there you are. BTW: It shows up on my phone UI, too! A bonus.

+Pin button shows up after clicking settings. Click this. See instructions in post for how-to.
Toggle the Include additional tags for this column radio button. See instructions in post for how-to.
The Any of these field allows you to enter additional tags to show in the column. See instructions in post for how-to.

mirek, to random avatar

TIL when people post in different languages (like I do) you can subscribe to only one language while not changing your global settings. #FediTip #MastoTip

Click on user. Three-dots menu. Change subscribed languages.

sesivany, (edited ) to random avatar

If you want your posts to be visible, use hashtags. This is more important here than anywhere else, because there is no cross-instance full-text search. And people do follow hashtags.

In my experience well-hashtagged posts get half of their interactions from people who don't follow me.

cliffwade, to Facebook avatar

Also, let me share a helpful with all of you.

Instead of making a post and asking "Is Facebook/Instagram/Threads down?", simply click the link below and search for your platform of choice and it will provide the answer for you.

youronlyone, to mastodon avatar

I didn't know you could reorder your pinned posts in #Mastodon by re-pinning it. I thought it was based on the post's timestamp.

I guess that's a #FediTip / #FediTips

figstick, to mastodon avatar

#feditip #feditips

Muting/blocking is just as important as following. The algorithm used to do that for us, even though we thought of it as "serving" us content. The muting part was just, naturally, invisible.

This means that #mastodon requires a bit of housecleaning when you first move in. Advice: start early figuring out what content you're NEVER interested in seeing, and block 🚫/ mute 🔇 appropriately. You'll soon find that interesting content surfaces more frequently.


anthropy, to random avatar

New user #Feditip : do whatever. be you. this is the place to find your people, not to fit in with conformity.

There are no deities here, only admins, which you can be too if you set up your own server (please don't have free for all open registration if you do though, unless you want to be a spam beacon and get defederated everywhere lmao)

proprietor, to random avatar

Oh, gosh.

Because it's coming up again - DMs are NOT "PRIVATE messages" they are "Direct Mentions" or "Directed Messages" or something. Think of them like that, please.

Not encrypted, and not secret.

Yes, your administrators could read your DMs, with a little bother. And NO, we don't want to, can't be arsed to, really have better things to do, etc.

Keep in mind, your mail service admins can read your email, too. If you use Gmail, their algorithms are constantly doing so.

proprietor, avatar

There's an important related to this, though, that everyone should remember.

Anyone you MENTION in your DMs can also read that message, so don't think you're sending something private to the person you mentioned first if you tag someone else. Possible even including a link to their post or profile includes them.

If you really want secure and private, exchange phone numbers or use something like Signal maybe. Or go outside, find your friend + a coffee and head to a park.

proprietor, to random avatar

Today I have a or for y'all because it's something it took me waaaaay too long to figure out how to do right. Until Mastodon makes it more clear or automated, here's how you get Lists to work for you:

alexbrateanu, to random avatar

Do you wish to follow more accounts on Mastodon, but it's hard to find relevant accounts? I just installed - a web browser extension that collects Mastodon accounts that verified themselves with URLs I visited. #feditip (via @thePB )

Aaron, to random avatar

Here’s a #FediTip for anyone on a single-user instance (like I am) but wants a populated Federated column:

Use Mona and open a new “Community" column. Then set it to's Federated feed.

It constantly updates and you can 'tune’ it to be a bit more tech-focused by only viewing the Local feed; albeit it updates a bit less often.

SallyStrange, to random avatar


  1. Download an app that allows scheduling of toots (this function in web browser when??)

  2. Regularly schedule toots for when you are fast asleep

  3. Make friends with people on the opposite side of the world!


ajsadauskas, (edited ) to Futurology avatar

Quick tip for anyone who wants more urbanism/urban planning/cycling/public transport posts in their Mastodon feed.

Thanks to the wonders of the Fediverse, you can follow and post to Lemmy groups from Mastodon.

Here are some transport/planning/cycling groups to get you started:












For those unfamiliar with it, Lemmy is basically a federated version of Reddit, distributed across multiple servers like Mastodon. (For anyone who wants to delve further,,, and are three popular Lemmy instances.)

From Mastodon, you can follow any Lemmy group by following its handle, exactly the same way that you would follow a Mastodon account. Any new posts to that group will then begin appearing in your Mastodon feed.

Even better, if you start a thread on Mastodon, you can also post it to a relevant Lemmy group just by including its handle in your post. (Please note this only seems to work with the first post of a thread.)

#urbanism #planning #UrbanPlanning #urbanist #cities #transport #PublicTransport #train #trains #tram #trams #cycling #bikes #cycle #walking #walkability #walkable #politics #LightRail #urbanists #FediTips #FediTip #FediHelp #MastoHelp @feditips @FediFollows

DontMindMe, to fediverse


If you're boosting frequently (as you should!), use the "schedule boost" feature if your app has it.

This helps you avoid monopolizing others' timelines with your boosts, and it gives the posts themselves greater visibility, especially in other time zones.

#fediverse #Mastodon #feditips

evoterra, to mastodon

Over on Podvibes, the #Mastodon instance for #FictionPodcast creators, I'm offering up small tips to help folks, shows, and production houses get the most out of their time on the #Fediverse.

It's all about the cultivation, I think. So if you know any #AudioDrama or #AudioFiction peeps who are looking to get started in our post-Big Centralized Social world, tell them about that instance, would you?

Below is my latest #FediTip:


losttourist, to random avatar

My own personal #FediTip is aimed more at experienced users than the newbies.

It's simply this: follow the #introduction hashtag. It's an amazing way to find so many new people who are discovering this platform.

And then of course follow them, interact with them and encourage them to follow and interact back. There's no better way to be made to feel welcome here.

#Feditips #NewHere

oct2pus, to 3DPrinting avatar

What hashtag to use

Here is a comparison of what i can see on pixelfed from and from mastodon from Plus a hand count of pixelfed's numbers (because its not in a pillar, its easier to count and verify).

I used #3DPrinting hashtags for this because its an example of something that is not immediately obvious of what hashtag you should use.

I didn't feel like hand counting mastodon's results; to verify if it was also inaccurate I loaded up the #3DPrinted tag on (my community). Mastodon underreports how many posts are there are. Not sure if the deflated count behavior also exists on large communities but as an educated guess, its probably inaccurate.

Lessons learned

  • numbers reported at the top of pixelfed are inflated
  • numbers are deflated on small mastodon communities


I recommend if you have an account on a megacommunity like or to use that account when gauging hashtags what hashtag to use, even if you prefer posting in a different community. Cross referencing might also be helpful if you have an account on a large, not mastodon-based community.

#FediTips #FediTip

the timeline of #3DPrinted on jade dot moe, there are 3 posts visible despite saying only 1 post exists.

FlockOfCats, (edited ) to mastodon avatar

Have you ever seen the 👁️element in the mastodon UI and wondered what it meant?

It’s actually quite simple and useful!

When you see the 👁️, it means your webcam is active and streaming images directly to Mastodon HQ, where Eugen (@Gargron ) is watching. He reaches up and gently touches the screen, whispering “what are you going to toot next, my lovely?”

This feature is pretty handy, but if you prefer, it can be switched off simply by clicking 👁️—> 🚫👁️

alex, to random French avatar

Petit rappel d'intérêt public, #feditip :
Vous n'avez aucune justification à faire pour masquer ou bloquer des comptes. Peu importe la raison.
Les outils sont là, utilisez-les, que cela soit pour des raisons morales, protéger votre santé mentale, écarter des personnalités toxiques.
Vous n'avez pas à justifier. Vous n'avez pas à vous justifier.

À noter :
masquer passera sous silence le compte de cette personne. Vous ne verrez plus ces messages mais cette personne pourra toujours les voir directement via son compte.
bloquer rejettera toute interaction directe. J'insiste : interaction directe. Vous ne verrez plus ses messages et cette personne ne verra plus non plus vos messages depuis son compte.
Une personne toxique acharnée (stalker) peut créer d'autres comptes pour tenter de vous suivre. Passez votre compte en privé uniquement pour limiter les dégâts.

Benni, to fediverse German

Verzweifle gerade am #ActivityPub Plugin für #WordPress. Nutze WordPress bei Strato als fertiges Paket. ActivityPub lässt sich dort problemlos aktivieren. Auf Mastodon finde ich die Profile über die Suche und kann ihnen dort folgen. Auf der Profilseite wird bei Mastodon die Anzahl der Beiträge in den Profilinfos korrekt angezeigt. Allerdings fehlen die Beiträge selbst.

Kann mir da jemand helfen oder mir einen Tipp geben? Liegt das Problem in den Servereinstellungen bei Strato?

Matze, avatar

@pfefferle @Benni der #feditip mit der URL-Eingabe ist fein. Unabhängig davon: #danke für dein #Engagement, Matthias!

husku, to random Finnish avatar

#fediblock #feditip

If you encounter an instance that contains kiddyporn, please, DO NOT advertise that instance on public as a PEDO intance.

You are just giving out free adverticement for pedophiles.

Blocking does not prevent anyone from making an account and start filing.

GeekinKorea, to random avatar

Megalodon has a built in notification service. Whenever I get a reply, follower, reply, message, etc, I see it immediately.

My posting habits and frequency greatly increased immediately after enabling this feature compared to Fedilab where those notifications are turned off.

I am more engaged with Mastodon when I get notifications often.

Tweak what notifications you want to receive, or turn them off completely! That rush of dopamine changes behaviors!

#darkpatterns #feditip #megalodon

kyonshi, to fediverse avatar

What's a good way to tag a blog post I am only sharing but did not author?

#fediverse #mastodon #Feditip

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